Episode 84 - Breaking Down The Brow With Celebrity EyeBrow Artist Daria Kruchinina

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 84:

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Amy: 0:06

Welcome to Nirvana sisters podcast where we take the intimidation out of well being and beauty to help you achieve your highest state your nirvana. We are sisters in law and your hosts. I'm Amy Sherman. And I'm Katie Chandler. So let's get into some real conversation Welcome back to the show Nirvana sisters family. It's Amy and Katie and we are here today with the eyebrow guru expert. Darya cucina, none I probably said her last name wrong, but it's all good. She's telling me that I said, well, so okay, I'm feeling good. We're so excited to talk to you today, Daria, because we haven't talked about this topic on the show. And eyebrows is such a thing that we don't really know too much about. So we're excited to learn from you. For our listeners, Daria is an award winning makeup a natural brow artist. She began her career in Russia, where she worked with top models and prestige, fashion and beauty brands. Seeking international experience. Daria took her talents to New York in 2017, and quickly made her mark as a freelancer collaborating with beauty icons like Natalia vindman Jacoba, which I can't even say you have editorial work appearing in numerous publications worldwide, including Vogue, UK, Vogue, China, Vogue, Russia, and many, many more. And I know that you work with many, many stylists, many celebrities, etc, etc. So we are super excited to have your expertise in the show to tell us about all things. Eyebrows. Welcome to the show, Daria.

Unknown: 1:47

Thank you ladies appreciate having me here on your podcast. I'm really, really excited to share all my experience and knowledge with you today.

Katie: 1:57

We're excited to hear it. So before we get into all of our millions of questions, we just want to take a step back and do our nirvana of the week was just really just something that gave us joy this week, made us take a pause, put a little smile on our face, and I will take it to Katy to let us know what hers was this. Thanks. I was just thinking about that. And I think it was over the just the past weekend like The Last Sunday we took the kids to the pumpkin patch. And you know, we're on the east coast and in New England, and Westport is like it's like you're in a Lifetime movie. Like it's such quintessential fall it you know, it's my favorite season after being here for a year. It's really beautiful, the foliage and everything. And then the pumpkin patches. It was just beautiful. So just see the kids running around and picking out their pumpkins and having apple cider donuts and there was a little petting like farm situation. And while it was very cute and festive and for the season, it was just Yeah, it was yummy. What about you, Amy?

Amy: 2:56

That's such a good one. I haven't done that in a long time. I love those pumpkin patches, though. It's so like, yeah. So I would say we hits a really nice milestone here at Nirvana sisters we have published well now it's probably over 7677, maybe even 80 episodes by the time this airs. So Katie and I are running so quickly building this podcast in business. And it was just nice to kind of get a notification of like you hit a milestone you've posted 75 podcasts. It was just cool. We've been working really hard over the last two years and our two year anniversary is almost coming up. So that was a little something that brought me joy this week. What about you, Daria,

Unknown: 3:37

I really enjoy hearing what you ladies did. It's amazing. makes me so happy. So my highlight of the past week was meeting with my friends who I didn't see for seven years. Oh my gosh. They live in London. I right now based in New York. And they had a flight here. So we spent amazing three or four nights out just exploring the city and I took days off. So yeah,

Katie Chandler: 4:03

yeah, that's great. fills your soul and love it. Alright, well, let's kick it off. First of all, let's start at the basics. Tell us about what you do and your specialty of natural eyebrows.

Daria: 4:19

So honestly, when I say when I try to explain to my new clients or to people who are not in the beauty field, even for those who honestly in the beauty field, what I specifically do

Unknown: 4:33

it takes me like a couple minutes to get through it because I work on the natural eyebrows, which means that I provide shape tint walks lamination and sometimes threading. But the thing that makes me very different from any other eyebrow specialist is the technique that I use for shaping which is which I call signature. I brush shape. It is made with a tweezers. So I basically tweeze eyebrows but not just around how we usually do it. But I open the eyebrow and look through the hair and remove the hair that we don't need that this hair usually either too old, too thick or trimmed before. So instead of just plucking around the eyebrows and creating the typical thing like the shape, I go in the eyebrow and create feathered natural looking eyebrows.

