Episode 132 - Product Junkies November Edition - When You Want The Nitty Gritty On The AIRSTRAIT Plus Other Fall Product Recos (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 132 .

Editor’s Note: Please know that this podcast transcript is automatically generated and may contain minor errors such as typos and word switches. For more information, be sure to listen to the podcast here.

[00:07] Amy Sherman: Welcome to Nirvana Sisters podcast where we take the intimidation out of well being and beauty to help you achieve your highest state, your nirvana. We are sisters in law and your hosts. I'm Amy Sherman.

[00:18] Katie Chandler: And I'm Katie Chandler. So let's get into some real conversation. Welcome back to the show, Narvana Sisters family. It's Amy and Katie and we are coming at you with our November product junkies. But before we dive in, we have to say Happy birthday to Amy. Happy birthday to you.

[00:46] Amy Sherman: I'm like, oh yeah, that happened. But actually what I have to say to you is Happy Nirvana sister's anniversary.

[00:52] Katie Chandler: I know, I thought about that because.

[00:54] Amy Sherman: I thought about it and I forgot to even text you. But November 5, my birthday was also our birthday of Nirvana sisters. So it's been three years. We launched November 2020, which I literally can't believe. It's so crazy.

[01:07] Katie Chandler: It's insane.

[01:09] Amy Sherman: So much has happened in the last three years. So yeah, congrats.

[01:12] Katie Chandler: Me too. Congrats and Happy birthday. Before we get into it, I want to catch up. How was your birthday? What'd you do?

[01:18] Amy Sherman: My birthday? You know what this time of year I feel like is always so hectic. Well, I feel like the end of the year is always hectic, but right around end of October or October, November is crazy because it's like Stu's birthday is early October. Jules's birthday is October 20 eigth. Then it's Halloween, then it's my birthday. So it's like I feel like I'm doing all this stuff and then by the time it comes to my birthday, I don't really care. I mean, I care, but I'm like doing all this stuff for Jules and Stu and whatever. But my birthday was great. Actually, Stu was away for the weekend, which I already knew he was going to be away and I was happy for him. He went on a guy's golf trip, so super fun. And I was like, ooh, I'm going to have a self care weekend. So I did a lot of really fun stuff over the weekend. So like on Friday night I did a massage which I can't remember if I told you about. So I scheduled a 90 minutes massage and I'm so tight. Like my right side has been hurting me for some unknown reason. So I went into the massage place for 90 minutes and the woman touched my back, literally touched it, and the whole thing cracked. She's like, you need serious help. I'm like, yeah, I know. So she's like, let me do 2 hours. I'm like, okay. Never had a two hour before. It was amazing. I found this place that's like around the corner for me. Not expensive, like one of those kind of places. So I was like, okay, you have time to. 2 hours? She's like, yeah. I'm like, done. So that was great. And that was Friday night. And then I just came home, was so relaxed. And what did I do? Oh, I had a glass of wine. But then of course, because Stu was away, the smoke alarm was chirping.

[02:53] Katie Chandler: So annoying.

[02:55] Amy Sherman: And I don't know how to do it. It's like the one I'm like, I don't know how to do it. So I had my dad come over and help me and then we kind of fixed it. And then it still was going on all weekend. But then at the end of the weekend, I did figure out how to do it myself.

[03:06] Katie Chandler: Wait, which room was it in? Because that's.

[03:09] Amy Sherman: It was in the basement. So it wasn't like super loud, but like had to fix it. It was like driving me nuts. So anyway, I figured out how to do it by watching YouTube videos. I'm very proud of myself. And then Saturday I went shopping with my mom.

[03:21] Katie Chandler: Where'd you guys shop? Or what'd you shop for? Clothes and stuff. Fun stuff.

[03:25] Amy Sherman: Yeah, just like fun clothes. Like I needed boots. We never go shopping together. I don't even go shopping anymore. I was saying to my mom, I feel like everything I do is online. I never actually go to the stores, but it's so nice to go to the store sometimes and just feel everything and see everything. Just hard to shop online. So that was fun. We just might. Oh, and then Sunday, my friends Courtney and I went to get facial and then we did like a long girls lunch with some of my other friends. So we sat outside at this French restaurant and probably sat outside for at least 2 hours and had like a long lunch.

[04:03] Katie Chandler: That's so fun.

