Episode 23 - 8 Hot Topics in Skin Right Now with Board Certified NYC Dermatologist Dr.Rachel Nazarian - Part 2 (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 23.

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Welcome to Nirvana sisters, where we discuss all things health and well being to help you achieve your highest state your nirvana. Hi, I'm Amy Sherman, a marketing exec with a passion for wellness and beauty.


Hi, I'm Katie Chandler, a form of fit model that has a passion for health and fitness. We are


sisters in law who share the same love for well being ready to sift through all the self care noise and bring you a splash of what we think is fun. So let's get started. Welcome back to Nirvana sisters, this is part two with Dr. Nazarian, we hope you enjoyed part one all about the skin. This episode really focuses on skin conditions, the face under eye darkness, fillers, Botox surgery, Body Sculpting fat removal and a game changing injectable for cellulite. And Katie also has a great product review at the end. So stay tuned for that and hope you enjoy part two.


Well, I would like to touch on a little bit of a personal note. And that is psoriasis. My husband, my mother and now my seven year old daughter habit. And my seven year old has had one large patch on her leg that has now spread to I don't know maybe like 30 or 40 spots. And we're just we're trying to kind of wrap our head around it like my husband, he's had it his whole life. But it comes and goes it's pretty late. And it's completely stress related. When he's low stress. It's gone when you know otherwise. And my mom's has gotten better. I think she's in what they actually call it psoriasis remission. I think I've read somewhere she doesn't have it anywhere. But my seven year old all of a sudden it's popping up all over the place. And I don't I don't know what to do for her aside from the topical steroid cream that was given to her that I don't really love using. So any any thoughts or advice? A

