Episode 48 - How To Create A Business You Love With Mentor Jessica DeRose (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 48 How To Create A Business You Love With Mentor Jessica DeRose.

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Amy Welcome to Nirvana sisters podcast where we take the intimidation out of well being and beauty to help you achieve your highest state your nirvana. We are sisters in law and your hosts. I'm Amy Sherman. And I'm Katie Chandler. So let's get into some real conversation

Amy Welcome back to the show Nirvana sisters family. You have Amy and Katie here and we are so excited to talk with Jessica DeRose today. So Jessica is a former celebrity personal trainer and elementary school teacher who turn once a cute side hustle into a multimillion dollar business in two years need to hear all about that. Since leaving her teaching job in 2017, she has hired a team of incredible heart centered leaders served hundreds of clients helped create over $10 million in revenue for these clients and is committed to helping 100 entrepreneurs create seven figure impact driven businesses seven down 93 to go, Hey, maybe we'll be one we'll talk. As a result of donation and awareness, you and your husband have built a school and gone to Africa with Pencils of Promise, which is so incredible, and we can't wait to hear about that. And you've been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, yahoo finance the today show Good day, New York, the New York Post Shape magazine, the list goes on. And your mission is to cause a ripple effect and inspire change for generations to come making a massive impact and leaving a lasting legacy beyond your singular actions. And one thing I saw on your website, which I also really liked was that you build businesses with a different metric one around alignment, flow, ease, compassion, love, health, happiness and impact. And that really resonated with Katie and I. So anyway, thank you for being on the show. Jessica. We're so excited to meet Katie, thank you so much. And I have to just give a shout out for a second to my clients. Because since you got that bio, and today the gap in between the two to more millionaires were created. So I have to shout them out. Oh my gosh,congrats. amazing. But yeah, I'm so excited to be here. Thank you. That's so exciting. So we first heard you on girlfriends in business. We love that podcast. And we've interviewed Brittany Driscoll and Alli Webb. And we love all of our content. And so we heard you on that show. And Katie and I start talking because you were so inspiring to especially when it came to like some of the content around what you're in business for. So we'll get to all of that. But I just want to thank you for that content, because we hadn't heard of you. And being on that show, like helped us feel inspired and wanted to reach out to you. So thank you for that. And I also just wanted to say for our listeners that I think that this episode is really for for those of you and I know it's probably a lot of you that are dreaming of starting a business have a business that you don't kind of don't know, the next steps want to take it to the next level. People who don't know where to start. I mean, I think regardless of where you are in your journey of being an entrepreneur or starting a business, this will be a great show for you to listen to. So with that, why don't we start with our nirvana of the week, I am going to flip it to you, Katie.

Katie 3:18

Thank you. Yes, Jessica, thank you for being here. We're so excited to have you. It's a thrill to meet you. So just want to say that my nirvana is it just happened an hour ago, I went to my daughter's school for the first time because of COVID. I got to go inside. For a parent teacher conference. Yeah, it was great. Just to see where my sweet girl has been every day. Uh, you know, like not stepping foot in that school until now. She's been there for months. It's like it was kind of like pulling at me a little bit. So it was great to go in. And you just recently moved. So yes, it's all new. It's all very now not seeing that school must be exact, really hard, not knowing where she Exactly. And it's a gorgeous school and her teachers fabulous. Of course, I've talked to her teacher, but it's been on Zoom, but to be there and be in her classroom. And then she did a project. I don't know if you saw it, Amy, I sent you a picture. But she did like it was a project about like, who inspires her or something. And so I'm standing outside of her classroom and I turn on Amy's faces right there. Right on on the bulletin board. Project. It was so sweet. I loved it. It was all about her and Amy I know. It was great. It was so cute. Yeah, it was really, really sweet. I'm going to have to put that up on our social pages for everyone to see i That that was definitely a nirvana for me today. Yeah, so cute. What was yours? But my

Amy 4:39

Yeah, my Nirvana I would say is I took a little girls getaway 24 hour trip with one of my best friends from high school Debbie last weekend and we went to Philly which like I haven't been to in a bazillion years and we went because I had bought tickets to see rent which is like my favorite show ever. I'm obsessed and I guess during the pandemic. They were doing a farewell tour, which got delayed until now. And they've been doing the show for 25 years, which is insane. But I just can't believe it's been that long. And I was like, We got to get to get some go. Because if we don't go now, like, it's not going to like, be traveling or touring anymore. So anyway, we went to Philly, we went to the show, it was fabulous. It was just so fun to be in an audience again, and be in a theater near people like, just having the vibe of, of music and sharing that experience together was great. And it was just fun to go with my girlfriend like one on one. I mean, we literally talked we I realized, I'm like, we didn't even listen to music. And we love listening to music, we talked the entire way up the whole trip, and then on the way back. So it's really rare that you get those opportunities with your close friends. So that was my nirvana of the week along with Natalie's tribute in her school to me, which was so sweet. What about you, Jessica.

