Episode 59 - The Power Of Being Polished With Glosslab Founder, Rachel Glass (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 59 - The Power Of Being Polished With Glosslab Founder, Rachel Glass

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Amy: 0:06

Welcome to Nirvana sisters podcast where we take the intimidation out of well being and beauty to help you achieve your highest state your nirvana. We are sisters in law and your hosts. I'm Amy Sherman.

Katie: 0:18

And I'm Katie Chandler. So let's get into some real conversation

Amy: 0:28

Welcome to Nirvana sisters Nirvana sisters family, we are back. It's Amy and Katie. And this week's episode is about a self care ritual, which I think is probably one of the most relatable things we've talked about so far. Because most of you probably do this or I hope you do. But this ritual is an easy way to help us feel confident, like I said before, very relatable. And what is it nails we're talking about? One of my favorite subjects is Katy nose. And we are here with Rachel Glass, the founder of Glosslab, and we're so excited to hear her take on nails and self care. And welcome to the show. Rachel are so excited to have you.

Rachel: 1:09

Thank you so much for having me. I'm having a

Amy: 1:11

Katie and I have both been frequenting our Glosslabs in our areas. So we love it so much. But um, before we get into it, let's take a step back from our week and talk about our weekly nirvana. So this is just like something that brought us joy this week, something that brought us happiness Big or small, just to kind of like, take a step back. So Katie, why don't you start?

Katie: 1:30

Yeah, thanks, Amy. I wouldn't mind like hands down was yesterday, my four year old graduated pre K. And it was just the cutest thing. They had the sweetest ceremony. It was like way more produced and done than I was expecting at all. It was very sweet. The kids saying like 10 songs. And they had, they had like a proper ceremony where they called each child up and gave them a special necklace. And everyone clapped for each time. It was just it was it was so cute. It was great. So I'm very excited for Reese.

Amy: 2:02

Were you crying

Katie: 2:03

a couple times? Yeah. I wasn't like as hyper emotionalism as some of the parents were. But I think I probably will be when I send her to kindergarten next year. Yeah, it was great. What about you, Amy?

Amy: 2:15

That's a sweet. Well, my kids just finished school too. I have two boys, Rachel and one just finished ninth grade in high school. And the younger one just finished sixth grade in middle school. So yesterday was their like, official last day. So we went out to dinner last night at a really nice restaurant, and celebrated the end of school and all their successes and you know, just congratulated them for working hard and all of that. It was just like a nice to be together. We've all been running around the last couple of weeks and of schools always crazy. So just nice to sit together like us for and celebrate and spend time together. So that was definitely my Nirvana this week. What about you, Rachel?

Unknown: 2:50

I am I have two girls. They are seven and nine. And they are not done with school yet. But I feel like I've had I've gotten to spend a lot of time with them. This week, parents were allowed back in the classroom to see sort of their end of year stuff for the first two years. So that was just really nice, special time with them and seeing them inside school, which I haven't done in a very long time. Yeah,

Amy: 3:13

that's, that's okay. Are you are you based in New York?

Unknown: 3:15

I'm based in New York. Okay,

Amy: 3:17

awesome. Hey. Awesome. Well, let's get into it. So tell us all about GlossLab and like what gap you're seeing in the market when you create it?

Unknown: 3:26

Yeah, for sure. So I My background is in finance. I worked in finance for 10 years at a business school. And I always felt like a manicure was part of my routine. I really thought of it like an errand like getting your shoes shined. And I felt that there was no brand in the nail salon space. So there were a lot of a lot of mom and pops. There was high end spa, but nothing that was really branded, accessible, unknown entity. So I did a lot of research on the space. I really focused on hygiene, because I found that if that was something that was really easily compromised at nail salons, and waterless I did a lot of research and waters basically, any way you spin it is a breeding ground for germs and bacteria, especially with pedicures. So when I started gloss lab and this was pre COVID. I should also say that I'm a lifelong germaphobe. So the ethos of gloss lab, pre dado was really hygiene focused. And I think that obviously means so much more today in this world that we're living in, but especially around nail care. Our tools look like your tools at the dentist or doctor office. Everything is sterilized in an autoclave machine. Our services are completely waterless. And then we're really focused on efficiency. So I think of a manicure as something that it's it's a great sort of, I don't even I'd like to say treat for yourself, I really think of it like an errand like you go to the gym, you go manicure. But how do we make that as efficient as possible. So a really fun experience while you're at GlossLab. But we love to get you in and out and back to your day. So to make that happen, we have same time manicure pedicure, you can get both at the same time. And then we have a membership model. So since day one, we have a membership model, which is unlimited manicures and pedicures for about $115 a month. And that, again, is really focused on efficiency. So how do we make this that you're not stopping to pay each time you come in, this is really part of your routine, you can get as many manicures and pedicures per month as you want to. And I I would say above all of that above the function is, I believe a manicure is really empowering. Like when I have a manicure, I feel like I'm fully dressed, I can take on my day I can I just feel good about myself. And I think in this small way with feeling polished, you can kind of take on the world. And I think that's really what I believe in for GlossLab.