[04:04] Amy Sherman: That was super nice. And then the kids got me cards and Stu had left me cards before he left. And then he got home Sunday night and then we celebrated. Anyway, it was really nice and I liked that it was like a full weekend of self care and girly and fun stuff and just like, yeah, that's the best.

[04:18] Katie Chandler: It sounds amazing. I get the award for Worst Sister in law and partner in the world. Because I texted you on Saturday. I was like, or on Friday. Your birthday was on Sunday. It's on Sunday. I texted you on Saturday, what are you doing for your birthday? And then of course we were going to call with the kids the next day, and then we were at a friend's house all day and space. So sorry we missed. Yeah.

[04:43] Amy Sherman: It's so funny because every time my birthday comes, like, it's fun and whatever, but the older you get, you're kind of like, fine. Like, the big birthdays are fun, but after. And it's like, ever since Jules was born, he has taken over that priority. So it's just I wanted to make sure his birthday was good and, like, did he get his birthday?

[05:04] Katie Chandler: Yes. It came in, right? His birthday present from us came. Yes.

[05:08] Amy Sherman: Did he text you to say thank you, call you?

[05:11] Katie Chandler: He might have said he was going.

[05:12] Amy Sherman: To, but I don't know if he did. Thank you. He was very excited, so thank you. Very generous. And what have you been up to? We talked about your trip.

[05:20] Katie Chandler: Or did we talk about. I don't remember the trip.

[05:23] Amy Sherman: Right, because I taped. Yeah, I recorded with Taylor Rose while you were away on your much needed girls trip, which I mentioned. I don't think you told us about it.

[05:30] Katie Chandler: No, it was amazing. It was ten years in the making. It was with my girlfriends that I grew up with that we haven't traveled together since pre kids. And it was just great that we went to the Dominican. It was beautiful. The hotel was gorgeous. We did an all inclusive just to keep it safe and simple and easy. We were at the Sanctuary Pepcana, and it was beautiful. And the crowd was perfect. It was like a lot of girls groups. It's a very feminine, gorgeous hotel. So the vibe was more tailored, I think, to women. So there weren't like a bunch of. I dIdn't have to worry about bachelor parties or just like, annoying men throwing out, which was nice. And then there was a bunch of couples and it was like our age and up, so it was appropriate. We just had fun. We honestly didn't talk to a single other person in the hotel until our last day there, just because we were so wrapped up in each other. And then we made friends. Like, the last day we were there, which was fun, but how many people? Just. There was four of us. Four of us. It was so fun. Yeah, it was like the best all day in the sun and having a couple of drinks one day. We had a torrential downpour the entire day. But they had, you know what a palapa is like, the open air, but covered. It's like, covered with open air. So they had one out on the ocean and we were sitting out there.

[06:55] Amy Sherman: So you could just watch the weather, but, like, be outside.

[06:58] Katie Chandler: Yeah, we played cards. It was fun. It was so fun.

[07:01] Amy Sherman: I love that. That reminds me when I was in Miami with my girlfriends. This is like a million years ago. I remember we were at a restaurant that was like that at the hotel, and it was like that kind of roof. And it started raining, and it was like a downpour. But we were inside, and we just drank wine all day and literally sat in the same space for, like, 8 hours.

[07:20] Katie Chandler: You're, like, inside, outside. It feels like it would have been depressing if we sat in our room all day, but we sat out there all day. We were on the ocean. It was so cool. It was great. Yeah.

[07:29] Amy Sherman: So you must have felt rejuvenated when you got back.

[07:31] Katie Chandler: So much so. And then I had a crazy work week, and all of a sudden, the month caught up with me. And today's, like, the first day that I felt like myself in, like, a week. So I'm very grateful. I'm feeling good today. But the last week was brutal. I don't know. It's been a crazy month. It's been a crazy month for all of us.

[07:48] Amy Sherman: I feel the same way. I've been really out of it. Really. Like. I don't know. It was, like, fun moments, like my birthday and Jules's birthday. But in between, I feel like I've been a little bit, like, down because the daylight saving time is killing me.

[08:05] Katie Chandler: 100% same.

[08:06] Amy Sherman: It's, like, getting colder. I know in a few weeks, I'll feel fine, but I just feel like it's kind of like that weird time where it's getting cold and it's getting darker.

[08:17] Katie Chandler: For sure.