Dr. Nazarian:2:05

lot of thoughts? You're kidding. Tons of thoughts. First of all, your mother and your husband, right? So you have psoriasis, which we know is genetic on your mom's side, on your side, right, the mommy side. And then we have it on Daddy side. So this poor girl like obviously, she was getting the two hits from both sides, right? But it's gonna be fine, it's going to be fine. You know, Psoriasis is a skin condition where essentially the skin is just overreacting to we don't know what so normally the cell cycle is you get your new skin and then it's sloughs and you know it has like however many weeks cycle that takes your skin to renew itself fine. For people that have psoriasis, for whatever reason, this normal timeline is like revved up. So you just keep making more and more with the skin just basically piles up on itself. So it leads to these thick, red scaly plaques. But it is an inflammatory condition we know that involves inflammatory cytokines in the body. And it can also create some issues and other parts of the body with inflammation. So it's not just a skin condition, right, it can affect the joints, we know that it can affect cardiac, you know, so people can get arthritis. And definitely stair flares with stress. But the good news is, is that when I say we've come a long way, I mean, we have come a long way. When it comes to psoriasis. Every few years, there's a more and more and more targeted therapy for psoriasis. So back in the day, what they used to do is just suppress the immune system. Because you know, I'm telling you, this is like basically an overactive immune system in the skin, right, too much skin too much skin. And so you would suppress that, and you would help your psoriasis but it would also leave you a little bit more vulnerable to infection. That's what you need your immune system to fight. And so what they ended up doing is finding what we call biologics that now target closer and closer and closer the pathway to the inflammatory targets that cause psoriasis. So rather than like blocking the whole immune system, you're blocking it less and less and less, right, more and more targeted, which means way less side effects Much, much safer, easy for people to do. I mean, I have patients on biologics that they only have to give themselves the medication four times a year, every few months. Done. And that's nice because regardless of how much skin they have effective, which is obviously really upsetting. You know, I don't have to worry so much about their joints, you know, protected them. Because, God forbid you get really psoriatic arthritis that can be really tough. And so you want to catch those things before they really start to decrease quality of life for patients. Now, steroids which are like the topical creams, typically we don't we don't really do oral steroids for psoriasis, topical creams, and some ways you can think of it as working more locally right? So you're not affecting the whole immune system. All you do is Orbison, but should be fine, you know a little bit here and there when they need it. If you find that a patient is becoming sort of not dependent, but like needs it all the time, in order to keep their psoriasis in check, then we like to actually do vitamin D analogues, maybe you've heard of like hospital trying, those take a little bit longer to work. There's things like vitamin D. And so those take a little bit longer to work. So generally, we'll kind of get them started on the steroid cream, so they just feel like better faster, and then give the vitamin D cream a little bit more time to work. And then they can do that more long term. That's a really great regimen. If somebody you know only has a couple patches, let's say or it's like, it's realistic for them to be able to apply it. We even do topical retinoids if you want to go back to that, because remember, I told you right now it's helped like regulate the cell cycle and get more normalized like get rid of like old skin help healthy new skin take its place. So actually what retinoids will do for psoriasis will also help regulate the way the cells are behaving and act more normal. So retinoids are a wonderful part of some psoriasis regiments. You can even do ultraviolet therapy or phototherapy, even safer than going outside, rather than going outside and baking, which a lot of people used to do for their psoriasis because they got better in the sun and then exposing yourself to all this radiation, which increases your risk of skin cancer. Now we just use specific wavelengths. And that's even safer than being outside for a couple minutes. And so you can do that for your psoriasis and just target the areas that you need. There are so many different ways to treat psoriasis, depending on what area of the body it is. But, you know, my my advice would be don't get, don't get nervous about the medications. I mean, I have family members that are on them. I don't know how I would feel if I had to put my child on medicine, my kids are so young, I made you feel like I probably always be nervous about everything. I mean, I'm a doctor, I still get a little nervous when they get vaccines that tells you what Mom Brain is and what Dr. Brain is, I can't shut it off. They're going back. So of course they're gonna get their vaccine for like, I don't know why my head just goes, Oh, my child's can, you might say something wrong, because it's gonna happen, you know. And with psoriasis, I think would probably be the same, I'd be a little nervous, I understand that. But if she is getting to the point where it's really impacting how she feels about herself and her life and how she looks, oh my gosh, don't be scared, don't be scary. These medications are so safe now. And if you think about it, they're protecting the inside of her body. Right? So let's cardiac issues, less joint issues, you know, the patients that are on some of these biologics actually have better cardiac health, long run less cardiac events, you know, or just healthier patients because of what these medications can do. Now, you know, she's young, you want to see how the creams work for a little bit, I get it, you want to have alternatives to steroids, whether you do the vitamin D, or you do truly the non steroidal creams that work similarly, but are safe. For long term, maybe names you've heard of like Ella del Protopic. Those are other medications you can use. There's a lot of options on the menu, and just be open to them. Let them lay out all the risks and benefits on the table. But you know, for a lot of the stuff that's out there honest to god, I wouldn't hesitate. I really wouldn't for myself, my gosh, no problem. For my family members. Really, I think it's the right choice.


That's, that's very


encouraging. That sounds really treatable. Like if you're gonna have something at least it's like a treatable thing that she has not something that's not as

Dr. Nazarian:8:46

psoriasis, you know, I


mean, that's, that's right.


Now, that's very encouraging, because she used steroid creams are just not working out for her. They're not honestly, they're not really helping that much. And she is a little bit more high strung. And I just thought, you know, steroids can seep in, even if it's in little doses. So it's not even helping. So it's good to know that she has she has other options, we're going to look into it. So I appreciate that. Thank you.

Dr. Nazarian:9:12

Of course, reach out if you have more questions. I'm happy to continue talking about it. Okay. Thanks. Thanks.


So I have some questions. Because I'm obsessed with this topic. puffy eyes, dark circles, ridges hollowness, like as you get older, and you have that, like I've tried so many different creams different like there's just, I know there's not a miracle cream, but do you have advice for like the puffy the darkness, like all of that lovely stuff that starts happening to your eyes.