Katie: 6:12

I love that. Yeah, I

Amy: 6:13

totally agree that for the

Katie: 6:14

the listener that maybe hasn't been to Manhattan, there are nail salons everywhere. But you can walk into any different salon and have an entirely different experience. And you never have any idea of how of the hygiene level and how efficient it's going to be, etc. to brand. A nail salon I think is just ingenious, because you know, you're getting every time you come in. And that's I mean, that's absolutely like one of the things that I love the most about about GlossLab. Another efficient thing that you offer is the times you are it's the earliest opening up and so on that I've ever seen you offer as early as 8am. Is that right?

Unknown: 6:53

Yes. So we open at eight and we close at eight. So we, we those 8am appointments are very booked. I'm sure we're busy, efficiency driven, mostly female. But yes, we read those early appointments are golden.

Amy: 7:09

Yeah, I recently posted on my Instagram on a few saw, but I got an early an early appointment around like 830. And it was so helpful, because I feel like I've been saying that for years being you know, working in corporate America, I never have time to do anything. I'm like, why don't these salons open at eight in the morning. So I can just go on my way to work and just like get it over with instead of like they open at 10am Like when am I supposed to go and so that's it's so helpful and amazing. And then the fact that you're open late, same thing, if you just you know, don't get to it in the morning. So I love that. That's so helpful.

Katie: 7:39

Yeah, and you have locations in Manhattan and Westport, which has to do with festa worlds. Oh,

Unknown: 7:48

amazing. Okay, so we have locations. We have seven in New York in New York City. And then we have Westport, Connecticut, which I think of as still sort of the New York market. The open Bethesda, we're opening three more in the DC area. So first, and then the other three will be opening in the next month to two months. And we have over 30 leases signed. And those are all US Miami, Dallas, Houston. And then a few other markets coming soon and more in New York City, Miami and the same markets. That's so exciting. Yeah, that's

Katie: 8:25

amazing. Amazing. Congratulations.

Amy: 8:27

That's so much fun. Congrats. Yeah. How do you pick your markets?

Unknown: 8:31

So we started in New York, we I'm based in New York City. So this is a you know, a New York City brand at the start. And we really pick markets based on I mean, our customer is primarily female, but not not only female, I would say that we're picking markets, and really focused on convenience. So two things. Where can we cluster locations. So New York City, we have seven soon to be almost double that in New York. I think we could have even more than that. In New York City alone. There's 4200 nail salons. So there's opportunity. So we're picking markets where we can go into the market and really open several locations at once because that really speaks to our membership model. And we're looking at it as a convenience so where is this person woman going? Where's she picking up her coffee? Where's she getting her salad where's she going to work out and making GlassLab really a part of that day.

Katie: 9:30

It's so smart. The other thing that is so fun about GlossLab is you offer such great like nail art and such a really fun array of colors. And then are there also different like grades like what are the different types of manicures that you that you offer?

Unknown: 9:48

Yeah, so we have, we have long lasting polish, which is typical nail polish as you think of nail polish, and then we have our performance polish, which is it's also all Long Lasting nail polish, but it not only lasts long, it also dries in five minutes. So that's sort of our middle polish, which is my favorite. And then we have gel polish. So we use soft gels only gels that can be removed easily, because I think other gels really damage your nails. So we have three tiers of nail polish. And then we do design. But we're really also I don't want to say efficiency focus with design, but a little bit. We're not a design studio, we do design but but we have designs on our board. And it's it's on the more like in a more focused way for design.

