Nirvana Sisters Podcast Episodes Full Transcripts

Hair, Health, Nutrition, Products, Self-Care, Skin Nirvana Sisters Hair, Health, Nutrition, Products, Self-Care, Skin Nirvana Sisters

Episode 49 - Product Junkies - April Edition (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 49 Product Junkies - April Edition.

Editor’s Note: Please know that this podcast transcript is automatically generated and may contain minor errors such as typos and word switches. For more information, be sure to listen to the podcast here or view our podcast episode guide.

Amy: 0:06

Welcome to Nirvana sisters podcast where we take the intimidation out of well being and beauty to help you achieve your highest state your nirvana. We are sisters in law and your hosts. I'm Amy Sherman.

Katie: 0:18

And I'm Katie Chandler. So let's get into some real conversation

Amy: 0:29

Welcome back to the show Nirvana sisters family. So Amy and Katie here and we have a special episode we are starting to introduce something called our hashtag product junkie sessions. And this is the first one this was based on a lot of feedback from you all saying that you love to hear other product reviews at the end and the different things we talked about there. And so we're doing a bit of a we're gonna do a quick quick flash round of a bunch of products that Katie and I have been loving lately. If this is something that you like, we'll continue to do it monthly. Katie and I are always trying out different products. I want to make sure that we're bringing you kind of like the goods and the bads of all the things starting with a quick round I'm going to I'm going to send it to Katie to give us her first product reco of this episode.

Katie: 1:15

All right, this is great. I'm super excited because I have some products that I'm like obsessed with the first one here the first one all right, I was looking at pictures of myself from years ago and I was thinking why does my skin look like that? It was really like really clear my pores are really small gonna have a pore on my face and I was I just couldn't understand what had changed. And then I remembered I had this product that I was obsessed with back then and for whatever reason it just fell out of rotation and I totally forgot about it. So here she is again, or the company rather good old Sunday Riley I don't know how many times I've talked about them I'm upside I do love Sunday Riley Yeah, love it's there Martian mattifying melting water gel toner and interesting gives your skin this really nice matte look. And it also really legitimately minimizes your pores so your face just looks I know it's like the smoothest and my skins ever looked and I don't know why I stopped using it I have no clue maybe I like couldn't find it one day and I was too lazy to order it online and then forgot about it. But as soon as within probably a week of using it it my skin game was

Amy: 2:30

back on like it okay so it's Sunday Riley and what's it called Martian

Katie: 2:34

Martian mattifying melting water gel toner.

Amy: 2:39

And is it in the morning or at night

Katie: 2:41

I use it in the morning I use it during the day for like how I want my skin to look during the day and it says it's for oily to blemish prone skin which lately mine really has been in this is helping instantly transforms from a cooling gel to a water toner as a clarifies removes oil and tightens the appearance of pores for clearer cleaner skin. And let me tell you, it delivers. It really does.

Amy: 3:05

I need to try it. I'm

Katie: 3:06

as much as that it's $25 and they have it that's it. Yeah,

Amy: 3:11

that's very reasonable for Sunday. Riley it is.

Katie: 3:14

But also I should note this is for 1.7 ounces. It's a pretty small thing. But if you're only using a little like dime size once a day dime size does that it's all you need. Okay, and yeah, and they have other things in this like Martian family that I haven't tried yet. But yeah, um, I like this will never go out of rotation again in my life.

Amy: 3:39

That sounds great. It's funny, my friend Erica. I was talking to her about products the other day and she said she got a product similar to that by Clinique that minimizes pores I don't know if it was a toner or a CRM or something but interesting, I will have to try that. Okay, next product let's give each other and this week take a picture. Take a picture of this one because it's a fun bottle, we'll edit the sound texture spray. So first of all, the packaging is so cute. I love it. It's so colorful. But this is actually like a really good spray if it's like second day or third day or whatever and you just want to like judge up your hair and give it some volume and texture This is great. So my hairstylist Teresa shout out introduced me to this not this brand but this specific spray she had introduced me to another spray years ago from aura bay that I still use, which is good but I actually like this one better. It's just a little bit more texture II so whenever I use it, it adds like volume in it's great. I think I might have used a little bit today but it's it's great. So it's a mica undone volume and matte texture spray $27 You can find it on Amazon probably Sephora, etc, etc. So good little hair hack,

Katie: 4:47

do you so do you use it on like clean just dried hair or do you use it like a couple days later? Like a dry like a dry shampoo?

Amy: 4:58

I think you can do both. I think it works better on dry hair I'm looking at the directions and it says dry finishing spray builds instant fullness and matte texture for perfectly. How do you say this word to us led Taos Walsall. Okay, for perfect not editing

Katie: 5:18

that out.

Amy: 5:21

I can't say the word Telcel high volume hair, use it shake spray in sections all over dry styled hair tarsal is so you I use it like you could use it after you blow out your hair. I've done that too. Like I've blown out my hair and then just use it to like judge it up. And then I'll use it like day to day three, whatever. So you could use it anytime. But you do use it on dry hair. Yeah, I mean, it's almost like a dry shampoo or conditioner but more of a texturizer

Katie: 5:46

right. So when I wash my hair, I let it air dry and then it doesn't get that good texture for like a day or two. So that would be a way to do that. Because I had never washed my hair the same day. I have an event for that reason. I need something like that. Yeah,

Amy: 6:00

I always do second day hair too. I find it always looks better the second day, but this definitely helps with that. It just like pulls that texture out. Yeah. Okay, what do we got next?

Katie: 6:07

All right, well, speaking of hey, this. So lately I've been getting a lot of compliments on my hair, you wouldn't be able to tell right now my roots are so grown out. But this actually fixes that problem. I like I just said I washed my hair and then I have super thick hair as Do you. So really I wash it like once or twice a week max otherwise it gets dried out. So the way that I keep it going and fresh is with dry shampoo. And I've tried a billion different brands. And this is my new fav This is a super cheap drugstore. Find. It's Batista. I use their Oh yeah, they're brilliant blonde. Which is great, because when my dark roots come in, it actually like hides my roots. So the great thing about it is that obviously I can stretch the washes and but it also it also gives me volume. And like covers up the roots and makes it really fresh and great. Yeah, I mean, I'll show you right now.

Amy: 7:03

Wait, is it sorry, did you say it was a dry shampoo?

Katie: 7:05

It's the Batista dry shampoo blonde blends smells like our color tracks. Yeah, look, watch.

Amy: 7:12

Okay, cool. Demonstrating

Katie: 7:16

look like I mean, I mean, like blended a bit, but no more. Wow. Isn't that wild?

Amy: 7:22

That's so cool. I need to get that ASAP. Yeah,

Katie: 7:25

I'm obsessed. And they have got like CVS, yes, CVS, you can get it literally at any drugstore. I feel like it's I mean, and let me see. It's $10 and then they How

Amy: 7:36

does it How does it wear? Like if you put it in your hair today? Like is it still in tomorrow? Is it like get weird and gross are

Katie: 7:43

wears really well. I'll put it in sometimes, like a couple times a day, I have to do it. And the only thing that I do notice is that when I do go to wash my hair, I really need to do like a double rents to clear up any just like product residue, you know, right? If it gets a little sticky or something. Yeah, but like, because it's dry shampoo. It keeps your hair going for a long time. Like I mean, I can get away with one wash a week with it. And then totally it's

Amy: 8:12

it frustrates me it's like playing double duty. It's like doing your roots plus it's a dry shampoo. And I don't I don't use dry shampoos that much because my hair like I could wash it once a week and it never gets oily but I do use a dry conditioner which I've mentioned before from dry bar which is really good. But I want to try that because I My roots are I feel like the older I get the more and more my I need to get my roots or like my highlights done more often. So that's a great one.

Katie: 8:36

Yeah. And they have like they have it in brown. They have it in different colors they have they also have dry conditioners, which I'd never heard of until I was on their site earlier. So I need to look into a dry conditioner, especially for metal anything could be really good for her. So yeah, there you go. Yeah,

Amy: 8:52

I love a dry conditioner. It's not it's just as a different feel than a dry shampoo. It's not as like thick. It's just a little bit more smoothing. Okay, so speaking of hair than and getting out all of the dry shampoo that makes your roots blonde. I have another products. This is a hair scalp massager. I've seen this. So I actually got this shout out to Taylor rose aka healthy who got who we had on our show because she's doing a lot of content lately about hair and using Rosemary which I started so I'll report back to to get the results on that. But on her site, she had a link out to this specific hair scalp massager I got on Amazon, it was $6.98 and it's great. I've never used something like this before. First of all, it's nice and big. So when you put it in your hand it has like a good feel and then you literally just like massage your hair with it. First of all, I love the massage part. It feels so good, so much better than just like washing your hair and like scrubbing with your fingers. And I do feel like it does a better job at cleaning my hair because I usually just do it so quickly and Ramona veers fingers through it, but this really like gets in there and I think it like stimulate your hair follicles. It's really good. So I just put shampoo on this now and then I wash my hair with it and use the conditioner with it too. It feels really good. It's a little little little Nirvana in your shower. So what's it called this product? It's called I'm sorry if I didn't mention it. It's called just the hair scalp hair scalp massage shampoo brush, by Mack soft scalp care brush. So we'll we'll provide all the links of all these products so you all can check it out. But great one

Katie: 10:28

nice. Okay, hair. All right, well, I'm going to pivot to skin back to where we started. Alright, Trader Joe's find supergene love it. It's always there. Their dermatologists formulated hydrating Hyaluronic body gel cream. Oh this is my new like everyday go to body lotion. And it's really it's really nice like it's definitely moisturizing and it leaves kind of a nice I don't know just like a cooling effect on your skin. It's not super heavy you know solutions you put on there like really thick and it feels like you got to rub them in and rubber man and rubber men right

Amy: 11:09

and then like you have to wait to put your clothes on because they get sticky exactly that

Katie: 11:13

this is not that it's nice and light and and it really is very hydrating. I mean it's like still winter where I live which is shocking. And my skin is really never dry because I'm using this so it's from Trader Joe's and it's only 699

Amy: 11:30

I love Trader Joe's so on we've been finding so many Trader Joe's products frankly like we I think we talked about the the eye cream and the rose spray. Yeah, they just randomly have like good products. Is that product thick or thin?

Katie: 11:41

It's kind of it's funny, it's like in between it's kind of hard to explain. Yeah, because it's a gel cream. A gel cream like that's fine like the little cooling Yeah, like it's I mean you can see it's on my finger right now. And it's looks like it's thin and I guess it kind of is but it's like it was clear. It's as hydrating as a healthy a heavy one would be Yeah, I love it.

Amy: 12:06

I definitely want to try that. Okay, so speaking of body lotions and oils I've been using this one for a while and I haven't talked about on the show. It's the OSA undara Algae body oil nice. Have you seen this I love this body oil. It feels so good on this skin. It's $48 you can get it at Credo Ulta Sephora etc but let me talk about the the oil so my skin is really dry so I do use moisturizer but sometimes I like to use maybe a couple times a week in oil just because I feel like it's more hydrating and my skin doesn't get as dry when I use an oil but a lot of times I like what will what I do with this is because sometimes I don't like to put the thick oil on my skin it just feels like too sticky. So what I do is I put a pump of this and a pump of moisturizer and mix it together and then it's like a smart combination of like cream and oil and it my skin feels so good when I use it it feels so like just plump and moisturize and I love it so I've been using it for a while as you can see it's helpful and it's a really really good one a little goes a long way so it is $48 But it does last a long time. I also have another one that I don't have in front of me and I can talk about it on the next episode. There's another bottle oil that I have from skin and senses which I think is a little bit less expensive and I also really liked that one so I can talk about that one but anyway really good finds. Again it's the Osia Undaria Ondara algae oil

Katie: 13:33

and what lotion do you mix it with?

Amy: 13:36

It's funny I don't have I don't have it to show you but I can send a link to it. And it's I found this suave lotion which is super cheap because I used to use you remember the and you have a to the bliss butter and Shea cream like that thick moisturizing cream I like love that lotion I used to buy it all the time. But I was like sick of buying it you can't like find it in the stores to buy it online. It's it's they would sell it in these big jars is really expensive. So the suave stuff that I found is almost it's not a dupe for it, but it has similar it has a similar smell. It has shea butter and has coconut and it's paraben free you know all natural it's like from the suave naturals collection so I really like it and the consistency is perfect for me. So that's what I've been using lately and I mix it with the oil so I'll put a link up for

Katie: 14:24

that tonight. So do you know what say I feel like our listeners have heard sky bark so many times that we need to give them some sky can assume your office. Take a picture she is let's get her in there

Amy: 14:34

crazy woman topic she has to she's so bad cashmere. She just got something in our mouth Put on Skype probably wants to go outside. Oh here she is.

Katie: 14:50

I cannot believe she's like quadrupled in size since I saw a huge

Amy: 14:54

Yeah, look at her. She's a big girl.

Katie: 14:55

Oh, she's so cute.

Amy: 14:57

She's like 26 pounds now.

Katie: 14:58

Oh my gosh.

Amy: 15:00

Okay, all right, I max on the skin route.

Katie: 15:03

I'm done on square one, actually. But I have. So I have a product that I promised I would review a long time ago I story about it. Actually, I posted about it, it's volume. It was their, their health intelligence test that I did, that you they send you a kit. And they take a stool sample and not the funnest, and then a blood sample. And then you send it back. And they have all of this amazing technology that tells you exactly what pre and probiotics your system is missing and needs, and what vitamins and minerals and antigens your body needs. And then they customize and send you probiotics and vitamins. So it's not cheap. I mean, when you when you think about what it actually is, I think it's a very good price. It's 199 to do the testing, and then the supplements and everything that come back, I think the first go around, they give it to you for like $70. But it's a lot. It's like, for example, this one package. I'm supposed to take this whole thing in a day it has eight in it, there's no way I could take eight vitamins, like one in here does the job. I feel it working.

Amy: 16:24

What what vitamins. So when you do the stool sample and the blood sample, what does it tell you about your store? Because I know we talked about that on the period guru episode and I was like, oh, I should do I should do that testing to see like what I'm missing or all of that. What is it? Does it tell you anything or just recommend something, it tells

Katie: 16:40

you so much information, it's insane. You download the app, it gives you all of these scores, whether or not your gut microbiome is like a good average optimal or not optimal, your cellular cellular health, your mitochondrial health, immune system, your stress response health, your what's your biological age, mine's 35, thank you. And it's and then it goes deeper, and it tells you foods that you should be eating and foods that you shouldn't be eating. And then in regards to like the stool test, it basically tells you like what your microbiome like what the imbalances are, and it gives you what you need to balance that in the customized probiotic. And then and so

Amy: 17:28

with the probiotic has that been helping you?

Katie: 17:30

It has, you know what the probiotics really heavy and actually, my stomach's been pretty good lately for like the last year I've taken out eggs kind of like was it a huge life changer for me. So for the probiotics, I'm not using them that much because my stomach has been doing very well. And when I do use them, it did feel a little bit heavy. But the disclaimer is they say you have to give your system kind of some time to adjust to them, which I think is fair. The vitamins, like for example, in my vitamin is 300 milligrams of curcumin, 35 milligrams of B 649 milligrams of a Kobo manera extract 201 milligrams of vitamin C and it goes on and on. And apparently this is like the exact dosage of what my body needs. While meanwhile, they're pretty strong. And I'm also just you know, I'm hypersensitive to stuff I put in my body. So that whole like trying to do aid, no shot, so I paid Yeah, like $75 for all of these. And I'm taking one pill from this pack a day. And there's 30 of these pills 30 of these patterns. So it goes it's gonna go a long way.

Amy: 18:34

How did you find out about this company? Like, what's the

Katie: 18:38

it was in that's kind of embarrassing, but it was really good Instagram advertising. But it was targeted me properly. But I went in and I did loads and loads of research and qualified them and read all the reviews and everything and the science and it's like it's backed. I mean, there's there's a lot of like peer review studies that are backing all of it. So it's legit. Okay, that's good. Great. Yeah.

Amy: 19:00

Okay, so speaking of. I have a the a bunch of skin stuff. But since we're in the supplement vitamin space, I'll talk about this brand, which is my new favorite semiotica Oh, yeah. So I have mentioned this brand before. And I've heard the founder interviewed several times on, I think it was the skinny confidential podcast and he goes super deep into the science and all of the backing and so totally legitimate. And these two supplements, one of them is the symbiotic aka b 12, and B six cellular energy. And the other one is the D three plus k two plus CO Q immunity and heart health. And these two I picked because I take B and D Anyway every day, but this is according to the founder and this company which I heard the whole explanation. The way that this is administered is lipids. somo which means through the mouth, so it's a pump, and you just put it in your mouth and it tastes yummy. You just do like 12 drops a day of each. And so that, I guess is a better way to take these types of vitamins. The other thing about this and I'm gonna butcher this as I don't really know how to describe it, but this b 12, mix with a B six, it's a better way to administer the B like it, I don't know, there's some rationale. They help each other i But if you absorb, they help each other. And that is the same thing with the d3. So I was just taking d3, but this has the k two and the CO Q and I think co Q is what you just I forgot what the it stands for like CO

Katie: 20:42

it might be co cretin. CO Q is maybe yeah, so Oh, no, I'm sorry. Coenzyme Q 10. So yeah, so this

Amy: 20:51

one with d3 has k two plus CO q 10. And the K two is a vitamin, which I don't know much about, I just like listen to the guy. And it's, you know, made sense to me. So, and essentially it says Like if you, you know, take these together the d3 Ketu and CO q 10. With the B 12. They help each other. So the d3 supports immune health support strong bones by assisting in the regulation of calcium and supports cardiovascular health by reducing arterial plaque. So that's the D three and then the B 12. So the B 12. It's the beach of plus B six can help with boosting energy improving your moods supporting heart health. And again, it says you know to take 12 pumps daily. And these two so when I was listening to the episode, he basically talked about his whole company and all the stuff they had about a few other things I bought like a vitamin C supplement, I bought magnesium supplement a few other things. But these were the two that like he said appeal to most people and that everyone should use so because they asked him on the show. Like if you had to pick two or three, what would you pick and it was like these jewels, something else. So anyway, I tried it two months ago, and I really like it, I replaced my I usually take like a gummy vitamin because I don't like to swallow a big pill. So I replaced my gummy vitamins with these. And I can definitely tell a difference with my energy, my mood, everything, I think it's definitely made a difference. In fact, I've ordered it now. I had one I ran out of it, I ordered another and now I just started I subscribed to their like bundle and save. So I get it every month. The only rub with this company is it is not cheap. So the vitamin B 12 is I mean, it's not too bad. But it's like if you do this, Subscribe and Save. It's like $43. And it's you know, not a huge amount. It's it basically a month, a month's worth the d3 is $69. So it is quite expensive. But if you've read and do the research and listen to some of these episodes I listened to I think it's worth it. I've also eliminated all my other vitamins and supplements. I literally use these two and it's like the vitamin C and whatever a few other things, but it's sort of equaled itself out because I'm not buying all of this like gummy vitamins and things. So yeah, I'm really, really into this synbiotic A company I think their stuff is it's super clean the way he describes all the way that they get their minerals. It's super legit, and I love it. So that is my supplementation product reco lately,

Katie: 23:16

I think you know, investing your money into a quality supplement product that you know the source and you know, what's in it is really important because supplements and vitamins are they don't go through like FDA approval. So you can buy a supplement and it can just be complete garbage. So I don't the price doesn't scare me so much. And the really cool thing about the fact that it's a spray that I heard you say it like was so long, I don't know if that's like a cell wall. Yeah, so part of that is the perk behind that is because they can they can give it to you with less filler with less junk, it's more of a straight shot and then just the way that your body absorbs it is faster, it's more readily available in your system. So I think

Amy: 24:02

I can I can definitely tell a difference and these are both I know the vitamin B says it's keto and vegan. I think the other one is too nice. So really, really quality quality product. Yeah,

Katie: 24:13

I love that. Well I just have one last super quick one that is just kind of like a fun little bit. It's my new favorite candle. It's the it's the root brand I find it here at Fresh Market. I don't know I mean they have their own website root part of their aromatherapy seeking balance like capsule collection and you can get a you know, an eight ounce candle for $23 It's a little steep but it lasts a really long time. It's a scent of eucalyptus now

Amy: 24:42

I think that's a good price for our candle. Yeah, those

Katie: 24:44

are right, like I pay $65 for my favorite Diptyque candle. But the cool thing about this is that it increases overall brain activity and relieves congestion. And I swear when I like this sucker during the day when I'm working, I don't know what it does, but it stimulates something like it helps me With my flow the scent in the air I really like I kind of spares if I can't light it when I'm working so anyway it's just a fun one it's a good thing to have in your house

Amy: 25:08

yeah that's a good one and I think that's a reminder any like I have so many candles and I never like think to put them on I just like we put them on sometimes at night for having dinner but like it is a good thing to do while you're working put you in the zone. Yeah, for sure to in a good flow. So I have a few products and we're gonna go through them really quickly because we all gotta go. So first one I'll recommend is this Glow Recipe watermelon glow, nice cinnamon dewdrops, obsessed, obsessed, obsessed. I've seen this like all over it's something I've wanted to try. It's like a serum you put on that basically, it's it can serve as a primer or just a serum. But as soon as you put it on, it's like your skin is glowing. And I love that glowy dewy look. So highly recommend $34 Sephora, you know glow another one and this is like an amazing dude. So everybody, listen to this one. We all talk about the SkinCeuticals vitamin C and folic acid. This is a dupe of it. It's called the Dr. Brenner C serum vitamin C for like I think is around like 160 $170 this Dr. Brenner C serum is $20. Wow, got on Amazon. And I found it through, I had posted about a site which we'll put the name in the show notes because I can't recall the site right now. But there's a website that you can put in certain products and it takes the ingredients and it matches it with other products that are very similar. So this was a match by like 99%. And I've been using it and I don't see a difference. I actually almost like it better. It's it's a really, really nice quality product. So highly recommend this for do for this SkinCeuticals vitamin C E for reliq. And two other things quickly. So this I got from our friend, Shelley, a beauty Shaman. So this is one of her tools. She posts about it a lot, but it's called the this is called the obsidian rock roller. And I am obsessed. I use it all the time. So I just brought this out skiing with us with all the altitude I was so puffy. And I use this every day. I used it on my kids, they loved it. I mean, it's on my neck though. It's basically like it's kind of like a guasha and like a cupping. I'm feeling all at once and I just feel like it's like a lazy guasha. So for me, I just sit here and I use it all over my face and it's so like it kind of sucks in your face and it definitely works for swelling and just like to get kind of like stuff out of your skin. I use it on my neck first like Shelly always says and then I also use it on my shoulders when they're sore to like massage my shoulder. So I was just using it on my kids the other day on their shoulders in the back of their neck. It's such a good one. So I've been using this a ton of time. It's the obsidian rock roller on beauty shamans website. It's $98 Such a great beauty tool. I love it. And the last thing I will say is I've been using for a while now this L'Oreal True Match nude Hyaluronic tinted serum. Okay, so this is a serum but it's tinted. The only thing is is doesn't have SPF like the there's a another one that I have to that's not to say but the other brand that I always mix Ilya, Ilya, I always get those two brands confused and that one has SPF and is good, but I actually like this one better because it's a thinner formula. So this is by L'Oreal. And again, it's just like a serum. And so you put it on your hands like a serum and you just rub it in and it just kind of smooths out your face. I mean, I don't really wear foundation and this is like a good like, I'll wear this at night. Sometimes you could just you could wear it every day. It's super light. It's just kind of like, you know, puts puts together your luck almost like a tinted moisturizer but it's a serum so it's not so thick and you just like put it on and it really makes a big difference. It's

Katie: 28:40

great. It just smooths out so drunk so I lie and write Did you say L'Oreal?

Amy: 28:43

It's a drugstore fine. Yeah, it's, it's $15 Target Amazon, wherever and it's a great one. So it's great one to put on after you've done all your glowing tools and everything else. So that's it. That was our episode. And we hope you enjoyed it. Definitely give us feedback and we'll be sure to do another product junkie section session next month. Thanks for listening to Nirvana sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes please subscribe and leave us a review. also find us on Instagram at Nirvana sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana sisters will continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to. Bye.

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Episode 46 - Sound Bath Healing And A Personal Journey With Alopecia (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 46 Sound Bath Healing And A Personal Journey With Alopecia, This Is Susy Scheiffelin, The Copper Vessel.

Editor’s Note: Please know that this podcast transcript is automatically generated and may contain minor errors such as typos and word switches. For more information, be sure to listen to the podcast here or view our podcast episode guide.

Amy: 0:06

Welcome to Nirvana sisters podcast where we take the intimidation out of well being and beauty to help you achieve your highest state your nirvana. We are sisters in law and your hosts. I'm Amy Sherman.

Katie: 0:18

And I'm Katie Chandler. So let's get into some real conversation

Susy: 0:34

take a deep inhale through your nose and a fall, exhale through your mouth Take another deep inhale and a fall exhale imagine a beautiful white light washing over your body. Relax, relaxing your face, your shoulders, your arms. Your heart, your belly, your legs, your feet. Each of your 10 toes allow this beautiful white light to fill you and healing energy and a sense of peace Take one more deep inhale, breathing the light into your heart. And as you exhale, Shine the light out into the world then when you're ready gently blink your eyes open and that was

Amy: 2:43

amazing. Thank you for sharing that. We needed it.

Katie: 2:47


Amy: 2:48

Oh my gosh. Thank you. That was beautiful. Okay, so it's Amy and Katie. Welcome back to the show Nirvana sisters family are with the beautiful, amazing Susy Schieffelin of the copper vessel. She is a Los Angeles based sound healer, reiki master Kundalini yoga teacher and inspirational speaker who has led sound baths, viewed or attended by millions of people all over the world. I've been lucky enough to join one of them and it was incredible. And that sound just took me back to Europe where we were a few years ago together which is crazy how time flies. Suzy has brought healing to employees at companies such as Google, Pandora and Nordstrom has played crystal bowls with notable artists including LeAnn Rimes, and the Los Angeles Philharmonic and has been featured in publications such as Wall Street Journal, Vogue, USA Today, and Los Angeles Times. Suzy is known for her light filled presence and ability to guide people towards radiant and empowered lives characterized by self love, serenity, abundance and joy. She's the founder of the sound healers Academy and innovative crystal alchemy, sound healing and spiritual business mentorship training, serves as a self love advocate for brands, has created custom product lines and offers deeply restorative crystal alchemy, sound baths, ceremonies, and healing rituals, both in person and online. We follow Susy at the copper vessel on Instagram, we encourage you to get on her Instagram ASAP because she has so much amazing content and she has one minute sound bath like you just experienced. She has beautiful content and it's just so soothing. So welcome to the show. Susie, thank you so, so much for joining us today. It's so good to see you.

Susy: 4:39

Thank you so much, Amy. It's so wonderful to be here with you. Thank you for such a beautiful introduction. Hello, Katie. It's such a joy to be all together. I'm so excited to chat today.

Amy: 4:49

And I failed to mention that she's 33 weeks pregnant and glowing and looks just so radiant. And you just got married this week, right? Yes. Oh my god. congratulate you so much wonderful things going on.

Susy: 5:03

Thank you so much. It's such an incredible time. So

Amy: 5:07

great. Well, Susy, we start at our show doing something we call our weekly nirvana or nirvana of the week and it's just something this week, big or small that brought us joy brought us a little smile. Just you know, let us kind of be happy for that moment. So I'm gonna send it over to Katie to have her give us her Nirvana the

Katie: 5:26

week. Sure. Thanks, Amy. Well, Susy, thank you for being here. It's such a pleasure to meet you. You are you're radiating your energy is definitely like kicking through to us and I love it. So I don't know I have so many Nirvana's. I don't have to choose from between that soundbite that we Susie just provided for us. That was complete nirvana. And I am on a little weekend romantic getaway with my husband. So we've had a lot of nice moments, the past couple of days. But I think the biggest nirvana for me this week is I finished a transcendental meditation course last week, and I've been starting TM all week. I've been double. I started it two weeks ago, but I'm getting into my daily practice. And it's been really amazing and kind of like altering life altering innocence already, which was surprising. It's been really profound. So I've been having a lot of Nirvana there. Twice a dowel, 20 minutes or more.