Dr. Nazarian:9:41

Alright, so under eyes, there's a couple things that happen in the under eyes, right? So as you get older, your skull changes, right? The skull of an eight year old is not the skull of a 16 year old, like anatomically there's different right. And so one of the things that happens as we get older is the eye sockets. hollowed out. So you ended up getting contour changes, right where the eyes are a little bit more sort of sunken in looking as you get older, and then the tear trough start to cast a shadow to your trough is that sort of like Ridge underneath your eyes, right? So it tends to cast a shadow, as you get older. Some people they're just like, that's just how they look, they're kind of born like that, that's just the shape of their face naturally. Most people even if that's not your natural shape, as you get older, you will notice that sort of happening, that's part of it. Other thing that happens as we get older for many, many, many people is that those wonderful cushions of fat that sit around the eyeball, tend to kind of move and migrate a little bit as things shift, and also puffed out and herniate a little bit as not only as you get older as a skin sort of weakened and thins out as well. Right. It's a very delicate area, a little bit of Cushing. And as a skin weakened, you kind of heard it a little bit. Well, that's where you get like the true puff that real bag. Right? As opposed to I was talking about before, which is like a contour hollow and like shadow being cast, right. Neither one of those issues can be covered with foundation or concealer, whatever it is that people are using these days, you can't you can't cover contour, either a puff or a shadow with color, it's not gonna change anything, right? That's a little test. It's how you know, versus true pigment, whether it is from rubbing allergies, or whatever else or just genetic, some people just have true dark pigment on the skin. So you can like pull the skin down, you'll still see that colors is a different shade, right. And then lastly, the area is very thin. So oftentimes, if you have thin skin in this area, it's almost like translucent. And you can see like purple blood vessels underneath you basically the lights just shining through, right. So you have translucency you have pigment, you have puffiness and you have a true shadow from a hollowing. Okay, all those things play into the on your eye area that isn't even really get into like wrinkles and sagginess. But that we all kind of already know how to identify, all right. All of those things are treated differently. They're not treated the same, right? So you really need to know what's the issue in order to pick the right fix. So, for the hollow, we'll call the tear trough, I do filler, I do a little bit of hyaluronic filler, I've gotten it done. Everyone else has gotten it done. I'm the Kardashians definitely got it done. I've got nothing going on no tear trough so they're definitely filled. And that's how you get rid of that shadow. Easy. The bad that puffiness that's pushing out, that needs to be removed surgically. Not a big deal procedure. But that's the only way to get rid of it. And we do a procedure called a lower blepharoplasty fabulous. Doctors will go in there, take out that little fat pad, close it up, done, done deal. So beautiful procedure for pigment, you can use topical ingredients that literally lightened and get rid of pigment, right so licorice root extract, some people use hydrocodone, some people use Kojic acid, whatever, there's a lot of different ingredients that will literally break up pigment. And then for that translucency, you have to do things that actually thicken the skin and create more collagen. And whether you want to do it in a way that's topical, like you're using peptides and retinoids and things to help stimulate collagen, or you're doing lasers and micro needling and something else to stimulate collagen like a procedure or device. That's the way to do that fix that also will help with some of the tightening and some of the wrinkles and the creepiness because you're stimulating collagen as well. So just like you're just basically improving the type of skin that you have with a whole last bunch of stuff.