Amy: 10:36

Yeah. And I was gonna say I actually like that, because I always love to do like a fun design here and there and most places can't do it or don't do it. Right. And I love that you only have kind of like a few and they're just like fun ones that are trendy or like something that's like, you know, you've seen online or whatever. And I liked that because then you don't have a lot of choice. It's just there's like, I don't know, whatever, like five or 10 designs. I think like last time I went in there I did. I got like foil def design, which I love. And the cool thing was is I picked it and then they're like, Oh, you could do gold foil or silver foil or whatever foil and you could do a different colors. So I liked that, like there was like a set of designs, but then you could still customize it and then like you kind of know what you're getting. So I love that because I think at other places. Yeah, it's just like, totally random. I remember what I was gonna ask you before is it only membership model? Or can you just go in without the membership?

Unknown: 11:30

It's both so membership and then all car walk in bulk an appointment. It's really it's really both.

Amy: 11:37

Okay, and then I was going to ask you the performance polish that you were mentioning that drives and drives in five minutes. Does that stay on? Like gel does?

Unknown: 11:45

No, so it applies like regular polish, it's not cured with a lamp. And then it also removes like a regular polish, but it dries in five minutes. It's amazing. Like your nails are really dry in five minutes.

Amy: 11:59

And does it chip like I mean, I can since gels were invented I can't get anything else because when I get like normal a normal manicure for me it chips in like one second does this one chip as easily as the other or is it like more in the gel?

Unknown: 12:12

It's not like gel, so it's not like I like to get gel when I'm traveling or when I have a very busy week and I just need my nails to be completely Chipless for a period of time and especially when traveling because I feel like traveling by the time I zip my suitcase like to leave my nails you're done. So I love gel for me gel really weakens my nails if I do it too much. So I like to do gel like maximum once a month. And then the rest I do performance polish. Yeah. It after a certain amount of days. It does chip. Yeah, like Northen, you

Amy: 12:49

just you have you have unlimited so you just go back and get it fixed. Right. I'm gonna start doing that because I've noticed that my nails well they were weak to start with, but they're even weaker. And I feel like since I've been using gel like it doesn't last as long because they're just like not so I feel like my nails need a break. So that's a good tip. I like that.

Unknown: 13:06

It's good. And it's also the gel will end up not as lasting as long if you write gel.

Amy: 13:11

That's what's been happening to me. Do

Katie: 13:12

you have some tips for strengthening weak nails? My nails are always weak. I think it's partly because of my thyroid. People that have thyroid issues, say weak nails. I don't know if you know this, but as unhealthy. Yeah, so

Unknown: 13:26

probably shouldn't do that because I have I have hypo thyroid too. So I probably but I didn't know that but it makes sense. Other tips so we were actually launching our products and oh next month and going forward. We exciting. Yes, so exciting. We have an amazing this is my favorite favorite product. It's called our super boost. And I've spent about a year sort of coming up with this product when we looked to make a nail treatment. There was so much on the market there was like a nail strengthener nail hardener rich filler like so many different things. And we created this super boost which is like I like to think of it as like a little shot of vitamins for your nails. So it's like everything in one and it go it applies with this like sheer pinkish color so it doesn't apply completely shear. And I love to use it in between manicures, like if I'm at home and I'm taking off my Polish I know I'm getting a manicure the next day I'll apply the super boost. You can apply it on top of a nail of a manicure if it's a light color. But it's really really great and just as amazing for your nails.

Amy: 14:34

When will that be launching

Unknown: 14:36

that we'll be launching this summer. Nice.

Amy: 14:39

And where where can people buy it?

Unknown: 14:42

People can buy it on our website and stores. So we're yeah we're really excited. That's great. Thank you and then the other tip I mean really just as I was saying is I would definitely recommend breaks from gel because I think that's it just really weakens nails.

Katie: 14:58

Do you is collagen good for now. How do you know that I've heard that rumor like like you know, those college and like Vital Proteins and things like that, do you? Do you know if that's legit?

Unknown: 15:09

I can't speak to if it's legit believe so, for me what works and what I tend to recommend is intake of nutrients and vitamins but also staying super hydrated. I drink tons and tons of water like this one liters on my desk all the time. And I've noticed for me that makes a big difference and then just keeping your nails very hydrated. So we're coming out with lotion, lotion, oils, coconut oils, anything that just keeps them really hydrated is great. Nice.

Amy: 15:43

Yeah, I tried to keep like some sort of oil at my desk just to like put on my cuticles. I've been out of the habit, but I need to refill just to like, keep things moisturized. Yeah, and hydrated. I was going to ask you to so just back to the waterless thing. So I'm just trying to understand. So why does so many salons use water? If it's not hygienic? Like what's the benefit of using water water overnight using water?