Katie Chandler: 5:33

Oh yeah, that's interesting, because I have been really curious about how this new eyebrow trend of like the longer fuller more grown out. And I've tried to do that but it's so uneven and kind of wack and I assume I probably need you to get in there and take out the ones that don't make sense in order for that to happen. Right?

Unknown: 5:57

Yes, I would say there are so many different techniques come into the market. And sometimes it makes sense. Sometimes it completely does not make any sense like we have this trans like bleaching eyebrows every year right so mad gala or I don't know the autumn trends, we keep seeing different things happening. But I believe to have a good shape to have a really clean eyebrows and I talking about clean not on your skin but in your eyebrows. This is what makes any face brighter. You have lifted kind of eyes, open eyes brightened look and you just look fresh. This is how this is how I'm trying to explain these things to my man clients straight guys clients constantly are afraid that it will look too feminine or too manicured. So it takes it takes long time. It takes long explanations showing like examples, but it's definitely worth it. Nice.

Amy: 7:03

Okay, so how does one at home get natural looking brows or how do they sort of maintain maybe in between brow visits, but I know like Katie was saying there's been like this emphasis on this natural brow and how do you what do you recommend for people at home like looking to keep their eyebrows in check

Unknown: 7:27

for my clients in between appointments I recommend to moisturize eyebrows. So basically there are a couple things that you can use couple of treatments and ointments that you can apply and it will provide the moisturize for your eyebrows because we apply a lot of masks and conditioner to our hair right but my eyebrows and eyelashes, that's true. So I would say just keep it moisture noirish do not trim I'm very very against of trimming eyebrows. And I don't know just normal maintenance, I would say monthly or like for some people once in two months appointments are enough, but nothing difficult. If my clients prefer to have some eyebrows routine, like makeup routine, I would say I would provide the specific list and I usually send the eyebrows guide to all my clients or people who are interested and I'm very happy to share with you like people who listen to the podcast for free the guide How to maintain what to use and it's all divided into shapes, colors and like you know options, pencils, gels, clear gels,

Katie Chandler: 8:42

a lot of options.

Unknown: 8:45

So I'm I'm really happy to share

Katie Chandler: 8:47

nice I love that.

Amy: 8:48

And then how did you were mentioning some of the things to do to keep your eyebrows moisturize and condition what what type of products would you recommend for that?

Unknown: 9:01

I recommend to use natural product it is called tuya This is the brand is step three after elimination but what exactly this product does is that it has a little bit of oils and it is wheat oil. It has argan oil but it is not heavy. So the problem with moisturizing eyebrows and a lot of people get misunderstanding that you cannot apply 100% oil like castor oil or flaxseed oil or peach oil on your eyebrows because it's simply not going into the hair. It's not going to the cortex it's not it's not doing anything it just sitting on the top like you know

Amy: 9:48

so castor oil does not make your paragraphs I've been using no one.

Unknown: 9:56

And what is really important about all More than 100% oils, it could have the consequences as allergies. So for example, this is what I, this is what I was through when I just started to grow my eyebrows back because I started my career with horrible experience myself. And this is how I became eyebrows artists, I was like, let's let's do it myself, no one can do that I will do it. And it was a big misunderstanding in the beautiful that if you apply castor oil or our argan oil or flaxseed oil, your eyebrows will grow or eyelashes? No, it will not. And second, when you apply those oils for your lashes, and you go to slip, it's naturally because we have the gravitation, right, it's still works. It's got it can go to your eyes, or very close to Derma. And could clog your pores on the on the line where the lashes grow and could cause allergies in the future. So my recommendation for someone who would like to grow eyebrows or eyelashes is to moisturize to use serums during the morning or the daytime instead of the nighttime. And do not use 100% oils. Just use professional things. Like

Amy: 11:21

the product that you were just talking about is something that could help with hair growth.

Unknown: 11:25

It I wouldn't be honest, it's not providing the hair growth. I didn't care for the hair that you already have. Got it any serum any, any product that promises you, I don't know 200% Extreme lashes. Yes, it will help for the amount of time you use in this product. As soon as you're going to stop, your hair will be normal. What is not great about this option of choosing serums that trying to help you to grow things, like grow your hair is that we have a specific amount of follicles in our eyebrows and eyelashes during the life. And if you try to speed up this process, there is the chance that by the age of 70 or 80, you will have less eyelashes or eyebrows naturally because you already overstimulated your growth.