Jessica 5:57

So I have to say this is this one just stands out. But after seven years of wanting to create my own podcast, the team and I have finally created a podcast and it launched last week. So that was definitely our nirvana. And, you know, people have been asking why it took so long. Why did I keep pushing it off. And I've been trying to reflect as to why we've been pushing it off for so long, because it wasn't just a capacity issue. It was really my own self getting in my own way. And what I realized was being a teacher, being a speaker, and being on so many other people's podcasts, the reaction that I would get from people was often Oh, my gosh, I can't believe you don't have a podcast, you have to have a podcast that's crazy that you don't have one. And so over the years of hearing that over and over and over, I started to create so much internal pressure for what it would have to look like and how it would have to be perfect. Which is funny, because in most areas of my life, I've put that perfectionism down and understand, you know, that's not really a thing to attain to. But when it came to the podcast, it was kind of like, if I can't do it, right, whatever that means, if it can't be perfect, and I don't want to do it, so I kept pushing it off. And finally, you know, we rip the band aid off. And so digital business evolution podcast is officially out and live. And if you're listening right now and you want business tips on entrepreneurship, and mindset and stuff, you can go head over and listen, but it's today was our second episode. That's something that is such an incredible accomplishment. Amazing. And I've already listened to the heart. The two episodes you have out and it's so good. I loved Like, everything. So I know. It's crazy. That's so exciting.

Katie 7:28

It's crazy how that fear that pressure and that fear can really stunt people, right? Yeah, I mean, it's yeah, it's wild, wild. Congrats,

Amy 7:35

Katie. And I go through that a lot. Yes. With this podcast and building our business like, yeah, it was even less. Even last night. This is so silly. I'll just sidebar Katie. She sent me a note, we launched a new episode today with this parent coach who was amazing. And we launched it. And last night, we were looking at the creative to launch it and Katie's like, do you see like, is this like picture like off a little bit to the

Katie 7:59

right shoulder like little thing? Yeah. And we're like,

Amy 8:03

nobody will notice. And so we look at that and go Yeah, totally. But we just got, like, it's just, it's just so funny how we little raising our head like, it has to be perfect. It has to be just so and then you can like never do anything, because you just have like that

Katie 8:16

I know, morale. And then of course, I went in and changed it just for the fun of it. I did

Amy 8:23

love it.

It's really funny. All right, well, I'm Jess, do you go by Jess? Just Jess is Fine. Okay.

Tell us about your background. And kind of how you got to learn where you got,

Jessica 8:37

yeah, this is, oh, man, I can go so far back. So right now where I am is I'm a business coach and mentor. I help people build businesses in all different industries, specifically digital, and I really do specialize in course creation. So if you want to put together a course curriculum group coaching program, that's sort of my jam, but we help people with memberships, Evergreen physical products, anything. And we have entrepreneurs that come in through our doors who are totally green and during the ideation stage, and then we have people that all the way up to seven and multiple seven figures scaling and hiring their team. And the way that I got here is by my favorite quote of Steve Jobs, which is you can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards, and you have to trust that they'll appear so I did not get to business coaching or business mentoring by any normal journey. I got here by way of dropping out on my physical therapy doctorate program working in the fashion industry and fashion school, then teaching elementary school phys ed and health for eight years working as a personal trainer for 18 years and accidentally building a successful business online. That is how I got here. I started my hair. I started my online business in 2012. So a decade ago, I started with some health and fitness just kind of personal training through emails, people would actually write me checks and mail them in the snail mail. And then I started blogging and working on writing ebooks and then I got into paid Facebook groups where I had people coming into paid, you know, Facebook groups to be a part of communities. And I was hosting events and retreats. And this was all while I was working full time as a teacher, and part time as a trainer just to make ends meet. And in 2017, I left my job, I did not replace my income, I had no cushion. It was just I left out of unfulfillment, right? A lack of fulfillment, I just was very unhappy. And we can share the story of how I left and why I left because that's usually a pretty big lightbulb for people. But 2017 I left I went all in on entrepreneurship. And that's when I scaled that kind of cute side hustle to multiple seven figures pretty quickly. And, and that is what we do. And last year, I retired my husband from corporate and he came into my company. And so now we're running it together. And it's really incredible. That's amazing.

Katie 10:45

Yeah, congratulations. I want to hearing

Amy 10:48

that I'm in the corporate world, right doing two, you know, two gigs at once?

Jessica 10:53

Yes, yeah. Well, sometimes that's what it takes.

Katie 10:55

Yeah, I want to hear the story of what led you to leaving the teaching.

Jessica 11:01

Yeah. So I was listening to a podcast. This was 2016. I was driving to work October 2016, going to teaching. And I was listening to a podcast, the woman was a teacher, she also sold jewelry on Etsy. And I had just told you, I worked in fashion for a while. And so what it was was, it was jewelry and accessories that I was selling. And so I was really tuned in, like, here's this woman who's a teacher just like me selling jewelry on the side, just like me. And the man interviewing her asked her, if you gave yourself one year to sort of make it work in your side hustle. And it didn't work out what would be the worst case scenario. So she said, I don't know, I'd probably just go back to teaching, I might have to go to a different district. But I've been a teacher for a decade, I could definitely get a different job. And his answer changed my life. He said, Oh, how does it feel to wake up every day in live in your worst case scenario? Oh, I literally pulled the car over. I was hysterical crying. I texted my husband and I said I can't do this anymore. And that night, we started to figure out what would it look like if I left and how much money you know, how long could we make it on just his salary? And that was October of 2016. When we got back from our winter break that year, the first day back to school, January 2 2017. I walked into my principal's office and resigned.

Amy 12:12

Wow, I have chatted to it's incredible.

Jessica 12:15

Yeah, and you know, weren't teaching wasn't my worst case scenario. So for the teachers out there, I love you. You're incredible. We need you. It's an amazing job. It just wasn't for me, I felt I was really unhappy and unfulfilled. I had a six minute commute to work. We were living the American dream completely poor, you know, poor house poor paycheck to paycheck. And I just, it just felt like I was living in somebody else's story. So it wasn't the worst case scenario. But it wasn't my best case scenario. And at that point, it was kind of like, well, what's the big deal? What am I holding on to because I could go and get a j ob somewhere else? Like I could just get a job anywhere? If that's all that it is. And so I decided to kind of take a chance on myself, but it wasn't. I'm going to jump and grow my wings on the way down. I was not brave or courageous. It was I can't breathe. The ceiling is closing in on me. So I need to get out. Sorry. Just to be clear, like there was no bravery. It was just, I literally can't breathe.