Unknown: 16:11

Yeah, we so part of my diligence for loss lab, I went to nail technician training school, I really wanted to get under the hood of the business, I would not recommend getting a manicure from me, I'm not very good at that. I really wanted to understand more about the business. And it's really just historically water has been taught as part of the service, but it really doesn't have a function. I think it's if you want to clean the feed or soak the feed for us, all of those just lead to germs and bacteria. So we've completely eliminated it.

Katie: 16:46

Yeah, I like that. I think. I mean, I've heard like plenty of horror stories of things that happen with pedicures and water and everything. So it's really brilliant. And I've never seen it before. Anywhere that it's it seems like all the salons all. They all do the water. Right. So it's it's ingenious. So do you have any exciting nail trends that you can tell us about what's like new colors, combinations? So what's happening this year?

Amy: 17:13

We did this trends episode earlier this year. Member cating we were talking about some of those nails that were like supposedly going to be hot for 2022. I read some of them down. And I don't know if this holds true. We'll see what Rachel the extra things they were it was like multicolor nails. It was the American manicure which I get a lot neutrals. DIY, of course I know has gotten a big focus because of the pandemic decals, waves, mixed textures. Those are the things that we found when we were doing research earlier this year that would kind of be popping this year.

Unknown: 17:45

What do you know, I think so we see a lot of the waves of all of those that you mentioned. For us foils are which I know you said you tried are amazing. That's been a huge trend for us. And what I love about foils is they're super easy to get under nails. And it looks like design. It is a design. Yeah,

Amy: 18:04

I watched her do it. I was like, Oh, you like press it on. It's so cool.

Unknown: 18:08

And it takes five minutes. So instead of 60 minutes to get a very intricate design. It's much quicker and I think looks very cool. So I would say foils for sure. And then with summer approaching, we're seeing a lot of neons like just neons neon pedicures neon blue, yellow, green, pink, etc.

Katie: 18:33

But number what is the American manicure? What's that mean? Amy, what were you saying you'd get?

Amy: 18:39

It's like, um, you know, I'll do like a it's almost like a French manicure but the top is like a fun color. Oh, like

Katie: 18:46

where the lights are the tip. The tip like you'll

Amy: 18:50

do like a white French manicure, but instead of the French being white the French is like Oh, cute. Now neon yellow love banger you know, it's just it's like a fun little have a Kardashian. So I think that's what I think that's what the American American manicure means. Versus like the French manicure like the traditional so it's just like, judging it up a little bit.

Katie: 19:09

Yeah, Rachel, do you guys do the mat? I can't remember the last time I was there. Do you offer the matte finish?

Unknown: 19:16

We do. I like So that finishes is a topcoat and

Katie: 19:19

we did yeah, I love it.

Amy: 19:22

And also, I will note that the experience in the salon is so fun because I just love all the branding and you have the magazines behind you What was the inspiration for like the black and white magazine inspo design. It's so fun.

Unknown: 19:36

Yeah. So with our stores, I like to think that we've thought of every detail of the experience because because that's sort of the whole premise of GlassLab was how do we make this a branded experience? So each location, it's localized, but But certain things are the same. So the Glossop wall, we have a mirror in the front, just sort of take a picture of your manicure when you're leaving, obviously waterless as I've discussed at the stations, but really the look and feel and then our nail polish wall, which actually doesn't have, as you guys know does not have nail polish bottles, it has nail tiles, so you can really see the polish and what it's going to look like on your nails. And that's the same at each location.

Amy: 20:18

Yeah, that is so smart and such a good it's such a creative and inventive way to do it. Because for our listeners, there's a big what you call like a board. And it's just as like little squares you can take out and you just see all the nail polish instead of all the bottles being there, which like half the time you're like going, you know what this looks like on my nails. And it's like, at the other nail salons will have those wheels where you're like touching all the things and everyone touches them. And you look at all the colors, and there's like 10 billion colors and you stand there forever. Like I feel like, all your colors are beautiful and curated like every single color is beautiful.

Unknown: 20:53

Yeah, yeah, thank you. And we, we also have it. So we have our GlassLab favorite section with the and we have a feature section. So we're able to show our colors, we're launching our own polish. And one takeaway I had from launching the Polish was, you're always looking for that, for example, like what's your I want to get a red what red should I get? There's 25 reds to choose from. And we're launching our polish with our OG collection first. And it's OG red and Og. Deep red. So are two reds, you're looking for red. Here's a red, red. Here's like a deeper red. And it just sort of makes that process so much more efficient and simple. Of having choices. We have like OG gray OG dark gray, some light colors, but really making that simpler, especially for the basic colors.