[08:18] Amy Sherman: Yeah. I've been trying to shake the mindset, but I haven't really been able for that exact reason.

[08:23] Katie Chandler: And I can't wait to review this on product junkies. Maybe, like, in a month or so. I ordered yesterday an sad lamp, which is. I think they call it sad because maybe it's prescribed for people with seasonal affective disorder. But it's like. It mimics. It doesn't have UV, but it mimics the sun.

[08:41] Amy Sherman: Yeah. It's like a lamp, right?

[08:43] Katie Chandler: It's a lamp. I ordered it yesterday. You're supposed to sit with it for, like, 30 minutes a day because. Same. This daylight savings is, like, knocking me out this week. I was on the train yesterday. I looked around, and everybody was asleep yesterday morning. Everybody. So it's the daylight savings. I don't even know why we do it. It's obnoxious.

[09:02] Amy Sherman: Well, that's interesting. All right, so let's get into product junkies.

[09:06] Katie Chandler: November.

[09:07] Amy Sherman: So last month we did snacks, which was fun. This month, back to regularly scheduled products, I would say. Yeah, right. I want to hear yours.

[09:21] Katie Chandler: Okay. All right, well, let's see. I'm going to start with. This was recommended to me by one of my girlfriends on our trip, who we actually all know, Dr. Erin Cooper, who's been on the show before.

[09:34] Amy Sherman: That's right.

[09:35] Katie Chandler: This was her find. It is Maybelline's cheek heat. And it's so good. It's basically like a creamy consistency for your, you know, it's kind of similar to maybe the consistency of the merit cheek kind of stick. But this is more in a balm tube, if you will. And it's really good color. The pigment is nice. It blends beautifully. Like, it blends really nicely.

[10:08] Amy Sherman: It looks like nice creamy. Exactly.

[10:11] Katie Chandler: It is. It's creamy. And it stays so nicely because I was admiring her cheek color, like, our whole trip, and then towards the end, I said, what is so pretty? So I bought it and I've been using iT, and it's good. They have 123456 different shades. I mean, it's Maybelline. It's, like $8. So it's a good one. Gel cream blush face makeup is what they're calling it.

[10:36] Amy Sherman: And that also looks like you could put on your lips.

[10:38] Katie Chandler: I have done that. Yeah, I did. It's a little drying on the lips, but it's kind of good in a pinch. I did do that the other day.

[10:46] Amy Sherman: I love that. And I haven't seen that. And that's a good one.

[10:48] Katie Chandler: Good find.

[10:49] Amy Sherman: Looks like it's a good one, too, to keep in your bag because it's tiny. It's got a cap, so it's, like, small. And it almost looks like a lip gloss.

[10:57] Katie Chandler: Exactly like a lip gloss too. Almost. Yeah. Okay, what do you have?

[11:01] Amy Sherman: I'm going to start out with a whammy.

[11:03] Katie Chandler: Oh, nice.

[11:03] Amy Sherman: That was so nerdy to say. I don't know why that word just came out of my mouth. Let's start off with a big one, because recently talked about it with Taylor Rose. Recently talked about it with Taylor Rose. You all know the trichologist that was just on. This is something I've been wanting to try for a very long time. I was waiting for the Sephora sale, and bam, here we go. The Dyson air string. Epic. So epic. So I bought it during the Sephora sale. So I did get 20% off, even though it is expensive. But it was like a birthday present to myself. There were, like, a few things that I wanted to buy. And this was one of them. Love it. Okay, first of all, these are my early impressions. I've used it once. I used it because I just got it. I used it a week ago. My hair. I haven't washed my hair in over a week, and it's still, like, looks like I got a blowout right?

[11:53] Katie Chandler: 100%.

[11:55] Amy Sherman: And this is, like, I haven't washed it. I'm sorry. I haven't even touched it today.

[12:01] Katie Chandler: Like, no touch up.