Amy 13:13

You like couldn't anymore. You were just so done. Yeah. It's just it's so interesting how that you happen to be listening to the podcast, like at that sort of moment where you were it sounds like on the brink, like breaking down. I mean, that's what podcasts do. I

Jessica 13:29

wish I could remember everyone always asked me because I share the story often my guests if it was October of 2016 Yeah. And it was a man it was probably Lewis house. That would be probably, probably Louis might have been somewhat Gary Vee, maybe. But yeah, back then for sure.

Amy 13:46

That's just so cool. I love that story. So tell us about this. I know you talked about leaving your job. And I listened to your podcast and you were talking about how lucky you are to grow up with intentional parents. And then also about your winning mindset. And like sort of how we how so many people have that mindset. And then you would you'd mentioned the winning mindset and then like that you're winning when you fail, because you're learning. So can you kind of talk through that because I thought that was really helpful. Yeah, so

Jessica 14:16

as we're getting ready to launch my podcast, I started working with a speaking coach, and really storytelling coach and I wanted to just nail down my own story because I feel like I've lived a lot of different lives. I've worked in a lot of different industries, I've kind of had a lot of different interests. And as I'm learning myself as I've gotten older, and I'm becoming more aware of just myself and my patterns, my habits, what things those things about me I thought used to be failures, or I was a quitter. I never finished a project I'm now learning are actually superpowers of mine. And whether it's my human design or my Myers Briggs, all these different personality tests. It's actually the way that my DNA is like, framed that is that is how I am structured. So I love to learn something and master it and the moment I master it, I like can move on. So for someone listening right now, that might be like the nails on a chalkboard, I don't care about finishing a project, I just want to start it. I'm a visionary. I'm an Ideator. I'm a creator. And I'm a creative and I love to just the amount of downloads, I get, like ideas. It's constant for me. And so in working with this coach and doing storytelling, I recognized that and this might trigger people as you're listening, but lean in, I realized that I have won, everything I've done. I've never not won. And what I realized in working with him was, and this was the important part, the it's not cool that I won, that's great, fine. But I only want everything because I didn't play if I couldn't win. And so we started to unpack what that meant. I literally didn't put myself into a game or a situation or a position that I could potentially lose. And this would be as silly as playing a drinking game. In college, there was a card game, like a drinking game, we played that I didn't learn in high school, I don't know, I must not have been there that night. I never learned how to play this game. And so then fast forward in college, when people would play, I would literally just sit out and say that I thought that the game was stupid. Rather than say, I don't know how to my God, right? Because my ego was so attached to my worth. And I didn't want to appear so competitive, I didn't want to look stupid, I didn't want to look less than. And so I don't have to humbly say I want everything. But rather, I want everything. Because if I couldn't win, it didn't play. And I'm not embarrassed or ashamed by that. Now, it's part of my story. But now I'm learning that when I lose, and I say that in quotes, I'm actually learning and it's an opportunity to get up and grow. And the faster I lose, and the more often that I lose, the faster that I actually grow and have an opportunity to lose again. And so I've totally rewritten my definition of, of winning and losing. But this is all just happening. Now as I'm turning 38 Next month, it's all just unfolding.

Katie 16:56

So does that translate into you like not finishing the project? Or, like not taking it further to the next step? But you you've done it, you've mastered it. So now I'm going to move on to the next thing. Is that what what it is?

Jessica 17:09

Yeah, 100%? Because for me, it's all about? It's like how much can I connect? How much can I collect? how much how many things can I put in my toolbox? How many skills can I obtain? How many things can I be good at? And once I've mastered it, I'm good enough at it. Right? So it's like, I want to go on to the next thing, learn the next thing, jump into the next area. And I've done that in my career. I've done that in different industries. And it's really interesting, but I always thought it was a I was falling short. And now it's a superpower because I have so many different angles that I can bring to the table when I'm coaching or when I'm teaching.

Katie 17:42

Yeah, absolutely. It sounds like you do it in your hobbies too. You're about to start glassblowing classes. Is that correct? No that you did say it on your podcast. Yes.

Jessica 17:52

Excited, but with no intention to necessarily do it.

Katie 17:57

Right. Just a hobby. Exactly. Yeah. That's super

Amy 18:00

cool. That sounds relaxing. I know. So can you tell our listeners because this really helps. Katie and I when we're thinking about our business, like we launched as a podcast, we're growing it as a brand and the podcast is sort of like one arm of the Nirvana sisters brands. But we you know, Katie, and I have had so many conversations and like, impostor syndrome, and like all this stuff, but you went through this three R's of what kind of expert you are. Can you talk us through that and tell our listeners about that,