Amy: 6:19

Wow, yeah, it's more compliant. Amy, what was very. Um, so I actually went, I haven't gotten a facial in forever. And I needed a little self care yesterday. So I went to get a facial and it was so relaxing. I just, it was kind of like a no frills facial, which I kind of like just like in and out. But it was so relaxing, just to sit there and do nothing for an hour like no kids, no work, no nothing and just lay there and like, clean my face. And I felt so good afterwards. And so just like shiny and radiant and refreshed. So it was definitely one of my Nirvana's this week for sure, along with a sound bath, of course, because that just like totally relaxed me. What about you, Susy? I mean, there's so many I know you are married. But

Susy: 7:04

there's so many Oh, my gosh, I love yours. And I would say I mean, it would be our marriage ceremony this week, which was so beautiful and so special. We are planning a big wedding this summer, and we've had it in quite some time. Um, and when we plan that wedding, I had said to mark my husband, I really want to get married on 222 22. And he said, Well, it's a Tuesday, I don't know if everyone's gonna be able to make it. So we decided to just do a really beautiful, intimate spiritual ceremony. And it was just the two of us and one of our spiritual teachers. And it was absolute Nirvana, it really was we dropped into a beautiful meditation, and we shared promises with each other. And then we went for a walk on the beach at sunset in Malibu, and it was, I mean, so perfect. And the wedding that we're going to have this summer is going to be equally as special, but it's gonna be really big in the Catholic Church, and then in a garden with lots and lots of people. And so it felt like the perfect balance to what we have to look forward to and what we're, you know, really spiritually committing to each other.

Amy: 8:15

As we so amazing. Congratulations, again, that sounds so dreamy, and perfect and beautiful. And I love that it was on to Juju to jail. I mean, that's so special, you'll always have that. That's great. And then it sounds like the summer your wedding will be amazing to how fun you get the best of both worlds.

Susy: 8:32

Yeah, so definitely, definitely a week of nirvana. Amazing.

Amy: 8:37

So awesome. So let's get into some quickfire questions so our listeners can get to know you. So give us a quick intro like to you to what you do, what sound healing is, and all of all of all the things

Susy: 8:52

amazing. So I'm Susy I'm a crystal alchemy sound healer and a Reiki Master and a yoga teacher and who I love sharing sound baths with people online and in person. And the reason why I love to do it is because it had such a huge impact on my own life. About seven years ago, I was in a really tough spot, I was in a very dark place. And sound healing really helped me to reconnect with light and peace. And one of the first meditation practices that I began to connect with actually Katie was TM Transcendental Meditation, which is such an amazing practice. And my mind is so wild that sometimes just having my mantra wasn't enough and when I went to a sound bath, it really opened me up to this new sense of peace. And so as I attended sound baths, and began to really feel the light comes back into my eyes after being in such a place of darkness and anxiety and having panic attacks sometimes every day, my life transformed and so I felt called to learn it and begin sharing it. And from there, I shared it with millions of people all around the world. And now I teach other people how to share it as well. Because I find that you know, as we heal ourselves, so often we feel this deep calling to help bring that healing to others. So it feels really great to be in the space of both sharing and teaching and empowering other teachers and healers to share their unique gifts

Amy: 10:24

to it's so awesome. And the first time I ever experienced it was at one of your sound baths. And it was incredible. I had never really heard about it before. And I did it and it was so transformative. I it just it's such an incredible experience. So for our listeners who may not know what a sound bath is, can you kind of talk about like, how long it is why it's beneficial and sort of like the the flow of it so people can understand and and do one?

Susy: 10:54

Absolutely. So you guys just got to experience a little taste of a sound bath. So you might not be wondering what many people wonder when they hear what a sound bath is for the first time which is, am I going to get wet do I need to take my clothes off and there's almost always no water involved in the sound bath unless you choose to listen to a virtual sound bath in the bathtub, which a lot of people actually do choose to do. But sound baths can be created by a number of different instruments from Crystal bowls to Tibetan singing bowls to gongs to didgeridoo, chimes, and the list goes on. For me. I really love working with crystal alchemy singing bowls, which are bowls, they look almost like bowls or phases. They're very beautiful, and they're made of 99.9% clear quartz crystal. And then the alchemy bowls that I play are colorful because they're infused with the intentions of other crystals and gemstones and precious metals and earth elements. So platinum or rose quartz or and crystal is not just a woowoo thing. I know that crystals have started to become pretty mainstream, but crystals actually, you know, they hold energy and information. They help to conduct that energy. And so when we're working with crystal singing bowls, they're conducting and holding healing intentions and energy. So when I play the bowls, each of them has their own note. And the notes correspond with our chakras, which is our energy centers. So the sounds resonate with our body and they also entrain with our brainwaves, helping to shift our brainwaves into brainwave states associated with deep states of rest and relaxation and meditation and healing. So if you're like me, like what I was talking about, my mind is so busy and I have a lot of energy, it's always going, the sound can help to sort of bypass that and shift your brainwaves into the calmer brainwave state. So, sound baths range in length from one minute, I mean, something's better than nothing, even if you move 30 seconds sound bad, take a few deep breaths. It's amazing. Um, but they also can go on for you know, 30 minutes, I would say minor typically 30 to 45 minutes. Sometimes you'll have a sound bout that's 60 minutes or 90 minutes. And that can be really deep and really profound. And essentially what you do is you lie down and you listen, my sound bites usually include some form of guidance, because for me, my mind needs that I find that a lot of they just like I'm like, okay, and I'm just listening to sounds and that's great, you're relaxed, but the guidance can help you to go even deeper. So you listen to the guidance, and then at a certain point, that guidance that talking will stop and you'll be so relaxed that you can feel like you're floating or in a safe way feel like you're out of your body almost like you're in this dreamlike state and it's incredible people you know, experience an hour long sound bath and they'll say I felt like five minutes. So it's, it's a really wonderful way to get deep rest very efficiently and very effectively because when we get into those brainwave states theta and the Delta brainwave states research suggests it can have the same benefits of eight hours of deep sleep just being in a sound bath for one hour. Yeah, well

Katie: 14:16

that's amazing that's similar to TM Yeah, yeah. Wow. Are the bowls that are behind you are those bowls that you use? Yes. Oh, beautiful. Yeah, we screenshot of this because it's gorgeous. Where what is the origin of sound bass does it because I did Kundalini Yoga one time and at the end of it, there was a sound bath and she's gongs and multiple things. It is it related to Kundalini Yoga.

Susy: 14:45

So no sound healing and soundbox go all the way back throughout time. I mean, in ancient Egypt and the pyramids, they had sound chambers. And you know, 40,000 years ago in in Australia, ancient aborigines would use didgeridoo to mend broken bones. So humans have used sound for healing throughout time. Sound bonds as we know them today are more recent, like the idea of lying down in Shavasana. Experiencing sound bath, I would say is grown in popularity over the past 20 or so years, especially as yoga has become more popular and mainstream in the west. It is definitely common in kundalini yoga to include a sound bath because a great deal of Kundalini Yoga focuses on the nod the sound current. So if you go to a kundalini yoga, yoga class, most likely you'll be doing some sort of chanting at the very least when you begin the class, you'll be tuning in, activating that sound current within you, and most likely doing another mantra based meditation at some point during the class. And then at the end, or even throughout the class, different teachers will do different things, though incorporate sound. And sound is used in kundalini yoga for its creative power, right? Like sound is pure creative potential. And so when we're looking to really create shifts in our nervous system, and at the deepest levels of our energy fields, sound is one of the most efficient and effective ways to do that. So

Katie: 16:21

that's amazing. Yeah, I

Amy: 16:23

actually noticed just from doing like, the couple minutes just now, my, my body completely felt different before and after, like, I was kind of stressed. And then I listened to that. And then I noticed, I started talking slower, I was more relaxed. Usually I talk super fast. And if I'm doing an intro, I'm like that. I don't know that and I felt really center doing it. So thank you. But tell us about, you know, you mentioned how seven years ago, you went through a really tough time with anxiety, etc, etc. Like, how did you discover this practice? When you were in that state? Like, how did you find it? I guess I would say,

Susy: 17:01

so, I had been searching for a little while, that period of darkness and struggle really had gone on for a while I was turning to alcohol and prescription drugs to, you know, help me cope with the anxiety that I was feeling and facing and just, I think not recognizing how sensitive energetically I am and, and, and how out of alignment I was in my life. And so it began with getting sober and really starting a journey of trying to get sober before it even stuck. So I went to rehab in 2015. And when I was in rehab, I had music therapy. And so in music therapy, we started to work with my voice and listening to sounds listening to music. And that really helped me to feel in a way that I hadn't felt safe to feel before. Like I remember going and coming out and just crying and like feeling this huge release and like it was finally safe to feel some feelings that I had been holding on to for a long time. And from that point, I really began to open myself up to you know, alternative healing methods and I started to explore different meditation practices. I also got certified in TM, I started to really learn about the moon and the cycles of the moon, I started to become really interested in crystals. I read some spiritual books, The Alchemist played a huge role in my journey and opening me up to sort of feeling like I was on my path and on my on my journey. And all of those things combined led me to really tune into this guidance is the only way I can describe it to move to California, even though it was like probably the last place I ever thought I would move. I remember when I had first moved to New York City after college and I was in culinary school, I had a friend who was from LA. And I would make fun of him. I was like why would you play like pretty do that I thought New York was like where it was that it was a place to be. And once I got into that space of really opening myself to healing, I felt like there's something there for me. And so I moved out to LA and at that point, I had stopped drinking but I was still feeling incredibly anxious and having panic attacks. And in the process of moving my aunt who lives out here said to me, do you want to come to a sound bath? And I didn't even ask her what it was, like we talked about before a lot of people say you know, or maybe wet or what is this? What is the sound off? Am I gonna leave my body? Is it safe? I was just like, of course it felt so natural to say yes. And I went and in that sound bath. It felt like coming home. It's nothing. I mean, like you described me like I was grounded and centered in my body. And when I left I could speak clearly and calmly and something had shifted and it didn't last forever. You know after a little while I went back to school. My same self, because we do we return to our most consistent state of consciousness until we shift that which can take some time. So I craved it from there. So I was like, I want more of that feeling. And I went back to another sound bath and another and another. And over time, it did start to become more my norm. And I was able to commit to having a TM practice. So not only was I going to sound as I was meditating twice a day, and I started to explore Kundalini Yoga, going to Kundalini yoga classes, and then eventually taking yoga teacher trainings, and it just opened up everything. Yeah.

Katie: 20:36

That's amazing. And thank you for sharing your your story with your struggle with addiction and everything. And were you able to, before you move to LA, did you overcome the addiction? Or was it also part of the process of coming to LA and discovering the sound baths and everything that that got you to that final point,

Susy: 20:54

it was part of the process of discovering sound baths, and connecting with a sober community. So once I left rehab, I didn't drink alcohol, but I would go out with friends. And I would be like, Oh, it's fine. I'm just gonna take a hit of pot. So I would like smoke little pot or eat a little edible. Because to me, that was something that didn't cause me a lot of harm. When I drank, I would end up in the hospital. But we've never really had a negative effect that had repercussions in my life. But ultimately, once I was able to connect with what I mean, my true self, like that light within me, and that sense of peace that I was searching for, by taking the drink or taking the head or whatever, I was like, I don't need that. And yeah, so right, pretty much right after I moved, it was like the last time I smoked and never never went back. Thank god,

Katie: 21:45

that's amazing. Good for you. And congratulate incredible, so profound. It's amazing. It's such such an enlightened aunt to the sounds very cool, lives in LA and takes you to sound amazing. What were some of your biggest challenges learning all of this? Because this is such a, I mean, to me, it's kind of a foreign practice, I think, to a lot of people that aren't familiar with, it's a whole new world. So learning everything along the way, what were some of your bigger challenges,

Susy: 22:15

I would say my biggest challenges were sort of the voice of judgment in my own head, and my own mind, you know, and feeling like, I went to a great, like, I went to a great college, I went to UVA, and I had this path, you know, working in New York City working in luxury, lifestyle management, and more of a traditional path. And as I began to feel called to learn and share sound healing, there was a voice within me that was like, Are people gonna think I'm weird? Do we are going to think I've gone off the deep end that I'm some woowoo hippie. And so I think like quieting those thoughts, and just saying, Well, this has helped me, how's it gonna help someone else? And coming back? So that really, really helped me to break through that. Um, and yeah, I mean, I grew up on the east coast, where it's compared to LA, relatively unknown, it's definitely growing more and more throughout the country and throughout the world. But I think like that fear of judgment, and then also like, who am I? Who am I to share this, right? Because I don't think I don't think there's ever a point in our journey where we're totally healed. And we feel like, Oh, I've got this, I've mastered this. Like, it's just the nature of, of human life, I think and the gift of it, that if we're open, we'll continue to heal, we'll continue to learn, we'll continue to grow. And so that sort of fear of being found out like feeling like a fraud, like who am I to get to share this? Am I really going to be able to help people? Those thoughts were what would come up and hold me back? And every time they did, I would just be like, No, I'd like this helped me. If it helps one other person, that's what matters. Like if it means that sorry, have a panic attack or doesn't consider taking their own life as I had had those thoughts in my own journey mean? Like, if someone finds peace because of this, then what does it matter if I feel like I'm ready or not, quote, unquote, you know, just Sure. sharing it? Yeah.

Katie: 24:15

It's it's like that imposter syndrome kind of thing. Like, I feel like Amy and I went through a two when we were first starting the podcast, like, why would people want to listen to us? And why would people want to come and be on our show? It's, but it's the whole thing. If you just think about, like, passing it along, and it helping even just one person. It's enough of a motivator. So yeah, that's amazing.

Amy: 24:33

Yeah. So speaking of growing and talking about your personal story, I know one of the big things I think a few years ago you came out about was your alopecia story. And I think it was like, maybe right after I met you, and I remember reading afterwards and being so proud of you for just letting it go and being real and like just embracing it. And so, can you tell everyone sort of that journey and your history and just the whole story around because I think it's fascinating and beautiful.

Susy: 25:07

Absolutely. Yeah. And it's cool. I think you and I met pretty recently after I had shaved my head and stopped wearing a wig. Um, it's been an incredible journey that from where I'm sitting now, I deeply feel has been my greatest gift and my greatest teacher, you know. But for most of my life, I did not feel that way. You know what, what happened is when I was about seven, I started to experience alopecia areata, which is essentially unexplained hair loss, it's your immune system, your immune system is attacking your hair follicles. And so as a little girl, I started to experience bald spots. And they were small enough that we probably couldn't tell, but I knew. And I felt this great sense of fear that, you know, someone would see it and figure out that I was losing my hair and think something was wrong with me or call me a freak, or, you know, I just, I felt unlovable, I really felt like there was something wrong with me. And I have three sisters. And we were known as the for blonde shufflin Girls like that was like a part of our identity. And so the fact that, you know, I had this secret that I didn't want anyone to find out about. It was really, it was really deeply painful. And so yeah, I continue to lose my hair for I mean, I still do today have bald spots, I still experience it, I began this journey of trying to figure out like, what was wrong with me. And so my mom took me to all sorts of doctors, you know, dermatologists all the way to Reiki healers all the way to our Vedic practitioners, and so on and so forth. And it was this quest, and I would take all sorts of supplements, and I would not eat this, and I would take this vitamin or take these homeopathic pills, and nothing really worked. I would get cortisone injections in my scalp every month from the dermatologist like, and sometimes I had so many bald spots that it would be like 100 shots in my head. Oh, gosh, yeah, it was crazy. And it would, but the thing is, it would fall out again. So like, just as quickly as it would start to grow, it would fall out. And so it was kind of like playing Whack a Mole. And then, as I'm trying to figure out, you know, how to stop it from falling out how to get it to grow back? Why is it falling out in the first place, then it's like trying to hide it. So it was this

Amy: 27:39

talk about anxiety, like,

Susy: 27:42

all consuming, like, all I could think about when I was in public was our people gonna notice, you know, and I would spray it with hairspray. And then at certain points, it was so bad that I would wear a wig to cover it up. And to be totally honest, it was exhausting. It was exhausting. Like, my best friends who knew like just beyond the extremes that I went to, to make sure that no one would figure out that I had bald spots. And I think it played a huge role in why I drank a lot of alcohol, you know, because if it would turn off those thoughts, I would drink and take pills to the point where like, I wasn't worrying anymore. I was just able to be and you know, as I let go of alcohol and as I embarked on a journey into sobriety and got sober and began these practices of healing, working with, you know, Crystal alchemy, singing bowls, practicing Kundalini Yoga, you know, really getting to know myself and be with myself having a daily meditation practice. I started to feel like feel for the first time internally, what if there's nothing wrong with you like, in doing all those things, and in seeking out all those healers, I got my body to a place where I was completely healthy. Like I had nutritionists. Acupuncture is like, all my blood work was fine. And so I thought, you know, if I'm perfectly healthy, and yet my hair still falling out. Maybe I'm just not supposed to have hair. And maybe this is a gift that's come into my life to give me the opportunity to really find that self love and self acceptance, no matter what, you know, no matter what I look like, on the outside, it's not a reflection of who I am on the inside. And my beauty and my worth comes from within. So I started to feel that and you know, it takes time once you start to feel that to really actually believe it. And so I started to speak out about my experience, I started to share about it on social media and tell people you know, I'm experiencing alopecia. And so many people would reach out to me and say, oh my god, me too. Like this is my biggest secret. And they would say you know, I'm wearing a wig too or I've been experiencing this or this is brand new, my hair starting to fall out. I'm freaking out. I have no one to talk to about that. And in speaking out about it, it was really healing. You know, it was like, Wow, I'm not alone. And by it's such a secret that I've been hiding for years, I really did feel alone. And the people who knew my mom and a few friends, like, they couldn't relate in the same way, you know, so I just felt really alone in my experience. And then when I started to share, a lot of healing took place, because it was like, wow, you know, I don't have to hide this. And in fact, by being honest, I'm helping other people to feel hope, too. And so I got to a point where I was like, Okay, this is who I am. This is who I meant to be like, I had pretty much half a head of hair, which just looks weird. Like, it's not ideal. I mean, to me, if I knew, and I don't know, if anyone else has half a head of hair, and they love that, that's great. But to me, it didn't feel like I was like, if I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do this. So I went to my hairstylist who had been helping me for years to like dye my hair white blonde, so you can see the bald spots and then styling my wigs and I went to my Sybil, you helped me shave it all off. And so we shaved it off, it was a new moon, and I let go of having hair. And now I shaved my head every day. And I still have bald spots, I still probably have like half a head of hair if I were to let it grow out. But I don't know if I ever would like even if my hair did grow in fully. I don't know if I would want a full head of hair. Because being bald and like accepting this and embracing it has given me such a beautiful point of connection with other people, you know? Yeah.

Amy: 31:43

And so much freedom, I would think to like when you probably did it, I don't know. But I would guess you probably felt like free and you're like, okay,

Katie: 31:50

yeah, how was that first experience when you shaved it for the first time.

Susy: 31:54

So at first, it was freeing. And it was also terrifying because I show exposed and I actually continued to wear a wig for like a month and a half. And there would be times where I would like not wear the wig. I remember I went to like, an ecstatic dance class, and I didn't wear the wig. And I came home and I was like, Oh my gosh, that felt so intense like to let myself be seen in it. And so little by little I would go out without the wig. And just be like, Oh, it's safe. You know, it's safe to be seen, like, I have felt this within myself and now going and public and nobody cared. I mean, sometimes people ask me, and sometimes people I've had people come up in, you know, coming up, they're gonna pray for me and my cancer journey and things like that. And I'm like, okay, that's coming from a place of love and caring within them. It doesn't actually have to do with me, you know. And so I don't know, in fact, I'm like, thank you. If anyone wants to pray for me, I'll take it. I'll take prayers. But I don't let it trigger me anymore and the way that it used to, and then I went on a yoga retreat in Costa Rica. And for that whole week, I didn't wear my wig. And when I came back, I felt really grounded in in being bald and haven't worn one since other than for like a Halloween costume but pink wig or something.

Amy: 33:11

Yeah, funny. It's beautiful story from doing this. This podcast. I've just noticed Katie that like it seems like people's and this would be the case for you to Susy. Like your biggest like challenge, and fear is your greatest gift, right? It's like, everything happens for a reason. And it's like you are meant to be this way. And so thank you for sharing that and being so open about it. I think a lot of people will feel really empowered by it. Because yeah, you don't know what's going on with with people. And if you can help one person, I think that's, that's amazing. So thank you for sharing that. So what is your favorite thing about what you do? You do so many beautiful practices, but like, What's your favorite thing and kind of tell us what you'd like to spend the most time doing?

Susy: 34:00

I oh my gosh. So I love all of it. I really do. And yeah, so many different things. But if I had to choose, I would say I really love right now I'm mentoring other teachers and healers, like supporting other people and stepping into their power and really taking ownership of their guests. Because just as you shared, like our greatest challenges, almost always turn out to be our greatest gifts. And, you know, if you're on a path of being a teacher or a healer, it's probably for a reason the healing has probably touched you in your own personal life. And so it brings me so much joy to support other people and really owning that and embodying it and then taking it and feeling confident sharing it and creating a business doing it. So a lot of the work that I do recently is training sound healers and supporting them and building businesses with it because what I see is a lot of a lot of teachers and healers. Have walks around money and no one teaches you how to be an entrepreneur and you feel called in your heel, your healing your healing, and you feel healed and you want to share it, but then you're like, but how do I support myself doing this. And so it inspires me so much to help teach people how to build a business and like how to create a life where you're not only talking the talk and sharing, but like you're walking the walk, and you're embodying it in all areas, and you don't have to show up to a day job and feel like you're putting on a suit and pretending you're someone else. And then at nighttime, you can take that suit off and feel comfortable in your own skin. Like for me the equivalent of like, putting a wig on and then taking it off, you know, like, how can we all take our wigs off and show up in our life with our friends, our family, our clients, all all areas truly, as who we are, and show the guests we came here to share. So I love working with people one on one. And I have a group mentorship and a sound healing training, where that's really a lot of what we focus on is that embodiment of our of our gifts.

Katie: 36:04

That's so cool. You're so you're teaching people to use this practice to heal. And then you're also teaching people how to be successful entrepreneurs. I mean, it's really, it's amazing. It's really inspiring. We need to talk to you offline about successful entrepreneurial show. So do you have some retreats coming up? We would love to hear about them. You do you do retreats often?

Susy: 36:31

So I do. I do do retreats often. Right now I'm preparing for maternity leave. So I will be taking a little mini retreat. And then I have a retreat in Mount Shasta in September, which is for the women who are currently in my business mentorship. So that's a treat that I offered them once a year and then looking at dates for a Hawaii retreat, which was supposed to take place in January, but was pushed back due to Omicron. So a COVID rescheduling. So stay tuned. If anyone's out there and wants to come on retreat in probably early October. I'll be leading a retreat on Maui. And it's going to be really, really cool. Yeah, but

Amy: 37:14

incredible. And then do you have classes I know are you still you still do your classes with Allah moves? If people have that platform where they can hear your sound baths? Yeah, or yoga or what? Yeah,

Unknown: 37:27

I have actually Kundalini yoga and sound baths on Alo moves. And they're releasing new classes that I've created with them almost every day like, oh, wow, yeah, at least three times a week. Right now there's new classes coming out. We've been recording non stop for the past few months. And I was actually just in the recording studio recording some audio only classes, definitely check out all moves. And then I also have a monthly sound healing membership, which has a whole library of on demand classes similar to the classes that I offer and all the moves. But they're they're different. And they're different links and they're filmed around the world. And in that membership, you get access to live events, too. So I host a new moon and full moon virtual ceremony sound bath events where we come together on it's actually through YouTube Live. So we don't see each other but we can chat in and we do a beautiful intention setting based on the energy of that moon I talk about, you know how to make the most of that energy. And then we share intentions and then relax in the sound bath. So membership, yeah, you get access to the live events. And we're bringing in guest teachers to teach special workshops this year, we just had actually today our first live community call where we were on zoom so we could see each other and everyone sort of shared what was present for them and receive you know, support and prayers and coaching and guidance and we did a beautiful Reiki meditation. So my monthly membership is such a wonderful way to dive into, you know, a more committed experience of healing through sound

Katie: 39:05

work and our listener find the monthly membership that is

Unknown: 39:09

on my website, A copper vessel collective.

Amy: 39:16

No, I was looking on your website and I saw something about your retreats and the membership and there's just so much great content on there. So definitely, hopefully our listeners will check that out on your website as well as your Instagram. Okay, so we are going to get into our rap session. And the first question for you is, what is your favorite wellness or beauty hack?

Susy: 39:41

I would say my favorite wellness or beauty hack is going to bed and waking up early.

Amy: 39:48

So sleep Yeah,

Susy: 39:50

early bedtime and early rising. I usually try to wake up at 530 latest six Yeah 930

Katie: 39:57

Yeah, yeah.

Amy: 39:59

That's Katie's vibe right there..

Katie: 40:01

There. I know, 100% like the my absolute latest is 1030. And I try I'm trying to push it to 5am. Now I usually get up at six, but I'm trying to do five so that I can get my TM and before the day starts, so we'll see how that goes. That might be tricky. But since we've been on the West Coast, my husband I've literally been falling asleep at 730 The last two nights and it's sleeping until 630. The next day, like cheese, we must have been really tired.

Susy: 40:27

It's the best coming to the west coast from the east coast because you're like, up bright and early. Because the time difference.

Katie: 40:34

Exactly. Yeah, it's so funny. All right, this next one we call your five minute flow. You just got to the shower. Uber pings you they're five minutes away. What are you going to do? What are your holy grail should go twos to get into that Uber on time?

Susy: 40:49

Well, that could be pretty much my everyday my everyday beauty routine. Super simple. Yeah, shower, get out. I obviously don't need to do my hair. So that saves a lot of time. I use Vitamin C E Ferulic by SkinCeuticals put that on. I love audacity they have an amazing all embracing serum oil that I put on on top of that. deodorant, natural deodorant. I usually will do wash off for a few minutes just to flush out you know, lengthen my face. reduce any puffiness and bloating which right now is at an all time high being this pregnant. I'm like, Oh my gosh, I feel like I'm pregnant chipmunk you

Amy: 41:25

guys. I'm sure you'll see when you when you check her out. But she has the most gorgeous skin. So like ever. I've seen her in person and her skin is flawless and gorgeous.

Susy: 41:35

Yeah, and I put belly oil on my pregnant belly and put on a sweat suit or a cute comfy Alo yoga outfit. I'm almost always wearing alo. And then I would make a cup of hot water and lemon to start my day and really start moving my metabolism and be in the car. I don't even think I need five minutes. Easy.

Katie: 41:54

Yeah, that's fabulous.

Amy: 41:56

Nice. Great. And then how do you maintain your daily nirvana?

Susy: 42:01

Ooh, morning meditation if I wasn't running into an Uber, and if I got an Uber, I would still do it is through a daily meditation practice. Like no matter what I'm starting my day with at least 11 minutes, if not 20. If I'm doing a TM practice, although I'm not really committed to a TM practice. Right now I'm doing more of a Kundalini based morning practice. So I'll do chanting meditation. And then I'm doing my second year in a row of studying A Course in Miracles. So I read the daily lesson for that, and I meditate silently on that lesson. And then I say some prayers and really turned my day over to the universe. I'm like, I don't need to figure anything out. I don't need to be the one to control it. Just let me be of service. Let me lead from love. And that gives me a lot of peace. The prayer prayer component of my morning practice, you know, takes I

Katie: 42:58

love that. Yeah, I'd love the idea of turning the day over to the universe. That's really beautiful. It seems like it would just relieve one of so much pressure and stress, right? Yeah, that's

Amy: 43:13

such a random thing. But like, I'm, I'm, I'm watching you. And I'm like, Okay, you're having a baby, you know, very soon, and I'm just so excited for you to have a baby. I'm so excited for the baby to have you. Yes, you're gonna be such a good, beautiful mom. Because of like, all the things you said, but just your whole energy is like, That baby's just really lucky as all I have to say. Because I feel like that baby's gonna be born into the world with so much love and so much like, balance and calmness and I'm just I'm really looking forward to seeing the baby and all of that journey. It's going to be so beautiful for you. You're gonna make me cry. I just felt compelled to say that as you're talking and I was looking at you and that's just going to be so special. So your due your 33 weeks. So you're due like in a month, right? Yeah. That's great. Baby, which is nice.