Yeah, that's really interesting and helpful. I've done various versions of many of those things. I've done micro needling a couple of times, which I love. I'm not sure if it helps under here like a little bit. I've done filler ones but I didn't actually love it because I'll tell you what happened to me if this is weird. So I got filler a couple of years ago in that area because again, it was like dark and not as hollow but just more like that dark look. So I got the filler. And I felt like it made the little puffs that I had underneath my eyes like stick out. So I almost felt like it made it look worse. Although I didn't look as wrinkly I just put the puffiness like I have a picture of it from like, immediately when I got it. It's like it kind of like went out. So I didn't really love it, but I just kind of it looked fine. wasn't great. It wasn't bad. It was just sort of like is what it is but I didn't like how it sort of pumps it out. And then I guess it took about a year and a half two years to like go out of my system but lately so like a month ago I always had for the last couple of months these like dark lines and so I asked my dermatologist and she was like yeah, it's from old filler and it's like casting this like purple whatever so I got it drained and there was actually quite a lot still in there. So once I got it drained it was so interesting because those black lines that were like right here, came out I still have the black on or I mean the dark under here but I don't have that anymore. So it was so interesting. So she was like, you could do filler again, she was like, but it might kind of be the same. So she was telling me about that. Like in the future, she was like, you could do a lower blast, or whatever. And then she also suggested doing that transfer under the tear trough because she said that might be better than doing filler all the time, because it might not like work as well for you. So I always love the questions because I'm like, my husband thinks I'm crazy. So I don't even know what you're talking about. But like I see it every time I look in the mirror, like it's better now that I got it drains, but I still see it. And now I'm like, Oh, now that I got it drained, I can actually see more wrinkles. Like there's never like one. Like it's never like going to even out if I do one thing, the other thing happens. But anyway, I just I wasn't sure if like if you keep doing Miller and things like that, or if it like stretches out your skin, or if it's just better just to do the surgery at once.

Dr. Nazarian:15:51

So it's really interesting to me how many people ask me about the filler, whether it stretches out your skin? No, it doesn't stretch out your skin, you're gonna damage your skin like that you're not going to like the filler is gonna go away and you're like, oh, loose and saggy. Now, if you stripped a balloon too much, absolutely not. You were literally replacing what you had, you were stimulating your own collagen formulation. And you were trying to just sort of give support to the underlying tissue where it used to have that support, you're trying to look like yourself. That's all you're trying to do. So but what does happen as you get older the skin gets so lacks, right? Like people think about anti aging. And all they're thinking about sometimes it's just like, filling, right? But you didn't age by just losing volume, you lot you aged by losing volume. And also losing elasticity like the skin is more lacks, and it's less full, because you've lost a lot of that structure underneath. So when you anti age, you're never going to be happy unless you anti HSM wait. If all you did was fill, you'd look like a big balloon, which is we've seen that by the we've all seen that I know we've seen it it's awful when people look overfilled. And then if all you did was tighten, you would look like you're in a bad facelift, right? Because what they used to do back in the day, they actually tighten it and pull it and sew it back. It's just they're both completely inappropriate if used alone. The right way to do it is a little bit of filler for you church off, it's a little bit of a different story. But you know what I mean, kind of like all over a little bit in the cheeks a little bit the jawline, a little bit in the nasal label, and then a little bit of tightening, which you can do with different lasers. Right. And that's going to help you look like really what you're supposed to look like yourself.


Yeah, and it's funny, she was saying that except to do it with a surgery with fat but but use the fat as a filler and then doing laser. And then she said it will look really natural. I don't know if I'm like ready to do that whole thing. I might just try filler again. But do you find that if people have sort of like a ridge or like a little bit of a fat pocket underneath their eyes that when they do filler it like can make it look worse. So or is that just like me being crazy not being crazy

Dr. Nazarian:17:55

at all. First of all, the patient has never generally knows their face really, really, really, really well. Right. So that's really what it comes down to. So when people have both problems, right, meaning you have a ridge and you have a fat pad, the goal is never to put any filler under the fat pad ever. And you never want any filler like around the fat pad where it can kind of push out, what you're trying to do is it's a lot easier if I could show you but imagine this in your face in your head, you really just put the filler only into that deep rich, that's it. And so what you're doing is not touching that pad where you're trying to get that valley below it to be filled in a little bit. So it just masks it in camouflage is it better, right? You know, when you have both problems holding out and that puffiness, you can only do filler for a little bit and you will lose the battle eventually and have to get the bluff. Because ultimately that fat pad continues to push out, you can't keep putting tons of filler in there, right to your point, you only get to try you have that particular and this is why you have to always be evaluated to see if you're a good candidate for something or not. But you can only put a little bit of filler in there to a certain point and then at some point that that that peg gets a little bit too big, you have to say you know what, I can't keep chasing it. Now, you got to have that fat pad taken out as you as it continues to grow up. But you know, I see people with both often I tell them, we can do a little bit but you got to stay far away from that fat pad literally just into that little hollow in that valley. And the goal is not to change the fat pad, but to just blend it into the rest of the face nicely. That's what you're trying to do.