[12:02] Amy Sherman: I haven't done anything to straighten. This is, like, no touch up. Nothing. I haven't touched up with a straightener since I did it. So I did it, like, I don't know, a week or so ago, and it was, like, straight and nice and looked blown out. And then the next day, I took my air wrap, curled it a little bit. The next day, I didn't do anything. Whatever. It just gave me a good basE. But, like, today, I literally didn't do anything. And my hair is still good, so I love it. So far, I have been able to keep this for, like, a week. I mean, it's, like, getting a little bit whatever underneath. But what I'll do is, like, yesterday, I did a dry shampoo, quick dry shampoo, and then just put in something else, which I'll show you as part of my next review. And it's. It's. It's really. So. So Taylor was saying this on the show, which is exactly right. It's really good because it doesn't flatten your don't. I don't like pin straight hair. I just like a good base to work from where I could wear my hair straight, but it has some body. Or I could still do it curly with my air wrap or with the curling iron, but it gets out that initial kind of frizz and whatever. So that's why I like it, because it's straight. But it definitely saw some body. You know what I mean? It's not like a flat stuck to your head kind of look. So it's great. It's super easy to use.

[13:23] Katie Chandler: I would love it if you would show us.

[13:25] Amy Sherman: Well, I don't know if I could plug it. Maybe I can plug it in. I know this might be a little loud, but let's see what I can do. Hold on. So, basically, you just run it through your hair, kind of like a straightener. Okay. I'm sure there's a lot of different ways to use it. I just kind of did it on my own, but I'm sure there's, like. Because you know how with that. Oh, sorry, I'm not in the mic. You know how with a straightening iron, you can kind of use it as a curler to curl your hair? I bet you you could do that with this. I haven't gone that way, but let me just show it to you. Okay. I've plugged it in. It has a really nice hold, too. It's, like, sturdy. So when you turn it on, it says, like, dry. See how it says dry hair? I'm going to turn it off just so it's not loud. It gives you an option of whether your hair is dry or wet. So it's like a little bit of a different setting. So I did it last week. My hair was wet, and I just used that setting. But I'll use the dry setting and I'll show you. But just before I Turn it back on, there's like a blue, like a cold shot, and then there's red just for the heat. And then there's airflow, like low, high, whatever. And then this is the dry and wet. So it's, like, super user friendly. So I'm going to turn it on and I'll just show you really quickly how to use it. Just, like, cleans it when it first starts. So I'm just going to put it on the middle setting and then make sure it's on the dry. And then you just take it. I'll show you. Kind of like the straightening iron.

[14:59] Katie Chandler: Yeah, you use it exactly like a straightening iron. But you know how the air wrap sucks your hair in? Does it do anything like that?

[15:09] Amy Sherman: It's a different kind of technology. What it is, is, see how there's, like, vents here, so it's vented, and so the air kind of. It's hard to explain without playing with it, but the air comes out right here. So actually, what you can do is close it like this and blow dry your hair a little bit if it's wet, and then you can open it up and use the plate. It's not plates. So that's why it's supposed to be really healthy. Like, it doesn't damage your hair because it's not hot plates. So when you use a straightener, it's hot plates. And your hair is right on the hot plate. This is just warm in here, but it's not like a steel hot plate. It's just plastic, I guess. And then the air comes out of this. So it's like the air is just going kind of, like on your hair as you're doing it. So you just kind of go like this. And I mean, it took ten minutes to straighten my whole hair. I mean, it's unbelievable. So I love it. And it's like a really nice complement to the air wrap. And for me, having curly hair or wavy hair or frizzy hair, like all the things, it's so helpful just to get that base. And I can also dry it with the air wrap, but the air wrap doesn't. I don't know, I feel like you have to do more work because it has the brushes and the big, like the round brush and that works good, too. This is faster because it's just straightening. You know what I mean? It's just, you can pass it through. And what I was just showing it was just one pass or whatever, but you do like one or two passes and it's good for you. Since you have straight hair, you would dry your hair in like 2 seconds. But I don't even know if you would need something like this because, well, I guess if you wanted just more of a straight style.

[16:52] Katie Chandler: No, my hair has a natural wave to it, so I do like to straighten it, but it's never worked with a straightening iron because, I don't know, it takes too long. I feel like I can't get the full wave out. It fries it and then it's like super slick and flat and it's just not very flattering.

[17:05] Amy Sherman: Exactly. And what about the air wrap? Do you straighten your hair?

[17:08] Katie Chandler: I don't. I've never been good at using a round brush, like, the actual technique of it. And I think it's because I have a lot of hair. So I always use my barrels, which I love. I use it like almost every day.

[17:22] Amy Sherman: Yeah, air wrap is still, like my number one go to, but this is like, I'm going to play with it more and I'll report out more once I learn all the tricks of the trade. But just for like a quick straight blow dry, like, amazing. And the fact that it's lasted so long is insane.