Katie: 21:45

Yeah, I get Yeah. Neutral selections. Sometimes like Amy gets up gets like fun with all the fun colors. And I'm more of a neutrals girl and I it's like, I could stand there for an hour. It makes my head spin when I'm at another salon. So I love I love the curated. Great. So I just want to know I mean, you are manicures and pedicures, it's always been like you said earlier an errand something that you just check off your list and you make sure you get it done. But certainly I would imagine that, you know, self care and some beauty tips that may be picked up along the way. Like why do you why is this so important? And why do you feel like offering this in such an efficient way? Is is a game changer? I mean, what is it about this little thing on our nails and having it done nicely? That makes you feel so good?

Unknown: 22:35

Yeah, I think it's I mean, to me, having a manicure is just so empowering. It makes me feel good. And I feel like if I have a chip nail, if I don't have a manicure, I don't feel as put together and really feel like it's this little thing that you can do. And it just makes you feel good. And you can you know, have the confidence to like ask for that promotion at work or talk to that person or do whatever is like, you need to feel that empowerment.

Katie: 23:08

Yeah, I agree with that. I

Amy: 23:09

think it's so true. It's also like when you get your head. I mean, we had Ali Webb on the show a couple of months ago and like, you know, the whole philosophy of dry bar is like you get your hair done, but it's really because it makes you feel confident. And it's the same thing with nails. It's like those things are the things that make you stand up straighter and make you feel confident make talk to someone different or do something different because you just have more of that confidence. What other just being now in the in the beauty world. I mean, you're in finance what you know, before you start a Glass Lab, which is I'm sure like a complete 180 What have you kind of picked up along the way from like, a beauty standpoint doesn't have to be about nails, but like, Have you learned anything that was different than than then before just now being in this business? 24/7

Unknown: 23:52

Yeah, I you know, it's funny because I, I don't I think of GlassLab Of course, we're in the beauty space. But I don't actually put it as like always beauty and sort of self care. Like I tend to not like those words. I don't know if I'm

Amy: 24:09


Unknown: 24:12

But for me a manicure is an errand and it's really something I see as more of a routine than this. It's like I see it. Like you work out you get a manicure I related to maintenance. It's maintenance like you should just like always have a manicure always have your nails done, because it's like Yeah,

Amy: 24:30

I saw on your website it said always on always polished, which I love. Yeah, love. Yeah. So you said you have how many open now you have about 10 ish open now

Unknown: 24:39

open and then we should have about 30 open by the end of this year.

Amy: 24:43

That's amazing. So obviously the brand is doing well. But tell us about how it was like what when did you launch? Did you launch right before the pandemic?

Unknown: 24:51

We I launched? Yes in 2019. So before the pandemic Okay,

Amy: 24:54

so how was the whole pandemic like the whole COVID era for you being that you just recently launched, what happened during that timeframe and like, how are you doing? Obviously, you're doing well now. But like, take us through that I'm interested.

Unknown: 25:09

I mean, I think COVID, of course, was hard for everyone. I, as an entrepreneur, I sort of see times like that as also times of opportunity. So I think for GlassLab, thankfully, we only had two locations at the time, they were closed for a period but then reopened. And I think, given that our ethos was hygiene from day one, it really resonated even more so after COVID. Because people who maybe didn't value it as much before, really valued it valued it now, and it was really top of mind. I also think, manicures are this, it's sort of this little something that you can do for yourself. And in COVID when people were home, people wanted manicures, and it's a manager is not to like, go see somebody else. It's really just to feel good about yourself. Right. And I think that sort of resonated more so post COVID. So I feel very fortunate that, you know, we've been able to bounce back, and I think it is something that that people really value.

Amy: 26:16

Yeah, absolutely. And so you have 30 opening and then future plans, like how many how many do you plan to have dominate the dominate the nation or what?

Unknown: 26:25

Yes, I would love to have a glass slab on many, many corners throughout the country. I think nails is very much about convenience. Yeah. We've really taken that into consideration planning or locations for golf club.

Amy: 26:40

I have an idea because I've always thought of this. Which I'm sure you've thought about but do you have always wanted like a little cute. This is silly but so we have like a grooming service that comes to our house and gives our dog like a bath and a groom just you know pulls up in our driveway. It's like a little van but I'm like I have this vision of this cute van pulling up and like I can go in and get a manicure and like everybody on my street hand to like a pop up any plans for things like that.