Susy: 44:10

Yeah. Yeah, great. We'll see if he's gonna be an Aries or a Taurus, or you're

Amy: 44:15

having a boy. I was gonna ask you I wasn't sure if you knew I have two boys. So I'm a big boy fan. And boy mom and Katie has two girls so

Susy: 44:27

I'm your boy mom tips cuz I know nothing about little boys being one of four girls.

Amy: 44:35

Yeah, they're the best. They are. Good tips. Yeah.

Katie: 44:40

Great. Well, Susy, we usually wrap the show with a closing mantra. I don't know if you have. We know that you share these beautiful mantras all the time on your on your Instagram feed. Do you have a mantra you'd like to share? If not, we have one.

Susy: 44:57

I would say the mantra I would love to share is. I am whole.

Katie: 45:03

You just gave me chills. I know it's beautiful. And yeah.

Amy: 45:06

Thank you so much, Susy. This was invigorating, empowering. Like just so beautiful. Such a great way to like end the week. And we really appreciate you being on and we're just really excited for you and your journey and we'll continue to be fans and cheer you along. And hopefully you'll come back. You're welcome to come back anytime and chat with us and we'd love to have you back to talk more. There's just so much to all the sound healing that you do. And for our listeners, definitely check Susy's Instagram her website and try a sound bath because it is very transformative. So thank you so much Susy.

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Entrepreneurship, Hair, Products, Self-Care, Skin Nirvana Sisters Entrepreneurship, Hair, Products, Self-Care, Skin Nirvana Sisters

Episode 40 - Vogue Mexico Editor-In-Chief Karla Martinez De Salas on Inclusivity, Diversity, Fashion, Beauty, & Well-being (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 40 - Vogue Mexico Editor-In-Chief Karla Martinez De Salas on Inclusivity, Diversity, Fashion, Beauty, & Well-being.

Editor’s Note: Please know that this podcast transcript is automatically generated and may contain minor errors such as typos and word switches. For more information, be sure to listen to the podcast here or view our podcast episode guide.

Amy: 0:06

Welcome to Nirvana sisters podcast where we take the intimidation out of well being and beauty to help you achieve your highest state your nirvana. We are sisters in law and your hosts. I'm Amy Sherman.

Katie: 0:18

And I'm Katie Chandler. So let's get into some real conversation

Amy: 0:28

Welcome to this week's episode of Nirvana sisters. This was a fun one, I get to catch up with Carla Martinez to Salas who is the head of editorial content at Vogue, Mexico and Latin America. And I realized as I was editing this at the beginning of the show, I didn't mention that she was with Vogue, which I thought was an important note. I hope you enjoyed the episode. Welcome back to the show Nirvana's sister's family. It's Amy and Katie, and we're here with Carla Martinez. Desai. Last. Did I say that right, Carla? Yes. And Carla is the head of editorial content for Mexico and Latin America. So excited to speak with you, Carla. So Carla, and I know each other from back in the day, we went to college together you have a Go Wildcats, and we probably haven't seen each other in, I don't know, 2025 years. We were just saying before we started recording that. Last time we saw each other was probably when we were both living in New York and in the in the street, like hustling around. But it's so good that she's here to talk to us about her fabulous, incredible, amazing journey in the fashion industry. So a little bit about Carla. As I said, she went to UVA with me, we were actually in the same sorority and she was my little sister. So I sort of call that out. So I feel that I did a very good job raising, you know. So Carla started her career as an assistant at Vogue us. And then in 2002, became an associate fashion editor from 2005 to 2010. She was fashion director for teen magazine of New York Times. Then she later took the fashion direction of Interview magazine, then went to be the fashion and accessories director of W magazine in 2011 2011. And then in 2015, Carla moved to Mexico City with her family, where she started working as a freelance in, I'm gonna say this wrong, but you can you can correct me Carla Cooperativa shop, an online store that specializes in readymade pieces by Latin designers, which is so cool. And then she became the editor in chief for Vogue, Mexico and Latin America in June 2016. And since then, has continued with the exclusive editorial line of the title. So she has been in charge of Vogue, Mexico and Latin America. She has been interviewed many times by major publications and been on TV very notable appearances across the board, it was recently included in the fee of AF us list. So that's business of fashion us list of the 500 international fashion leaders. And since then you've been in charge of the magazines management. So Vogue, Mexico and Latin America was also awarded the Best editorial content for Mexico's fashion digital awards. Congratulations on that. And you also a part of Project paws, a nonprofit organization with headquarters in New York, which has a goal of creating extracurricular activities for low income children, and see your daughter Wall Race in order to promote peace. So that's just a quick little snippet of her incredible accomplishments. But there's so much more and thank you for coming on the show. Carla, we've been chatting for months trying to get her on. So we're so glad that you're able to join us and super inspired by you and all that you've been doing. So welcome.

Karla: 3:44

Thank you, Amy and Katie for having me. I know it's so I can't believe you did do a very good job. As my big sister as I wouldn't say that that kind of whole sorority rush process was the like, prepares you for job interviews in a way. And kind of got you ready for the real world in that like, you know, you just graduated from high school. You at least at Arizona it was such a huge school and so difficult to navigate that you kind of wanted to have like a little community where you could go to and yeah, and

Amy: 4:23

a home base. And yeah, and I just remember you Carla, you're always so chic. Even back then always put together always looks good. I remember you being super into fashion then. So I love that you've followed your your passion and love for fashion and all things Lux.

Karla: 4:42

I know I was looking at a picture of a college trip that I took to Paris. And I remember having like a camel coat and I feel like I would wear that in Tucson and people would be like what are you wearing?

Amy: 4:55

I feel like I remember that code now that you're saying it I'm not even kidding you

Karla: 5:00

And when we all and then a lot of I mean, you guys were at least a lot more from like, you know, from the East Coast like I grew up in El Paso, which is certainly like, I think it was like a step below Tucson in terms of FAFSA. So I don't know, I think it's funny because I always tell people that like, I kind of got like, my education from magazines in general. And like, you know, my mom liked kind of more tabloid magazines and like, what Princess Caroline was wearing of Monaco or something, but, but she wasn't into like, the big like, she always liked reading that Hello are like Allah. Which, but, you know, I feel like really, really, like helped me grow up in that way. You know? Certainly I'll pass it was not somewhere where you where I learned about high fashion by any means.

Amy: 5:55

While you certainly have had the education since then. So Carl, I want to start out with something we called our weekly nirvana or Nirvana the week where we just talk about something that brought us joy this week, something that just sparked a little joy and put a little smile on our face. Because we always want to make sure we're looking at all the other good things that are happening so I can start, or actually I'll flip it to you, Katie, why don't you start? All right. Well, thank

Katie: 6:18

you, Amy. And Carla. It's so great to be here. We're really thrilled that you're here. I mean, this is a big deal. Vogue, like I feel very honored to have you for exciting role, boss. It's huge. So let's see my weekly Nirvana it happened on Saturday, I had a lymphatic drainage massage and Reiki done at the same time, and it was really kind of amazing. It was a whole experience. The whole thing lasted for hours. Like which was unexpected. Yeah, it was it was kind of wild. Like there was there was the the pre session of like talking with the energy healer. And then she did some spiritual healing. I don't know the terms for it. But these I turned clockwise a few times, like these really wild things, but it was very relaxing and calming. And then we did the lymphatic drainage and the Reiki massage and it was cool. I mean, I definitely felt I understand now the feeling of Reiki. I don't know if I know Amy, you haven't had Carla, if you have ever had Reiki done No, I

Karla: 7:23

haven't. And yeah, and I love people here have been talking a lot about something called cap that I

Katie: 7:29

know we haven't heard of us or that

Karla: 7:31

kind of like a like a koonta loony Kundalini kind of yoga process. But where the teacher kind of guides you with like energy and like touch. Oh, that's exciting. I'm just gonna do I haven't done it yet.

Amy: 7:45

Yeah, send it over we yeah, we interviewed Athena Baris. Her episode, launched a couple weeks ago and she's a Reiki Master and just read a book. So we were learning all about it through her but neither of us has done it. So Katie ought to fill us in more about that. That's super

Katie: 7:58

cool. Yeah, it was great. It was it was an experience for sure. So what about you, Amy? What was your nirvana?

Amy: 8:04

Well, this is kind of silly. But it did bring me joy. So I'm traveling later this week for business. And I haven't traveled in so long. Obviously, we've all been locked down. So it's nice to finally go on a trip. But I'm going on a longer trip than usual. And I always get super stressed before I travel. I just feel like there's so many details to take care of. I'm sure Carly, you can relate. But anyway, I packed early, which I never do. I packed Sunday morning, and I'm leaving Wednesday. Oh, wow. I'm always last minute. Katie knows I'm like throwing things together. I'm stressed and crazy. And I was like, I need to like think through because I have a lot of events and different things and locks. And I'm like, I need to think through this. I need to try and close I need to like be strategic in my packing, which I never am. And so I did it Sunday morning, and like I just have a couple more things to do. But I was like, so happy afterwards and so relieved. And I'm like, Okay, so now the night before I leave, I'm not like a crazy person running around the house. So that was my Nirvana the week. What about you, Carla?

Karla: 8:58

i Well, did we have the day off today? So I went to I always I feel like I do yoga once or twice a week. But usually I have to run out early because I'm stressed and there's like a million things going on. You know, like you have to be ready by nine to get to work. And today I did like the whole hour and a half class. And you know, there's like so many things in yoga that you're working through. And it's funny, I was doing the pinch up pose, you know, the kind of four arm stand and I hadn't fallen and I know how to fall you know, you fall like kind of in a backbend. And I felt totally fine and like when I left the class like I was, so I was so happy that like I was able to fall and not be scared if that man Yeah. And it was just nice. Like that kind of whole energy in the class was like, there were like five women. It was taught by like one of my favorite teachers. So I feel like that you know when you find that kind of like Nirvana in your like exercise or kind of in yoga, I find that always to be really nice.

Katie: 10:08

Yeah, 100% I completely agree with you on that I enjoy really going to like small private studios as well. And I haven't been able to find one here. I just moved to Connecticut recently, I haven't found one yet that like really speaks to me, like the one I had where I used to live. And it's, it's true, like the setting and the people and it all kind of, yeah, it's important. And also,

Karla: 10:29

like, I feel like just during COVID Like, I was doing it online at my house and in certain ways, like I was doing things better, but then you kind of miss that energy of like, other people and like, obviously, when it's like friendly, and there's no stress, right? I feel like and when you can't find that. It's frustrating.

Amy: 10:50

Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Someone they're guiding you. So you knew you're doing everything right. Well, that's great. That's so nice. Okay, so we're gonna get into some like quickfire questions. And then we'll get into some some topics we want to chat on with you. So tell us a little bit. I mean, I gave your intro, but tell us a little bit about what you're doing now Vogue and like, and also kind of your personal mentors, like how you've gotten to where you've gotten so successfully, and kind of like, who's inspired you? And who uses like, your kind of personal board of directors, I like to say, um,

Karla: 11:22

well, I feel like God, I feel like, like that community at Arizona was such a great place. And like, I remember everyone kind of doing internships in the summer and like, really pushing to like, what are you going to do after you graduate? So I guess I lived in New York for 15 to 16 years. And, you know, when the opportunity came to move to Mexico, it was my husband grew up in Mexico City. It's, it's funny, his mom is actually from Connecticut, but she's as a young girl to Mexico City. And, and he, you know, was like, listen, like, I want this to be like a totally mutual decision. And, and obviously, I was super scared, I had like, never actually lived in Mexico, which is funny, because, you know, I've been coming to Mexico my whole life with my family, and my parents were from Mexico and moved to the US when, you know, before my siblings and I were born. And once we came, you know, we came for his job. And then in the end, I got this opportunity, which I don't know, if I would have would have gotten to New York, or certainly it would have taken longer, I think. But I think, you know, I always had, I don't know if you guys feel the same way. But I always had that. And I don't know, if it's just New York also is like, you're surrounded by like, amazing women that, that kind of have it all right, like they have families and yes, obviously, no one does it perfectly. And I don't think that there is an idea of the perfect mom, right? And, and all of them were just like, so inspiring to me, and all these places that I worked in, when I was an assistant in vogue us and, you know, obviously, I didn't have a lot of contact with Anna Wintour, then but now I do. And, you know, I feel like that it's it's so like, exciting. It was really exciting to have grown up there sort of say, you know, for that to my first job, because I really feel like it was a master's. And all the women that work there like Virginia Smith, who's still there, you know, she had, she had a child. And they were also like, hard working. And then I worked at the New York Times, which is amazing. And like a really, kind of it was that idea of like, what we like what is everywhere now, which is lifestyle, which when I feel like when you when we graduated was like fashion, right? And now lifestyle is like home and travel. And, you know, I worked for a woman named Jan Christiansen who also was an amazing role model because she was kind and you know, she had a child and, you know, we just like you saw all those like struggles and like, I kind of you know, saw these women that like some of them had a hard time getting pregnant, but like they kind of, you know, made it happen. And they were really great at their jobs. And they were also like, great entertainers and friends. So I feel like those women that I that I had, like that I worked for were were people that like I really looked up to and admired and really helped me kind of pave my way and find my voice. And then then I went to go work at W and that was the last job that I took before I moved to Mexico. And you know, I feel like along the way I have like really amazing peers like Ricky de Soleil, who's now the fashion director at Nordstrom. And we were all kind of just trying to find our voice. I feel like one of my best friends from growing up who went to UT Austin. Her name is Audrey Ponzio was kind of like, you know, you're one of the few Latinas in fashion. And I didn't even realize it at the time. I you know, I always, I never wanted to, you know, be I never wanted to say like, I'm Latina deserve this job. I just, it just kind of happened. And I always had like, really positive experiences, but I did. One of the things I did notice, like, you know, working at these different places was, yeah, I was most of the time, one of the few Latinas in the room. And that, you know, it's when we talk about like diversity and inclusion in like media, you have to talk about it, like, in the workplace, right. And like, what that means, and, and I feel like all of those experiences really prepared me to kind of moving then to Mexico where, you know, the Mexico I mean, people here like to say that, that there's no racism here. There's like classism, which is kind of the same thing in a way. And, you know, the son of like, your housekeeper would never get a job at a, you know, Conde Nast. Whereas in the US like those opportunities, like you can be, you can be any, anyone can be anything they want. And so that was something that always like, stuck with like, I always had it very present. And so I knew that I wanted to make the magazine more representative of what people are really like, here. So that's, that was, I feel like my whole journey in New York, just like being in fashion, and then kind of learning that fashion is not just clothes, that it's so much really helped me to kind of bring everything that I knew, to Vogue, Mexico and Latin America, if that makes sense. That was no, that's

Katie: 16:49

it. I was wondering, do you know now if, you know, in the States, W and Vogue and everything us, is it? Has it become more inclusive? Is there is there more diversity is did you kind of break the glass ceiling there?

Karla: 17:03

I think so. I mean, I remember, you know, when I started working in New York, like literally, I was like, God, how did you know I remember, what am I, my first boss at Vogue was like, oh, you know, here's your resume that like Anna signed off on and it said, like, Aw, okay, no. And I was like, Oh, my God, how did I slip in, you know, like, everyone here is like, tall, blonde, you know, an heiress, a child of a model, right? model, you know, and it's not something that ever, like, bothered me, like, I always knew that. I was super hard working, and I loved fashion. And I really wanted to be a part of this world. It's not something that ever, I'm sure it created, like, insecurities that I didn't know at the time, but I never had like any, like, I My experience was only positive. But I think it's also because I was also like, a really hard worker, and I was up for anything. And, you know, and that's what it took, like, I feel like that in that school in particular, like, if you were really willing to put the time in, then it wasn't the place for you to work because, yes, maybe your dad called someone to kind of help you get an interview, and you got the job. But like, if you weren't willing to like work a 12 hour day, like you wouldn't make

Amy: 18:26

right you're out. How did you get that first role as an assistant? Because were you interning or something like that? Because the breakthrough role, I would think to your point, it's like, you send a resume and and like, everybody else does, too. Like, how does that happen? Yeah,

Karla: 18:39

so it's funny because I actually, I remember, like, my sophomore year, in college, a friend of mine was like, Oh, I'm gonna go intern at Nicole Miller. My mom got me this internship. And I was like, oh my god, what am I going to do? My dad's a doctor and Oh, patho like, I'm gonna go back and like file, you know, folders all summer. And I started calling like, different fashion houses from W that I saw like W magazine. And someone by like, the good grace of God, like, picked up the phone and was like, Where are you from? And I was like, I Well, I'm from El Paso, but I go to school in Tucson, because I'm from Tucson. Wow, God, can you fly up here? And I was like, of course, like, when do you need to see me and I remember calling my mom and be like, I'm going to New York. And you know, wasn't like, I mean, you know, it wasn't like, going like, or maybe it is now. I mean, I don't know. But like, I was 19 And here I was like going to fly across the country to go to an interview. And my mom like called a friend of hers her daughter and was like Can my daughter stay on your couch? I mean, literally, it was like, that's amazing. Go like Mexican mom like asking like a friend of a friend if like I could crash on her sofa. And I remember I stayed at my friend's at my mom's friend's daughter's house. And I got the Interview and like from there, I like was in touch with a woman from human resources. And she remembered me. And then when I moved to New York after moved to Paris for a year, I called her and I got the job. So I feel like I always try. And I mean, I feel like we've all had these similar experiences. I always try and like pick up like answer like that DM on Instagram, right, or like, message on LinkedIn, because now we're in our like, that was our kind of way and we didn't have those tools. And so now I feel like I always try and like pick up the phone and like, give someone not pick up the phone but return a message. That's great. You're paying it forward.

Amy: 20:44

Yeah. And I it's funny, I have a similar point of view when it comes to like when people contact me and things like that. There's a there's a podcast that I listen to Ed my lat I don't know if you know who he is. He's like a entrepreneur leader. And he has this philosophy and I'm probably butchering it, but it's something like, you're always like, one step away from so like, the point is, is like one step away from like, reading an email that could change your life or meeting someone or that person picking up the phone. It's like, you never know. And you're always like, one step away from something good or bad. So

Karla: 21:17

I feel like when we were graduating, it was harder though, because Oh, my god, yeah, be one step away. I mean, you know, I feel like now, I get

Amy: 21:26

so accessible now. Well, now everything's accessible. There's Instagram. There's LinkedIn, like all these things. Like when I moved to New York, I moved to New York and my friend Jessica, remember Jessica from college, and she was working at this ad agency, and then get me a job. And that happened to be on a movie account, which I was interested in, and like, you know, marketing, blah, blah, blah, went from there, but it was all just kind of like who you knew, or like who you called, it was just you had to be probably a lot more resourceful. I'm sure. Yeah, you have to kind of stand out more because everyone's doing the same thing. But yeah, you definitely have to be scrappy, and resourceful. I mean, Katie moved to New York, and when how old? Were you occasionally? New York? COVID-19. 19?

Katie: 22:03

Yeah, it was, it was kind of the same thing. Like, I just got kind of got lucky that, you know, it was for modeling. And this an agency happened to call my agency and said, Sure, we'll move on. And then they ended up being like a horrible agency. But hey, they got me to New York.

Karla: 22:18

Yeah, sometimes, like the way would you like, arrive isn't necessarily the way that you know, but again, it's also much easier to find a job when you have a job, right? So I would always tell people that like, if you really want to move to York, then maybe try something out and you can leave, it's just, you know, getting that foot in, it's easier, like once you're there, right?

Amy: 22:40

Exactly, exactly. And you work really hard. Okay, so what have you seen? Like how have you seen the industry change over the years you've been a lot of places and like I'm sure the industry has changed in a positive way but like what have you seen as some of the biggest changes over the years I feel like

Karla: 22:56

I really believe like, I you know, as I was saying, like before, like when I first started working, I was definitely like one of the few like Mexican girls in the room and that has changed a lot. I feel like you know, just in terms of like designer, even designers, if you think about it, there was like Karolina Herrera Oscar, Nurse Cisco, right. And now you have like, Maria Coronae. Whoa, Willy Chavarria, who is like a Mexican American now creative director of Calvin Klein, you have like Joanna Ortiz, and from Columbia and like Sylvia Taurasi, and like just so many different people that like now make up you know, the fashion industry and like they're letting they even like last September when I went to Fashion Week, and it was after an app and a year and a half break of like, COVID and not being able to go to shows. There were so many young, cool, like African American designers, like I saw a girl from college that was working with this young designer from Jamaica called Theo Theo philia baillio I'm pretty sure it's from Jamaica. But just like, the front row is was different. I feel like for a long time, like the front row looked exactly the same. And now there's, like, young, like, different kids that like, look that don't, you know, everyone looks different. And that's really cool. I mean, I was thinking, like, you know, when I worked at Vogue and like Andre Leon Talley that died a few weeks ago, you know, he was really like, I mean, I don't think we even realized at the time what a big deal like this, you know, very like bold kind of loud African American man like how much he paved the way for other people, you know, people of color in general I mean, it the fashion industry, I feel like for a really long time was this very, like exclusive club, and now,

Amy: 24:46

like have skinny tall people.

Karla: 24:48

Yeah, like, people and now that's really changing and just like the front row also, but also like, I remember like, three, two or three years ago like probl girl only, like had three, two or three plus size models walking down the road. And I was like, oh my god, like this is this is so beautiful that he's like, so, you know, got out of this like space of only skinny models. And now I feel like if you don't have like a plus size or like a normal size model, not just like a super thin model on your runway, I feel like it feels uncomfortable. You know, like,

Katie: 25:26

you did see more of that body positivity as well,

Karla: 25:29

definitely, I feel like that has totally, like, I feel like designers are so much more aware of it and conscious. And, you know, five years ago, you know, someone like Lizzo probably wouldn't have been on the cover of all the magazines. And like, that's, that's really changing. And I feel like, you know, for us, like we put this American Mexican indigenous woman on the cover that was the star of Roma in 2019. And one of my best friends, like, if I can't even be I mean, I can talk for an hour about the engagement we got from putting this woman on the cover. And it was like people from around the world from different indigenous groups were like, this is such a big deal. And I remember the one thing that like really stuck out, like stood out with a friend of mine saying, like, thank you so much for putting someone that looks like me on the cover. And I was like, that's really impactful. Because yeah, for a long time, there weren't people that looked diverse, like it was one type of beauty and, and I think the industry and like after also Black Lives Matter last year, and you know, I think that hard conversations had had to be had and like, that made a lot of change in the industry. Of course, there's like a ton of work to do still. But um, but I do feel like the it's changed a lot for the good. Yeah, that's,

Katie: 26:57

that's good to hear. You mentioned Lizzo being on the cover. When do you think the shift from like, I mean, there was a point where the fashion magazines, the covers, were only models, right for a long time for as I was growing up, and then it's the celebrity culture. It's now it's very much focused on celebrities, do you, wouldn't you when did that shift happen?

Karla: 27:17

I feel like, you know, but I was reading something, an interview of when I think it was like 99. Like I think we were just like, like very early in our very early in our professional careers. I remember like when Vogue. Stop putting so many celebrities and like when I started working there in 2001. Like it was definitely majority celebrities with the exception of like Giselle, or Christy Turlington. And I think we're still seeing that, but we're also seeing, like, you know, people like female entrepreneurs, or like, in the case of American Vogue last year, that put in May, I believe, Amanda Gorman. So I feel like there is like, you don't have to just be making movies. It's more about like musicians and artists and poets and you know, different women. That I feel like inspiring women, right? I feel like it doesn't have to be like that, that model of like, only celebrity when the movie comes out is right feels like old you know, of course you want to time your cover to something to a project that someone's working on. But I feel like it's not like it's not just that it's like many more types of women including models, right? Do you feel like

Amy: 28:38

Right? Yeah, I mean, I think it's so cool to see who's always on the cover and like why and it has changed so drastically just from like what I've seen over the years not being like a major fashion person but like just seeing the change and like to Katie's point Lizzo and all of these people I mean, it's great it's just I love how inclusive it is and how I mean I think too that's that's a change just generally speaking with the luxury industry like every all these luxury brands are trying to be more accessible less so about this like club you can't get into it's more of like this inclusive nature because people are now turned off by that that's like right school, it doesn't feel genuine and real doesn't like you don't specially with social media. It's like you're a part of a community now like, it can be aspirational, but let people learn at this point. I

Karla: 29:30

feel like before it used to be like, This is what you we think you should wear it you know, and now it's like what are we all wearing? Like how does you know how do we feel like what is the kind of idea behind why we're wearing this kind of denim or something? You know, I feel like it's not that like it's not the kind of inaccessible kind of magazine at the top. It's it's more about like As you said, like building a community and, and kind of very much friendlier.

Amy: 30:04

Yeah, which is great to see. So let's move over a little bit and talk about, like wellness and beauty. Because I'm sure you're exposed to all of that with with your work. So like, what does that look like, in Latin America in your region? Like what's important to people there versus here? And what are you seeing are the trends and well being and all of that.

Karla: 30:26

It's interesting because I feel like we kind of it like the we're so close to booth I look after Mexico and Latin America, which, which is very different, even though we all speak Spanish. Yeah, and, you know, Mexico is very, like, a little bit like, everyone here knows what's going on in the US. So we kind of follow those, like, if SoulCycle is really big, and like it, just like in a month or two, it'll become really big here. And it's certainly like, that idea of, of wellness and, you know, eating healthy, like walking, you know, moving your body, right community exercise, like, that, I feel is like a huge shift as well, I feel like people are really, you know, excited about, also, like, where do your beauty products come from? Like, how, you know, how can you have less impact, right, like, environmental impact, and those are things that are all really developing here, but it's interesting to see, you know, I call it kind of the gateway drug, like perfumes here are super big. So that's like your piece of luxury, right. And then like, obviously, like skincare and makeup, whereas in the US, it's more of like, the bag is like that intro point. But here, and obviously, like, the salaries are less so like perfume is, is a huge deal. And that was something that I learned, like, even in like coverage in the magazine, like, we didn't cover perfume as much as in the US as we do here. But here, it's like, kind of how that designer makes, like, gets the foot in the door. But it's really interesting, because people are, what I've seen is also people really love those niche designers, like people know about, like, you know, Virgil at off white, and that kind of has a huge cult following that you think is like very, like, you know, exclusive to, like New York are the big cities, but it's not like, like people love, like the off white and like the sneaker craze, like it's interesting to see like, it kind of happens a little later, but it definitely happens.

Amy: 32:36

And what about Latin America? How's that different? Well,

Karla: 32:39

Latin America is a bit more like Argentina, for example, like, the thing I've seen a lot is like, they have very established fashion brands, because of the you know, it's far from the US. The tariffs to, like, get into the country aren't so easy. So it's kind of like Brazil in that way that, you know, imported stuff is really expensive. So they really developed their fashion brands, which is good, you know, and then I, what I've seen the most with, like Peru and Chile, and like Colombia, is that people are really socially conscious. Like, they want it to be like organic cotton. They're really like the sustainability conversation. Like to start brands is much like you hear it and much more, which is like a nice surprise.

Amy: 33:25

Yeah. And does that carry over into the skincare space and beauty space in terms of Yes, being organic, and there's

Karla: 33:33

so many more brands now that are trying to do like the Glossier or you know, of Latin America. And like, that's been really exciting to watch is like these young kind of entrepreneur, like, these young brands, like coming into their own. How much?

Katie: 33:51

I might, I'm not sure if I'm phrasing it the right way. But the spirituality of Mexico and also Latin America, does that play into the wellness space as well, like, because I know, I have some friends that are from Chile, and when they go to Chile, they see their shaman and things like that. That's prominent.

Karla: 34:13

It's funny that you asked that because I feel like here like the kind of alternative medicine is always like, you know, I like even like an example. Like my daughter was having these, you know, those night terrors. Yeah. And my mom was like, we have to take her to like, we went to my small town where my mom was from and she goes, we have to take her to the healer. You know, what do you mean mom as she took her to the healer, and she like rubbed her with an egg, and like my mom's like, in two weeks, she's not gonna have nightmares. You know, it's a big part. It's a big part of our and even like, I always like to say that like, alternative medicine like those kinds of essential oils have been happening here for like ever, you know what I mean? Right? It make them like essential oils, but Um, even like in terms of like, when I was growing up and like coming to Mexico, like, I feel like all the milk was just organic because it just was, you know, like, my mom's town, they they literally took like milk from the cow forever, right? And then, you know, obviously, like NAFTA happened and those things happened and, and people hear like love what's American so that for better or worse right, you know those things have been but yes I people are here are like, very like spiritual in that sense and they like to you know, they always want like a, like a second opinion but that second opinion from like the Cheban or the healer?