And you have to go to someone good because I think that I've only done it once and the first person I went to she was okay. I think I would go to this new person I'm seeing because I think she would be more. I think she would be more like you like really gentle with it because I feel like I could see it a little bit. And I felt like maybe she just put too much in or like didn't do it in the way that's more natural because I felt like when I smiled you could see it a little bit or at least I could Yeah little bit but so interesting like slime could ask you to bore everybody else. But I think that's why my doctor was like, Yeah, at the end of the day, you're gonna want to get this. Like, it's not like you need it right this second, but I know it bothers you if you want to, like just nip it in the bud. She's like, just do that. Because that's eventually what people that have that issue do so yeah.

Dr. Nazarian:20:24

So funny though, to two patients that I see has like this one thing that they just wish they could change about themselves that I'm going to tell you right now is like, a one on a scale of one to 10 You know, in terms of like, really how bad it is, like I have a patient that I saw, just like maybe an hour ago, two hours ago, I guess now. And like, she's been chasing her ugly neck and I put this in quotes because she's like, the most beautiful for like, at least like eight years now. Okay. And she there's nothing wrong with that. But she feels like it's just aging her and it's sagging, and she feels like it's it's a fat pad and whatever it is. And I'm telling you, she has a beautiful neck. But we have spent an awful lot of time trying to tweak it and make it how she feels is perfect. So she's not imagining what she's seeing. It's there. I get it, you know, alright, it's a little lacks. Okay, I see the wrinkle. Alright, I feel a little bit of that fat pad. But really, it's like, it's like her thing. You know what I mean?


And like, we're own harshest critic. Right. And that's one thing that

Dr. Nazarian:21:23

we don't know what it is for, you know, for you, Katie. I mean, I guess for Amy, it's gonna be the eyes. But like everyone has this like thing on their body, you know that they just hate and obsess over and you got to remember to your point. I mean, we are definitely our own worst critic. There's no way anybody else in your life notices what you're noticing to the degree that you notice.


My puffy face I get the puppy the puppy space deal.


Katie was so funny the other day she says to me when she's traveling, she got a really bad headache. And she's like, look at this picture. Doesn't it look like I have? Like I can see the headache. like, Y'all know what I'm talking about. But I gotta go. So there's like so many more things. The last thing I want to ask you about because I think you said you do body sculpting stuff. Yes, that's right. I've been reading about something called velis shape and like, I don't know if the all of these things are all the same. What is like the best one if you want to, you know, there's two things I think there's like our listeners, I'm sure you want to know about these two things like one sort of like the fat removal and then to cellulite.