Unknown: 27:09

It's a great idea. My team. No plans get mad, but I love that.

Amy: 27:15

Yeah. And then final question before we get to our speed round. Are your nails always polished as the founder of gloss lab? On always polished I love it. I need that mantra in my head because minor, I would say 85% of the time polished but now that I have a Glass Lab in my hood, I'm much more prepared to be always on and always polished.

Katie: 27:38

And I want to see do you can we? Oh, sorry. Oh,

Amy: 27:42

yeah. What are you wearing today?

Unknown: 27:43

I have this is actually one of our polishes. It's a slate. It's our gray. I love it.

Katie: 27:48

I think that's the one I did for our photoshoot, Amy we we hit gloss lab before our brand shoot. I love it together. It's a great color. It's a good it's a new semester with like with the neutral set. Yeah, yeah,

Amy: 28:03

me too. I love neutral gray is like my go to neutral whenever I'm like going on a trip going on a business trip. Have a meeting. It's like the classic to me. Yeah. Yeah, same. Love it. Okay, um, we're going to start off with our little quickfire rounds. Okay, what is your favorite wellness or beauty hack?

Unknown: 28:22

My favorite wellness or beauty hack is I love coconut oil. Like from the kitchen, coconut oil, skin hair everywhere.

Katie: 28:32

nicely on your face as well. Your skin is gorgeous. You've absolutely glowing. Wow.

Unknown: 28:38

On my skin, I love oils. It's kind of a little greasy and gross. But

Amy: 28:43

I let you do you put it on and wash it off or you just put it on. I usually

Unknown: 28:47

put it on either before bed or before workout and just sweat into it and then wash it out.

Katie: 28:55

Nice. Well that's a good one. I haven't heard that before. That's great. All right, this next one we call it our five minute flow. Just got out of the shower and dry it off. And Uber has Pingu. They're five minutes away. What are you going to do? Pull yourself together what are your holy grails your go to is to get in that Uber in five minutes.

Unknown: 29:14

I am a uniform girl. So the dressing part is easy. It's like a white white t shirt like I'm wearing now. white tank top jeans. cute pair of sneakers. I can be out the door for routine I use sanyes brow pencil sanyes brow bar in New York the best. My favorite that's sort of my go to put that on a little bit of face moisture and I'm good to go. Nice.

Katie: 29:44

Great. And the last one we we want to know how do you maintain your daily nirvana.

Unknown: 29:50

So as you guys both know, as moms it's, you know, hard to find sometimes, but I I wake up soon for early and my morning is sort of most of the time if I don't get interrupted, but most of the time, that's sort of my Nirvana time. That's like my time when everybody else is sleeping. I'm awake, sort of have moments of planning my day, come quiet, get a workout in and kind of get to like, start my day and get my head together before the chaos of family and GlassLab and everything else comes in.

Katie: 30:27

Yes, I get that I do the exact same thing and mine was interrupted this morning by my four year old at 630. I was not happy

Unknown: 30:35

that I have that a lot of the time my seven year old is also a little early bird I'm like, Hold on I'm not

Amy: 30:41

ready for you're excited. You're like I need to complete my morning before I can talk to anybody else. It's

Katie: 30:45

so true. So true.

Amy: 30:48

Yeah, thank you so much for spending time with us and giving us all things nails. We're a big fan of the brand and a view and all your success congratulations are just super excited for more to come and seeing all the new products that you're rolling out so fun and well. We always end with a mantra So Kate is gonna give us our mantra today

Katie: 31:09

I like this one because you know the nails like you said it's an errand it's all a part of you know, taking care of yourself I know you don't look at it so much as like self care or treat but we don't actually our ethos is that like self care isn't really a treat either. You know, it's it's for the Nirvana sisters, your wellness and your self care at all. It's all wrapped into just your day to day and and keeping yourself healthy and happy and your wellness. So this is you are the greatest project you'll ever work on. I think that that ties that works. Yeah, I

Amy: 31:44

love that. That's a good one. So thank you so much. Thank you. This is so much fun.

Unknown: 31:49

Thank you so much. Thank

Amy: 31:50

you. Thanks for listening to Nirvana sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes please subscribe and leave us a review. also find us on Instagram at Nirvana sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana sisters will continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to. Bye.


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