Katie: 35:40

That's amazing. Yeah, that's, that's really beautiful. It's a really gorgeous part of the culture that is lacking, I think, in America. You know, I wish I wish there was some more deep rooted culture in that respect.

Amy: 35:53

Yeah, I totally agree. Because I think they're definitely people like us who love all that stuff. But it's not in the culture. Whereas like, if you're talking about Reiki, or whatever we were just talking about before people are like, Yeah, you know, they sort of look at you like,

Katie: 36:09

there things are, but things slowly become more pop culture also late, which is interesting how that can play out. All right, well, what are some? Actually no, this is this is an interesting question that I'm very curious about, because I feel like your industry comes with a lot of pressure, especially with your job. And your job is incredibly high power and aspirational and inspirational. So what are some of these pressures? You must feel pressure with creating content and, and reporting being the barometer of culture and fashion and beauty and lifestyle? I mean, that that's a lot. But what is it like taking that challenge on?

Karla: 36:46

I feel like, yeah, I feel like that, what, what I was reading, like, one of the questions, and it's like, we were just talking about how media has changed, I feel like, just constantly kind of inspiring people. And like, at the same time growing our audiences, and you know, that like, the challenge of like growing a website, which is now obviously super important, and, you know, we've grown like more than 80% in the past five years, but just that pressure of growing the website, but at the same time, remaining true to Vogue, and its core values, without falling into the trap of like, I have to cover this because this is what's going to bring me my numbers. So I feel like that is something that we're always kind of, not, it's always challenging, you know, how to, you know, talk about, you know, so and so seeing with her boyfriend on the street of LA, then maybe you change the focus, and you're like, So and so knows how to wear the best, the perfect jeans for, you know, her type of bodies. And those are things that like, we've like managed to do. And now we have like shared content with Bogle with different folks across the world. And so we can take like, a lot of the more investigative pieces, because we also have like a very small team. And then we kind of focus on the, the articles that will be big, like do well in Latin America. So with this kind of 5050 balance, we've found, like a good mix. And like, last month, we were like the second largest job after the US. So wow, that's exciting. Also, like, you know, how are we going to do next month and the day after, you know, so it's constantly like, looking at what we're doing and saying we're doing this right, but we also don't want to just talk about sneakers and jeans. So like trying to find that balance.

Katie: 38:42

I'm curious how much I'm sure you've found this question before. Is it as intense as it is portrayed in the movie that don't even need to say the name as it is at that? Tough or not? Really?

Karla: 38:56

I mean, yeah, I think, you know, there's, there's a pressure because also, like, I think in the movie, and I don't remember if they explain it, but in the end, it's, you know, the fashion is an industry and so people's jobs depend on it. And, you know, it's not just, like, it's not just a dress, right? It's a dress that a designer made that's going to hit stores around the US and and or around the world and what that means, right? Like what, like that sales part? And so I think it's exciting. It was, it was definitely you know, an I feel like the industry is very hard working because people make it out to seem like oh, you're running around and like a beautiful town car and like, you know, wearing you know, five inch heels and like running around New York City. It was not certainly not that glamorous. I would say I would say that. You know there was a lot of times that we were like doing a car in a for a trip that one of the editors were going on and we were wearing like sneakers and jeans like riding up every single, you know, all 500 of the pieces that were like in the car in a or, you know,

Katie: 40:07

but also just because it's glamorous doesn't mean it's not hard work. I mean,

Karla: 40:11

hard work can be really hard work. And, you know, I feel like the thing about working at Vogue was it's amazing and like now, you know, we're a much smaller team, but like, you know, it, I liked that it was never it was never just a dress, you know, it was like something that the editor had like a specific vision for when the shoot came back and you saw I don't know like I remember that Alice in Wonderland shoot that any Leibovitz shot with like Natalia Vodianova, it's like her and her blue dress that was made and that, you know, Grace Coddington, like, really specifically asked for that when the new big this picture is like, you know, 15 years old, and I still remember it. And that yeah, they are. Yeah, I think it's really like, in that way, like creating like iconic pictures and like, telling these stories through fashion that didn't just make it close, right? I think it was, it was so much more than that. Yeah.

Amy: 41:10

So you're so busy and running around and doing a million things. So like, what practices are you doing to stay balanced, and to stay present with your family? Since you are so busy? And you seemed really balanced?

Karla: 41:25

For I don't know, I mean, I feel like now, like, ever since, you know, this past year and a half that we learned how to work differently. And like, I feel like, you know, there's no reason why you can't work from home, like on a Friday night. Whereas two years ago, I was terrified to even ask that. Or, like, you don't have to go to a work trip, where you get flown for a party, like you can say no, right? I feel like that those ways, but I just try and like, not kind of put my daughter's like in, you know, the kind of, I don't try and like Instagram at them so much. They have like their own account. And like, I try not to bring them into mind personally, I mean, just because Mexico is like, not, you know, you never know, who's watching you. And just like really, like, what's helped me, which I'm sure you guys can relate to is just that quality versus quantity. Right? Like if, you know, if you're in it, like try and find like activities that you enjoy doing together. And that even though you know, you might have to travel for five days, when you come back, then you have that like bonding time with your kids, I feel like that's always super important. Like, bedtime has always been important. And like, you know, I am one of those. Also, like, I'm a big believer of like, if my nanny is here, and she can help me and like going out for a run, you know, and she helps me with them. Like, it's okay, I know, you know, and I can go out for a run because that run will probably bring me mental, you know, helped me clear my head, like I try not to get into that kind of mommy guilt so much addicts. You know, like, if you want to go to yoga, and you need they can stay with their fathers like playing or watching TV, it's fine. You know, we'll get like, so kind of worked up about those things.

Amy: 43:15

Yeah, I think too, was like the last year and a half, like, that's helped so much with the guilt because I feel like I have it so much. And now you're working from home. Or if whenever I do go back to the office, it's never going to be the same as it was like, because working from home is so much more accessible and easy now. So just being present, like physically is helpful, because you don't feel like oh my god, I'm like at the office, and I don't know what's happening at home. And I don't I'm not hearing the conversations. And so I think that's been a huge change for so many people.

Karla: 43:45

I think in the beginning, it was hard because they were like, I'm sure you have like homeschool and like, you know, it was impossible to like, you know, make sure that they were connecting, especially because they were four and a half and like for them to pay attention. But I feel like once you learn how to manage it. I feel like that work life balance. While yes, I feel like a lot of us are working more. It's still like now you can say like I'm going to work two days a week from home. Right and

Katie: 44:15

it's on your terms, right? Yeah, we were just speaking to in an episode that's gonna be airing shortly a parenting coach about this and what you said was exactly either Amy or or the coach said it was quality versus quantity. And that's like, you know, dedicating the hours to the work and being there instead of micromanaging the children at the same time and vice versa and dedicating the hours to caring for yourself instead, instead of hanging on by a thread. It's so important, but it's yeah, it's the quality. I love that and it's a great quote that we'll be putting on Instagram. So we would be remissed if we didn't ask you who your favorite new designer trends like what are some of your faves right now?

Karla: 44:59

Um But what am I, you know, I really like it's funny because I feel like your the way you dress probably changed like drastically, I mean, even from like New York to Mexico change so much because, you know, in New York I feel like people wear dresses and skirts and like a pantsuit. And now, I feel like here like not so much like, I'll be wearing a dress and people will be like, where are you going? To the office, you know? So I feel like that has like, really, really changed. And I feel like I'm always wearing like now, I was telling Katie before you got on me that the weather in Mexico is funny and like it since it never gets really cold. There's no heat in home, like in your house. So it's like 35 degrees in the morning. And then they'll go up to like 72 So you're freezing inside. So it's like kind of like a weird, it's like LA kind of Sanford right layers. And so it's a lot about layers and like sweaters. But I really love I mean, like my dream wardrobe would probably come from like Sarah Burton, Alexander McQueen. I feel like I love what she's doing. And I love what she's been doing with denim. I love Mexican American designer called Jonathan Cohen. That grew up in San Diego and now he's based in New York. I love Proenza schooler there was actually an article about them today in women's wear business of fashion. I think about a lot of these like mid price brands and like what, you know, like American fashion and what's happening with American fashion and yeah, it was it. I think it's really interesting and it'll be really interesting to see this fashion with like, how many more designers we see but yeah, I like I would say like Proenza Jonathan was saying this guy, Willy Chavarria, that's at Calvin Klein. He's doing menswear and he's kind of changing that. The like what like menswear, Calvin Klein, and he has like, really kind of cool casting ideas. But I guess I if I would, if I were to say like, who would be my dream kind of wardrobe. I would definitely say Sarah Burton net McQueen. Nice. And Fashion Week's what next week? Yeah, it starts Friday.

Katie: 47:18

Okay, that's exciting.

Amy: 47:19

So we'll have to follow you on Instagram. So

Karla: 47:21

we'd also love because I feel like she just like designs for women. And it's fun and like, is Lulu JOHNSON

Katie: 47:32

I love that you there's you love so many. But it's hard to narrow it down which of course, is appropriate.

Karla: 47:39

You know, because like sometimes for me, like I feel like wearing a skirt. And then other days I just feel like wearing like jeans and a jacket. You

Amy: 47:46

know, like she looks amazing and chic and everything like and like, even from like 25 years ago, always

Karla: 47:54

I had gotten dressed up for you guys. I was wearing this like pink silk shirt and then I took it off because I got called as I was walking around and the art week is start art week is starting here in Mexico. Tomorrow. It's kind of like the about Basel of Mexico. So

Amy: 48:11

that's cool.

Karla: 48:11

A lot going on. I mean, you know, it's obviously on a much smaller scale and like, you know, with all the precautions, but I feel like we see like thing I feel like with things coming back like little by little people will want to get dressed up again.

Amy: 48:27

I know that's nice. Yeah. Okay, so we're gonna move into our rap session, especially some quick questions. Okay. So the first one is, what is your favorite wellness or beauty hack? Wellness or beauty hack, like shortcut or tip or what's your kind of favorite?

Karla: 48:44

Oh, oh my god, I have a good one. So, my sister worked for Karolina Herrera and you know, she looks amazing and is I don't know how old she is. But she's, you know, kind of

Katie: 48:56

looks gorgeous like timeless. Yeah,

Karla: 48:59

he always said told my sister to never which I do a lot but I need to every time I do it I remember her. She always said never to dry your face with a towel. You know like you grab your like she always says that the gentle Pat's like everything. So now I apply it like always like moisturizer. And like when I you know have like, these rituals? Like, I feel like I always remember the the non towel just to be a little more gentle.

Katie: 49:30

Yeah, and like that. Yeah, like that. Yeah. All right, this next one we call your five minute flow. You just got out of the shower and Uber ping do and they're five minutes away. What are you doing to like, get out the door and get in the car on time.

Karla: 49:42

I do this a lot.

Amy: 49:44

I was just gonna say. I think you guys could

Karla: 49:49

relate. But I remember a friend of mine used to get so mad when she used to see people putting makeup on on the subway. She's like, you have those that minute at home for God's sakes. Just But usually I kind of I guess I'm always rushing as I was saying about the yoga class like I'll like do an hour and 15 minutes and like rush home to be ready by nine. So when I have like five minutes I would say I think about what I'm gonna wear in the shower. When I get out I obviously am like huge on moisturizing. I use a great Sicily Moisturizing Cream SPF no matter where you live this is like one thing that my dermatologist and Dr. Tim, NGO Luke from Royal Fern told me is like you cannot leave home without it, whether it's like two degrees or 102. So that and then I love this kind of Chanel liquid foundation I've been putting on that I like it's like very loose and like feels like also moisturizing and then always concealer. And always lipstick even though that kind of face mask thing is annoying. But if I have to like, be ready quick, those are like what I try and do the most

Katie: 51:06

those years ago to like that. Nice. We need to get like we have to have your favorite products, the names and because people are gonna want to know Yeah.

Amy: 51:16

Love it. Love it. Okay, and you kind of touched on this before, but how do you maintain your daily nirvana?

Karla: 51:23

Um, I like need to work out in the morning. I feel like that's something that I don't know if it was Tucson that did this to me, but like everyone always worked out. It was like, in Super shape, but like to me, I like love getting up and like, the first thing I do is have coffee. Even though I just did that Chroma cleanse and they were like, avoid coffee if possible. I'm like, the if possible is right. So that's like my kind of ritual in the morning. Like, no matter if I have like 15 minutes or 45 is just to have like a quick Nespresso. And then I get up and I go run or do like, Tracy Anderson videos, online. Okay, like for yoga, and then I kind of helped my girls get ready. And we rush out of the house. And that's, that's how I you know, I love walking to I just feel like that brings me like such peace. Like, especially during COVID When people were like, you know, locked in their homes. I would always go for a walk.

Katie: 52:26

Yeah, did Tracy Anderson method is it's good. It's intense. Like, yeah, right.

Karla: 52:32

I mean, it's I love that the streaming I feel like all of those like classes that like adjusted to like have the streaming moment.

Amy: 52:40

Wow. Yeah. Great. Great day. So Katie. So Carla, at the ends of our show, we usually do a product review or like something that we're loving right now that we want to tell listeners about. So Katie has something for us and I don't know what it is either. So I'm excited to hear what you have to review for us today.

Karla: 52:58

skincare product or anything,

Amy: 52:59

anything, anything related to like skincare, beauty, wellbeing, wellness,

Karla: 53:04

I was just saying I just did this. You know, I feel like you know, after Christmas, we're all kind of feeling like we need to reset like we go to our place at the beach and I don't know how to go to the beach without eating like chips and salsa every day. So I come back feeling not very healthy. But I just did the chroma cleanse. It's like a five day cleanse. Have you heard of it? It's

Katie: 53:29

I haven't No, tell us

Amy: 53:31

today. Really, like pretty looking at it. Like it's so

Karla: 53:34

beautiful. Yeah, like in this, but it's really great because I feel like it's not even like weight loss. It's just kind of to get your mind back to like, eating like a normal person. Not you know, or at least for me was it was well balanced. And like they send you it's five days and you have like soups and kind of like protein like veggies, but like they give you like a matcha latte in the morning and then like a like a shake a super greens, elixirs that kind of helps you get like all your vitamins. And when you finish like you don't even crave anything bad. Like you just want to have like, the item that you want to keep eating like veggies and fruit.

Amy: 54:18

It's like a reset kind of Yeah, yeah. It

Karla: 54:20

felt really, it felt really nice and not in that like you're starving yourself. You know? Yeah, I have to shut that out. Reset.

Amy: 54:30

Yeah, it sounds good now.

Katie: 54:31

Yeah, that is up to check it out to the network. What's the name of it again? Gramma.

Amy: 54:36

Ch ch O. O Ma.

Katie: 54:40

Okay, next. All right. Well, let I have one two and it's I'll just do it really quickly because it's not a beauty product or anything super exciting, but I've been trying to work on my sleep hygiene and trying to like fall asleep easier. That's my thing. I can't fall asleep. I can do once I'm out. I'm out. But getting there is tough. So this one It's by natural and it's relaxed plus night calm they have mult sorry, like part of the sticker came off but they have multiple products for all different things for for like for sleep and for joint health and brain health and then for mood and stress and this is actually for mood and stress not so much for sleep, but I take it to help me wind down and get the wheels to stop turning to law into a nice sleep and it works and legitimately worse it has. And I'm like I'm not the easiest person to put to sleep so I know it's good. It has l theanine five HTP and a small amount of melatonin which I like that it's a little because melatonin on its own does give me a hangover I'm like groggy the next day. Really? Yeah, it makes me like foggy me too. So

Amy: 55:46

I can take it Yeah.

Katie: 55:47

And then it also has a little bit of lemon balm extract and you know I gotta see yes, it's like $20 that a pill or like a gum it's a gummy and it's a pretty clean gummy. It's it's organic tapioca sugar, or an organic cane sugar, pectin, citric acid, vegetable juice, coconut oil, like there's no sugar alcohols and garbage in it. And it does taste really good. But yeah, it's 100% Drug Free non habit forming for like, I want to say maybe two weeks.

Amy: 56:17

I find it helpful. That's great.

Katie: 56:18

I found it very helpful. I've been playing like I've been trying different things here and there. I tried a different one last night. And it was I ended up like also taking it works. Yeah.

Amy: 56:30

I love it. good reviews. Thanks for chroma and for what is that called? Again? Katie. Your

Katie: 56:36

your is natural relax, plus night calm.

Amy: 56:39

Okay, well, we'll post all this in the show notes. But yeah, it's awesome. So Carla, thank you so much for like sharing all your wisdom and for spending time with us. It was so amazing to hear about your experience and how far you've come and I always love your voice. It's so like distinct and it's so great to see you and to hear you and we definitely have to meet up next time we're in the same thank you for being on the show. We always like to end with a mantra just kind of set our intention to close out the show. So Katie, what do you have for us?

Katie: 57:08

Alright, so this one is just something to remember and it is a quote I should add by Eleanor Roosevelt. It is happiness is not a goal. It is a byproduct of a life well lived. So I feel like you know like you're speaking to working hard and you know that I'm bringing up my phone left happiness.

Karla: 57:27

Thank you guys so much. I hope Thank you, you in person.

Amy: 57:32

Thanks for listening to Nirvana sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes please subscribe and leave us a review. also find us on Instagram at Nirvana sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana sisters will continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to. Bye.

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Entrepreneurship, Hair, Products, Self-Care Nirvana Sisters Entrepreneurship, Hair, Products, Self-Care Nirvana Sisters

Episode 37 - Meet Entrepreneur And Drybar Co-Founder Alli Webb, On Keeping It Real And Paying It Forward (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 37 Meet Entrepreneur And Drybar Co-Founder Alli Webb, On Keeping It Real And Paying It Forward.

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Amy: 0:06

Welcome to Nirvana sisters podcast where we take the intimidation out of well being and beauty to help you achieve your highest state your nirvana. We are sisters in law and your hosts. I'm Amy Sherman.

Katie: 0:18

And I'm Katie Chandler. So let's get into some real conversation

Amy: 0:28

Welcome to the show Nirvana sisters family. So today is a really, really special episode for both of us. But today we're talking to someone who has been so inspirational to me, and really a role model to me whether she knows it or not. But anyone who knows me well knows that I've always looked up to you, Alli. And just from from, from, from a business sense, from personal sense, your honesty and transparency. And also, you have two boys were the same age like we just have a lot of similarities. And so I'm so excited to have you on the show. And just thank you for spending time with us today. We have Alli Webb on the show, who I'm sure most of you know, but if you don't, she is the co founder of dry bar, the founder of dry bar. She's also now the co founder of squeeze, which I'm so excited about because we have an opening up in Bethesda near me. We interviewed Britt on the show a couple months ago, and she was amazing. We loved her. Okay, humans, the future face to face talk therapy, and Beckett and quill. And we also interviewed Meredith Quill a couple weeks ago, and we're always gonna vote because we love our necklaces, we got our earrings. We're all we're all judged. And we're so excited to talk to you. But I think the reason why I have been so inspired by you over all of these years and like I've spoken Katie's ear off about you and your background, all of this stuff is because I think when when Drybar launched I was it was like, I think right before I moved out of New York, and it was the first time it opened my eyes up to like, oh my god, like, if I thought of this idea, I could have opened this, like, this is actually something because I always was into hair because I have curly hair and my whole life. It's like, you know, yep, doing a million things to try to make it look better. Like, there was this. Salon Davishon in New York, I don't know if you remember back in the day that like curly hair, and they had a whole system. And I was like one of the first people there. And I was always talking to people there. So it was like really into hair and beauty and all this stuff. I work in Marketing, but that's a different story. But anyway, I just thought the concept was so simple and groundbreaking to me and the branding and the experience and the whole vibe of it. And, and the bigger meaning of course behind it, which is you walk out you feel confident, you feel happy. And the whole thing, that whole experience does that for you. And so like it sort of opened my eyes to like, wow, like, I could open something one day for myself, I've been in corporate America forever, and it could actually be in business. And it could be something that I'm passionate about and love because they think prior to that you think of opening a business as like, I don't know, like an accountant or a lawyer like nothing that you actually would be interested in. So anyway, it's always opened my eyes and since then I've followed you, and seeing your, your career and all of your ups and downs and just, I've always been so inspired and like you're the one person that everybody knows, I like just have a total girl crush on because you just You mean a lot to me. And so, thank you, thank you again. So yeah, that's

Alli: 3:18

it, say that and it's nice. It's nice to hear. It's always great to hear that kind of stuff. And but mostly like the fact that you know, my story, my journey has resonated with you and inspired you to you know, get the confidence to go out and do your own thing, which is really, I'd say where I am now in my life. You know, I'm I'm starting to write my second book, I just got a book deal, which is like such a big deal adulation, exciting to me, thank you, and, and I'm excited to really, you know, write about that. And like this kind of, like, if I did it, you can do it story because, um, you know, I'm not your typical, I mean, I don't think there is a typical anymore. And I think it's evolved so much. I feel like, you know, we first started dry bar, and, you know, entrepreneurs weren't as accessible as they are now especially, like female entrepreneurs. And just to your point about, you know, companies were like, big conglomerates and nobody knew who ran them and no, you couldn't reach anybody there, you were never talking to the CEO, like nothing like that ever happened. And, you know, I happen to come in, at the, you know, somewhat of the forefront of like entrepreneurs, you know, being accessible and available. And, you know, I've taken it to pretty extreme with, you know, being pretty open and transparent with things that are going on in my life. And you know, that's been an interesting evolution and I I often like kind of ponder why, you know, talk about so much of that stuff, but But hearing what you said and things like that, and the feedback that I do get so much is like, it is this like, you know, you're talking about it. It's relatable to me, whether it's like building a business or how you raise money or going through a divorce, or whatever it is. Yeah, I feel I feel really compelled and drawn and to this, like, you know, be, you know, share what you know, and pay it forward and all of that. So, so it's really nice to hear. So thank you.

Amy: 5:21

Of course, of course, before we get into it, though, I do want to take a step back, because in our show, in the beginning, we always like to do a nirvana of the week or day or whatever. It may be just a little something that sparked joy that made you feel good that you kind of like that put a smile on your face this week. So Katie, I'll flip over to you first to give us your nerve. Okay, great. Well,

Katie: 5:40

thanks. Well, Alli, first of all, you know, I'm so thrilled that you're here. So thank you. My Nirvana, it happened yesterday, it was this weird little moment, I was speaking to this woman that I'm thinking about doing some personal work with. And she is a type of coach and I had to have like full disclosure about my health issues with her. She was the first adult that I've ever spoken to, that grew up with a sick mother that had autoimmune issues and had challenges and was a child and had to have a sick parent, which is what my daughter's go through. And I got emotional talking about it, because I've literally never spoken to someone that was that. And she said to me that she thinks that it made her very resilient and very strong and more empathetic. And like, you know, she's this wildly successful, fabulous woman, and she accredits a lot of that adversity as a young child, to helping her gain those qualities. So that was a little nirvana for me, because I never thought about it from that point. You know, we always think we're screwing up our children all day every day. So yeah. Oh, we are.

Amy: 6:54

So I like that. Yeah. I never thought about

Katie: 6:56

that. It was it was nice to hear. So that Yeah. So Amy, what about you? What was yours?

Amy: 7:01

Well I have two. So the first one was just as Katie knows, I have time to myself on Saturday. No, Alli I saw this on your Instagram stories recently about talking about time to yourself and I treasure that's so much like I love being alone and just having time to myself just to regroup because then you just come back and you feel refreshed. So I've been stuck in the house because of COVID yada, yada. I haven't been anywhere. So I have to like run errands and return things which so I did some shopping, I returned some things, walked around, did a little shopping around some stores. And I'm like, oh my god, this is so amazing to be my I felt like I was on vacation. My final letter. I'm like texting Katie. I'm like, oh my god, this is so amazing depth time to myself. So that was great. But really, more importantly, a really cute moment. Yesterday, I had in the car with my son who's 14, almost 15 I have two boys like you alley. One's 15. And one's almost 15 and one's 12, almost 13. And we were driving in the car is taking him to his girlfriend's house. And he was like, you know, in a good mood. And so like when I catch him in a good mood, it's like amazing, because we'll talk to me. And car time is always the best. So he was just talking to me the whole time in the car and like just telling me a million things and talking about when he's older this and college and just literally talk to me the entire time we're in the car, which is so nice. So usually he's like quiet or says one thing. So that was so sweet. And then the cutest thing was, I'm dropping it off dropping him off at his girlfriend's house. And he looks at me before he opens before he leaves the car. And he goes, Mom, do I look good. And I was like, it's cute. You look great. I love you. But it was he never does stuff like that. So you could tell he was just like, excited to see her. And it was just like, so heartwarming and sweet. And I just drove away with like, the biggest smile on my face. So that was my happy moment of the week. What about you, Alli?

Alli: 8:40

Um, those are such good moments. And I feel like I can I can share in both of those with you guys. I mean, you know, Katie, going back to what you were saying about this woman that you met and how it build resiliency in her, you know, it is interesting, and I was joking that we all mess up our children, but I think we do. And I don't think it's a bad thing. I mean, I think it's like, we just, it's just we're just like we're doing the best we can as parents, our parents did the best they can like I can point to lots of things that my parents did that were like, you know, I wish quote unquote, they had done different Not really, but in the moment, you know, and I remember when I was going through, you know, my divorce and my financial advisor, ironically, of all people at the time was like, you know, because I was so worried like that I was gonna fuck up my kids because I was putting them through a divorce and our divorce wasn't. I mean, it was it was it was really rough internally, but we kept it pretty like smooth on the outside for my boys. And I remember him saying to me, similar to what you just said that it was. It was his parents were divorced when he was young, and it was so character building and it made him so strong and now I'm not advocating for divorce by any means, but I do think that there is like, we're so worried about putting our kids through anything hard because we want us to shelter that, I mean, it's just our natural, like motherly instinct to want to shelter our children and shelter them from bad and evil and harm and all of that stuff. But like, it doesn't really prepare them. And, you know, I mean, I had a fair amount of sheltering. And I had, you know, and I didn't have anything really crazy to happen to happen to me. But I do think that there is like, some resiliency and strength in that. So, I know, I just really relate to what you're saying. And I bet your kids will end up being really strong as a result, you know, and I think mine are too as a result of going through divorce. And, you know, and they and, and, you know, they see me so much happier on the other side of it. So like, while we were in like the mud and trekking through to get to the other side, it seemed like, Oh, God, are we ever coming back from this? And we have, and it's really beautiful now. So anyways, um, but as far as Nirvana moments, I mean, you know, I love that, by the way, and it's a good it's a good reminder to like, talk about the things that, you know, I have this like, Yeah, right here, this like Five Minute Journal thing that I write in pretty regularly. And it asks you really awesome questions, which I like, because it's like an interactive thing, and which I like. But I, you know, this this weekend, Adrian, and I went to where we're going to get married, nice in May. And, um, you know, we were doing a walkthrough and our wedding planner was there. And it was like, everything really, like, is working out and going well, and it's like, in a sea of like, shit that's been going wrong for like, what feels like, for so long. It was just so nice. And I remember feeling like, Oh, my God, like, I'm just such a, like, everything's wrong. We have to fix everything, like, where's the problem, it's just my nature. The fact that it was like, everything was pretty smooth. And we had, you know, a moment where we were standing where we're going to get married, and a moment where, you know, my boys are going to actually walk me down the aisle. And we like sit, we were kind of walking through and we were standing we kind of stood where my boys will like, pick me up and walk me down the aisle. And I got so emotional. And I was like, Oh, my God. Like, some real emotion about the wedding hit me and which is just like a weird place to be. Because, you know, this is my second wedding. And it's like, it is just feel a little weird to be having a wedding again. Even though it's, you know, a natural progression. So anyways, that was like a moment that really hit me. That was really,

Katie: 12:32

that's great. I love that. Yeah. Thanks. Sweet.