Dr. Nazarian:22:38

Okay, boy, fat removal and cellulite. Alright, fine. So fat removal can be done surgically, which we know is like liposuction, right, or can be done with lasers. And there are different ways to do with lasers. Some lasers use heat, right like radiofrequency heat, I actually don't do that I do freezing. I do cool sculpting, a lot of cool sculpting. And I have to tell you, I love it. Love it, they had a sort of a second generation version that came out not that long ago. And that's when I started doing it for myself, obviously, but also for my patients. And what it does is it you know, brings the temperature of the fat down to a level where it crystallizes. And we know that that will crystallize at a different temperature than like muscle or skin or other parts of the body or different tissues of the body I should say. And when it's crystallized, which takes generally about 30 to 40 minutes depending on what area you're doing. You massage out those crystals and those crystals break your body comes and they clear it it destroys the fat cell destroys it. And so you have less fat cells there so you will not be able to accumulate as much fat in that area and it really does change or shape. So that is your new shape. At that weight, you can still gain weight, you can still put on weight and the weight will distribute however it wants to distribute a little more fairly. If you're someone who was treating your belly because you had all this fat deposited in the belly, you're not going to pause it the same way but you could still gain weight and you could still gain weight in your belly if you gained enough weight. So I you know I call sculpted and then let's say eight which is a true story and I had kids which is also true story and gained weight and then when you lose the weight I'll get back to my CoolSculpting body when I get back to that same weight but you know I had issues I didn't I didn't want my middle eastern right so I didn't like my hair shape I want like Kendall Jenner legs who doesn't so I wanted my thigh straighter and all I don't want my inner thighs touching whatever all the garbage we have in our heads that what we have to look like but you could do the chin you could do the arms you can do a lot of areas takes a few weeks to see the improvement I recommend everyone does it twice to the same area that to me is considered a true treatment. You do it once you get a lot of complainers you know once a year you sit there and show the before and after seeing you look different see before so yeah I hate that. I hate that. Once you've done it twice. I don't have to show you the before and afters anymore. It's like we're done. You know, like, I'm happy. That makes me happy makes them happy. So I tell everyone twice. You don't have to do it twice because you had a dramatic result after one great good for you. It happens fine. But you're gonna do it, you're gonna do it the right way. You know? Because I do hear a lot of people that say, Oh, I don't know. I don't know. I tried it a couple years ago, but I've actually never say never had like one maybe but she also gained weight. So I wasn't really sure but, you know, it's it's a very dependable way to get rid of those fat cells. Cellulite is a little different. And you're asking me about it at the right time because we do kind of have a little bit of a game changer that came out a few months ago called quot Q w Oh, that's actually an injectable that is used to break up those bands that pull down under the skin and create that like wrinkling. An orange peel luck of cellulite comes a little bit pain comes a little bit of bruising, but is super promising, like super promising. Really now,


is it permanent? Or is it something well, you're doing so far,

Dr. Nazarian:26:10

they're seeing some long term, improve improvement. I mean, you're maintaining these results, you know, like, I think up to a year out, and they're still looking. So I think it's, it looks really, really promising. I don't do it yet. I'm sort of sitting on the sidelines a little bit like, had patience to do it, you know, learning about it, getting trained on it, I kind of want to see some people roll out a little bit longer, which is generally how I work with this stuff. But I've had a lot of colleagues that have been using it now for long enough that, you know, I'm I'm happy to support that and recommend that. So


that's awesome. I want to look into that because that's another thing I'm always looking for treatments on because that's why I was researching this Bella shape, which I've seen, like, here and there written up in articles and it's specifically for cellulite as well. I don't know if it does just cellulite and or if it does cellulite and like sculpting I'm not sure I don't know too much about it. But I'm going to look into this quote too, because like that thigh area,

Dr. Nazarian:27:12

I gotta tell you, one of my co workers, you know, she was really eager to have it done last month. And I wasn't, wasn't ready to be the one to do it for her yet. And so we had her go to one of my colleagues and have, you know, have her get it done. And aside from some pretty hefty bruising, which is part of the deal. She's actually looking really good. You know, I tried a bunch of other stuff to get rid of that for her over the past couple years. And I wasn't having much success. And this you know, this injection seems to be, and we've been hearing about it for a while now. So I kind of knew it was gonna be a little bit a game changer. But to actually see it in action on people that I know is really exciting.


Yeah, that's exciting. That's cool. And


there's no downtime. I mean, so there's bruising, obviously, but is there like, is it like painful, it's

Dr. Nazarian:27:57

a little, you know, your muscles feel pretty sore sometimes afterwards, like you got a little like a, like a punch in the leg. And the bruising can be pretty substantial. So sometimes little bit of swelling that comes along with that. So it's not something I would do during bikini season. But you want to wait until the fall winter and


winter time activity.