[17:36] Katie Chandler: Yeah.

[17:37] Amy Sherman: And I haven't really touched it up at all other than using the air wrap to curl it and give it a little bit more body. But it's great. So highly recommend. Very excited about it.

[17:46] Katie Chandler: I'm going to try it next time.

[17:48] Amy Sherman: Yeah, definitely try it. And it's fabulous. Love it. Love the Dyson product.

[17:53] Katie Chandler: Which, by the way, how good was that tip from Taylor Rose, which, you guys, if you haven't listened to our episode yet, you should. The tip of not blow drying your hair until it's maybe like 80% dry.

[18:06] Amy Sherman: 80% dry.

[18:07] Katie Chandler: Smart.

[18:07] Amy Sherman: I know, because that was good.

[18:09] Katie Chandler: I try to do that in general, or I just air dry and then style the next day. But that's so good because it's going to keep your hair healthier longer. And the Dyson. The Dyson products tell you to do that when you're using their products? Yeah.

[18:22] Amy Sherman: And even with this one, the straightening one, it has the wet setting, but I closed it like I was showing you, like this. And I just use this as a hairdryer. So I rough dried my hair, basically, to, like, 70, 80%, and then I use the wet button on here just to do the rest. So I'm sure she probably does the same thing. That was my big review of.

[18:46] Katie Chandler: All right, well, my next review, I think we talked about this with Erica Taylor, because I'm pretty sure she's the reason why I bought it. And it's a face powder. It's the Kosis cloud setting powder I was using for years. I was using a Laura Mercier compact, like the kind of compact that you keep in your handbag just to do touchups and everything. And I don't know, for whatever reason, it wasn't working for me anymore. So I tried this, and the claim is that it reduces your pores and that it gives you that nice blurring effect. And it really does. And I'm kind of obsessed with it. So I've decided, listeners, I'm not going to use a filter when we record anymore. Unless it's a particularly rough day.

[19:36] Amy Sherman: You do not need to filter. The fact that you're not wearing a filter and you look like that, maybe.

[19:41] Katie Chandler: I think it's good stuff. I'm just having a good day. I got a lot of sleep last night, but I'm trying to get up close so you can see how much it blurs, because right here, I feel like is always, like a heavy pore area.

[19:55] Amy Sherman: Oh, is that one of the anitza brushes?

[19:58] Katie Chandler: Exactly. But it even blurred my laugh line just now.

[20:04] Amy Sherman: Yeah, that's really pretty. Is that a loose.

[20:10] Katie Chandler: Compact? I wish.

[20:12] Amy Sherman: That reminds me a little bit of the pink one that we also talked about with Erica the Westman.

[20:17] Katie Chandler: Exactly. That's kind of what I was looking for, was something with that similar effect. But it's really nice. If I could have any critique, I wish that it came with a little powder puff or something on the bottom. So if it's in my handbag, I don't have to have a brush with me. But it's a small size, so it's easy to keep. But it's really nice. Yeah, that's great.

[20:38] Amy Sherman: I love that.

[20:40] Katie Chandler: Yeah.

[20:40] Amy Sherman: I've been trying to use my pink powder more, too. I'm not good with the powders.

[20:43] Katie Chandler: The pink powder, I feel like is so easy to use because it just blurs and. Right. Yeah.

[20:49] Amy Sherman: My technique just isn't good with the powder.

[20:52] Katie Chandler: Remember what Erica always says?

[20:53] Amy Sherman: I like that one.

[20:54] Katie Chandler: Just the tip.

[20:55] Amy Sherman: Just the tip, yeah.

[20:57] Katie Chandler: So kosis cloud setting powder, they've got like, I don't know, ten shades or something here. It's good stuff. What's yours?

[21:06] Amy Sherman: And I'm sure that's cheaper than the Westman.

[21:08] Katie Chandler: For sure. I was going to buy the Westman one and it's a little pricey.

[21:13] Amy Sherman: Yeah. Okay. So my next one is something that I use in tandem with the airstripe. But I've had this now for a couple of months and I haven't reviewed it.

[21:23] Katie Chandler: Oh, I've heard about that.