Katie Chandler: 12:20

Oh, that's interesting.

Amy: 12:24

So then what do you do if you want to grow your eyebrows? And you don't want to use one of those serums Do you just keep them conditioned and

Unknown: 12:31

you keep your eyebrows and eyelashes condition and you do massage? So when I when I'm talking about massage, you know this single single brushes from Sephora or like single mascara wands. Yeah, so you just brush it up. Really like you need to feel it on your skin and then just like, like, push get

Amy: 12:50

in there. Yeah, yeah.

Unknown: 12:51

So you brush it up, you brush it in a diagonal way and you brush it down, like two minutes each eyebrow and just massage in a circular way. Because this is what we do with the hair. we brush our hair, we go to treatments, we do all this stuff. And we need to remember about our eyelashes and eyebrows. It

Katie Chandler: 13:12

seems like it would feel good to or to do that. Right?

Unknown: 13:15

Because it's the stimulation for you. Like literally you stimulate. Yeah, nature.

Amy: 13:21

Right. So that helps to stimulate the follicles which will then grow. Okay, good

Katie Chandler: 13:25

to know, I want to know how someone figures out the perfect shape eyebrow for their face. I've seen formulas before and I'm curious what yours is?

Amy: 13:35

The formula? Yeah. Is that correct? No. Okay. All right, let's hear it. Katie's doing Katie's doing the point up from the nose and then the angle like what you always see. Yeah.

Katie Chandler: 13:49

Take a pencil. Right?

Unknown: 13:52

I haven't. Yeah. So the typical formula that we can find somewhere on I don't know social media platforms all over the internet. And I believe those pictures honestly, they've been there forever, like from five to 1000 Yes, maximum. So it's like this one, you put it to your nose, you do the arch and you do the end of your eyebrow. The problem with this method is first that you cannot measure it correctly. Because if you a little bit tilted here, right, it could be here my orange could be on this point. But if I move it could be here also. So how could you know and it depends where you look. If you look straight, you will have one point a point. I mean the arch and when you slightly move your eyes and you need to measure it somehow you need to put the mark like it could be not even over the time we have this interest in fashion and styles. So sometimes it's a little bit wider. It's it could be a little bit more straight, a little bit more arch. So honestly So, what I say to my clients is that we need to see what the person has. If you have amazing straight eyebrows, what's the point trying to get extreme there is no point because there will be not enough hair on the top of the eyebrow and we would remove too much in the bottom of the eyebrow. So instead of trying to be like you know, this trendy eyebrows shapes for 2020 20 We're just trying to maintain what we have naturally and make it look as good

Katie Chandler: 15:33

as possible. I like that I have always kind of liked the straighter eyebrow on myself and then I also thought there's all these trends right that you were just saying that what's this trend were like now they're like going up and everybody thinks it makes you look really lifted. What is that called? There's a name for it.

Unknown: 15:50

I honestly, it's been forever, like okay, not forever. For the last three years we have this trend when people started to work tapes to make up also, I see this everywhere. Like people were tapes and stuff like you see my normal eyebrows and then they put the tape and it's gone like this right? Where's the eyebrow is going a little bit up so you have the more straight eyebrow less arch. But at the same time, it looks a little bit odd

Katie Chandler: 16:23

you know whose eyebrows now jelly and naturally it's like the Kendall Kendall Jenner I think her she has like very so that's what I saw on social media and the other one that I that I really do love that I think is very chic and looks great on everyone is like it just kind of like grown out and just like super, to your point super, super natural, but like thicker and fuller and longer. So brow is what it's called. So brow.

Unknown: 16:46

No, no, no, I didn't think this is the same. So I would say the the first one that you mentioned, like grown out supernatural one. It is referred to models environment. So every time I do talk, top models, eyebrows, I never remove too much hair underneath. I'm never creating the like, no, the full shape will live in some options for the makeup artist who is going to work on set. But so brow look is actually elimination.

Katie Chandler: 17:21


Unknown: 17:23

So people who I believe don't want to do elimination, they create, they can create the same effect with a soul bro. And so bro originally was the name of the brand, but not but now it's like, you know, any brand could say so bro. Okay. And

Amy: 17:40

yeah, I don't even know what lamination is. I've heard of what it is.