Amy: 12:34

Yeah. Yeah, congratulations on your wedding. We're so happy for you. I feel like you know, we watch the journey of everything going on. I feel like I just there were so many raw emotions and like to see you come out with an amazing guy and actually heard the podcast episode when you met those that matchmaking company I remember the episode from raising the bar. And I'm just so happy you found such an amazing guy. He just seems so intuitive, but evolved introspective. Yeah, like introspective. It's very, my husband's like that, too. And it's it's an incredible quality. And it really brings out so much more. So that's awesome. And when you're getting married again,

Alli: 13:13

we're getting married in May. Nice. Yeah. And it's like, it felt like, you know, we had like, no logging is longer than my first marriage anyways, and, or my first engagement, and it was a felt like it was so far away. And I can't believe it's less than five months now. It's like, you know, we have so much going on that these next five months are gonna fly by and yeah, excited. And it's like, you know, it's like, it's a little, it feels like a do over and a lot of ways. And, you know, to really be planning this thing exactly how I want it exactly how we want it and not like, you know, unfortunately, my mom passed away about six years ago. So she's not in it, which is a bummer. But I mean, it's just, it's also like we're paying for it. We're doing everything exactly how we want it. We're making it exactly what we want. I'm you know, it's not

Amy: 14:00

there's some tradition of all the people there you want. Yeah, it's awesome. You know, we're

Alli: 14:03

Yeah, where my first wedding was like, all my parents friends, which is awesome, right? They gave us a lot of money. It's a different, totally different vibe. And, um, you know, and I think also just based on like, how last couple of years have been to be having everybody in one room together. Feels like, you know, super special. So,

Amy: 14:24

yeah, for sure. Special. Um, I see you got to see kind of a preview this weekend and got to like, take it in for a second because you're probably running a mile a minute. And so to have that reflection moment, so nice. So nice. Awesome. Okay, so we're gonna give you some quick fire questions, get into some stuff. So I guess I gave a little bit of your background and I'll probably give some in a pre record. So just speaking about your mentors. I mean, I think a lot of people look to you as their inspiration and like mentorship Who were your mentors. I know you've talked about your brother a lot, but who kind of gave you guidance and still gives you guidance and who you're getting inspiration from lately. Yeah, I

Alli: 15:00

mean, it's really all over the place. I mean, I, you know, I'd say like, first and foremost was largely my parents and my mom, as you know, growing up as like, you know, in, in, in a family where my parents had their own business. And, you know, I mean, going back to her saying about our parents and the things they are doing that we think they should be, like, you my parents worked, I came home from school, my parents were rarely there. And I used to always joke around that I wanted to cookies and milk mom, because like, my dad, you know, and I was like, why aren't you that for me. And when I was little, it really bothered me and I was I got older, I learned at the older and older I got, the more I realized that like, I, I watched my parents work really hard for what we had, which, you know, took a long time. And, and it, you know, I don't even think I was aware of it, it was building such a strong work ethic in me. And I really realized that once I went out into the world, and I, you know, I went out into the world, and I was like, you know, getting my first jobs, and I was treating every job like it was my own. And I was, you know, and I was like, what, like, what, where did this come from, and I realized it was really from what as I got older, and I understood it more was like, from watching my parents and how hard they worked. And, and they just always instilled that in us. And I worked for my parents when I was young, too. And so, you know, my dad and my dad, my parents always had such a great work ethic, they worked really hard, but they also had this like, you know, kind of work hard play hard mentality where I like my parents was like, if you do it, you know, you you're supposed to do in your responsibilities. We, you know, did you can, you can leave when you want or, you know, you know, have a little more freedom, just do your job and do it supposed to be done. And I think always it versus like, people be sitting out at us from here to here, I was like, there was a flow of like, you can kind of as long as you're doing what you need to be done. And that and that, that attitude, I think instills a stronger worth that work ethic of wanting to do something versus having to do something, you know. So I would say, you know, for me, it really started there. And certainly my brother along the way, you know, has been a strong inspiration for me and mentor for me and, and then I think it's like varied over the years, you know, from like, people like Jenna gurwitch, who was is the founder of Laura Mercier, cosmetics. And she, you know, introduced me to some really great people and taught me some really great lessons about building a product line early on. And, you know, like, I don't know if you know, who Wendy zonder is, but she's the founder of Urban Decay cosmetics. And we had, yeah,

Amy: 17:36

I know that name.

Alli: 17:37

Yeah, we had the same financial guys, the same private equity guys. And so, you know, she, she was, like, helpful in like, bridging a gap when we were raising money, and I was learning how to, like, deal with private equity guys, and, you know, I feel like, just like friends and relationships and, you know, mentors, like, they come into your lives in the time where, like, you need them. And it's like, you know, just like anybody else. It's like, sometimes you just need somebody to help you with this thing that you're going through, and then you don't anymore, you know, and I think that's like, kind of the nature of mentors and people who are inspiring to you. And, you know, and then there's been people like, you know, like Whitney Wolfe, who's the, you know, founder of Bumble who has become, you know, a friend of mine who I don't really talk to you all that much anymore, but I did when I was ironically, when I was going through my divorce. She was really there for me, like unexpectedly and really helped me and like, Maria Shriver is someone I've always looked up to, and when I'm not like a big I listen to a lot of books. I like audiobooks now, but I never I can't sit and read I don't have the patience. I get time. But I can listen and walk and I'm very happy. I love you orderly, yeah, that way. But I happen to read a lot of Maria Shriver's books, when I was a kid, I was just really inspired by her and it was very serendipitous for me as I got older, and I, she invited me to, she interviewed me in the early days of dry bar, and she, Catherine, her daughter, like stumbled across dry bar and loved it and told me about it. And Maria called me and was just like this, like love fest, and we became friends. And, you know, and kind of intermittently and then once when I was also going through my divorce, and you know, I didn't have my mom and she just really was like, buried, like, she's very tough love if you know her, she's like, no bullshit, and like, won't do it. And, and I kind of needed that, you know, I mean, I remember being on the phone with her one morning, and she was like, basically, like, get the fuck out of bed. What are you doing? You know, and so, you know, she was helpful for me in that way. And, you know, so I don't know, I could probably go on and on about the different. I've been really fortunate and lucky to have some really amazing women around me in my life that have, you know, inspired me and helped me and guided me through different, you know, phases. And, you know, I think all of my I would, I would say it's safe to say almost all of my friends are founders, entrepreneurs or, you know, running big companies are at the helm of big companies and you know, we all lean on each other from time to time So I feel like I'm I have a pretty big network of women that I can call on when I'm like, need help with something confused about something you'd bounce something off. So, yeah, they come in all shapes and sizes. Yeah.

Amy: 20:11

Yeah, that's so true. And it's really the thing about your parents actually, I was listening to it, because I have always worked as well. And like, barely, I mean, took off maternity leave, but like, have always worked. And I always struggle with that guilt of like, should I stayed home when my kids were younger, and like, I was never the milking cookies, mom. And I've always had, you know, a corporate job. And now I'm starting this and now I'm like, straddling both worlds and really busy but, but the pandemic has actually been like, such a blessing in disguise, because I've been home. Yeah, made me realize, like, oh, I can start my own thing and still work and be with them so much more, but it's your point. I'm also teaching them a work ethic. And they've been to my office and they like see all this stuff and see all these amazing trips I go on. And so it does give them that lens of like, you are card and you do these things. And you know,

Katie: 21:09

as the milk and cookies stay at home mom that doesn't actually make the cookies and put up the milk.

Amy: 21:16

Oh, please, Katie, you're she's an incredible mom.

Katie: 21:18

Yeah, but I can tell you, you know, what I always stress about is oh my gosh, my children aren't seeing me work. They need to I need to show them this great work ethic and all that stuff. So it's, it's just funny, but I love what you're saying about your parents. The work hard play hard thing, because we are household is all about that. And I never thought I never correlated it so much to the passion for for working and getting it done so that you can feel like, alright, I can do whatever I want. I've got it. The world is my oyster. You know, like you said, wanting to do it instead of having to do it is key. It's such a great lesson. Yeah, yeah.

Alli: 21:53

So and I learned that through parenting too, right? It's like, my kids are, you know, a lot like me, I think we're all like this. It's like, if someone's like, forcing you to do it, you're like, fuck that. I don't want to do it. But if someone like allows you to find it, and works, it's like, so true of all the things right? It's like, you can't be forced. It's like, you can't What's the old adage? You can't you can, you know, bring a horse to water, but you can't make a drink. It's like, you can only do so much. And you know, and get resistance. So yeah, it was a good, like, early life lesson for sure. Yeah,

Katie: 22:21

that's great. Now you're alright, so drybar, squeeze, Beckett and Quill, and they've all been like back to back to back to back to back. What have been some of your biggest challenges and like learning curves going through, you know, this journey? I mean, it's a lot starting one after the other after the other? Certainly, there's got to be a couple things that have stood out.

Alli: 22:45

Yeah, I mean, I think it's kind of different for all of them. I mean, with with Drybar, it was like, you know, it was going from, and I'll make this brief, because, you know, it's like 10 years worth of this, but like, going from it being like my baby, my business, me and my brother and like, slowly bringing on more and more people to it becoming this, like massive brand, and needing so much help and not, not being the one making every decision not being at the helm of the company anymore. And, and that transition was really hard for me, you know, and as I look back on it, you know, it was definitely like, a process, you know, that I don't think I was, I could see at the time of like, letting go and learning that, like, you need, I needed really smart people around me who knew lots of things that I didn't know, it's like a very crystal clear lesson, but at the time, it was like, I was a maniac about it, you know, and I and I had a hard time accepting, you know, letting other people do what they were really good at stuff that I didn't know, you know, so it was like, an interesting evolution of, you know, both a personal and professional evolution to like, you know, navigate learning how to be the boss and having to be the person that you, you feel like has to know everything and make every decision to being like, wait a second, I don't have to know everything, and I don't have to make every decision I can use, you know, I can utilize all these people around me and let them you know, feel empowered, and whatever. But then there's like ego, and you're like, No, no, I have to know everything. And no, no, this is my idea. And I have all the answers. And I'm the smartest person in the room, which was never the fucking case. But you you know, you're under this, like, what am I supposed to be doing what people expected me there's, you know, for me, there was no like, you know, there was no guidebook on this, you just kind of made it up as us which, you know, feels very liberating now, but at the time was very stressful. So, you know, I think it was like it was a process and I learned so much as a result and you know, and then I think what was an interesting transition for me was going from like being in the day to day to not being in the day to day to like finding my new role within the company as we grew it and brought on a professional CEO and all these people in the company it expanded so much to them like You know, figuring out where my place was, and then you know, because cam, my ex husband was the creative mastermind, and we had a creative office separate than our, you know, that our we had our main office in Orange County in Irvine. And then we had our creative office in LA. And then once we split, and that was the office I worked out of now I'm like, shit, you know, where do I, what do I do? I'm already not quite as involved as I was, but but not, you know, not completely out. So that was a really hard time for me. And also it was, you know, but it was a really great time, it was such a reinvention. You know, where I were, I was going to divorce and like refi rediscovering myself. And while it seems back to back, I really did have some some time, you know, we were starting to build squeeze, which Brittney who you now know, you know, who, you know, for people listening ran our marketing a dry bar, she, you know, Michael, Michael actually approached me about doing squeeze, when we were still in the, in the thick of it dry bar. And I was like, no, like, I don't have it in me to do that, because I was so burned out by that point. And life was so crazy. And, but Brittany wanted to do it, which we were so grateful for. And she's done a phenomenal job. You know, so I was really grateful I was able to like coast there for a little while, while we were like between and the divorce and then squeeze was happening. And, you know, I did have like a year there where I, you know, I think I led on to it a little bit, but where I was really just like sucking air and just trying to stay above water, while I was like dealing with my personal stuff, which then, you know, on the on the flip side made me a softer person, like probably a better person, you know, a stronger person and all of the things that I, you know, became and then that's kind of when, you know, that was kind of somewhere in the middle of the pandemic, and things were crazy to squeeze. And now we're like, up and running. And we're opening more. And, you know, about a year ago is when I discovered Meredith, and we became friends. And I thought, you know, that there's, there's really something here. And that's been a really fun, like, you know, labor of love kind of project. So they've all happened in this really interesting way. But it's been a lot of like self discovery, and a lot of like, I hate using the term, like lonely at the top. But there is some truth to this, like, I built this business, and we had a lot of success and like, and then and then in like what felt like one fell swoop, my life kind of completely unraveled, and like, what am I doing now? And I've had to like, figure all that out. And I'm grateful for it, you know, and I feel like I've kind of landed on my feet. And I still kind of feel a little like, all over the place, like, what am I doing? And my schedule, and my life is such a mixed bag. It's not it's not. It's not when, you know, I don't do the same thing every day ever. You know, so I'm, you know, and I'm exploring lots of different projects and investments and all sorts of different things now. So I'm, I'm finally at the point where I really like what I'm doing. It just doesn't look like anything like it's ever looked before. So no, I guess it's kind of just rolling with it. And yeah, you know,

Amy: 28:05

you're Yeah. And you're, you're evolving every day. And it's actually I was listening to you. And I was thinking, you know, people that our listeners are entrepreneurs, founders, but also people that work, you know, in corporations or big companies, and a lot of the things you said resonated, because I'm like, kind of on both sides, right? I've had a corporate marketing role for so long, and the things and I've always been very entrepreneurial in the corporate world. And because I've always like come in and had to build something like, build the social media strategy, build the content strategy, because none of that ever existed. So I definitely, there's so many parallels in, you're moving your way and you're navigating, and then you're like, what should I be doing that should not be doing that I don't have as much control as I used to have wait, I used to work on that brand. And they're not doing it the way that I would do it. And, you know, it's there's a lot of comparisons, even though you're in a big company, like Chad, as you grow and evolve and lead. You just learn more and more about yourself what you should be doing, when you shouldn't be doing and like I'm still learning it myself. And I know you're you're starting to impact series, and we're excited to hear about that. I know, that's in a couple of weeks. And I think it sounds like such an amazing experience for people who are starting up if you want to tell us a little bit about that.

Alli: 29:20

Yeah, it is, um, you know, it's so funny. I don't know if I'm just crazy, but I feel like oh, yeah, I forgot about that. That's true. I am doing

Amy: 29:29

that a couple weeks in Nashville.

Alli: 29:32

You're doing too much if you forget about half the things you're doing. I was literally just sending emails about that before this call, anyhow. Yes. So the impact theory was serious was really born out of this, like, you know, a couple of different things like my desire to give back pay it forward. All that stuff is really important to me and and over the years. I mean, that's kind of how, you know, raising the bar started because Michael and I were getting you know, hit up all the time from people who wanting advice about starting a business running and growing and scaling a business. And, and we were that's the podcast was kind of our answer back then to like, get a lot of that information out there. And, you know, since we stopped doing that, you know, and I continue to get, you know, increase from entrepreneurs all the time, we're like, Hey, can we go have coffee? Can we sit down and talk about my business? I'm like, you know, Mike, I don't, my bandwidth is pretty small, like, you know, that's not realistic or scalable. You know, so how do I give back and I've tried, you know, a lot of different ways. And when, when Adrian I met, and he's, you know, he's, he's a founder, he's a coach of like, founders and entrepreneurs and CEOs. And that's like, what he does, like he coaches people like me, you know, so him and I, like, I could have definitely used him like five or six years ago when I was in the throes of it and I've learned so much from him. And there's so many things that I would think about differently now than I did then had, I had someone like that. And ironically, my brother and I used to talk about me getting a coach all the time, which I thought was like, the most ridiculous thing. Now I'm like, oh, it's really I mean, at least a coach, like

Amy: 31:01

I need a coach for work I've been, I needed an executive coach. So I might be calling Adrian Lee,

Alli: 31:06

it's really interesting. I really don't think I understood like what a coach does, and I think there's a lot of people like coaching out there, but he's like, and I always kind of joke around that I'm like, just to kind of tell people like, what they should be doing what to do. And he's like, No, you know, I help them see the things that they are missing, and I help them discover things about themselves. And I'm like, oh, and he certainly done that, for me in a large way on a lot of different things. And anyway, so you know, his his experience with coaching founders, people like me, entrepreneurs, like people that are maniacs and all over the place, and crazy, you know, who are mostly entrepreneurs, you know, putting to bring that together, you know, from his experience and my real world experience into the kind of combine those, you know, that that chocolate and peanut butter combination is seems so great. And so we were like, you know, and we love working together and being together and traveling together. So we're like, how do we combine these two things. And that's kind of how the Impact Theory series was born, like, let's get you let's keep it really small. We only allow up to 20 people in the room, and it's very much a deep dive into whatever's going on. We've done a couple of them now, like what's going on in your business? What's working? What's not working? What are your biggest challenges? What are you struggling with, you know, and, and what's funny is a lot of the people who come tend to come for like, one reason and mandap like dealing with another that they may not have been willing to talk about. And Adrian's just so direct and honest and has this way of like drawing things out of people. So and then I have the experience of like, you know, there's only so many things we go through as entrepreneurs like, you know, staff and scale and raising money. And like all there's like a handful of things that we all kind of deal with. And so I have, you know, I can speak to a lot of that. So and this and this particular impact series, which we're doing for all of them, we're bringing in like other successful entrepreneurs and Jessica Zweig, who has a book simply be I don't know if you guys know her, but she's has a marketing, a personal branding marketing agency, and she actually is doing I've hired her to do stuff for me. And it's been so great. And we've become really good friends. She's kind of CO headlining this with us. This last one, we're doing this next one, we're doing it in Nashville, in February, February 4. And it's just it's super fun to be in a room. It's very vulnerable. It's very honest, if the people are willing to be that way. And usually they are, it's a it's a pretty sizable investment. So it's like it takes you know, you, you really need to want to do the work when you're there. And it's very immersive. And it's super fun. I love it. I feel very connected to the people.

Katie: 33:39

It's really amazing, your, your drive and your desire to give back and to like pay it forward all of these years of grit and hard work that you put in learning as you went along. And you just want to teach it to people. I mean, I think that it's, it's just so admirable. And I mean, obviously that's one of the biggest reasons why, you know, you're one of our role models. It's just really, really cool. Amy and I, we, you know, we are just one day we woke up and like we want to do something, what is it? Okay, let's do a podcast. Alright, so we make this podcast, and it's fine, or we're talking about these really great

Amy: 34:14

people let me interrupt. It wasn't it wasn't "let's do a podcast", okay, it was. I was talking to my husband and I'm like, Katie, and I always have these really great conversations about well being and taking care of herself and she's got an autoimmune and I have vestibular migraines, and she's always researching and people always ask us, like, oh, what should I do for this? And what should I do for this? And like, how do we just talk about it? Like we're talking on the phone and people are listening in so we're like, okay, the podcast is the first way to do that. But that's just the start. And the only reason I'm cutting you off to saying that Katie is because it is it is. There is something special about Katie nice conversations they think and what we've been told is that similar to you, like we have a very real authentic way we're not like editors talking about wellbeing and beauty and all this stuff, like, it's more, we want to make it more approachable and not that intimidating. Sort of like, you know, your business has been right. Like, it's like, the accessible luxury. So we're like the attainable real like we really get into it. We ask all these like, silly questions, we'll have a doctor on the show be like, wait, what does this mean when you get, you know? So my point is, is I was just saying, Katie before we got on is like, my husband was saying, like, you guys go deeper than like, the typical well being and like, Don't you guys don't sell yourself short. And that's why I'm cutting you off. Katie just say like, it's not right that like Katie has, she's, she's a really incredible researcher. And she just knows so much about health and well being that I was like, You need to be telling people and I need to tell people my size. So anyway, sorry.

Katie: 35:53

The whole point is that we you know, we have like this young entrepreneurial spirit and us and we to be able to look to people like yourself to learn the ropes. It's invaluable. I mean, it really, it really is, because here we are, we're like spinning our wheels all the time. What do we do next? How do we get to the next week? They're

Amy: 36:10

like, what? 10,000 ideas and how do we put it all together? And anyway, I digress. Yeah. And your pot, the girlfriends and business. We love to because that I Katie and I said back episodes to each other. Because I'm like, listen to this. This is so helpful. Like the one the other day I forgot it was Lori talking to. I can't remember her name. But she was talking about like the different retailers like what kind of business you are the three R's. And that was so helpful. I was like, Oh, that like really helps us understand, like, where we fit in the Mac. So anyway, how's the podcast going? And all of that, is that

Alli: 36:45

it's yeah, it's good. I mean, it is I definitely, you know, challenged in time. Like, I

Amy: 36:51

know, you guys do a lot. It's like three episodes a week. I don't do all of it.

Alli: 36:55

We do a couple of them. Now I've had to like, you know, I mean, I've had to like pull back a little bit from it, because I just don't have the bandwidth between the you know, the book that I'm writing now in back series, Beckett and Quill, you know, I'm on not only like, still drive our board squeeze, okay, humans, I've joined a couple other boards, there's a company called ideal image, which is like the biggest medical spa in the country. Wow.

Amy: 37:20

Now that company, they they actually recruited me that we can talk about that offline.

Alli: 37:24

Funny. Um, and I joined the board of on site, because on site, you know, out of Nashville was really helpful. And just, you know, you know, Myles, who's the CEO of onside has become a near and dear friend of mine, and I love what they're doing. I mean, they're doing incredible work. And so, you know, I'm just pulling direction, a different direction. So, the podcast was a little bit challenging. So I do a couple of episodes here a month with them. So it's going really well, I'm just not, I'm not doing quite as much as they are. But you know, I'm just trying to figure out, you know, where to put my time, which, like I said, I don't even right, you got to prioritize the other big project that I'm launching soon as, yeah, it just, you know, I can't like sit still, you know, I'm trying all these things. So, I'm even getting into like, the NFT world, which is really, wow, you know, there's just like, fun stuff. So. But I love it.

Katie: 38:22

You mentioned your job, your book. So you have a new book that you're currently working on?

Alli: 38:28

Yes. Um, you know, it's so funny. I did another podcast right before you guys. And I was just thinking to myself, like, I don't think I can do two podcasts in one day, because I don't remember what I said. You're in there. Like, did I tell you guys that? I was like, Nope, I said in the last podcast, I did just get a book deal, which was like a very, very, like, big, you know, exciting thing for me that I something that I've been working on for a long time. And I had been working with the ghostwriter. And basically spent almost all of last year like outlining the book, it's about like, 19 or 20 chapters. And it's been, it's, you know, it's very cathartic going back to your life. And, and the purpose of the book is to be, you know, it is a memoir, but not, I really don't want it to be this, like, self indulgent story about me, you know, I want it to be, you know, kind of what you guys have said, Shawn, like, you know, lessons learned, you know, things that I've picked up and, and again, in that theme of paying it forward of like, here's, you know, what I've learned, here's what's worked for me, here's what hasn't worked for me Take it or leave it, you know, make it your own. Also, like a bit of a resource of like, you know, some of like, the crazy shit I've been through with my son and yeah, all sorts of stuff. So, yeah, I'm in I actually have a call with my new book editor this week to start, you know, mapping out the book, which I'm like, so excited and scared. The first book I wrote was was like a very like hair syndrich it was called the driver Guide to Good Hair for all was like breaking down. You know what I want to know about hair. And this is a much, much more personal endeavor that I'm excited about. And you know, I love obviously sharing and oversharing. So it'll be fun. But yeah, lots of lots of project sounds like that's fine. skills needed. Yeah.

Amy: 40:22

When is this? Yeah, seriously.

Katie: 40:24

Any idea? We'll be out? Do we is there

Alli: 40:28

probably early 2023? Okay, great is what it's looking like now, which just seemed really far, but not when you're writing a book,

Amy: 40:35

you read the Jen Adkin book. I heard that was really good. I started it. Finish it.

Alli: 40:40

Read it. But I love Jen. And I've heard it's amazing. Yeah, I've heard. I've heard really good things. And she's a gem of a person. And I'm sure she's very smart. And so I'm sure it's great.

Amy: 40:52

Yes, like you. I'm listening to it. But I this is what I do. I listen to five things at once. I'm sorry. She repeated herself. I don't know. I actually that one. I started reading on my iPad, like the night when I couldn't sleep. And then I bought the audiobook, but I actually, I don't know if it's her because I've only listened to it a few times. I

Alli: 41:11

mean, I love obviously, we both have a love of audio books. Like I love it when the author reads it. I plan out so much better mine too, because there's emotion and you know, so I'm excited to do that. Yeah,

Amy: 41:23

I think it is harder now than before. Yeah, I have like 10 books open right now. Just like

Alli: 41:31

these kinds of books. And then I have like, just complete like, you know, non, like helpful books at all, just like guilty pleasure books. So

Katie: 41:41

those are something to help shut the brain down that very, very busy brain of yours. Yeah, exactly. All right. Well, you know what else we should touch on really quickly, just because we did have Meredith on recently, and it was right for the holidays when we saw her. How did Meredith How did Beckett and Quill do during the holiday season? She had some some super exciting promotions and everything. It was great.

Alli: 42:02

Yeah. I mean, we it was such a great holiday season. We were you know, blown away really by you know how, you know, the last like two months of the year where our, you know, hands down made our year so that night really exciting. And even we learned a lot about what works and what doesn't work and what to where to put our energy and it set us up for you know, this year to be able to, you know, go do a little bit more so we she had a lot of success when she was in New York with you guys in doing the trunk shows that she did.

Katie: 42:35

That was so fun. So it was a great time.

Alli: 42:38

Because she's so you know she does so well when she goes out and does the trunk. She's so cute. She's so cute. So she's,

Amy: 42:45

yeah, no. Cindy Crawford clone. Yeah, I know what she was on. I was like, did anybody has anybody told you look like Cindy Crawford? Because I can't like she's spitting at it. She's like, Oh my god. Ali says that all the time. I'm like

Alli: 42:58

You You're exactly her was oh, and the thing, the whole thing. Just take a picture of her today because it's her birthday. And I think it's the picture that is a picture of her that really I feel like looks like Cindy Crawford. Yeah. Nice. Yeah, well,

Amy: 43:15

congrats on on a good holiday season. That's exciting. We love love love what you guys are doing with decadent quality.

Alli: 43:21

Thank you so right up our alley for you guys have been awesome.

Amy: 43:24

Yeah, of course. So we have a couple of like fun questions a little rap session and product review. So what is your holy grail? haircare product? Because obviously you're the queen bee here. So we need to know like, what is your favorite thing? Do you have a favorite one or two things that are your go twos.

Alli: 43:40

I mean, they fluctuate so much, you know, it's just kind of depends on like, where I'm at in my hair journey. And I you know, I don't, I mean, I don't really blow dry my hair all that much anymore. I mean, as you can see my hair a little bit dirty right now. I kind of like it i really like undone hair. And I've always sent me to him even in the throes of drybar. But I would say like my the tool, whether the product that I stuck with for as long for very very long time is probably our three day Bender, which is a curling iron, you know, that hasn't been the barrel we I the one inch, like I've used it forever, it's such a great iron, you don't need to make it very hot. And it gives you all sorts of different curls. I would say that's probably like a staple in my hair wardrobe. And then you know, I kind of go back and forth with different like serums you know, we make a great one that's a treatment. It's called that the treatment oil 100 proof and but I really use a lot of brands a lot of different hair products from different brands that I that I love. And gosh, what am I using that I really love right now. Um,

Amy: 44:55

can I tell you a funny hack? So the dry bar dry conditioner which I love smell and I know like smells like you're very sensitive to smell and like, I am too and I love that smell. But I spread. I have a puppy, we got a new puppy recently. And I spray it in her hair every once in a while just to like, I don't know, give it a little bit of life sometimes. You know, she's outside, whatever it makes her smell good. And like my mom, remember the other day she smells so good. I'm like, Oh, I put some dry conditioner. Really good.

Katie: 45:28

My dog particularly smells

Alli: 45:32

that's so funny. And I would say like our dry shampoo is one of I use the brown dry shampoo a lot to cover up like my gray that comes in and that's like one of my favorite go twos.

Amy: 45:42

Oh, I didn't even know they had that. Nice. You.

Katie: 45:44

Nice we do you talk. Yeah, yeah, these are good ones. All right. Well, let's let's wrap into kick it to our rap session, because we have taken up so much of your time. You've been so generous. So you have a favorite wellness or beauty hack.