[21:24] Amy Sherman: The verb ghost dry oil spray. I'm not sure if I have the oil, too. I don't know if I've reviewed that in the past. I don't think I have. But I feel like I've reviewed several oils, but this one is a dry oil spray. It says smooth and frizz, control and soften. This has become one of my holy grails because like I was saying, I wash my hair, like blow it out or do whatever once a week ish. Maybe sometimes I can even go longer. My hair is so dry, it doesn't matter. This is so good. You literally just spray it in there. And it's nice because you know how sometimes with an oil you have to put it in your hands, put your hair and then wash. This is almost like you just kind of use it as a hairspray, but it's an oil, so it doesn't have a hairspray feel. It literally has an oil feel, but it's just in a spray.

[22:15] Katie Chandler: Do you use it as like a finishing thing to sleek in and moisturize and keep fizz away?

[22:20] Amy Sherman: Yeah, it says to spray. I'm just saying if it. I actually don't. Yeah, because I know it says extends a blowout, which is how I've been using it. Refreshes a three day, sorry, I can't read it because of course, I have my glasses on. Refreshes a two to three day old style conditions ends and pairs perfectly with your favorite dry shampoo. So I don't use it as like an oil to put on before I blow dry. I feel like I use a heat protectant cream or oil for that. But this is more of a touch up. So I use it after I blow dry my hair. But I've mostly been using it just like exactly what the bottle says, which I didn't even read that before, which is really to just judge and freshen up your hair every day or every other day. I just throw this on and it just gives it a sheen and it kind of like makes it fall nicer. And then in conjunction with dry shampoo, it's really good, too. So I'm obsessed with it. It's so good. It's the verb goes dry.

[23:14] Katie Chandler: It's a big bottle, too. I feel like it's going to last you.

[23:16] Amy Sherman: It's a nice size bottle. Yeah. It'll last forever. It's 250 MLS. I can't remember how much this was, but you look it up.

[23:23] Katie Chandler: Yeah. What kind of price point is verb?

[23:25] Amy Sherman: Yeah, I think I might have bought it at Ulta or on Amazon. I don't remember. But it's $20.

[23:30] Katie Chandler: Yeah, that's price point.

[23:31] Amy Sherman: Very reasonable. And I think it'll last forever. And like I said, with the dry oil, it's good, too. So I highly recommend it's so good. Like, the application of it's good. And I've been using this now more than my regular oil and really good.

[23:42] Katie Chandler: Going into winter because I feel like everybody's hair gets so dry in the winter. Right, right.

[23:47] Amy Sherman: You can just keep putting this on and it feels so good. It just literally feels like an oil. It's amazing. I absolutely love it.

[23:53] Katie Chandler: I'm going to order that. I need it. My hair gets so dry in the winter. All right, well, this next one, it's funny, I bought this a while ago and I just wasn't using it. It wasn't the right shade on me at the time, but I guess I got a little bit of color while I was in the Dominican, so I started using it. It's the Charlote Tilbury collagen lip bath gloss in pillow top color.

[24:16] Amy Sherman: So pretty.

[24:17] Katie Chandler: It's a very pretty color. And it's a nice thin lip gloss consistency. But it's one of those plumpers. It's a plumper, so, like, it kind of tingles. It's like a little, feels like it's a little minty when you get it on, it's supposed to make your lips fuller. It says high shine sheer lip gloss in her iconic nude pink shade for fuller looking lips. I mean, everything Charlote Tilbury does is great, but yeah, it's they have like six different shades. It's a good one. It's not super tingly.

[24:51] Amy Sherman: It's a plumper. Yeah. I was going to say, does it hurt? Because I found with some of those. It hurts my lips. I don't know, it depends what's in it.

[24:58] Katie Chandler: I don't feel like it is. I've had some that are really strong.

[25:02] Amy Sherman: Yeah. That feels like spice or something burning.

[25:05] Katie Chandler: This one is a little bit like a little minty feeling like pepperminty feeling like a little tingly and cooling kind of. It's not that extreme, but yeah. I'm trying to see if I can figure out if I can find what is in it. It has lip peptides, lip pump effect is mustard sprout extract, marine collagen, vitamin A, coconut oil. Oh, peppermint oil. There you go. Oh, peppermint oil.

[25:35] Amy Sherman: I like that.

[25:37] Katie Chandler: It's nice.

[25:37] Amy Sherman: Really pretty. Looks good on you. Yeah.

[25:41] Katie Chandler: A lot of different shades. It's cute. It's good stuff.