Unknown: 17:45

So let me nation is the camera. This is the conversation I had with my morning client. She scheduled everything like everything, all the possible options, and she's my first time client. And I'm usually very straightforward with first time clients. I'm like, Hey, what is the goal? How do you want your eyebrows to look like? What is? How do you want to maintain? Do you want to take any? Any possible like new things? Do you want to add something to your beauty routine? She was like, no, no, no, no, no, I want like easy maintenance. And I want elimination. But elimination is not is maintenance because elimination is a chemical process, two step process for your eyebrows. With the first step we apply the chemical that helps basically to ruin the hair structure. Because in that case, we can move it we can make it flexible. And if someone has eyebrows that going down or too much sideways, we can straight it up, but not 90 degrees, like this way maybe like 65 degrees, right 45 Even. So we're the first step we just ruin the hairs structure. Unfortunately it is what it is. It's not a spa procedure. It's not wrist restoration or something. And with the second step, we apply the ointment that helps to keep the structure of the hair back and to provide the normal hair pH balance. And with a third step, which is the same two year or ointment. It's like the oily the oily third step ointment that helps to give it moisture because lamination dries the hair. So in New York specifically, I'm not sure about other states, but in New York specifically in the area where I work. I see a lot of ladies coming to me with burnt eyebrows. And when I see burned, it's literally Ginger, Ginger red color because the hair is burned from the inside. And in couple of months it's starting to fall off why this happens again, because lamination is not a spa procedure, it's not. Treatment elimination is a chemical chemical procedure. So I believe elimination should be done with a professional who understands the timing, the specifics of your scheme, the specifics of your eyebrows, and the look that you want to keep and maintain. Because it requires extra moisture for your eyebrows, it requires the client to purchase this ointment, and actually to apply it every like once in a three four days. And coming back to the soul bro. So the soap brow they help this is like the actual soap, you brush, you go through your eyebrows backwards first like this way, and then you brush it normally like in the in the direction of your hair growth. It helps to create delamination look for a day, it definitely needs to be washed. In the end of the day, people cannot sleep with this because the soap is drying your hair structure. So the hair is getting a little bit more fragile, dry. And I would say people should use if they want this lamination look but don't want to use the chemical they can use so brow for maybe like twice a week, but not often.

Amy: 21:28

And it is the elimination help like does it.

Unknown: 21:31

But elimination helps to create thickness illusion, or to redirect the hair. So for example, for my clients who have really odd hair growth, for example, from this side, sometimes hair grow in this way, we can use lamination but only like 40 degrees or 50 degrees. Because if you will swap the hair 180 or even 90 degrees, it's going to just fall off. Because the air cannot do it redirected this much. There is a certain proportion that we can use and can apply.

Katie Chandler: 22:06

So that's more distinct and get the eyebrows to go the way that you want them to go. It's not so much like a look of fashion style a trend like the soap brow is correct me if I'm wrong as the soap or other trend where it just looks kind of like oily and in place and long. And like sticking up words and everything. Yeah, I really liked that look. I've been trying to figure out how to.

Unknown: 22:32

So brow helps to achieve this over laminated. And when I say over laminated because good lamination should not should not look super slick, it means that the hair was burned, and it's eventually going to fall in couple months. So yeah, so brow can help to create lamination look without like with minimum damage. Okay, with minimum that so

Amy: 22:57

you mentioned something earlier about cutting brows. So you're saying that's not a good thing to do. So my eyebrows are curly, like I feel like they grow and they get curly and I haven't cut them in a really long time. But I used to go to people that would like thread or wax or whatever. And then they'd like cut up here just so they were like tight. Why is not bad.