Alli: 45:59

You know, I would say my my latest beauty hack is I recently discovered there's this company called canopy they make. They're kind of like a revolutionary humidifier. So it's like not the humidifier. Oh, I know that brand. Yeah, it's really cool. Because they figured out this technology. So like your humidifier doesn't get gross and moldy and gross and gookie. And there's some really amazing data on like how good it is for your skin and your scalp. So I'm, I use it, it's on constantly, we never shut it off. And never you know, you have to change the filter once every, I don't know, a month or something. But it's really really easy upkeep and I love it.

Katie: 46:38

Nice. Yeah, I literally don't use humidifiers because of that exact problem. Like after a while they get gross. But you know,

Alli: 46:45

it's fascinating and I've learned a lot about this company because the long story but you know is also like men on humidifiers and use some kind of when you're sick and whatever, they get too gnarly and you throw them away you know? Yeah. However it's like multi billion dollar industry and like how in the world and these guys who started canopy who I've gotten to know which is you know, it's been kind of an interesting evolution. You know, they're like, Yeah, we just real I was like these guys started it who realized like their girlfriends were like, you know, saying that their skin was much better from having a mini humidifier but there were so many issues with them so they are kind of entering this beauty space and I was like I've been using it now for a little over a month and I'm like my skin looks and feels so much better and there's so much technology and like the fact that you know doesn't put it like a big a big water molecule into the air which would be really bad for our hair. So it's it's pretty awesome yeah, there's some really cool technology with it that I've geeked out on a little bit so I'm amused to try

Amy: 47:43

that cuz I same thing same thing didn't I think Lauren Bostic like did like a collab with them? She Yeah, okay, that's how I know the brand. Okay, cool. We got to try that. Yeah. Okay, then the next one is called our five minute flow. So you just got out of the shower your Uber pings you They're downstairs their weight or they're five minutes away. So what is your quick beauty routine? Like what are your go to is what do you throw on what do you put on your face to get like downstairs and in that Uber on time? Well,

Alli: 48:12

I would say the biggest thing is like I am kind of it's because of like my age but like skin is really important to me so I always put on like I'm like very religious with Shawnee garden products and I'll put on like toner first because I've learned that like if you put that on first it helps the other stuff seep in more I always use a serum i You start with Shani I was a serum and then I like always I usually have if I have time I'll put on like blush and lipstick but I always have my I always have eyeliner and mascara on it's like I do not feel like myself if I don't have that on everything else is like kind of like me but it's eyes for me and like a lot of shit on my face I

Amy: 48:56

feel you on that one.

Katie: 48:58

Now that's funny I refuse to leave the house without like liner Yeah, that's yeah,

Alli: 49:03

I always have liner I used to like line the inside of my eyes and then I started realizing that like my eyes like my eyes are very small and that looks much smaller now I just do the top and I I'm embracing it I'm good with it.

Amy: 49:17

Do you get lost in the TIC tock world of like hair and beauty hacks I'm like a really gentle stop oh my god I

Alli: 49:24

get it and if I if I get into if I see something I can get locked into it but I'm honestly like so embarrassing but like you know um, you've probably seen me post about my cat which I'm like such a dog person Yes

Amy: 49:37

cookie but we talked about the air tag the other day Yes.

Alli: 49:40

Oh right you guys I just ordered the collar to her because good our tag on her because that was the most traumatic thing thinking I lost her I was such a fucking wreck. And so I I'm in like, I end up my my I end up watching so many fucking kitten videos. What's wrong with me? It's really fine. I see these like cat and dog videos like where the kitten like runs into the room and like jumps on the dog's face. I'm like, Why doesn't cookie do any of this stuff? A little bit of such an animal person and like it's my dream to have like a farm one day and have tons of dogs and cats and chickens and all of that. But that's, that's coming.

Katie: 50:23

Well, maybe that's a good segue into how you maintain your daily nirvana is it possibly the kitty videos

Alli: 50:33

you know, I mean, I I you know, kind of like the post I posted this weekend of like, I realized I need like alone time and I'm, I definitely think I'm like an introverted extrovert, like, I can really turn it on and be on for the camera, and all that stuff. But then I like, I really like my downtime. I really love my downtime. And I think that's kind of what keeps me like in flow, you know?

Katie: 50:54

Yeah, yeah, totally agreed.

Amy: 50:56

Okay, well, typically, on the show, we end with a quick product review, like what we're loving now and a quick mantra. So we're gonna do that quickly. So and I think you'll like this alli, because it's kind of well kind of related, but not related to something we just talked about. So I don't know if you've heard of this brand, called Vatroovie. These diffusers Oh, no, I haven't seen that. They're air diffusers. And that the reason why I like it is it's stone and it's really beautiful. So when you have it so you can I never was like a diffuser person. But I saw these and I'm like, Oh, they're like pretty and they look nice in your office or your home. And there's I'm going to show my phone if you can see right now. But there's all these amazing colors. I don't know if you can see this, but there's like, why and pink and yeah, I was like like if you go on their website, but they have you. They have eucalyptus color and, and and gray and yellow. Not a buttercup yellow, but like mustard yellow, and they have a teal and like just always wrong with no, nothing I'm saying they have a drive a muster. where's the where's the yellow cup? Buttercup yellow. But anyway, they've cream it. Anyway, they have all these beautiful colors for TV. They're just very like, chic and Luxe. So they look nice in your home. They'll like a piece of decor versus just like an ugly diffuser.

Alli: 52:14

And one of the things I love about canopy is they're like that, too. It's like yeah, so it's so beautiful

Amy: 52:19

body and then I got like three different scents. I love grapefruit. So I put grapefruit in there. And then I also have like this grapefruit eucalyptus kind of mix and then one with lime and juniper and whatever and yummy smells. But anyway, just start using it. And now that I have my smell back after COVID I'm loving it. So it's just a really nice product. If you want a diffuser that like look chic and nice and all types of colors. It's I think it's around $110. But it's a good one. So that's what I'm loving right now. Love it. Love. The fun

Katie: 52:54

one. Yeah. All right. Well, I will wrap with our mantra in honor of Martin Luther King Day. This is a Martin Luther King quote. And it's also very appropriate to your unbelievable entrepreneurialship. So you don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step. And

Alli: 53:15

that one I knew a good one I love that's

Amy: 53:19

true. Say that one more. Thank you so much. I just want to say thank you, I know are getting so busy. And we really appreciate the time you spend with us and we know our audience will love it and we'll have to meet one day in person next time. We're in L.A.

Alli: 53:32

Yeah. Thank you. Yeah.

Katie: 53:35

Thank you. Thanks, Alli.

Amy: 53:36

I say Have a good one. Thanks for listening to Nirvana sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes please subscribe and leave us a review. also find us on Instagram at Nirvana sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana sisters will continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to. Bye.

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Episode 34 - 8 Well-Being And Beauty Trends To Buzz About In 2022 (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 34 Well-Being And Beauty Trends To Buzz About In 2022.

Editor’s Note: Please know that this podcast transcript is automatically generated and may contain minor errors such as typos and word switches. For more information, be sure to listen to the podcast here or view our podcast episode guide.

Amy: 0:06

Welcome to Nirvana sisters podcast where we take the intimidation out of well being and beauty to help you achieve your highest state your nirvana. We are sisters in law and your hosts. I'm Amy Sherman.

Katie: 0:18

And I'm Katie Chandler. So let's get into some real conversation

Amy: 0:28

Hello, Nirvana sisters, and welcome to 2022. Katie and I are actually coming to the last week of the new year. We have some extra time this week, because we're both home with COVID Unfortunately, but fortunately for you, we are able to now take a fun 2022 wellness trends episode earlier than expected. So, with that being said, it's been quite a winter break for Katie and I so we're gonna just start with our nirvana of the day week. Katie, I'll hand it to you.

Katie: 1:00

Thanks, Amy. Well, Happy New Year. Family, it's great to be back. We missed producing for you guys and everything. But we needed a little bit of a break. So we're excited to come to you with new and fun content in the new year. So my Nirvana I think, this week, because like Amy said, we have COVID circulating in our entire family, we've all pretty much taken a turn. And it's forced us to quarantine. And as dull and as boring as that can get. It's actually you know, it's done like the same thing that it did when the world shut down a year ago, we've just really been focusing on family togetherness with my kids and my husband, and we're cooking together and we're playing together and we're watching movies together. Just we're really, there's no distractions, essentially. So that has been my nirvana. It's we've we've all been really present and focused with each other. It's been great. What about you, Amy?

Amy: 1:57

Awesome. Yes, I would say that. And I would also say that I've been watching a lot of TV and binging on a lot of shows and like laying in bed with coffee and watching TV on interrupted, which is like amazing. So that's been nice just to like have some downtime, and also some time to myself to just like literally do nothing and space out on TV and shows. So that's been fun. So getting into our 2022 trends. So Katie, and I've been doing some research and over the last few weeks, and there's a lot of new trends. Katie, I'm sure you've read to coming into 2022. I picked a few that I particularly liked and wanted to talk about, and also some ones that I think are appropriate to our show, because we have some guests coming up that tie in with our trends. And so I can start if you want me to do the first one I found Yeah,

Katie: 2:50

that's here. And

Amy: 2:52

okay, so I was reading through the Whelan, goods wellness Trends report. And one of the things that popped not surprising is at home beauty tools and devices. So we talked about this a bunch last year, I know we had our Shelly Marshall episode we have we've had two episodes with her, our resident beauty shaman and we talked about microcurrent devices, specifically the new face. But essentially what I was reading in the well and good report was that led masks might go current devices, they've all you know existed before 2020. But there's just going to be even more higher rates of use of this stuff. Because I think what they're what they were saying is people got used to doing this stuff at home. And we're experimenting this through 2020 20 and 2021, since they couldn't see their facial list and take care of their skin as much as they would prior to so there's going to be more use of this and people. They call it a trend forecaster from wgsn termed it tech septons. So meaning that people are getting more comfortable with these kind of devices and doing it at home and mixing it still in with their esthetician, etc. But just more people are continuing to be using these devices. So I definitely agree with that. I've been trying to use mine more. One of the stats I found two, which I thought was interesting is as of 2020, the global home use beauty device market was valued at approximately 9.5 billion in 2020. And according to this report by a market research firm, PNS intelligence it's expected to grow to nearly 90 billion in the next decades. So this is just a growing category that we'll continue to take a look at. I know one of the things that I have on my list to buy this year is a red light, I guess it's there's this there's this product called Juve that I've been reading about and it's like red light therapy where you can get a small one for your desk or people have large ones in their home. And I think it's something that you can stand in front of for like 510 minutes a day. And it has all the benefits of red light therapy. And it's funny because I remember in the show that we talked about algae with Katherine aaronson. She had has come from doing her red light therapy, which she definitely mentioned as being a trend and something people are gonna be really interested in. So I've been seeing a lot more about that. So I'm excited to research that and just overall more at home stuff. Okay, moving on, what is your number two trend? Katie will

Katie: 5:15

really quickly I think, also in regards to your Trend at home stuff, do you think also that there has been a hole filled in the market where they're making more of these at home items that are just like maybe more readily available, they're not quite as expensive as maybe they were a couple of years ago. It's just more accessible to the consumer.

Amy: 5:36

I think it's more accessible. I think a lot of brands I've seen are like jumping into this space, because it is so popular, but I think you have to be careful because I think there are some that are FDA approved, and some that aren't. So I know that the one the new face that I bought from Shelley is FDA approved. So I feel good about this. I know that Juve is FDA approved. So I think you have to be careful with which ones you buy, to make sure that they're approved. And they work. But yeah, I've seen I feel like more of this stuff on the market over the last year, and I'm sure it will continue to grow.

Katie: 6:03

Yeah, yeah, definitely. Okay, well, I have a couple of trends that I find interesting. And some I use, some I haven't used, but I know people that do. And mine is the use of psychedelics for therapy. I actually have a friend that has done this to get over post traumatic stress. And also she happens to be a doctor. And so she is studying up on it herself, and, and potentially getting certified to be able to administer psychedelics herself as a therapist. So the reason why people are doing it is because these drugs are believed to work by affecting neural circuits that use neurotransmitter serotonin. So it puts you into a very relaxed state, it gives you all of these like senses of improved well being, you feel very introspective. So it makes it easier for someone in the right scenario with a doctor in a very safe environment to open up about things that maybe they've repressed or that they just have a hard time talking about, to process all of it. So drugs, I mean, I shouldn't maybe drugs is not the the best term to use. But when I think of things like MDMA, and ayahuasca, that's what I think of, but those are these are the psychedelics that they're using MDMA, Ayahuasca, they're also using LSD Sylow, psilocybin, better known psilocybin is also magic mushrooms. So I think it's more or less like micro doses that doctors are giving people. Now, it needs to be noted that these are not legal yet. It's all in like, trial studies, or doctors that are, you know, a little bit progressive and willing to go out on a limb. Like it's not necessarily easy to find this right now. But it's coming. It's we're getting very close to to this being more readily available. What is legal, are ketamine clinics, ketamine, is what I was reading about to yeah, there's actually a ketamine clinic in New York City, that is having really great success with treating patients with it. So I don't know, I don't know that something I would ever be interested in doing. It makes me a little nervous. But my friend that did it had massive, massive benefit from it. I mean, she processed an incredibly traumatic event in her life that she wouldn't have been able to handle otherwise. But again, something that you're going to want to be very careful with and talk to doctors about. And it's not something you're gonna just experiment with and do at home on your own. This is like a whole other ballgame than tripping out on, you know, LSD, it's, it's not the same thing. So be very safe. If you are interested in doing it go about it the right way.

Amy: 9:07

Yeah, I am. It's funny, I have that as one of my trends as well. And what I did read also, which I thought was interesting, and you just mentioned it was that ketamine is the only psychedelic legally available that is available for mental health patients, which I keep hearing more about that. And then the other thing that I had read about this movement is that they've shown significant promise and treating certain mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, etc. And then it said, also for some stats here, it said, the US depression rate has tripled since the start of COVID-19, with nearly 33% of adults reporting depression symptoms according to the Lancet, regional health, America's anxiety is on the rise, as well as symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder, particularly among healthcare workers and COVID-19 survivor survivor so I know that we've been trying to get a gasps just to learn more about this, I agree with you, I don't think I would ever do this. This like, totally freaks me out. I don't like to be out of control. But I guess if you did have a traumatic if you had something traumatic that you couldn't get over, I would definitely do this or if someone in my life was having depression and wasn't able to get over it, I would recommend it. I just think that it's I don't know, it's scary, but I see a

Katie: 10:21

thing. It's not go ahead. And you just said being out of control. I understand. I get the fear of that as well. I think the whole point is, is that it's done in an extremely controlled environment.

Amy: 10:33

Right. So a doctor's with you the whole Yes,

Katie: 10:35

yeah. Yeah, but still, but still like freaks me out nonetheless. I mean, you know, it's

Amy: 10:40

totally i There is an episode I think I was mentioning this to Katie, there's an episode there was this some show on Netflix called goop labs or something like that. And they had a series of different new types of treatments. And one of the episodes was all focused on psychedelics it was out a few years ago, and I watched it and they all were all the people that were trying it went I think you watch to to Katie went to this retreat and like Costa Rica somewhere and tried it, and it really helps a lot of people. But anyway, if our listeners if you guys want to learn more about it, there's that episode on Netflix, but just an interesting trend that I'm sure we'll start to read more about. Moving on. Okay. One of the things that I read there is a report from Pinterest every year called Pinterest predicts, which I thought was really interesting and had like tons of different trends. So we'll we'll put the link up, because it's basically based on searches that people are looking for in Pinterest. So one of the trends that they labeled under wellness trends was called level up. And this is basically saying that Gen Z are looking for ways to raise their vibration and searching for spiritual awakening, and even aura colors. So the searches that are trending here are how to raise your vibration, which is up 145%, how to protect your energy, which is up 60% and frequency healing inquiries, which is up 35%. So this is a good segue because Katie and I interviewed someone named Athena Bari, which we're really excited to have that episode, I think it's going to be launching after this one. And she just launched a book called raise your vibration. So it was good to see that this is something that people are interested in. So stay tuned for that. What? What other trends are you seeing Katie?

Katie: 12:19

So this next trend is something that I do that I i actually have to do it for my health. But at one point, I had to go to the hospital for it. And now I can just go to a spa, it's IV therapy. So IV therapy, and also the use of an A D IV therapy is becoming very trendy, it's very readily available. There is a spa near me called Restore hyper wellness there, they have like 100 locations all over the place, they offer it and you essentially just go in and you get IV fluids and they have all of these different boosters. Depending on kind of like what you think you feel what you feel you need. You can get vitamin C boosters, vitamin D boosters, you can get, like collagen and all these things for your skin, your hair, your nails, like things for muscle recovery. I do it just because of my Addison's disease, I go in and get fluids just to rehydrate. But I asked her I said, you know how many people come in here to like get over a hangover. And she said, shockingly, that's not all because she said we get a lot of people that are very health conscious. And they come in they do it once a week because they want to feel great. They want to be hydrated, and they just want to be like starting their week out. Right. So then I find interesting because I literally used to have to go to the emergency room to get that done. Now I don't have to So yay for that. But the other awesome. Yeah. The other really cool thing though, is that they're offering with the IV therapy is an A D IV therapy. And a D is a coenzyme. There's many benefits to it has it's helped people aid in addiction recovery. It's reduces pain, it affects like inflammation and everything. It can improve your cognitive function, it can boost your energy, it can improve your athletic performance, it's good for weight management, it reverses signs of aging, it can also delay or prevent the onset of certain diseases. But it's much more I don't want to use the word invasive. It's just a much bigger process than going in for IV therapy one afternoon like I do, what I do is I go to this place they hook me up to an IV I sit in a massage chair and I look at Instagram for an hour. This you're going in and you're there for the entire day. And you have to do like three or four you know visits with it and it's incredibly expensive. But but the nurse that that did it she told me that people come in, you know, like if someone is if their health is deteriorating, maybe they're like have autoimmunity kicking in or something like that. This is a good way to potentially stop that and like do an overhaul in your body and become healthy again.

Amy: 14:55

Yeah, I think I just heard a podcast about this. I think it was skinny confidential. Lauren and Michael Bostick were talking about this with these doctors. And they said it's I think he had done it and she wanted to do it he said he felt so incredible afterwards I think it was the same thing. So yeah, that's interesting. And I have a restore wellness near me, which I've been meaning to go to. My friend, my friend Sherry goes all the time and I've been wanting to go with her just haven't had a chance, but it's right around the corner for me. So I definitely want to try that and start incorporating that into my wellness this year. Because I think that will really help to kind of keep keep you your immunity up, especially now that we have both of COVID I think it's important to to keep that so that's awesome that it's near you and near me too. So yeah, for that I've only done it once. And it was for a hangover when I was in Nashville.

Katie: 15:40

Yeah, I've done it when I've been hungover too but there it's it's available in a lot of places. When I when I moved out of New York City, it was just then becoming available where you could actually have someone come to your house and do it for you. But now it's like everywhere I mean med spas have it and I feel like it's reasonably priced at this restore hyper wellness, they actually provide memberships so membership now so it's great. It's good. I think we're probably going to see a lot more of it. So yeah, so yeah, I

Amy: 16:09

think I think it those types of med spas or restore on one's like it they have like those hyperbaric chambers Yes. Like the cold therapy and they have those LED light boots and all that stuff. Yeah, that's fun. Yeah. Okay, so moving on. I was reading some nail news in a lor And here are the eight biggest manicure trends to expect in 2002. So I'm just going to read them off really quickly. Multicolored digits so essentially like all different color nails in one set, which is cute. French versus American manicure. So like the classic versus you know a lot of those American manicures you see and I didn't even know it was called American manicure and I've done it before where you have like fun colors on the tip or different ways to do the manicure not just like the straight line but it's like a diamond or whatever. So that is going to be trending next year. Neutrals neutrals and more neutrals, they said time to DIY DIY sees me which I think definitely got a resurgence over COVID I know that I review the product man me which I still love and use here and there. And I've seen so many nail companies coming out with press on nails, sticker nails, etc. So more of that. 3d decals so fun like pearls and diamonds on like little things to put on your nails to judge them up. Waves work swirls, waves and swirls on nude bases. So really cool designs related to that category. And then the last one they talked about was mixed textures, like you know, a solid on one nail and lines on the other and zigzags on the other and just kind of like playing with fun, different textures. So I'm always looking for new nail fun designs when I go in. So that's what I read on the lore about nails.

Katie: 17:52

My Girls would love that. I'm usually like I either go dark or either go super neutral. I don't like it too funky with it. But I think it's so cool when people do I think it's really cute.

Amy: 18:02

Yeah, I like to go funky with it. Yeah,

Katie: 18:04

I love it. Sometimes it looks great. Yeah, so Did your mom your mom always has like blues and purples and that she gets like yeah, just like playful with it. It's great. Alright, so my next one is something that just kind of popped up. It's funny, I was like inadvertently doing this. And then I stumbled across that this is a trend and we're gonna start to see it more. So we've all heard of veganism. We've all heard of vegetarianism, have you heard of reduce a terian ism, reduce it now. Sounds made up but it is not. So essentially what it is, it's eating less eggs, dairy meat, for the betterment of the planet for your own personal motivations. It's basically you know, people want to push being vegan and vegetarian for you know, the environment and reducing our carbon footprint and, and cleaner water and all of these amazing benefits that eating less meat, dairy eggs would do for the world, but it's very daunting. A vegetarian or vegan diet can really freak people out, right? I mean, who doesn't love a nice ribeye steak I do. So right, this is a way that is really approachable to participate in, you know, trying to improve the environment, reduce your carbon footprint, everything like that without going you know the full monty without totally giving up all the eggs. If you eat eggs for breakfast every day, eat eggs for breakfast once or twice a week. If you put milk in your coffee and your cereal, put almond milk on your cereal, like just like little minimal switches that actually make a huge, huge difference. So this is just a small little way that you can contribute. And also it's good for you. Oh, we all know that eating more plants is really good for you. It fights diabetes, it fights cardiovascular issues. It's good for weight management. So Yeah, I started doing it to help with COVID, I just cut back the amount of meat that I was eating in the last few days just because I feel like I get inflammation when I eat too much of it. And the more plants I eat, you know, the better I'm going to feel sooner rather than later. So that's inadvertently I'm doing reduce at Arianism.

Amy: 20:16

Yeah, it's interesting that you say that because I know we did that episode on plant based diet, which was really educating about if you want to be plant based, here's how to do it. But this is just kind of like a toe in the water. To that it sounds like you're reducing it, which I think you and I probably do intuitively, but you're reducing it instead of not having it at all. So you still get a little bit of it. But you're thinking about ways to reduce it more so for the planet and your health, of course, but I know we talked about in that episode, just egg, which I just wanted to bring up again, because that's a great way to still have eggs, but it's not made from eggs. And so I know that company is kind of exploding right now. I've seen it all over the place since we talked about it. And they're also coming up with new technology. I think, like they have the egg products, but I think they're coming out with chicken. Oh, wow. But I know that they have some new innovations coming out in that space. So it's interesting to see all of these brands and companies coming out to help to embrace the plant based lifestyle and reduce the terian ism. So interesting. Okay, so the next one, I think is relevant for all of us and a lot of women specifically and it is called. This again is from the Pinterest predict study that I read. And it's fin powermat. So managing your money like a boss in 2022 people will take money matters into their own hands as they set out on new journeys towards financial literacy. So millennials are driving the searches behind investment tips, financial education and investment property for beginners. So investment tips was up 195% This year, passive income tips are up 35% financial education was up 155% Financial Planning bullet journal was up 90%. And investment property for beginners was up 45%. So super important. We have someone coming on the show a lot of fun and a couple of episodes that is going to talk all about fin Powerman. But I think it's interesting to see that this is a rising trend. I think obviously this category has always been important. But I think more and more it seems that younger millennials and people just coming into the workforce are not only looking to save money through or 401k. But they're looking for how can I invest and there's all these apps now people aren't using like the traditional banking methods anymore. They're using all of these new apps like Robin Hood, and Katie, you are seeing you're using one name Alibaba, there's all these new ways to manage your money. And I think it's interesting that people are looking now for a lot more ways to not only diversify their income, but even make more money side hustles, etc. So any thoughts on this one? Katie?

Katie: 22:55

Yeah, I mean, I just I think it's great. I think it's so empowering. I know, as a young 20 Something I was never really taught money management from my parents, it was not really my dad's strong suit, like even my brothers and I, we all had to kind of learn that on our own. So I found myself kind of leaning more towards my husband to take the reins on that. And then a couple years ago, I was sick of being in the dark. And I educated myself on all of our finances. And now you know, I can look into our portfolio whenever and I know everything that's going on constantly, and it is so empowering. It makes such a huge difference. I just I think it's I think it's brilliant. I'm, I'm very happy that the world is going in that direction instead of people just kind of flying by the seat of their pants, hoping that their paychecks are gonna make ends meet and everything's gonna be okay. So yeah, I think that's, that's great. I'm excited to talk to this guest this that's coming up about it.

Amy: 23:53

Yeah, it's interesting that you say that I think growing up, we probably I don't think we talked about like financial planning so much. But we did talk about managing money, somewhat. But I think now it's much more open and relevant, because Stu is always talking to the kids about different investments he's doing or different ways were diversifying our money. We both talked about it. And I've been getting more educated as well. I mean, I've always been somewhat, you know, financially savvy, but not in the way that Stu is. And he's taught me a lot. But I've also invested in a few companies myself this year, and just in a way to teach myself how to do investing or how to follow companies or startups and different things. So yeah, I'm excited to learn more about this.

Katie: 24:36

Those are great trends and very exciting. And I am super pleased to say that we have a lot of guests that are going to touch on most of those topics, actually that we just covered. So look forward to that. And yeah, Amy, you have one more

Amy: 24:52

Yeah, I have one last trend just like I did a nail speed round. I'm going to do a beauty speed round. I did some researching here. I'm quoting a website called Pure Wow which talks about nine beauty trends that they're predicting are going to be big next year according to the pros that they interview so the first one is glitter so glitter and shadow and makeup you know that's still I think that's been around but I think more so that they're gonna we're gonna see more of that line lips so this 90 is inspired trend like the welds of my life and it's funny because I've been looking at a lot of, I don't know tiktoks Instagram rails lately of people using like a new liner with a new lipstick and I actually just saw this yesterday and I wanted to get this Tom Ford lipstick because it was so pretty and of course it's sold out but that's definitely starting to trend so like that lined lips with lipstick look, double winged liner which I've seen here and there. It's kind of cool. I don't know how into it I will be but definitely fun to see and really creative looks people are using with double winged liner statement blush. So different ways to use blush, whether using it not just on your cheeks, but using it for contour. I also read about people using purple for blush, so people just playing around with a lot of blush, which I love. Peekaboo highlights, so people doing highlights, but more kind of like under their hair or on the bottoms. Just fun little ways to put highlights in your hair. Modern day mullet which I hate. You're seeing celebrities kind of embrace the mullet look, which I think is yeah, I've seen it like they were showing an example of Rihanna with some like mullet look which I can't stand. But anyway, it was on the list, long layers, which I think have been kind of in style, but like the curtain bangs, then the long layers, so that's a fun one. Another one is textured hair, which is kind of like that look where you have waves, but it looks kind of wet and texturing. So that's another one that I read about. And then the last one I read about was gender fluid beauty. So products being launched that are gender inclusive, which is great. So that is my beauty Speed Round, nice, I guess our trends Nirvana sisters family, like Katie said a lot of this stuff we'll be covering over the year. And I think there are so many more that were exciting. But these were the ones that kind of popped for us and things that we thought were relevant to our audience. But we'll put in all of these links in our show notes, you can read more about all these trends and different sources to find them. So super fun. It was I love doing this and kind of going in and reading about stuff and coming back as a reporter and talking about all these different trends. So so this is our first episode doing trends, but I think it's something that we should probably look to throughout the year to do little short episodes around trends or little, little, you know, topics that our listeners might be interested in. So if there's anything that you all are interested in that you want us to do some reporting on, let us know. And we'll do some research around that. Yeah,

Katie: 27:47

I like that. Some of those quick round trends that you just noted, I some of them sound great. And some of them freak me out like the purple blush. I don't know if I'm going to be. But yeah, I'm sure to look fabulous on someone. All right. So that was a lot of fun. Let's wrap with a mantra as we do. And you know, it's a new year. It's a new start. So how about this? Today is a fresh start, I welcome each positive opportunity with a thankful heart. I set my own pace, always moving forward. Even amongst chaos, I can find my own peace. And that was a few mantras and one but I like it because you know, New Year New Start. Lots going on. So good one to remember.