Jessica 18:29

really. So Well, first and foremost, impostor syndrome, we can chat about that all day. The only thing I'll say on that, because we could talk about it a lot, is if we just reframed the idea that you're not an imposter, you're just a beginner, then it it takes a lot of weight off. So you're not an imposter. Certainly not a syndrome, right. But you're not an impostor. You're just a beginner. And when you can come at something from the angle of like, Oh, I'm just learning this. I'm new at this than it doesn't feel so heavy, where the word imposter makes us feel like we're doing something we shouldn't be doing. Right? So I just like that little reframe. But yeah, that I love that flip. So the three R's are really basic kind of overview of this question a lot of people have have, am I an expert? Am I good enough? Will people pay me Will people believe me? Why should anybody listen to me? And so the three R's are different types of expert that you already are. Now, we all are these different types of experts. We're actually all of them at all times in our life. And you could be each type of expert in one area of your life. It's just through different seasons, you sort of graduate to the next level. So the first level of expert would be the research expert. So this is like me with glassblowing. When you're doing something brand new, you're learning about it. You're going back to find information, you're bringing that information back to your audience. So if you're creating a brand, a personal brand service provider coach, you can be a research expert. I'm learning how to podcast right now, right? So I'm taking what I'm learning, and it's not that I'm going and creating a course and selling it. I mean, I could but I'm really just taking what I'm learning, and I'm letting my audience know, hey, this is what I learned. And if I don't know the answer, I'm okay to say, let me go find out. So I'm just being a student of whatever it is, and I'm researching about this particular thing. So usually, when we start something, we're a research expert. From there, we graduate into a role model expert. So role model might have a little bit more knowledge, a little bit more experience a little bit more skill set. And they're sort of doing the whole come with me, rather than look at me. Look at unlearning how to garden, check out this thing that I'm learning, I'm in the middle of a weight loss process. I'm not done yet. But I've lost X amount of pounds, and I'm still on this journey to lose more. I'm currently building the business and looking to hire my first team members, right. So you're a role model, essentially, just being yourself, you just are for other people, because the level at which you are is an aspiration, it's an aspirational identity for someone who might be a step behind you. So you're all role models in different areas of your life. And then the third and final is the one that we think of when we think of having to be an expert. And that's the result expert. So the result expert is someone who either themself has had the transformation or them or the results, or that other people have that transformation winner result. So most people put a lot of pressure on themselves at the beginning thinking that they have to be the result expert in every area, I have to be perfect at this. And I'd have to know everything about that. And I have to have a million testimonials in order to start. But the reality of it is, it's the chicken or the egg. So starting is what's actually going to make you a results expert. And so in different areas of our lives, we might be different types of experts. And then in one particular area, we kind of go through the flow of going from one type to another to another, but at any given moment, we are all experts in our own right. And kind of like a snowflake, we have a unique perspective that only you have. No one sees the world through your eyes. And we get to bring our lived experience and our lived perspective into all of the different areas that we show up and be and teach and coach.

Amy 22:05

So would you say thank you for that much. Yay. Would you say that when people are starting a business or entrepreneurs or really anyone? They go from like, one to the other to the other? Or they're all three, but like some pieces are dialed up or dial down depending on their experience with it. Yeah,

Jessica 22:25

I think the answer is yes to both. Because I think there are certain areas in our business, if we're talking about business that we are learning, and then we kind of start to master and then we know, while other areas of the business, you're going to be in different areas, right? So marketing and messaging might be one thing, and then community building might be another and then of course creation might be another and sales might be another so at any given moment, you're sort of in a different place for each kind of container within your program or within your business.

Amy 22:53

Yeah, I mean, it's kind of like Katie and I, when we started the podcast, we were I would say in the research phase. And now I would say we're more in the results phase or like in the process of moving to that because like we've mastered we know how to do we've been doing it for a year we have you know, almost whatever 45 episodes out like, we have our flow. But yeah, if you look a year ago, Katie, we were definitely like in the research and like bringing people along for the ride. I mean, we still are but yeah, the podcast, applying it to something technical. Yeah. But you can actually go right in the business world. We're like,

Katie 23:24

Yeah, why don't we in the beginning? I have a quick question about Yeah, so you know, like what we were just saying to the podcast perspective, 100%. But here we are an AMI, maybe you were just saying that we are trying to develop our brand. And and we're coming from this perspective of like, you know, we've interviewed all of these experts. And so how much are we now experts? And so how much is our brand going to, like the community and the following and everything that's going to come along with it? It's so I was just trying to think while you're explaining all of it, like where are we landing in the three R's in regards to our business growth. And I feel like we're more kind of in the role model phase, because we have, we've created something, it's going in a direction. We have experts, we've taken knowledge from our experts, and are applying it to our brand and to life and everything. And so it's just interesting to think about it from that perspective. And then what's the trajectory? You know what I mean? It's I don't know, it's, it's, I think it's something that we mull over a lot.

Amy 24:29

Yeah. And I think the one thing that Katie always not to get into whole coaching but I was thinking, yeah, Katie and I always think about our brand and we're like our differentiators really like yes, we talk about self care and well being and all of that, but our take on it is from the perspective of making it very approachable and making it like you're talking to you know her now We're talking on the phone having a conversation about some new XYZ and people are just listening in. Where as we found in, in, in the space in the wellbeing space, which we love, a lot of it is very intimidating, it doesn't feel tangible, it doesn't feel a passable, it's casual, it's very aspirational, which is all great because you need that. But we found this gap of like, there's not real people talking that have a passion for this that have learned things along the way that are like sharing. And so I don't know, it's just an interesting framework for us to think about as we start to expand the brand. So thank you for sharing that. And also,