Dr. Nazarian:28:16

Ugly. Exactly.


All right. I'm all about it. Okay, so we could literally talk to you forever. So like, we probably need a part two, we might be cool. I


think we need to,


we should probably start getting into our rap session.


All right. So let's do our rap session. So Dr. Nazarian, you've given us so many great tips. But what is your favorite wellness or beauty hack?

Dr. Nazarian:28:37

Oh, my favorite wellness or beauty hack? Just streamline it. Like just you know, my hack is just getting everything into what you're already doing now and just tweak it like, I drink my antioxidant green tea at night because I was going to drink tea anyway. So why don't I drink something that has like tons of antioxidants, it makes my life more easy and helps me in the long run, right? Like when I do my, like I said my stuff in the morning, it's all infused into that one product, I'm not to think about it. Everything that I do is just a part of my day. And it doesn't feel like a chore and it's sort of like, hidden and all the other stuff. And so I just think if you can do that with everything, your diet, your skincare products, you know, your walk to work, whatever it is you just have it streamlined to something where it was all thought out beforehand. And it's good for you, you know, over the course of a lifetime, oh my god. Imagine the cumulative effect of something like that. These little tiny changes add up so much at the end of decades and decades and decades. Just remember that it's gonna happen. It's science, it's happening. You're not gonna get when the body doesn't respond to this kind of thing. You're gonna reap the benefits to have patience with it. And just trust the science just sneaking into your day. And I promise you you're good. it'd be so happy later in life.


Yeah, I love that streamlining, simplifying, just kind of making it all a little easier. Right?


Exactly. Okay, so this is what we call our five minute flow. So here's the scenario. You just got out of the shower and dried off whoever just alerted you there five minutes away. Like what is your quick beauty routine to like, what are your holy girls would you just put on to get out of the house on time and get into that? Uber? This isn't a morning this is at night. This could be any time you choose, but it's like what's that quick thing that you have to like? You just you got five minutes you got to just throw it on and go obviously we know sunscreen. What else? No. Could be body could be face.

Dr. Nazarian:30:42

Yeah. Eyelash Curler. There you go. Oh, that's good one. That's, that is you know, I put on a fancy shmancy watch. I put on you know, I take my little eyelash curler and I clamp it. And then I'm out the door. You know, I don't I don't do a lot of bling. I don't do a lot of anything. I just like you know, I work so hard on my face all the time. Your skin's



Dr. Nazarian:31:06

Perfect, whatever it is what it is. Thank you. But the point is, I don't have to think about it on the daily because I already put in the time. So when I jump out of that shower, a little awkward for maybe to the lips, a little clamp on my lashes. A little watch on my wrist.


I'm out the door. Nice. Yeah. Well that we love the article friend.


Yeah. And then how do you how do you maintain your daily nirvana? Because you are a busy doctor? You've got three young children, your wife? I mean, how do you kind of keep that daily peace? Well, any any anything, it

Dr. Nazarian:31:38

should be honest with you, it changes depending on my stage in life, I have realized what I could have done a few years ago with maybe even one kid, you know, maybe what I could have done with even two kids. I can't do with three and a husband Right? Like just what I did as a single girl to like really get my calm with it was go for a run or do whatever. Sometimes it just can't happen. Now the only thing that happens daily now with three kids is a shower. Right? Let me tell you, my shower. You know, even though it's not very long, is like my Nirvana it is my happy place I find water always has the ability to just calm and heal and recenter and so I take this shower, I enjoy the water coming, you know, onto my face onto my body. And I have my little products there that I use where I feel like I'm just self it doesn't feel like a chore. Maybe showering is a chore for some people. It doesn't ever feel like a chore to me. You know, I just enjoy that feeling of just like starting fresh. And that's it that's like today now like Rachel in this area now in life at this age. That is my nirvana. I sort of hope in a few years that maybe it changes and it's something else like getting rid of lighting a candle or doing my sage but right now it's just it doesn't shower.