Amy: 28:33

Yeah, that is a good one. And I think we're recording this week after Christmas right before New Year's and I think that's always a week where I try to write goals and try to think about things I want to do for next year. So that's really relevant and good to remember. And hopefully you all enjoyed this episode, and we look forward to next week's episode. Thanks, everyone. Thanks for listening to Nirvana sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes please subscribe and leave us a review. also find us on Instagram at Nirvana sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana sisters will continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to. Bye.

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Episode 33 - Gratitude, Self-Care, & Pausing To Be A Better You (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 33 Gratitude, Self-Care, & Pausing To Be A Better You.

Editor’s Note: Please know that this podcast transcript is automatically generated and may contain minor errors such as typos and word switches. For more information, be sure to listen to the podcast here or view our podcast episode guide.

Amy: Welcome to Nirvana sisters, where we discuss all things health and well being to help you achieve your highest state your nirvana. Hi, I'm Amy Sherman, a marketing exec with a passion for wellness and beauty.

Katie: 0:19

Hi, I'm Katie Chandler, a form of fit model that has a passion for health and fitness. We are

Amy: 0:25

sisters in law who share the same love for well being ready to sift through all the self care noise and bring you a splash of what we think is fun. So let's get started. Welcome back to the show, everyone. It's Amy and Katie today. And before we get moving with the show, I think we all should just take a quick breath. So I'm going to do it and you follow me because I know that I need it today. So ready, go. Okay, I really needed that guys, because I am feeling very overwhelmed lately. Katie knows this. It's towards the end of the year. There's so much going on, I feel like so many plans to be made. And I just got a new puppy. And you know, it sounds silly because it is amazing having a new puppy. But I have to say it is like having a newborn again. Except I'm much older. And I feel like I have to keep my eyes on her every second. And I have no time to myself. Because every time I try to go to the bathroom, take a shower, she's either in my room all over me has to go outside. And so I just feel like I've had no time to myself. So I was telling my family last night, I'm feeling very overwhelmed. And I need to take a step back. And I need them to help me do that. Because I've just been all over the place. So our episode this week is really about moving into the new year, taking a pause, looking back on the year and trying to balance and organize ourselves. So we're going to the New Year strongly. And I know Katie and I have been having a lot of these conversations offline because we are loving our podcast. And we love all of our listeners and all of our guests. But we do need time to take a step back and kind of think about next year and who we want on the show and what you guys want and how we want to kind of grow this community that we love so much. So we're taking time over the next few weeks to do that. And in this episode, we're going to talk about kind of balance, we're going to talk about some holiday weight loss things that we've been thinking about just a urine review a little bit, take a moment of gratitude, and just talking about how we can take care of ourselves over this busy season because the holidays are great time. And I'm really excited to move into Thanksgiving and the holidays. But they can also be somewhat stressful because you got to plan things, and you're going out a lot and seeing people which is all great, because we haven't been able to do it. And I think everyone's excited to do it. But it does have this feeling of moving quickly. And I just want to enjoy the moment and be kind of at peace and be in the present. And I'm just trying to do that. So Katie, can you help me with this? What are your thoughts? Yeah, I

Katie: 3:05

mean, also the holidays brings on more fun and partying than we probably any of us really, truly need in our lives, like as fabulous as it is. And as exciting as it is to see our friends. And to do these things, it can just totally throw us out of whack. Like I already feel in the weeds to begin with. I feel unorganized. I feel like you know, there's so much going on, we can't get on top of it. And now we've got to throw the holidays into the mix. And then there's the holiday parties and all of this and then I'm dragging and I just don't feel good. So it's a very difficult time I find for people to tune into themselves and to take care of themselves. And that's kind of what we're here as your reminder to try to do like, we're not saying beat yourself up if you aren't able to do it. But just try to remember to also take care of yourself through the wrap up of the end of this crazy year.

Amy: 3:52

Yeah, I know that I since I got the puppy. I haven't been working out as much. And I think that's why I feel so unbalanced and unorganized. Because I've been taking the time for myself to work out. So that's really getting on my nerves. So I need to start, like ASAP getting back on schedule with working out because I think that will make the rest of my days and weeks better. What about UK? Yeah, it just shows you moved. You were saying

Katie: 4:16

since since we moved, it's like really, really hard to get on in a routine. And it just goes to show like a major shift in anyone's life. Like whether it's a new baby, a new puppy, a new house, a new job, anything. It can really throw you out of whack, and it can be really hard to get back on track. I mean, it's our whole thing. And just so everyone knows, like we struggle with it, too. So yeah, I mean, I have only been able to get my workouts on like maybe twice a week, and I could feel it and I definitely feel like I'm edgier. I have a shorter temper. I am just not like a peace and present and calm as much as I would like to be. So yeah, I agree. I'm really I think us taking this cause is, is is gonna be great on so many levels, not just for Nirvana sisters, but personally also,

Amy: 5:06

yeah, I am feeling good about it. And I just need to set some mini goals for myself like, with working out, I definitely feel like I need to be doing at least five minutes of meditation, I've been totally off that practice and I need to be doing like my five minute meditation, I need to do some gratitude practice. And I feel that when we do get busy, those are the things that fall to the wayside. But then it almost makes it worse because it makes you more stressed out. And we know this because we talk about it all the time. But when you're in a busy time, it's good to just remember so this is our way of remembering and telling our community to remember to do this too, even if it's five minutes of walking five minutes and meditation. So with all this being said, let's do our nirvana of the week. Katie, why don't you start?

Katie: 5:50

So mine is kind of funny. And it's like a little unexpected for me. But do you ever have like, Have you ever had a song where you've heard maybe in a TV show, or you've heard it on the radio? You've heard it in a movie, like over a year's time, and every time you hear a little bit of it, you're like, I love that song? What is that song? Yeah, I had a song like that for I don't know how long like the better part of my life. And I'm always whenever I hear and I'm like, oh, I need to figure out what that is. I figure out what it is. And I never do. Well, the other day, the song came on the radio at like on Sirius. So it had the title and the artist, and it's hard. Oh my god. Do you know Harvest Moon by Neil Young?

Amy: 6:32

I think so. It's really listening to that. No way. Like, I feel like you told me about it or something.

Katie: 6:38

It was after you left? And uh, no, because this was all after you left. And I have probably I want to say this was on Monday because I was going to the grocery store. I have probably listened to it 100 times. It's the only thing I've listened to since I heard it. I'm playing it on repeat like a psychopath. But it's brought a young boy. Yeah. Like, honestly, I should play I'm just gonna play like a second or two of it. Ooh. And you're Yeah, and you'll know it but

Amy: 7:15

don't know if I know the song.

Katie: 7:17

Very like the first line is so good. I'll stop it after that.

Amy: 7:27

Oh, yeah, I know the song. So it reminds me of the Grateful Dead actually, it has that kind of vibe. And I feel like I heard this. Maybe Adam played it when I was there. Because I'm telling you, I heard that song with you when I was there this weekend. And it's a great song. And I'm gonna download it and it's definitely a mellow vibe. I love it.

Katie: 7:44

Yeah. And it's also like, it's about Harvest Moon, which is the fall and I'm of what I really like about it. It's about a couple that have been together for years and years and years and years. And they're still in love. And it's like, huh, like, like they're trying to spark that like young love feeling again, you know, it's good. So anyway, it's probably nirvana. Yeah, it's been like epic. Oh, I

Amy: 8:05

love it. I'm gonna definitely do that. I'm going to add it in. Maybe I'll listen to it when I do a little workout later. Yeah. Meyers, Ana, there's a few things I would say I was visiting Adam and Katie, my brother Adam and Katie obviously, and the girls last weekend, which was fabulous, because a I had like a little time to myself, but be I'm just really happy for you, Katie. And so happy with your move and your new community. I just felt really good being there. And I felt really happy for you and settled and that made me happy and that made me feel Nirvana because you guys really chose the right community to be in and Adam had this vision and he was right and it's such a nice warm community where he moves and I just felt so good for you that you guys were starting out in such a positive way with the girls that are really good age to move. So that brought me a lot of nirvana. We also have a special guests that were booking that I won't say that will probably be into the new year. So that also brought me a lot of Nirvana being that I pretty much manifested this person to come on our show, so I'm really excited about that too. Yeah, let's move on to some holiday eating weight loss. So when Katie and I were together, I had told her that I recently lost about 15 pounds

Katie: 9:23

doing lose my mind because you don't even look like you have 15 pounds to lose ever.

Amy: 9:28

Thank you. I felt that I put on a lot of quarantine weight and it was really I felt like more water retention and inflammation just because I wasn't paying attention I was eating I was I mean for the most part eating clean but definitely probably indulging more and then when I was indulging probably not taking a step back and like trying to eat healthy again. So I was just like off you know how sometimes you just get off and you get into a stage where you just feel bloated and you look at pictures and you're like oh, I don't like the way look and I don't like the way they feel. So I did this thing called Octavia which I was very against actually because I've known about For years, I know people that have done it. And you can lose a lot of weight from it, but I was very against it. Because you know, I actually don't think the ingredients are that bad, but it's packaged. And I was like, it's not organic. It's not fresh. I like to eat everything fresh and whatever. But Nicole, honestly, and Whole Foods Exactly. But honestly, I've been so busy that I was like, let me just do this and see. And I also am not one to make like, meals for myself so much, because I'm always on the run. So I do like to grab things and have more snacks throughout the day. So I was like, You know what, I need to lose a quick way, you know, 10 pounds, let me just try it. So I the way that the program works is you have a coach and my friend Stephanie, when I was visiting her over the summer had been doing it and she told me her coach, and I was like, set me up with her because it was someone I don't know someone that lives in Texas. She's so sweet. I've asked her a million questions. And she's sort of my Coach and Trainer along the way. And the reason why I personally thought that was helpful is because a lot of people this has become like a, I don't know what they call like multi level marketing, or whatever they call it, where people do the program, and then they become coaches. And it's a whole thing. But it is good to have a coach. But I did find that it was really helpful to have a coach that I didn't know, because there are people in my community that sell the products that I know. And I just didn't want to have to like, talk to someone that I knew and tell them my ups and downs and ask them all my silly questions. So it was actually really nice to have a somewhat anonymous person in my life that I could just ask a quick question to like, Hey, am I eating the right this or my eating right that so anyway, though, I'll probably do a full review on the program. And we were actually talking about maybe having one of our nutrition experts or contributors to the show to talk a little bit more about it. Because I know generally speaking, it's not good to lose a lot of weight in a quick manner. But I do have to say I have been on it since probably, I would say August, September, October. So it has been three years. It's not like I lost 10 pounds overnight, so I have lost 15 pounds, I'm looking to lose a few pounds more. So that way, when I gain some holiday weight, it won't be so drastic, but it has really helped because I do feel 1000 times better. I was telling Katie, I do not feel bloated at all, my stomach is flat, I feel so much better. So I think I just my body kind of flushed out all the things that I didn't need and that weren't serving me. And this will be a really good basis moving into the new year. So we'll probably go more in depth on it. But it was just something I wanted to mention because it was definitely one of these things where I was like, I'm not sure if I want to do a program like this, but it has actually been really helpful. Another one that I've used in the past is called proline, which I did a few years ago and I've done it a few times. And it's kind of like a one week almost fast. And it's more like soups and like very minimal food. It's almost like mimicking fasting but you are eating and I've done that too. And that's good for like a quick cleanse, you lose a few pounds and you kind of feel good, but that's just like a quick thing to do over the holidays that I know some people do to kind of get a you know, flush out if you will. But Katie, I know you have some some tips for holiday eating as well.

Katie: 13:08

Yeah, well really fast. I just want to touch on Octavia because, I mean you look great and what's most important is that you feel great. But we also know other people that have had really good success stories on it. It's kind of like this little hidden secret I feel like so, you know, listeners let us know if you want to learn more about it. And you know, next season we could probably do an in depth episode on it like you were saying but I think it could potentially help a lot of people that are you know, like stuck with some stubborn weight. Mine is was so my go to, you know, like I said because of the move I was just like out of whack and not really eating very well not on a great routine. So my reset is Pete's paleo. It's this fantastic, like food ordering service that I found during the pandemic when I was just so sick and tired of cooking and then I would not cook so I would end up just like putting a mishmash of random things together for dinner and it would be just like a really unhealthy dinner and I would feel like garbage the next day. So I ordered this. It's pizza And

Amy: 14:14

basically you might have reviewed this or talked about and

Katie: 14:17

we talked I think it was one of my miliar it was one of my Nirvana's because it was it Yeah. My meals are so good. So what you do is you you order by Monday and then they have these weekly menus like here's here's an upcoming menu, white truffle and portabella chicken thighs with chives, mashed potatoes and roasted broccoli, thyme roasted turkey with artichoke and phenyl don't know how to say that word and roasted red rutabagas so on so the they're really really tasty meals that they prepare fresh and then shipped to you fresh within days times. And this is a chef, this is an actual chef This is his company and he he puts it together and the meals are So like savory and delicious, it's not it's not what you would think when you get like something that's pre packaged. They're really, really, really good and satisfying.

Amy: 15:09

And they're How do you meet them? Yeah, get in the microwave anything. It's like literally microwave like how does it come as a come frozen it comes,

Katie: 15:18

it comes fresh, but with like a freezer ice pack that keeps it fresh until you can put it into your refrigerator or freezer. And like these black things that are vacuum sealed. And so I toss mine in the freezer, you can keep them in the refrigerator. And then I just stand to

Amy: 15:35

put them in the microwave like in that the whole data that comes in, you just pop

Katie: 15:39

it in. And it's like it steams inside of the bag and reheat it. And it's really, really like the meat is super moist and juicy and fresh. And the flavors are always great. And so the reason why it works for me is because a it's a perfect portion size. It's a perfect balance of like protein to, to veggies to like starch. And it's paleo which is for those of you that aren't familiar, the Paleolithic diet is it's really geared towards people with autoimmune disease, but it just essentially helps fight inflammation, which is like the bane of my existence. I'm always dealing with inflammation because of my autoimmune stuff. So there's certain foods that are not like there's never any dairy. There's never What about gluten? There's never any gluten. There's never any like this child mashed potato is probably not a white potato. Like there's not you know, like there's certain starches that are not in there. There's never any preservatives, gums fillers, like none of that stuff. It's super so you feel

Amy: 16:46

like when you eat it, you feel you don't feel bloated at all, because that's how I guess thing, right? Not

Katie: 16:52

at all. And it's very filling and satisfying. And it's it's whole foods like so you'll look at the most and it's every single item is a whole food. You know, there's a Yeah, and

Amy: 17:00

is it? Is it just dinners or is it lunches and breakfasts like what's the You Can

Katie: 17:05

Do they do have breakfast they do have I think the lunches are probably just it would just be the same meals like you just use them however you choose to use them. They do offer breakfast, I've never done it. And you can get all different packages you can get like this past two weeks, I've just been getting a delivery of five every week. But I before I've done deliveries of 10 and like Adam eats them and Madeline eats them. So

Amy: 17:27

I think do it eat that too. I'm gonna try that. And it's, it's paleo like you can't order vegan if you're vegan or vegetarian, they

Katie: 17:33

don't have they do have like some food options. But I think it's more like AIP, which is really hardcore, an autoimmune protocol that I've tried to do, it's just been even more restrictive at one time, they did have like ketogenic offerings and things like that, but I don't, I don't think they're doing that anymore.

Amy: 17:49

So it just sounds to your point, like a healthy balanced meal. And honestly, with Octavia, the way that you do it is you eat these, what they call fueling. So basically little meals or snacks, you eat like five of them a day, but one of your meals is a regular meal, which is essentially protein in grains. So they call it like a lean and green, but you basically eat a lean protein and a lot of greens. So this sounds like it would be a nice way so I don't have to make it and I could just heat it up. And it also sounds like it might be a good transition for when I start to eat more like maybe I would have one of those for lunch instead of a salad or, or instead of a snack or whatever.

Katie: 18:26

Absolutely. It's, it's great. It's really good and seasonings always great. And you know what we really like? It's like the perfect amount of salt. Sometimes you get those kind of meals. And it's like they're they can be bland, like these are really well seasoned. They're really good. So I highly recommend no surprise,

Amy: 18:41

you really use that to keep on track and to keep it as an easy way to get healthy meals. So when you're feeling off and you've eaten crappy, like you'll go back to just eating that every day. And you'll feel like it's a good way to get you back on track eating healthy. Yeah, yeah. And I feel really good. It's early for weight loss, but in a way clean. Like is very clean and healthy eating.

Katie: 19:00

Yeah, good cleaning. Like I mean, you know, like I'm more regular when I do it. And I just feel better. And yeah, I don't wake up like puffy or bloated. I don't feel bloated up. Yeah,

Amy: 19:10

it's good. I'm going to try this. I'm going to try this over the holidays and moving into the new year because I think that's really good. I think it's good for Stu too, because especially for lunch, he's always you know, he'll run to Balducci's or Whole Foods or wherever the grocery store and just get something prepared and eat it. But I feel like something like this is probably better because you know what's in it and a bit healthier. So yes, sounds great. All right, awesome. So we'll keep you guys posted on how the how the holiday goes in terms of our eating. But I think if we're incorporating and we're thinking about what we're eating, obviously, like I also think it's healthy, to have fun to drink to eat, and all the and all the fun things because that's the fun part about the holidays. It's about being present with your family and friends. It's about having good food and celebrating and we should be doing all that but then on the days that we're not doing that we should be making sure that we're better liking and like eating healthy again, just to, you know, set it apart. So you're having just certain days where you're not eating as well. And then I think that makes makes for good balance. And so I think being really intuitive about that is helpful as well as you know, meditation and movement. I also I was listening to a podcast this morning, I only got five minutes in, but I'm going to listen to it later, when I go for a ride to do some errands. Brooke Dillard on naked beauty planet, she has her naked beauty podcasts. And I love her. She's awesome. And she was really good content on her shows. And the one that launched it was either, I think it was this week was around organization. And she's doing a bunch of episodes from now to the end of the year that are basically kind of like setting you up for the new year. And as you go into the holiday in the new year, different things to be helpful. So this one's on organization, I think she's gonna have like a bunch of different people come in and talk about different things as they as you move into the new year. But the person that was on her show started talking about Oregon organizing and organizing all your skincare products and all your beauty products because we have like a million and they could cause a mess. And my son is organized, but I call it like organized chaos. Like I know where everything is, but it's not super neat. It's kind of neat, but there's just like a lot of stuff. So anyway, I was listening to her and I'm excited to listen to that episode. Well, we'll post it because it sounds like this woman who's on has a lot of really good tips around not only organizing your beauty staples and your products, but also closets and all that. So I always holidays try to get really organized like Katie knows I do my pantry. And that's like I love doing it. But sometimes in where I had stopped in the podcast, which I listened to later was she's talked about getting in the mindset of organizing, because I think too, you get really overwhelmed with the thought of organizing and then you don't do it because you see all the clutter and you see all the stuff you have to do. And it's just like you don't know where to start. So I'm really interested to hear what she has to say about that. Because you do have to kind of psych yourself up to do organization project. Yeah, it's super organized Katie, like much more organized than I am. Yeah, but still,

Katie: 22:04

I could be better and like, like, you know, I mean, you saw we were saddled with the house except for like my closet. Right? I haven't taken the time to do the thing that is like my thing. And it's a

Amy: 22:15

drain. I'm sure it's overwhelming. Yeah, it is

Katie: 22:17

very overwhelming the thought of getting into it. But yeah, you have to get it's funny. So you'd like to organize around the holidays I like to I always like tend to organize in the spring, like the spring cleaning thing. But I mean, I still need to do it. I like when I when I have

Amy: 22:30

well, like when I have time usually between Christmas and New Year's I'll usually like go to The Container Store and get like fun containers and just try to organize because it's funny, I really actually love organizing. And I like doing it for other people to like I did it in my parents house. Like for my dad's library I've done like I do people's pantries like I love to actually do it once I'm in the mode. But it kind of takes me a little while to get into the mode and to do it myself, like my office is a disaster. And I feel like I need there's so many areas of clutter that I need to organize and clean up. I just haven't done it because I can't get my head around doing it. But that's one of my goals to do over the holidays. But I usually do like want to do organizing projects over the holidays or I try to we shouldn't she's

Katie: 23:13

a picture of your dad's office. It was so good. I want to do that with my office.

Amy: 23:16

Yeah, there's something like cathartic about doing it, because I think you should really good afterwards, and the person feels really good. That's actually what this woman was saying on the podcast this morning that she really she was like he used to be a beauty editor and all these different things. And she got into the organizing space. And she found that when she started doing this for people, they felt like like a weight was lifted off of them. And she loved giving them that feeling. So I need to do some organizing projects, for sure. So yeah, lots of organizing projects. I'm sure Katie, you have a lot of stuff to do around the house that you're excited to. Again, depending on

Katie: 23:46

how you said like you it's really it takes a weight off of you. So this past weekend, when you're at my house and your girlfriend and her kids came over, like the girls totally had the best time with our playroom, but it looked like the absolute bomb exploded afterwards. And it's been like that for the last few days. And every time I look at it, I'm like, Oh, it's so much it's too much. I don't have time for it. And like Frankie walked by it ever a million times. It was on my to do list every single day this week. Finally, this morning, I just did it. I just got up and did it. Reese helped me before she went to school, it did not take nearly as much time as I thought it was going to and now it's like light and airy. I can breathe. I feel like a normal human again. Because that one room isn't haunting me. You know, it really is

Amy: 24:31

so true. And that happens to me all the time. And there's so many things where I will look out for literally a year and be like, I can't get my head around doing it. But um, I know what I was gonna say before what I was gonna say is this woman was also talking about which is so true, is it's easy to be organized once you have a system. So I remember when I first moved to my house I had someone helped me organize my kitchen and she set it up and I've literally use the same system ever since. So it's like once you have that system, even if you're not super organized, you can be organized so I just set up Some stuff in my bathroom, like some ways to have my products out. And now I have a system. So I know where to put my wash at night. I have my wife, like, as long as you have a system, I feel like it really helps with organizing. So yeah, it's good. We'll get to some organizing. And then what about just kind of like, our year, we've had the show for a year. I have, like so many ideas, and so many growth plans. And we're so excited. And just thank you to everyone who has supported us from the beginning and listening and helping us to grow. We're so great. We're so grateful. Katie, what were what have been some of your kind of highs over the last year of launching and sustaining this podcast and brand?

Katie: 25:39

Yeah, it's been. I mean, we're so grateful to everyone that's been on the show. It's been such a highlight of mine. Finally, doing something aside from motherhood, has really given me so much confidence. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love being a mom. It's the most amazing gift in the world. It's also a very hard job. But like I needed something more I was a career woman at one point, and it just feels really good to, to be like mentally stimulated and creative. And it's also so fun talking to these people and learning so much. And also it's funny. It's given me like better people skills, like just moving to a new town. And now I have no problem meeting somebody and chatting it up with them and asking them about it. It's like I'm like, naturally an interviewer now, which is so funny. It's not a byproduct that I expected. But it's been great. I mean, I feel like we've learned so much. And it's been just such a joy, being with you every week and then getting to know these new people. It's brought me a lot of nirvana. I mean, just last week, Amy and I had a meeting when she came in town with Ann fryer who was a guest on our show on the first season. And I was like the coolest day because we sat with an fryer and talked about growth and expansion. And then we went to see another guest, we went to see Meredith Quill from Beckett and Quill and went to her trunk show and I literally felt like a career woman again, which is a feeling I haven't had and I don't know, nine years. So so fun. It's been it's been amazing. What about you?

Amy: 27:09

Yeah, I feel the same. I mean, I, there's so many things, I think being able to launch my own thing has been so amazing for me personally, because I work full time, I have a really busy demanding job, which I love. And it's creative, and it's great. But it's a big company. It's very corporate. And I've been there a long time. And I felt like I needed an outlet, and a way to be entrepreneurial again, because I tried to be entrepreneurial within my organization. But it's hard. It's just big, and it's great. But it's great in different ways. So I it's so nice to have my own thing with you that we can create ourselves, that we can edit ourselves that we can press that button, it goes live globally, we can talk about what we want to talk about, we can do the creative we want to do, it's just nice having my own creative outlet, that's a passion for me and to be able to talk about and be connected to it and talk to all these people and learn so many things that I'm so interested in. And it's just been a really nice outlet for me. And I feel like it's made me so much more well rounded, because it's interesting. And I feel like people want to hear about it. And it just I think it really has rounded me out because I have a really big corporate working marketing background. But now I have sort of this content creation creative side that I still do at work, but some of it has been lacking. So it's just nice to be able to have that outlet for myself and to be able to start building this brand together. And of course doing it with you makes it a bazillion times better. Like it's so funny, even though we're close before now. I feel like we're so bonded. We talk all the time, like I don't even talk to my brother. My parents are always like, Oh, if you talk to Adam and like, Katie, they're like Katie told me this. I'm like, yeah, now she texts me this morning like we're so synched up. Yeah, and it's really rare, because everyone I've talked to is like, Oh my God, that's so amazing. You have a podcast with your sister in law, and you guys are so close. And I was like, Yeah, it really is amazing, because it is unique. Yeah. And it's such a nice way for us to connect, but also to build a business and to like, build this brand and community together is so much fun. And we have all the same interest. So it's just been really meaningful. And I think it's brought me obviously a lot of Nirvana and joy, to keep it going. And I think we also have to give ourselves grace. Because Katie and I have these conversations all the time. We just we have so many ideas for this show that we want to do, which we will do and we have so just so much going on. And we definitely need time to take, take that pause and reflect and move into the new year with a really good plan of action and being rested. And even though this is like a it's an enjoyable thing for us to do. I'm all about momentum as Katie knows, I feel like we have to keep her Do swing and miss moment every week did it. But it's but it's stalling me from really taking a step back and thinking about okay, what guests do we want to have on next year? And who do we want to, you know, go after and, you know, just a shout out to all of our guests too, because everyone that's been on the show has been truly part of our Nirvana sisters family, and I've really an entire aligns with what we're all about, and have inspired us, but also have said, Yes, and there's a lot of people, it takes time to do this. I mean, you know, it takes half an hour, hour, whatever it is out of the day, but I think people say yes, because they look at it as a really good time to connect with people. And the way that we do it is very comfort, conversational and fun. So I don't think it's looked at upon as a chore. I think people actually like to get away from their day to day and talk to new people. So thank you to all of our guests who have been on the show and have been helping us to grow. And thank you for the ones that have come back. And you'll be still coming back and contributing to the show for years to come. So just feeling really grateful that we've now have, this will be I think, Episode 3233.