Unknown: 23:20

I mean, it's a very serious condition. So this is why most of my clients keep they just traveling from I have clients coming from Florida from LA, like at least once in three months. So this is the circle that you in the circle called trim, and trim. Why? So your eyebrows are getting curly, right? It bothers you it's getting long, you cannot style it, you go to the place, and they brush it up entering. And in three, four weeks you like oh my god, it's again curly, right? Yeah, I didn't know what to do with this. So this is the circle how to break the circle. Why first? I will explain why your eyebrows are getting curling? Probably naturally. You have a little bit wavy hair. Yeah. But what's going on with eyebrows that are trimmed? We have the hair that okay, it's I know it will sound very basic basic information, but we all know this. So this is the skin layer, right? We have the hair growing from the skin. The follicle is based in the skin. So it's growing long. You don't like it, you trim it. So the hair keep growing from from the skin right from the follicle. But the tip is already flat. It's not pointed, it's flat. And the hair is getting sicker because it cannot naturally fall off. Because the hair that we lose in it's fallen off because of the weight or because The damage so the hair is getting thicker and thicker, and because of that it's starting to grow. So instead of trimming again, I would recommend to do good shape. That means slowly removing trimmed hair. And I may be trimmed twice in my life for someone because it was, you know, just one specific hair or like the hair that I cannot remove because it's creating the base and the structure of the eyebrow. And it should be trimmed in the diagonal way not to not flat. Yeah, like, if someone is brushing and doing this shouldn't be trimmed like this. It should be trimmed with a specific scissors like

Amy: 25:45

this. Yeah. Bunny. My eyebrows, like, over the pandemic, I just like didn't get them done. And I actually think by accident, they got better because they got longer. Because they haven't done anything with them. And they're almost like, I mean, I still need to get them shaped but I don't really feel the need to cut them anymore because they're just like kinda there but I think I accidentally did a good thing by not cutting them.

Unknown: 26:11

I mean, that's great. And honestly, most of the people in our industry in eyebrows industry all over the world, they still trim eyebrows because it's very easy fix

Amy: 26:23

right brush,

Unknown: 26:24

all like from from the beginning to the end, you just brush and you trim. That's easy for the professional, but I prefer a different approach because I believe that we're here to create long term beauty not just easy fix for all of us. And I know that it takes about a year to regrow all the trimmed hair in your eyebrows. regrow I mean still have an appointment once in a month and a half or like a month. Because you need to remove this hair you need an the new hair thing good thing not trimmed. So it takes kinda a year to regrow trimmed eyebrows but it's definitely worth it.

Katie Chandler: 27:12

What do you think about all of the different I mean I know you prefer to pluck but threading I've never had threading done have you had threading Jenny me? I don't really

Amy: 27:21

Yeah, that's usually what I do. Is it

Katie Chandler: 27:23

is it better than waxing if you know if somebody like can't tolerate the plucking what would you suggest

Unknown: 27:32

sometimes I do spreading for my clients but only for people who have allergies for walks and this is obvious if my client has the allergy for natural or artificial walks we definitely try to clean the baby fours at least here on the top of the eyebrows by spreading but the thing with the threading is I do not like to create the shape with a thread like the you know traditional way how in India they do or in the south of Russia for example, we have a huge community that are very into threading they all have this thinner eyebrow look which was was in a trance long time ago but not anymore. And with a specific and with this specific signature eyebrow shape that I do, it's not enough used I still need to go through the eyebrow and block some hair that we don't need. And some of my clients are really like crying, the cursing but in the end they all very happy and I'm like okay okay just do whatever you want you want to cry I want to talk all this bad things okay, that's fine. In the end of the appointment everyone is happy

Amy: 28:50

and I'm sure so you do only plucking you don't do waxing or you do you do wax?

Unknown: 28:55

I do I do like sometimes when I see that we need to remove that pause or it would just look much cleaner. But if my client has some condition like if the skin is irritated or too dry, or I don't know it's changing of the season and I see it's not going to be good. We skipping waxing. Yeah.

Amy: 29:19

And is I don't know if this was like an old like Wyldstyle but isn't plucking supposed to be the best isn't waxing like can't think if this is probably just like hearsay and not true but can't wax and give you like more wrinkles than plucking. I feel like I heard that back in the day. Did you ever hear that one? And I've always plucked like I've never I mean I've waxed once in a while but I usually pluck or do threading or something.

Unknown: 29:41

I honestly think it depends what kind of wax is used and applied and how it is removed because that's the thing with the thread and actually what I do not like about threading and the hard works that removed with this, you know the paper stripes?

Amy: 29:58

Yeah, yeah,

Unknown: 29:59

I did not Like when they need to hold it and to stretch the skin, right? Yeah. So this is the thing was threading if you would calculate, like, if you would start threading at 14, and you thread till 60. Right? How many times you stretch your eyes and when you do blowing it up? Yeah, you need to stick like good point.