Jessica 25:36

I mean, a brand really is, it's how people feel when they come to you. And it's what you stand for, who you stand for, and why you stand for them. It's not so much about, yes, there's this expertise of what you're going to teach, but the way that I see it, being an actual teacher, I believe that there are six different levels in which we teach, learn and understand. And I think people often skip some of them And real quickly without getting into it. So someone teaches whether that's you reading a book, or listening to a podcast or sitting in a class, once you teach are taught, then you learn. And when you learn it, you don't actually like have it until you've understood. So number three is understand or comprehend it and that's a piece a lot of people are missing. So we can learn all day. But unless you understand or comprehend, then you can't get to number four. And number four is that you integrate it, when you integrate it into your own body. When you integrate it into your own life. That means you're actually taking action you're implementing, you're utilizing the thing that you've learned. Then number five, you start to embody that thing that you've learned. It's now it's a part of you, it's a part of your brand as a part of your daily habits and patterns, beliefs, thoughts? And then finally, Number Six, would you you become it. And it just is what you it just is part of you. Right? So there's really six levels to sort of learning and fully understanding and comprehending and embodying and all of that. So to answer kind of what you threw out before of we listen to a podcast, we learned something, are we now the expert in it? Well, the answer is not necessarily. Once you go through those six steps, you're still not necessarily the expert, because choice. And if that thing that you learned is how to change a car tire that really has nothing to do with your message your brand, your ideal clients and the transformation that they want. Just because you're an expert in it doesn't mean you need to implement it into your programming.

Amy 27:23

Can you talk to us about I mentioned it earlier, but just your point of view on building business and the way you approach it with like alignment flow and ease, like I love those words that you use, because they're, you know, more of the softer words for business. And I think that's really, that aligns with me when I heard it. So I just kind of want to hear a little bit

Jessica 27:43

about Yeah, so I'm a bit of a straight shooter. And when it comes to business, I'm super masculine, masculine minded, that's my default, I'm very, still a high achiever, I like to work I like to have strategy. And so it's funny because these words are a bit of a buzz right now, they're kind of the fluff in the industry that everybody wants alignment and flow. So I'm very cautious when I talk about these things. But most people, most struggling entrepreneurs, actually, they believe that their business that they build will give them freedom, right, we all want to be these entrepreneurs, because there's no financial cap, there's no ceiling, I don't have to ask a boss, I can take time off whenever I want. So there's this belief that building a business will give me freedom. And that is so far from the truth. If anyone listening has tried to build a business, it's quite the opposite. You know, you leave your nine to five, and now you're doing a five to 12. And it's just totally the opposite. You can't turn it off, it's always in your head. It comes with you everywhere you are and there's always work to be done on the business. So the reality is structure in your business will create freedom. And so by adding structure, whether that's systems automations team, the structure inside of your business is the thing that will give you the freedom. So when I say that, you know, I build a business on alignment, it's a couple of different things. It's number one, my decisions that I'm making are aligned with my purpose. So they always go back to the purpose and my personal and team core values. Everything every decision we make goes back to our core values as a company, so everything stays in alignment. And then if I'm staying in alignment with my decisions and my purpose, then generally I'll be passionate for the most part, which will make it feel fun and flowy. But it's all rooted in systems and how can we make this work for us so anybody can create money, anybody could sell a course. I'm not interested in that. I don't want to create money. I want to create a machine that makes me money. That's the freedom that I want. So when I talk about you know my business and you have this freedom it's how can I create a machine through aligned decisions that are growth minded growth mindset, not scarcity, not lack that will then create me this you know, freedom that we're kind of striving for. So has nothing to do with not working and I don't want there to be missed. conception is quite the opposite. I work a lot and I love working, I believe in working hard. And I didn't get here with just, you know, all the fluff.

Amy 30:09

Totally agree. And that's actually, when I read that I actually didn't read it as fluffy I read, I read it as differentiating because the words and being aligned in your business and the structure is, is is exactly what I think would resonate with me. And maybe some of our listeners that aren't like, the typical, I would say, hardcore business. People write like, I work in Marketing, I build brands, but I'm not like a business owner entrepreneurs and now and my husband is along with Katie's husband are both entrepreneurs. And so we see the 24/7 that are working, but to your point, like my husband has been an entrepreneur for 25 years and has set up systems which enable him to have freedom and to go do something in the middle of the day, because XYZ is working behind the scenes and making money for him. So I love that. Thank you for sharing that. I'm

Katie 31:04

curious how. So you? How did you learn all of this? How did you create all of this, like, did this all just came to you through your experience? You started with personal training, and then and then we didn't so much touch on like exactly what you did. When we when you love teaching, what was the next step to get you to this point, because it's just it's so brilliant. I'm just so curious.

Jessica 31:30

It's been a really long journey. I'm I'm a, I'm a lifelong learner. I'm a student through and through as much as a teacher, I love learning. So for me, you know, I started the online business, like I said, in 2012. And I've had a lot of different iterations. And through that I've made a lot of mistakes or judgment errors, or it's just taken longer than it needed to, but it needed to because that was my path. And so a lot of what I teach is just through learned lived experience. But also I hired my first business mentor in 2014, because I had no idea what I was doing. And so she helped me with that iteration or that phase of my business. I then took a gap of time between that coach and the next one. So the next one wasn't until 2017. But since leaving my job in 2017, I've never been without a coach, a mentor or being a part of a mastermind. Just there were years where I was consuming two podcasts a day at minimum. I'm a huge reader, I believe that reading is just it's the quickest way to collapse time, right? That's another trendy, catchy, like, I'll help you quantum leap and collapse time. Okay, but hidden reality, what does that mean? I can take something that took somebody 3040 years to learn, and I can learn it in 200 pages. Sign me up. So whether you're listening as an audiobook, or you're reading as a regular book, it doesn't matter. Neither are better. But you know, do it find do what works for you. And that's alignment, right? When we talk about that. It's like, what works for you, what lights you up? What's exciting? What's your method of both learning, buying, understanding, knowing yourself? Is everything. So super long winded answer. I've asked for a lot of help. I've raised my hand a lot. I started admitting, I don't know. I've made a lot of mistakes. I've invested a ton of time and money. And I've learned about myself. And I think that's probably the biggest thing is that the more understanding I have for me, the more everything grows, because your business is a reflection of you. And your business will only grow to the extent that you grow. And every time I sort of hit a level where I'm stuck or plateaued. That's a pretty good key indicator for me that I'm just stuck in my own growth. And so it's an opportunity for me to get to that next step, which is super uncomfortable. It's not fun, by the way, like unlocking new lovers. It's not fun, it's stretchy and uncomfortable. And it's sucks, quite frankly. Yeah. No, that's, it's,