Katie: 31:04

This is our 33rd Yeah. Which is incredible

Amy: 31:08

over a year. I mean, so many people that I've talked to that knew us when we were first launching this a year ago, and we were trying to come up with the name and we were teaching ourselves how to do everything. They're like, Oh my God, you have all these downloads, and you have this whole show, and you have so much content. It's incredible. And I really loved this episode and this product. So it just brings me a lot of joy. And I feel very well rounded and happy and really in my creative zone when we're doing it. So yeah, long story short,

Katie: 31:35

it's uh, it's amazing how like, we've had a lot of hurdles it hasn't been easy. We do everything soup to nuts. I don't know if people know that. I mean, we do we do all the editing, we do all the bookings, we do the whole nine. And there's been times where it's been so stressful to try to make it work, but I think having each other and this is like something that people should should take on if you're if you're trying to get on do something on your own. Go find a partner because having Amy to like, keep me in the game when I'm not and and to bounce ideas off of advisor. Yeah, like, it's It's crucial. I mean, it's crucial. It's been so uh, Kevin, you know, a partner. And we have, we're very fortunate and blessed. I think we have like a really healthy working relationship, in addition to personal sisterhood. But yes, it's, it's definitely, it hasn't been easy. And the exciting thing is, is that we're now we're like growing and expanding. And so true, you can be so in the weeds, you can be so in it, that it's hard to see outside of it, and what else you have to do to make it bigger. So like Amy said, we're going to step back for a few weeks, I had to twist her arm to get there, but Miss momentum, I gotta agree to it. And we're going to focus on bringing you bigger things, new things, exciting things, and we're just gonna keep keep growing. And we would love to hear from our listeners, like, what do you guys want from us? It would be really exciting, you know, like, let us know. And instead, I think, yeah,

Amy: 33:02

we'd love to hear your ideas. And I just to echo what you were saying, Katie, I 100% agree that having a partner has completely changed the game for me, because yes, we have each other's back, we motivate each other, we keep each other accountable, and props. And, you know, shout outs to my husband, Stu, because he was the one when I was talking to him a year, year and a half ago. And I was like, I definitely want to start something I don't know what it is. And he was like, you know, you really need a partner. Because you have so many ideas that like you, you need someone to bounce them off like another woman who can really connect with you. And obviously Katie was like the first person I thought of like, this would be such a good idea for us to do together because we're always talking about this stuff. But I didn't recognize it myself. I always feel like I have to do everything myself. And then it never happens. Because it's just it's too hard to start. So having a partner for anyone listening that's wanting to start a business wanting to start a whatever it may be. I think having that partner is crucial to talk through things and get in the nitty gritty because you know, your husband and your friends don't want to hear about it all the time that like you'll talk about it with your partner every second and get into the minutiae of everything. And it's just so, so helpful to have and excited and it's fun. Yeah, it makes it more fun. Exactly. 100%. Moving on. As we close out the episode, I think Katie might have a nice mantra for us. But again, just wanted to tell our listeners to have a great holiday season, take care of yourself. We are going to be every day intentionally trying to do that. I definitely feel better after having this conversation. Katie, I've been so stressed and I feel like I can breathe again. I feel a lot more relaxed. So I'm going to take this energy and move it into like the rest of the holiday season. I hope you feel the same way and I hope our audience feels the same way. And yeah, we'll continue to be talking to you all on Instagram and email and however you want to reach us. We're here at Nirvana sisters. Um, we're going to be producing a lot of content over the next few weeks to that will will launch in 2022 at the start of the new year. So we're really excited about that. But definitely keep in touch. And we'll continue to be, you know, putting out a lot of social content and tips and tricks and all of the things.

Katie: 35:15

Yeah, and look out for us one on Instagram, because our past guests, they have a great exciting holiday things going on that we're going to share with you. So yeah, definitely tune in for that. Okay, so

Amy: 35:27

just closing out with some thoughts. I don't know if this is necessarily a mantra, it might just be a quote, but I was on LinkedIn yesterday, and this woman who I don't know, I'm following her, her name is Sarah Kay. She is a creative thinker, brand innovation. She's an author of the book brand new world, which I'm going to try to read. And she put out a really amazing post, which I'll share on our social, but it was really about embracing your uniqueness. And it was a whole paragraph about when you get feedback from people how that can, you know, you take it so seriously, and then you don't defend yourself and you become someone that you're not. And anyway, there was one part of it, which I really liked, which said, your uniqueness is perfect, never apologize for it, on the contrary, dial it up. So I just love that because it just basically is saying, Be yourself and don't apologize for it. And I think it's a good thing for us all to remember because we sometimes hide who we are, depending on the environment that we are. So I think that is so helpful. So that's my kind of words of wisdom. And thank you, Sarah, if you're listening from LinkedIn, I will definitely share this. It's a whole paragraph and I thought it was super empowering.

Katie: 36:38

I love that. Yeah, that's very true. All right. Well, I love what you said, because it's very true. It's yeah, it's like don't dim your light around other people and everything. I mean, I feel like I'm guilty of doing that from time to time. So it's a good reminder. But let's suppose let's close with a little mantra that I think is on par with what we have going on right now. So it is I'm slowing down and creating space to rest replenish and take care of me. And I think we're both going to do that and we're also going to do that for Nirvana sisters. So yeah, deeper 100%

Amy: 37:15

in and out. Thank you so much everyone and we will chat soon. Thanks for listening to Nirvana sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes please subscribe and leave us a review. also find us on Instagram at Nirvana sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana sisters will continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to. Bye.

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Episode 13 - The Unsexy Side Of Self-Care (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 13 The Unsexy Side Of Self-Care.

Editor’s Note: Please know that this podcast transcript is automatically generated and may contain minor errors such as typos and word switches. For more information, be sure to listen to the podcast here or view our podcast episode guide.

Amy: 0:07

Welcome to Nirvana sisters, where we discuss all things health and well being to help you achieve your highest state your nirvana. Hi, I'm Amy Sherman, a marketing exec with a passion for wellness and beauty.

Katie: 0:19

Hi, I'm Katie Chandler, a form of fit model that has a passion for health and fitness. We are

Amy: 0:25

sisters in law who share the same love for well being ready to sift through all the self care noise and bring you a splash of what we think is fun. So let's get started.

Katie: 0:37

Welcome to Nirvana sisters this week, we have a fun episode. It's a little different than usual. We are calling this our Roundup, we decided to pull our listeners on Instagram and ask them some funny questions and get their feedback. This week we're gonna discuss all things unsexy. The unsexy side of self care? What are those silly crazy like wellness tools or hacks or things that you do when no one's looking to keep it together? And we got some really, really funny answers from our listeners. So we're excited. So yeah, why don't we start off with our nirvana of the week? Amy, what's going on?

Amy: 1:15

Katie? Yeah, I'm really excited for this episode. Katie and I have been talking about it for a while. And we also wanted to make sure that in this in our show, we're not just talking about all the beauty things and all the things you can do for your body that makes you feel that there is a site of self care, that's not so cute. And we want to talk about it. Because this shows all about being real, and talking to each other how we would talk normally. So there are things that you do that you don't maybe necessarily share with your husband or something like that, but you do share it with your girlfriends. So anyway, I'm excited to get into this show. But my nirvana of the week was getting my hair cut. My niece came to visit and I always take her to get her hair done. It's our special little bonds. And we always go every time she's here, and we get our hair done. And we get this relaxing treatment on her. It's called to Nino I talked about an episode earlier and gets the frizz out and she lives in Florida. So it's a really good thing for her hair. And she loves doing it. So we did that together. And it was really fun to spend time together. So really, actually, my Nirvana was setting time with Zoey my niece but in the process of that, I got my hair cut about four inches, which for me is a big deal because I've always had my hair long and it's still long, but now it's like a little bit below my collarbone. And I love it. It feels so fresh and so healthy. And I'm glad I did it and just went for it and didn't get scared about cutting my hair. And now I'm like I should have done this so long ago because I love it. And it's so much easier to deal with.

Katie: 2:38

Yeah, and it looks great on you. I think mine are one of the week is probably actually having your parents here. We I just had my inlaws here Aiden Allen, they were here all last week, they just left on Sunday. And they haven't been here a year because the pandemic it was really great to have them here. I feel bad because I was little under the weather while they were here. But they were so sweet about it. And we still made the best of it. And it was just great to see them and great to see Adam, my husband with his parents and getting that special time and the kids with their grandparents. It was just so good to be, you know, a little bit of a Fuller House with more family around.

Amy: 3:15

Oh, I love that. That's so good. Yeah, that's what's most important. Yeah. Okay, so into the unsexy side of self care. So Katie, and I haven't shared our answers. We got different answers through Instagram, as well as our friends through texts and things like that. So we're just going to share them with each other and and talk about it. So why don't you go first, Katie,

Katie: 3:38

I want to start with I will give one admittedly that I do. Do you want to get one admittedly that you do? And then the rest that we got as answers were keeping anonymous? I mean, we told her or listeners that we

Amy: 3:51

weren't sure. Why don't you go first? Okay.

Katie: 3:56

I mean, I was like, I'm sure I probably have a few more than maybe I'm willing to admit, but I have to one. I'm sure we all do it. I have to wear the dreaded mouth guard at night. And that thing is just you know, it's like so unattractive and not cute and it's not a big deal. Adams pretty cool about it for the most part until it's like sexy time and like excuse to take out my mouth guard. So that's a little, you know, that's one and then the other one. And this is a really good hack. I get dry patches on my skin and they get red and irritated. It happens from time to time and I naturally think like, Okay, I need more of my good face cream. So I go to put it on and it burns it and in flames and it makes it worse. So I found out that if I slather that kid's aquifer all over my face, that is like the only thing that's healing and it makes me feel good, but I walk around looking like an absolute oil slick. It's so gross. It's very unattractive. I mean, I

Amy: 4:57

keep it on all night or I keep it during the day.

Katie: 5:00

I wear all day and all night. I mean, I'll let you know before I go to bed or wash my face and put it back on. But I can literally walk around with a paper towel and just like block my face occasionally, like I'm blocking the top of an oily pizza. So funny, but it works.

Amy: 5:12

Well I it's so funny because I use Aquaphor on my lips every single night. And I always when my kids have cuts on their face or anywhere on their body, I always put Aquaphor on it, you know, the movie might greet my wedding, Greek wedding with the Windex, you know, the father uses windex for anything. I literally use Aquaphor for everything. And so my kids always make fun of me because I'm like I have a cup put up before on it like it is kind of my ride or die. So that's so funny. I've never actually put it on my face. Sometimes I put it up my nose, which would be very unsexy, just because my nose gets dry, and I'll put it up there. But I haven't actually tried it on my face. So that's, uh, I'm going to try that.

Katie: 5:48

You know, it's funny that you say that because your mom is the exact same way with Aqua for she like every time they came up with something, she was like, give us walk before.

Amy: 5:56

I think she must have gotten that for me. I mean, it's out of control the amount of Aquaphor we use in our house. So it's funny because I was gonna say that night guard thing too, because I've been wearing that for years. And it's the worst, but I actually stopped wearing it recently because it was I don't know, I had some sort of reaction. I don't know if I told you this, I had some sort of reaction to it. Or like every time I wore it, I would get these cuts and sores inside my mouth. It's almost like not an allergy, but some sort of reaction to it. I don't I don't know, I maybe I just need a new one. So I stopped wearing it. And by the way, I'm sleeping so much better because I was finding that I just wasn't sleeping well with it. It was just bothering me and I don't know. So I stopped wearing it, which is not good because I have like jaw tension every day because of it, but I do sleep better. So I probably have to get a new night guard. But I would say mine would be so I have the saline rinse that I use every morning for you know, sinuses and dry nose and it's I got the brand it's a purple and white bottle. It's called I can't remember the brands but you put it up one side of your nose and then it comes out the other side. It's not a neti pot though. It's kind of like an easier way to do a neti pot. So it goes in one side and out the other and then you do the other side. Honestly, it is the best thing ever because it clears out your whole passages. So you feel like you can breathe in the morning and it like rinses out all the like dryness and sinuses. So yeah, it's not cute, but

Katie: 7:14

I feel like it keeps you healthy too. Right like flushing out your sinuses. Yeah, I mean, it's all

Amy: 7:18

natural. You can do it as much as you want. But I usually do it in the morning and sometimes at night, but I can breathe 100% better with it. It's a game changer. It's so good.

Katie: 7:26

That's a good one. Yeah,

Amy: 7:27

it's a saline rents.

Katie: 7:29

You know, it's funny as we're as we're sharing like these, our listeners are going to get some some good tips and some good hacks on this stuff. I mean, any brand of anything that we can think of like it will shine. We'll share that on Insta.

Amy: 7:39

Yeah, well, we definitely well, yeah. Okay, so let's get into some of these funny, anonymous self care unsexy side of self care things that people gave us. Why don't you share like a few and then we'll kind of go back and forth. Okay, well, I'm dying to hear yours because I know you said you had some really funny ones.

Katie: 7:55

Speaking of awkward for Up the nose. That's actually a girlfriend said to me that she does it to keep germs out of her nose when she's flying. She puts like a giant glob of aquifer up each nostril when she's traveling. And she swears by it and she's she's like it doesn't look you thank God that for masks right now because it kind of hides. Yeah, but it keeps her from I guess inhaling germs and since she's been doing it she hasn't gotten sick after she traveled. And she's been doing it for years, not just since the pandemic so the other half an aquifer Yep. Aquifer before I before that. Another one was instead of getting she was paying a lot of money for eyebrow tinting. And instead of paying for that she now like someone told her to try chapstick on her eyebrows. I guess like the maybe the I don't know, the actual chapstick kind of like looks like it fills it in a little bit. I need to try it because my eyebrows are always sparse. Try

Amy: 8:50

that. So that funny my eyebrows speaking of eyebrows have grown out from the pandemic I haven't been I usually get them threaded, and I haven't done it. And now they're so long and I actually liked them better. Because usually when you get them like waxed or threaded like they get really short and they've grown out so now maybe I could try the chapstick trick

Katie: 9:06

and you know what? It's like, I also feel like fuller like grown on eyebrows is really on trend right now.

Amy: 9:12

Yeah, I was just here. I was just listening to a podcast about I think it's called soap, eyebrows or something like that where there's some method where you can dip or brush an eyebrow brush into soap have your hair stick straight up, but there's a product actually by Anastasia, that it's like a wax that you put on your eyebrows. That's supposed to be an easier way to do this soap eyebrows look but I bet you chapstick is the same thing. Yeah, it's just the idea of like a waxy so it keeps your eyebrows up and looking fuller. Yeah, so

Katie: 9:41

not feeling like that. Alright, I have more but you give me a couple of No. Okay, so

Amy: 9:47

lots of feedback from anonymous sources. So someone said does trimming my nose hairs work? And I said yes, of course. So there are definitely people doing that. Another notch and this one was shaving my face, which I've definitely heard of before. I heard that there's these like razors that are really good for getting those little peach hairs off your face. I've never tried it, but I know people swear by it.

Katie: 10:13

Yeah, I we had one feedback where she has to shave her upper lip almost every single day. And I mean, women have facial hair, and sometimes some women. It's darker than others. Yeah, yeah. I feel like it's probably really fast and effective to do it every day. But I actually noticed when I have, you know, that eyebrow trimmer that we reviewed a while back that you told me about that like shaves your eyebrows.

Amy: 10:38

Well, yeah, it shaves the ones that come in the ones

Katie: 10:41

below. So when I do that I grow back and darker so I had to stop using it because I feel like it couldn't get super close. So I think if you shave your upper lip, maybe that's why you have to do it more often because it maybe grows back in darker or something. So that I

Amy: 10:56

thought I read mine. So of course I haven't done that in a long time. But yeah, mine's blonde blonde so you can't really see it. Okay, that's a good one. So the other one I got in this realm was plucking chin hairs.

Katie: 11:09

That's a good one is speaking of chin. I have one where they're using a contraption to give themselves a neck and a chin left.

Amy: 11:21

What was apically about that

Katie: 11:23

there was a picture of it where it was like literally like her chin was in a hammock and it was wrapped all around her head or something banana it is like lifted up and she's walking around the house like that for like two hours.

Amy: 11:39

I thought you meant like a washer or something. So

Katie: 11:41

no, it's like a it's an actual device that literally is like holding up your neck and your chin and you wear it for hours and it's supposed to help lift it all up and get yeah give you a gender and and then all she said she's only tried it a couple of times.

Amy: 11:58

Wow, that's intense. I've never heard of that. And that's really funny. Yeah.

Katie: 12:02

Oh, back to the shaving someone is saying shaving everything every day. And I so get that. I mean I fortunately like for the most part have blonde hair on my legs, but it comes in fast. So

Amy: 12:15

yeah, same but I don't shave every day to mature

Katie: 12:18

and I know plenty of people that have done like, arm waxing and like laser hair removal. That's not cute. And you know what else isn't cute that no one really talks about? Is bikini waxing like I have. I've never been comfortable enough to go and do it. But I know a lot of people do it but talk about unsexy wax. No, I just saw myself grim.

Amy: 12:42

Oh my gosh. Oh, I hate getting a bikini wax. But I do it because I just don't I mean, I haven't gotten one in a while because the pandemic but I need to go desperately. And yeah, it's not it's very, it's especially if you've not, I mean, I've been doing it for years. So I don't think about it anymore. And these women who do it are like pros. It's not like a big deal. Right? But especially if you get a Brazilian which is like basically everything off. It's like they are all up in there. But I mean, it's great afterwards because you're like free wax. I can't believe you're in a bikini wax. I've never known this fun fact about

Katie: 13:19

I've never done it. I don't know why I'm like too embarrassed or something. It's really like,

Amy: 13:23

yeah, it's it's it hurts. I mean, my biggest thing is not even the embarrassment. It's more it is so freakin painful. I've never been able to do it where it's not painful. It's just I've really sensitive skin. So it's like, torture for me. But the woman told me that if you go more often it doesn't hurt as much but I like dread it so I put it off because I don't want to do it. So now when I go in I like do yoga breathing literally the whole time. But you know, no pain, no gain,

Katie: 13:51

right? That's so true.

Amy: 13:53

Do you have Okay, so the ranking of face and hair staff so someone said, pop my pop my back blackheads. I don't know if this person does that, or has someone else do that for them? Potentially her husband but that's, that's a good one. And this one I thought was actually really good. Someone said they narrow their arm hair. So talk about like, instead of lasering they put Nair that's on their arm hair, which I was like, Oh, that's such a good idea. I like I haven't used narrow since I was a teenager.

Katie: 14:22

It seems like it would be super painful though. Right? Speaking of being paint. I mean,

Amy: 14:27

Because narrow is just it's like a cream isn't it's just a cream you put on and then wipe off.

Katie: 14:32

Oh, I don't Oh, I thought it was a narrow wax. Oh, okay.

Amy: 14:35

Oh, I'm thinking I mean, I'm assuming that's what she meant. I mean, was just a comment, but I think you just literally put it on your arm and wait. And then and then it just didn't wash off or tissue. Yeah, it's almost like you could probably use it for your upper lip for things in your face, too. If that's what I'm thinking of that kind of snare. That's good. I didn't even know it was still around. So I'm trying to think if I have any more hair ones I think, Oh, here's a funny kind of heroine says someone wrote in. What about sitting on my back deck in the sun and tweezing my ingrown hairs from the back of my knee.

Katie: 15:15

That's a good

Amy: 15:17

how hysterical is that?

Katie: 15:19

Oh man ingrown hairs on the back of her knees. That sounds painful.

Amy: 15:24

Painful. I don't get those. But that sounds awful. Yeah,

Katie: 15:27

it does.

Amy: 15:30

And then I also have laser. So someone wrote in laser hair removal on my armpits, bikini area and upper lips. So apparently people are doing that. Oh,

Katie: 15:41

here's another good one. Speaking of armpits, Botox injections in your armpits to stop sweating so much. Some people that are like hyper sweaty, get a little Botox put in there. That's a good one.

Amy: 15:54

I have heard of that randomly. I was listening to CES years ago because it was the first person I heard say this Sebastian manis Galco, the comedian. He was on a talk show. I can't even remember what it was. Maybe he was talking to Howard Stern or something like that. And he was talking about that he used to go on stage and he was sweating so much. You could see his armpit sweat and his T shirts. And he was so paranoid about it. So someone had recommended to do Botox. So he's been doing that. So you can see him sweating on stage. And I was like, Oh my God, that's so genius. I never thought of that. Yep.

Katie: 16:26

And it works. I've never done it. But I know people that have. Yeah,

Amy: 16:29

interesting. That's a good one. Let me see what else I have. So couple people wrote in blue light glasses and readers smart. Someone wrote in sweating overnight, which we can all relate. Oh, yeah. I get major night sweats. And someone said seven said, sweating overnight and then showing my husband in the morning. How sweaty The sheets are. To do that. Yeah, but I do sweat during certain times of the month and it's not

Katie: 17:00

the worst. And I hate that. I have a couple two that are pretty funny. I mean, one is the classic using Hemorrhoid Cream to help with puffy eyes. Have you ever tried it?

Amy: 17:10

I haven't. And I'd love to know if it works. I feel like it

Katie: 17:13

works. It doesn't work as well as walking into Sephora and buying a great bottle of eye cream. But I have done it and it has helped a little bit it kind of stings. I feel like it's like a peppermint tea and thick like you have to just put like a little teeny tiny bit on there. And then this is a really funny one. So she has asthma. And when she sleeps, she drools a lot and apparently your saliva can cause all these cracks and things and your lips like in between, like in the corners of your mouth. So her doctor told her at night before she goes to bed to put on DESA 10 Baby butt cream on like on her mouth. Like literally all around her mouth like chapstick in the quarters. And she said she just I mean I don't know Do you ingest lip gloss? I mean, I guess maybe a little bit, but she said it works like a charm. She hasn't had any cracks in her lips. So she's been using butt cream on her mouth

Amy: 18:17

so far, but okay, that is I've never heard that one. You know what, maybe

Katie: 18:21

we should tell her about aquifer.

Amy: 18:23

Well, you know what? The buck cream works better. So I remember using that when my kids were little so I bet you that's stronger. Yep. Which is probably way set it someone wrote in. Let me look let me pull this one up. They said I use CBD balm on my legs and hands every night and my dog runs when he smells it so that's a good one. I have CBD and I use it sometimes on my temples when I have a headache which I love or all my jawline if there's tension I've never tried it on my legs and hands and that probably is relaxing. I would imagine but it probably is pretty smelly.

Katie: 18:53

I have I had a roller a CBD roller but it wasn't that bad. It smelled like it smelled like mint and I just like my lower back and my legs and everything but like talk about kind of being a little greasy. It can do that but it does help.

Amy: 19:06

Yeah, no, that's that's a good one I that maybe the smell just doesn't appeal to doggies.

Katie: 19:11

You know, another one that I do that I have had to do it for as long as I can remember and it's because of my thyroid when you have hypothyroid you have really dry feet. It's so gross. But like you have to get if you don't get a pedicure every single week you can get really really dry calici feet. Love admitting that on the air. So yes. So every night before I go to bed, I'm like slathering foot lotion on. I mean, I have been doing it forever. And it's so funny. I actually remember it was my you were there. It was my wedding shower that my friend Margaret put on and one of the games was asking all these questions and it was like what what does he do right before he goes to bed? What does she do right before she goes to bed and then you have to guess what the other one does? And I said I put foot lotion on On at bedtime, and I heard one of the girls that was kind of a friend but more of an acquaintance that was there go. Ill

Amy: 20:09

remember that. So

Katie: 20:11

I guess it's probably not the sexiest thing. I mean,

Amy: 20:14

I know that. I've done that before. You know what I've also done. I've put on lotion when my feet feel dry. And then I put on like a thick sock. That's

Katie: 20:22

good. Yeah. Yeah, I've done that in the winter. It's like a paraffin treatment almost.

Amy: 20:26

Yeah, exactly. A lot of people wrote in and talked about hair removal. Like someone said, hair removal all that. Yep. We don't like hair, I guess.

Katie: 20:34

Yeah. And you know what? Neither do boys boys are removing their hair all the time. The gay ones and the straight ones.

Amy: 20:41

Yep, that is true. Okay, I have a couple that are hilarious and so gross. And I can say them now. Or I can say them at the ends. You tell me if you have any more?

Katie: 20:53

No, I think I go for it. Let's hear him. Okay,

Amy: 20:57

so here are two ones that when I saw these, I was literally freaked out. And I couldn't. Okay, so one person said, taking a peek at my poop. When? When I know it was a good one. Makes me feel extra good. literally dying. laughs

Katie: 21:17

I've done that. Absolutely. That's so funny. I love that somebody wrote that. Thank you for that one.

Amy: 21:24

So that is hilarious. And then the last one I'll say which I had never heard of before. Was pH balanced vagina soap. Ah. And I was like, What the heck. And they're, I guess is special. So for your privates that's supposed to be better than regular soap. And this person said, they use that soap and then I asked for the brand because I was interested. And I have the brands, which we can put in the notes but the brand is it's a natural brands called referral R A E L natural filming feminine wash. Nice. And it's supposed to be a natural wash. That's good for your private say that either nice as like, wow. Okay, I'm learning things here. So those were my last two that I wanted to spring, Dave the

Katie: 22:15

best for last. Absolutely. That's great. Well, thank you to all of our listeners and our followers on Insta for sending those in. Because, I mean, those are some great

Amy: 22:28

unsexy, there's some really good ones. And I have to say, I think we should continue this series because I think it's hilarious. And I do think it's important to talk about this stuff, because it's not all about looking good and feeling good. There's also things that we do that are self care to take care of herself that aren't so cute, but everybody does them and everybody can relate. So it's really fun to kind of round it up and hear what people do. And I think we should continue to talk about this unsexy side of self care. Okay, so this week, Katie, you have a product review that I'm super excited to hear about.

Katie: 22:56

I do so speaking of unsexy Ness, this product saved me recently, so we've all been horribly hungover at one time or another. I was recently in Miami for a friend's 40th. And I knew it was going to be a little bit out of control. I was terrified of my hangover, because one day was like an all day into a nighter. So we all know how those can be. This product is called cheers, health. And they claim to help with your hangover. You take this pill, these capsules before you go to bed once you're finished drinking, and they say that you will feel at least 50% better the next morning than you usually do. So if you normally when you're hungover wake up at 50% Feeling you know 50% alive, you take this you'll be 100% it, it works because it reduces GABA rebound, lowers alcohol induced acid to La hide toxicity levels, and it supports the liver when it's been exposed to alcohol. So I kind of dug in and researched what all that means it essentially helps flush out your liver faster and detox. But here's the big one. It metabolizes alcohol faster than your body naturally can. So while you're sleeping, usually it's just like a slower uptake to metabolize it. That's why it's kind of still in that your system the next day but you're not necessarily drunk. You're just feeling horrible and dehydrated. This This helps you metabolize it. And if you do that, I did it in conjunction with some electrolytes before I went to bed, I was not hungover. i And when I say it was a long day. We started at 11am and we ended in the wee hours of the morning. I mean a fun, it was fun. It was fabulous. We were on a boat in Miami. It was the best oh my god, but I was like dreading the next day because we were traveling the next day. So yeah, I'm always smart about it.

Amy: 24:57

Is it natural? Or is it like what kind of stuff isn't? it okay so

Katie: 25:01

it is natural. It has like a lot of vitamins vitamin C E, thymine B six B 12. It has sodium and potassium, Vine tea extract, which is you know, the metabolism to go through it faster. That's 100% Natural. Milk Thistle natural. I've taken milk thistle before to detox my liver. Have you ever done that? Yeah. Prickly Pear. Ginger. So yeah, it's it's completely natural. And is

Amy: 25:27

it just a pill and you just take it you said? Yeah, it's our night of drinking or whatever. Yeah,

Katie: 25:31

you take it. Once you're finished drinking two to four capsules a night. I did. I think I did two capsules. I thought four was gonna be a little strong. I was afraid it was gonna keep me awake. And the whole bottle I want to say it came with like 16 I think it was $30 for a bottle $35 You can get it straight through Cheers or on Amazon. And let me tell you, if you don't want to be hungover, get this stuff. Take it in conjunction with some electrolytes before you go to bed, eat some carbs and you'll feel great

Amy: 25:57

adding to cart as we speak.

Katie: 25:59

Right. Good stuff.

Amy: 26:01

I love that. I have not heard of that. And I definitely want to use that because yeah, those hangovers and also I feel like when you're drinking too you don't sleep well. Did you sleep okay, because you know, sometimes you're like up and kind of feeling like sweaty and yucky.

Katie: 26:15

Yeah, no, I actually did I slept really well. And that what you just said the sweaty like you like you know how you wake up a new pet a little too much to drink. And you are like your heart's racing and you kind of sweaty. I didn't get that at all. I slept great. I woke up feeling fine. I was just tired. I mean, I also was drinking responsibly. You know, for every drink. I had like a glass of water and I drink electrolytes throughout the day. And I was eating well, but but still still I would have without a doubt been hungover without it.

Amy: 26:41

Yeah, tired you can deal with it's the the hangover is the worst. So that's great. I'm definitely trying that one. Yeah. So thanks for that review. Love it.

Katie: 26:51

So yeah, great product, highly recommend it. Amy. You have a bunch of for us. I'd love to hear it.

Amy: 26:56

I do. And I think this one is very appropriate for our conversation today. So the mantra is, start where you are, use what you have and do what you can.

Katie: 27:06

Amen to that.

Amy: 27:07

That's the truth. Absolutely. Yeah. Thanks for listening to this week's episode and let us know what you thought about this format and we will talk to you next week. Thanks everyone.

Katie: 27:18

Bye friends.

Amy: 27:20

Thanks for listening to Nirvana sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes please subscribe and leave us a review. also find us on Instagram at Nirvana sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana sisters will continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to. Bye.

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