Katie Chandler: 30:22

What do you think about tenting? Eyebrow tinting? I've done it once.

Unknown: 30:27

I mean, if it's, if it is a correct tint color, that's good. If the tint could report both horrible anime

Katie Chandler: 30:37

I, that's when I first had it done. I was like, Whoa, and it was way too much. But now when I look back at pictures on it, I actually thought it looked nice because I've blonde eyebrows and it felt filled them out. This whole conversation is reminding me of something I did as a child to my eyebrows. And I have to tell you guys, I was reading like a Cosmo or glamour and there was just talking all about plucking. And I was maybe eight or nine. And I was too afraid to pluck so I shaped them. And then I accidentally like they just because I like accidentally went too far. And so like I shaved one and so then I had to shave the other one.

Amy: 31:14

Oh my God, that's awful. We need to see a picture of that I

Katie Chandler: 31:17

actually have a school it was right around school photo time. So actually, but I was with my family and I had cousins in town. And I was just waiting for like somebody to call it out. I didn't want to tell my mom. And one of my cousins said, Oh my God, what happened to your eyebrows? And then I was

Amy: 31:35

oh my god, I never knew that story. That's so funny. So how long did they take to guard ever? And

Katie Chandler: 31:39

I still feel like yeah, I feel like my eyebrows are so so thin. And it's probably because I shaved them.

Unknown: 31:47

It happened to me too. I was like 14 or 15. And I remember my mom coming back from work and I plucked and somehow I had only this area and nothing after the art now. Oh my god. I looked like this, you know, like, like a crazy person. Daria, it was it will never grow back. What did you do? And I started to cry. I burst into tears. So it took me like, half a year to grow back.

Amy: 32:17

Oh my god. So speaking of dying eyebrows in the same realm, what what do you think of eyelash extensions?

Unknown: 32:25

Oh, honestly, I don't have anything against eyelash extensions, because in most cases, right now it's done in the right way. It looks natural, at least like the lash artists that I'm following. It looks natural and good. The only problem I think in the industry right now is lash elimination, and lash burm, which I see as a big problem. I mean, again, I live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. And I have no idea. I have no idea who is doing that. But we have couples specialists around who who applied too much. And for too long, the lamination process. So what's happening, I see clients who step into my office, and they come for example for eyebrows appointment. But I could see that the elimination didn't go well for eyelashes, because they see the scary to do

Amy: 33:23

on your eyeliner. So close to your eye. It's scary,

Unknown: 33:27

I would say in the way that it is super close to your eyes, you need to understand how to maintain this thing because there is a special silicone pad that they apply. And then they brush up with the like glue and the first step ointment, your lashes up to hold it to like ruin first, the texture of your eyelashes and then to fix it back. So what's happening what I see and this is really, really a big problem in the industry right now. People who provide the service cannot apply the silicone pad actually close to the growth of your lash line. So it creates this L shape in the end of the procedure. And what client would have is the difficulty to apply mascara and this L shape thing. It will create the option or the potential potential option to break your lashes because it's getting very fragile in this degree. Because our hair normally doesn't grow like this. We have natural curl, but when it's buckling this and basically broken it could just fell off.

Katie Chandler: 34:49

Yeah, yeah. Very well. I am going to come and see you and get my eyebrows done really soon. So I need

Amy: 34:57

and can you put it on camera Katie? Watch because When I come to New York, I'm gonna go to you too. I used to have this great person in New York a bazillion years ago and I just haven't found anyone good since so we'll be visiting. Yes. Welcome

Unknown: 35:08


Amy: 35:10

You're in New York City. You're Are you in the city or in Williamsburg?

Unknown: 35:15

I'm in Williamsburg. But it is one stop from the city.

Amy: 35:18

Yeah, no, I used to live there. That's great. And I know you also know like all the makeup and beauty trends for the fall. So give us a little give us a little insight into what you're seeing. That's like the new or the, you know, some fun makeup things that you're seeing.