Katie 33:50

that's really well said, because I think Amy and I both have experienced, you know, let's figure out everything that we can on our own. And let's we can do this together. And you do this and you take this. And then you get to a point where it's like, now what I am totally just I have hit a wall, I am plateaued and to say to yourself, to give yourself the permission to bring in people that know what they're doing, and to lean on them and to ask for the help. I think it's it's paramount. I mean, you just said you, you've had many coaches and mentors, and we're just starting to kind of segue into that phase. So it's really it's very exciting, because it just feels like it's you know, there's more growth to come. And it's scary. Yeah, scary. But yeah, now we're jumping in, let's just say for

Jessica 34:37

the person who's listening, who's not ready to financially invest, like, you can have a mentor that you're not paying my belief and understanding is actually that really is what a mentor is. So I believe I mentor someone they might not even know you exist, right. So they're, maybe they do maybe you've actually paid for some of their programs before but they're not invested in you and your growth yet, because it's not a relationship where maybe coaching you yet. But I have had so many mentors who have never formally paid. I've had so many mentors that I just learned from their free content, or maybe I have paid for a couple small things here and there. But I look up to them and they have what I want and they built what I've built. And then I have coaches who have paid to be in their proximity, and they're invested in my growth and I've paid to be in their room. And it's always a stretch my first business coach in 2014, I borrowed money from my parents, I was completely house poor, I was a teacher, I had no money. So it's never been comfortable. The rooms that I'm in, make me wildly uncomfortable, you know, shaking in my boots, when you have to do the introduction at the beginning of the mastermind weekend, but every single time it's paid off tenfold and speaking

Katie 35:41

of. So I was just gonna say really quickly, it's such a good tip that there's resources everywhere, right? Like, if you don't have the means to necessarily go out and hire someone, there's, there's definitely it's out there and the mentor thing, I'd love to go ahead and sorry,

Amy 35:53

yeah, no, I was gonna say you were talking about growth and change. And I know you've recently had a change and you changed your not only your Instagram, but like your persona in a way you took on your married name. More officially, I guess. So tell us about that journey and, and why you change and how you got that house. So

Jessica 36:11

I had my old Instagram page for eight years, and it was just Glaser, which is my maiden name. I've always gone by Jess, I've never know Jesse or Jessica just always gone by Justin just Glaser. That was that was me. And so for eight years, I built that, that brand and that business. And I think over those eight years, I had changed the handle four times. And I had done four or five different pivots from you know, health and fitness and network marketing to business. And like I had made a bunch of pivots. And so I had gotten to a place last year. So we didn't talk about this. But my husband and I left New York City at the heat of the pandemic. And we got into a 40 foot motorhome traveled the country for 14 months in an RV, living full time. And that was one of the biggest shamanic ego deaths that I've gone through that till this point, when we talked about getting to another level. It's beautiful. It wouldn't have happened if we had stayed. But it was horrible. And it was the hardest year. And so the RV Life was cool. But the stuff I was going through was really ugly. And what I'm recognizing now, so we just ended that experience in November, so just a couple months ago, was that for the first time in my life, I could hear myself when we left New York, and I wasn't sure if I liked it. Yeah, it got really quiet. And that was really ugly. And I think that happened for a lot of people collectively over the last two years, a lot of questioning, right. And so in that growth season, what came out of it

a rebirth of sorts, where switching up my content wasn't enough and switching up, my handle wasn't enough. So I decided to shut that account down, which had 25,000 followers, and they had been around for eight years. And I said I want to start a brand new Instagram account, because energetically, I just wanted to remove myself from old stories, habits, patterns, content, beliefs, people pivots, and I just wanted to start fresh. As a business coach who teaches organic social media marketing, I also wanted to be back in the weeds with my clients. Not to say I wasn't in the weeds, but there's some validity and reputability when you have even 20,000 followers, people just assume okay, you must know your stuff, right? Which is not necessarily true. So I said, Wouldn't it be fun to go back in the weeds and really learn what does it feel like to be growing an account again? And also, how does it feel to be detached from I don't really care if it grows or not, because that's not my intention. And so I initially started a new account with my name just Glaser and I just had put a little underscore, and I had that account for three months, but I never started it because energetically it didn't feel different. And so I had this dream one night, where what would it look like if I actually changed my name? My husband, and I've been married for seven years, and I never legally took his name. And my business had already been thriving. When we had gotten married, it was growing. And that's how people knew me in the industry. And so I never changed it. So this idea of if I change it to just a rose or Jessica Rose, then people can find me and all the links and the podcasts, what would that look like? So I did the work that it was required of me to do on my ego and what would that feel like? And as the divine universe would have it, my sister in law was working with a person who is a letter expert, like a word ologists, who works with the frequency of letters, and he was explaining, yeah, just Glaser is an extremely masculine name. It's got a masculine energy and frequency to it. It's Get out of my way. I'm proving it to you New York City, right. And I barreled my way to where I had gotten in the business and the fitness industry, all of it I burned I burnt out twice out of breast cancer scare like I barreled my way because remember, if I couldn't win, I didn't play. So I want I want it all costs. But Jessica DeRose, which is beautiful names. My husband's name is very light. Yeah. Yeah. And so as I'm approaching this next chapter of my life, it was I don't have anything

Need to prove? I don't have to build the page. I'm not standing at the door trying to get people into the club. I'm just like, here. And if you're interested, you can come take a seat. And if not, I love you like, it's fine. So for me, this is a whole big energetic shift for so many reasons. But yeah, that's the new page.