Well that's very accessible.


And it's you know, it actually triggers your parasympathetic nervous system a nice like long peaceful shower. I mean, it's really it's a very like restful rejuvenating thing I do that to actually come

Dr. Nazarian:33:10

Yeah, yeah. But you're either gonna be that or it's gonna be me attacking myself with a laser and needles which happens in the office down masochistic, so I'm gonna go with a shower. Nice.


I love it. So we've kept you like forever but we're just two quick things before we wrap up so Katie so we typically do like a quick what we're loving product review at the end of the episode so Katie has something to share with us and then I have a closing mantra. Yeah, so


I am excited. Hey, what


do you have a very good product review


I'm doing it this time. Usually Amy does it but I found these two new products that I'm obsessed with. It's the Charlotte Tilbury supermodel eyebrow kit. I have like very very sparse eyebrows and I always have to fill them in and it's I've always had a really hard time finding the right product to do it with but these are amazing. The reason why I love it. The tip of the pencil is like angle and very thin and it's it's made from Konoba wax. I think I'm saying that right so it comes on like very, very feather fine. It literally looks like you're putting like another eyebrow Heron and other eyebrow hair and I mean it's really it's just the way that it goes in is so so smooth. This is called the brow lift pencil. It's $25 it comes in eight shades, smudge proof, humidity proof, it's great. And then I finish it with the brow fix sculpting gel and this is $23 and this is a 24 hour lasting clear brow gel that will condition your eyebrows it sets it and it's invisible. It doesn't like flake or anything. When I'm like you know not necessarily going out or just kind of want a casual look I'll go without this but if I really wanted to set and check kind of like pop I added the bra effect so I am absolutely obsessed obsessed with it. It's a really, really good one. You know the whole like, like thick, very full eyebrow that all the supermodels have right now like that's,


I love it. Yeah, I love that. So give it to me. Yeah. So you can so it looks so I bought that I haven't used it yet because I wanted to hear Can you talk about it so you just like kind of go against your eyebrow and it kind of just yes it in and you just do


like, like roll it up the littlest bit and then you just kind of go like, where where you're sparse in. And then I noticed that actually, if I do it with my left hand on my right eyebrow, it doesn't look right. I have to like switch hands. And because you have to go in the direction of the browser. That's, that's the trick. So and then it has this little while your brows look amazing. So little brush on the end where


I'm gonna, I'm gonna try that. It's a good one.


What's your mantra? Amen. Amen. We need a good one. You have one for us.


Yes. So to close out. And before we close out, just want to say thank you so much, Dr. Nazarian, for giving us so much time, we definitely want to have you back because we have like a million more questions. But we'd love, love, love, love all the information you gave us. I think it'll be so helpful to our listeners. And it was definitely helpful for us. So we really appreciate your time and your energy, we just your whole lighting.

Dr. Nazarian:36:12

You guys are so sweet. It's been such a joy to be on and so much fun talking about everything and love to come back. I think that's the one thing about dermatology, a little bit of a black hole is always something that you want to talk about. There's always more to know. So thank you so much. Yeah, it's been a blast.


Oh, thank you. Great. So I'm going to ends with something because we've been talking about, you know, our skin and all the things that we want to fix. And at the end of the day, here's a mantra that I think I need to tell myself and we probably all do, which is become so confident in who you are that no one's opinion, rejection or behavior can rock you. So it's like, don't listen to what anybody else is saying. And even sometimes what you're saying to yourself because I was thinking about it, I'm complaining about this and that but at the end of the day, if you're confident and you like feel good in your skin, nothing else matters. So I think it's really important to remind ourselves and our audience that at the end of the day, you just got to feel good. You got to feel good about yourself. So

Dr. Nazarian:37:08

true. Thank you for that reminder, Amy.


Thanks for listening to Nirvana sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes please subscribe and leave us a review. also find us on Instagram at Nirvana sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana sisters will continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to. Bye.


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