Unknown: 35:35

Um, honestly, I am this type of person who believes that everything is already created. So we have kind of the same tiles over the years. And as always, during the autumn season. It is reds, red, it could be red lipstick, a little bit more red. I would say burgundy color for your check. Cheeks. Blush maybe. And my thing my favorite thing is to apply the same blush for your lips for the blush area and a little bit on your eyelids. It looks really fresh and it looks you know like normal. It's not off. Another big trend in the industry right now for the makeup is liners. But colorful liners. So it is not boring. Okay, not boring, but it's not just classy black. But dark brown. Again, burgundy Gray, and maybe some I don't know reds.

Amy: 36:39

Do you mean liner or your eye?

Unknown: 36:41

Yeah, why not? My I just colorful liners. And no makeup makeup is always every year in high demand. So yeah, it's pretty good options. We have

Amy: 36:55

this I like the idea of doing a fun liner because it's true. Like I feel like I always put on black but like to have like a burgundy or something would be fun.

Unknown: 37:02

Try dark dark brown or brown. That's

Katie Chandler: 37:06

what I stopped using black so long ago because for whatever reason it always I always felt like it looked too harsh. And then so I switched really dark brown and it just kind of blends better. But yeah, soften the no Minca Yeah, yes,

Amy: 37:21

that's like my goal. Always the no makeup makeup.

Katie Chandler: 37:26

Daria, thank you so much for being with us. This was so fun. So tell our listeners where they can find you. Do you have what's your you know, your Instagram handle? We'll have it all in our show notes as well.

Unknown: 37:38

Thank you so much. I really appreciate you being here and talking and have this amazing conversation. I'm happy to share my experience. So I I'm always on Instagram or like email, but I have the office in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. So people can stop by the office to make an appointment.

Amy: 38:01

And is your Instagram at Daria Creech. I'm not even gonna

Unknown: 38:05

doubt this is Christina dot prod. Kru c h i n i n a that prom.

Amy: 38:12

Okay, we'll put it in our show notes too. And you have a website as well which will lead people to Okay, so let's do a quick wrap session. Okay, you ready? What is your favorite wellness or beauty hack?

Unknown: 38:24

Sleep well eat well be yourself. This is my wellness hack. Yeah, I love those. Good one.

Katie Chandler: 38:31

The next next one we caught our five minute flow you just got out of the shower and Uber is paying do they're fine five minutes away What are you going to do to get into that Uber on time.

Unknown: 38:43

So I honestly I hope that by that time you have the moisturizer on so it's kind of like prepped, you know, if not just have moisturizer in your arms and apply it to the to the lines so like fine lines, massage lines, you just applying it in the way you lift in your face. The same with a quick BB cream or my favorite is Chanel foundation. It's super thin, really nice. And I would say a little bit of blush, as I said on the cheekbones on the lips a little bit on the eyelid. Same with my favorite product. This is Charlotte Tilbury filter. It's kind of highlighter, but it looks supernatural. I don't know I would I think you can squeeze in mascara application and cool week Bro. Bro gel application. Yeah, that will be the thing. Nice.

Amy: 39:42

And how do you maintain your daily nirvana?

Unknown: 39:45

I started to meditate. Two months ago I started meditation. And I feel it really helps. You know? It really helps. Yeah.

Amy: 39:55

Do you listen to guided meditation or do you do your own meditation

Unknown: 40:00

I do the breath work in the morning. Yeah, I go to a local yoga studio. So that helps me to be in the moment and to be in the local community at the same time. Yeah, well,

Katie Chandler: 40:13

thank you so much for being here. This this is such a fun conversation. And now I'm going to be obsessing over my eyebrows until I see which I'm going to be in the city next Friday. So

Amy: 40:21

oh my God, I need to like do a brush up I need to need to judge

Katie Chandler: 40:28

Alright, so before we let you go, we'll wrap with a little mantra. This is just kind of a cute month since we've been talking all things beautiful. Letting go is hard, but being free is beautiful. So kind of inverted that says eyebrows. Yeah. Maybe we should do that when I literally in my brain inverted a couple words, so it made more sense.

Amy: 40:52

What do you mean?

Katie Chandler: 40:53

Did I just I said it's Friday.

Amy: 41:00

It's Friday. Okay. The quote is, it's Friday and thanks for listening to Nirvana sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes. Please subscribe and leave us a review. also find us on Instagram at Nirvana sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana sisters will continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to. Bye.


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