Katie 40:21

Congrats. That's so empowering. That's,

Amy 40:23

yeah, that's really cool. Katie, and I felt that way too, because our pages small, but we're not about like, being a social media person. Like, you know, it's just a way to promote the content and you know, the community. Yes, it's I think that's, that's so important. And it's funny, too, we always talk about this, when you were talking about organic social media marketing, I mean, that's like what I do for a living in my full time corporate job. But when it comes to doing it for my own business, and my own thing, it's just such a different lens. And it's such a different, like, I'm not, it's not some other brand, it's actually my own, and then you don't apply the same principle. So it's definitely been like, a really big learning experience to like, get into the weeds again, and like, think about like, oh, how would I do this? If I was over here, and like, just discovering things about yourself that you really enjoy doing things that you don't enjoy doing? And like, I think the learning and to your point of like, really knowing yourself, and your strengths and weaknesses is so crucial. And I think I'm still I think we all are still learning that every day, every year, you get wiser you get smarter, you learn things, and yeah, I just I love that. So

Katie 41:31

I think there's something also like the journey, you're, I feel like you're diving back into the fun of the journey again, right? Like, just, let's get let's like, start fresh, being, like you said, be in the weeds with your clients, and how liberating is it to sit back and just say, all right, you're either with me or you're not? I mean, it's really, it's, you're bound to feel like that. Yeah, it's

Jessica 41:53

definitely been a process.

Amy 41:56

So what is your favorite thing about what you do? I'm sure there's lots but what is it? What would be like your most favorite?

Jessica 42:04

You know, I can't just it's not the client results, because those are almost inevitable. It's the ripple that those results cause? And that's part of our mission, is that ripple effect? So if a client makes money, what does that actually mean for his or her family? And then for the future generations? But also, if a client makes money, and they're going after their dreams? What does that mean for the people that follow that person? And how are they inspiring someone else? And when a person makes money, right, because that's what people are doing when they're working with me? What are their habits and patterns are changing, that are then rippling from the way that they eat? The way that they show up? Are they now meditating? Are they? And how does that just trickle into the workforce into the people that are in their lives? And when you see that, that's definitely the best part. I mean, collectively, we're changing the world by one small choice every day, we get to change the world. So it's, yeah, it's that and then coupled with our gift back that we have, quite literally, when someone says yes to themselves, what they're saying is yes to a student overseas for a year of education and sustaining that school in a country that wouldn't have those opportunities. So it's, it's literally a global, just massive ripple. And it's so cool.

Katie 43:16

Yeah, that's beautiful. Tell us, tell us about your initiative. Yeah,

Jessica 43:19

in Ghana, Africa. So we, when I left teaching, I had committed to being involved in education. And I didn't know what that would look like. So for the first couple of years, I would go back to the school that I taught at, and I would do just things for fun with the kids or I would go to their sports games. And I started teaching for I would come in to do sessions for Girl Scouts and stuff like that. And as the universe would have it, it all kind of happened in the divine time. One of my mentors, actually, I had three different mentors that I really looked up to. And this was 2016 or 2017. The three of them went on a mission trip together with Pencils of Promise to I think they were in Guatemala, and they were building a school. And so I was watching this all happen on Instagram. And I'm like, wow, this is so cool. I'd love to do something like this. And the following week, I went into train one of my clients in person in New York City. And he gave me a book and he said, I think you'd be interested in this book. It's called the promise of a pencil. And it was by the founder of Pencils of Promise, Adam Braun. So I read the book, and then I kid you not. Next week, we were at an event in Ohio Lewis house, some of the greatness event, and we go out to dinner and it was a bunch of mutual friends at this dinner. So I was sitting next to a man who I'd never met before we start chit chatting and oh, what do you do? So at the time, I was running a women's fitness monthly fitness field trips, I used to run this company for three years. And so I was running this event and I was telling you about it and every month we would pick a different charity to get back to. And someone at the table had made a comment like Well, have you ever thought about just giving to one charity like you can make a bigger impact if you give to one versus all these others? I said, Well, you know this funny this thing keeps coming up Pencils of Promise. And so I think I think I want to get involved with that. And he cracked smile like ear to ear grin. I was like, Have you heard of them? He's like, I'm on the board. Let me see,

Amy 45:01

oh my god.

Jessica 45:03

So which was so bizarre that he connected me to the CEO. And then my husband and I decided to do this one for one give back for student for an education overseas for one year for every student that works with us. In addition to that, we started just fundraising for ourselves to build a school one day, and I thought it was like a five to tenure, kind of a goal. And about a year and a half after we started our foundation, we got the call that they wanted to, you know, build a school and unfortunately, we would have already been there to help and to visit, but we couldn't with everything going on. So our doors officially opened in January of 2021. And we have students in that school and teachers and everything is local. So we're providing jobs for people over there and sustaining the building. So it's really really special. Wow, that's incredible. Really as congratulate. Yeah. It's not me, it's them.

Amy 45:51

Yeah. Okay, so we've kept you so long and you've shared such great insight and wisdom. But before you leave, we need to get into our rap sessions to do a little fun like back and forth. So what is your favorite wellness or beauty hack?

Jessica 46:05

Wellness hack, daily movement and meditation a combination beauty hack, I don't know I'm just getting into facials.

Amy 46:12

Where your skin looks.

Katie 46:16

Alright, the next one we call it our five minute flow. You just got out of the shower and Uber pink do their five minutes away. You What are you going to do to get yourself together getting that Uber on time? What are your holy grails your go twos?

Jessica 46:29

Mascara? Ponytail jewelry. Nice.

Amy 46:34

To size? Yes. Love. It's

Katie 46:36

like a two minute.

Jessica 46:37

Oh, well. And a snack. Yeah, snack. I always have food in my bag.

Amy 46:42

Yeah. Nice. And then how do you maintain your daily nirvana? You're so busy and doing so many wonderful things. But how do you keep it all?

Jessica 46:52

Oh, I don't do it. Does it look like I keep it? Yes.

Katie 46:57

I have I have non negotiables every day, super strict about that, whether it's with the team or my husband or friends and family clients. So just really clear on boundaries. But for me, if it's, if it's not in my Google Calendar, it is not happening. And I wish it wasn't. So because it's embarrassing, but actually even stuff with my husband has to be on there. I mean, if it is not on my calendar, it is not happening. So alarms calendar, and then just being really clear on on boundaries and learning to say, No, I think for me with the business, especially I believe saying yes was what sort of grew the business and saying no, is what has scaled the business. Thank you, Jess, it's such a pleasure to have you here. I feel like we just gained an endless amount of knowledge from you. And I know our listeners are going to be so grateful. So thank you so much. Thank you. We wrap our show with a quick fun little product review and mantra. Do you want to stick around for just another minute or two? That loved you? Okay, great. All right. I have a product review. Amy's surprised because Amy your exam, this is just a little fun one. It's a beauty product that I'm into. It's my my new Trish McEvoy.

Eye base essential it's a primer for your eyelids. So I used to always put concealer on top of my eyes. Yeah. And it would get in the creases. And I felt like I genuinely felt like it was making me look older. Like I was getting like creepy up there. But really, it was just that it was getting into the creases. And this guy doesn't that like it's very smooth and it makes your eye shadow and your eyeliner and all that jazz last all day long. And it doesn't ever crease like it looks very fresh. i What is that called the eye base? I feel like I have that it's an eye base essential. Yeah, exactly. You have it, but you don't use it. It's probably in your body. It's one no, it's actually one of my holy grails. But I haven't used it for a really long time because they just got like lazy obviously during the pandemic and like we're not wearing a lot of whatever. But that is a great product I love it's a good one. I like really brightens your eyes. It takes all the redness out and all the uneven. It's great 100% You can get it for $36 I think I got mine at Blue mercury, but I'm sure you can get it many places Trish mcevoy.com. So yeah, it's a fun one. I like it. Yeah, that's a good one. And it lasts a long time. So and then we always close out our show with a mantra or quote that we're loving. So I have one today, which is there are only two options, make progress or make excuses, which I thought was very relevant to our conversation.

Always working towards making the progress. All right. Well, thank

Amy 49:40

you so much, Jessica. It was so great to meet you. And thank you for spending time with us and sharing all your wisdom and insights with our listeners. I know this will be really helpful is definitely helpful for us for sure. And we'd love to have you back anytime we really appreciate your time and we're jealous that you're in Arizona and it's sunny and beautiful while you're here so

Jessica 49:59

Well, thank you so much for having me. Can I tell your audience about something cool that my team and I have coming up? Yes, please love it. So depending on when this airs at the end of March, the team and I are putting together a three part live experience, and it's totally free. And it's for anyone that's thinking about getting into coaching or thinking about getting into digital business. Or if you're already in digital business, and you have courses and coaching and stuff like that, as part of your product suite. This is perfect for you as well. So this three part training is really going to walk you through some of the biggest mistakes that I see entrepreneurs make. We're going to give you our three core elements that every successful entrepreneur has. And we're guiding you through a step by step roadmap, five different things that all of your businesses will need in order to grow and scale. And really, it's all about how can you make more revenue with less roadblocks in less time? And slowly, that's fantastic. And

Amy 50:52

then how can people sign up for this on your website? Or yeah,

Jessica 50:55

so definitely on Instagram, but the website for that is I know, it's confusing because of my name change, but it's just glaser.com/digital Business Revolution, because that's where we're at. We're in the revolution. Yeah.

Katie 51:09

I love it. I love I think we're gonna have to

Amy 51:11

end up I get to listen to your podcast too. Which is, which is amazing.

Katie 51:15

Yeah. Tell us the name of your podcast again, and your Instagram handle as well.

Jessica 51:19

Yes. So I am on Instagram. I'm at I am Jessica Rose. So I really put that in there. You know, I am I really stepped into it. I am just that's the podcast is digital business evolution.

Amy 51:35

Thanks for listening to Nirvana sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes. Please subscribe and leave us a review. also find us on Instagram at Nirvana sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana sisters will continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to. Bye.


Episode 49 - Product Junkies - April Edition (Full Transcript)


Episode 47 - First Love Yourself with Dr. Alisha Reed, the FLY Pharmacist and Self-Care Strategist (Full Transcript)