[25:43] Amy Sherman: Yeah, it's funny. I got to find a good lip plumper. I tried the too faced one. I should give it to you because I literally used it one time and it hurt my lips. It might not hurt you. I don't know. I put it on and it's like one of those ones that gets really like your lips. They don't feel minty, but they feel like irritated. They almost change colors. They get really red. It's almost like you're burning your lips. I know you're not. And then I feel like my lips get dry and red and yeah, maybe they look a little bigger, but it's not comfortable. So I want to try to find one that's more moisturizing and that one looks like that. I actually ordered one online that I read about. So more to come on that I haven't gotten it yet, but I'm testing that one next. And it's supposed to not hurt your lips, but be plumping. So we'll see. But I'm going to try that one.

[26:29] Katie Chandler: Yeah, I mean, this is definitely like a little tingly, but it's very tolerable and it's moisturized.

[26:36] Amy Sherman: You're right. I think it depends on the ingredients that's in there. Like, the peppermint is good, but when it's like a chili, sometimes they have like a chili, then that's when it gets really uncomfortable. Okay, so on the subject of lip products, I have a lip product too that I was going to recommend, Which I've been using for months, which I love. So this is the lineage lip glowy balm. You've seen this? So I think I've reviewed this before on the show, but I have the Laneige pot, which is, like, the sleeping mask, which I use all the time. It's, like, a thicker. I put it on every night. It's, like, replaced my aquaphor. I put it on every night, every morning. It feels so good. But this one is, like, a little bit of a thinner consistency. And I just keep this one in my bag, and I have it in the first one I got. Yeah. Was Berry, and I loved it. And I'm like, oh, this is perfect because it's like sleep mask, but it's a better applicator because you can just bring it with you. It's easier to apply. So the berry was the first one I got, by the way, it's $18, and it lasts a really long time. So then I found another one, because when I was in Sephora last time, I saw this peppermint, and I love a peppermint balm. Like, speaking of peppermint, I love the way that that feels. It's, like, cooling, and it just feels, like, so good. So I love this peppermint one. I think they also have it in the sleeping mask, but I just have it in the balm. But these bombs come in a lot of different colors. Like I said, I have peppermint. I've had berry before, but the other flavors or colors, I guess, are gummy bear, which is, like, a purple one, grapefruit peach. So they're all, like, really good flavors and yummy. So I bring this up because we're heading into the holidays and all that, and this, I feel like, is such a good gift for girlfriends or just, like, to throw in as, like, I don't know, just a fun little gift, and it just feels so good. So I love it. Highly recommend.

[28:18] Katie Chandler: I need to get that lineagetime lip mask, because every night I use my aquaphor. Not the aquaphor that's in the tub. I use the actual aquaphor chapstick. But I feel like that night mask is probably really soothing.

[28:34] Amy Sherman: Nice consider done. There you go. There's your gift.

[28:39] Katie Chandler: All right. Well, speaking of more lips and lip plumping, I feel like, like, not even on purpose Bought the Charlotte Tilbury Dupe. It's the Milani. Keep it full, Max.

[28:56] Amy Sherman: That looks like the last one.

[28:58] Katie Chandler: Exactly. Yeah.

[29:00] Amy Sherman: Okay.

[29:01] Katie Chandler: It is a lip plumper. And it's funny because I kind of want to take this off. I haven't compared them back to back to see if one's spicier than the other. Yeah, but this one's not as sheer. Granted, they have, like, twelve or so colors, and I'm sure there's ones that are more sheer. This is definitely a little bit more.

[29:18] Amy Sherman: I like when it has mark.

[29:19] Katie Chandler: Yeah, it's very pigmented, this one, but.

[29:25] Amy Sherman: Very similar.

[29:26] Katie Chandler: Very similar.

[29:27] Amy Sherman: And the color looks very similar. How does it feel?

[29:31] Katie Chandler: This is very soft and smooth, whereas the other one's a little bit more shiny and tacky almost. And so far, I'm not feeling as much burn as I did with the Charlote Tilbury, but it's coming. It's interesting. It takes a second or two to start to feel it, to kick in. I think it's the same. It's like the same tolerance level. Yeah, it is.

[29:59] Amy Sherman: And that's Milani.

[30:00] Katie Chandler: Milani. The Charlote Tilbury is $35, and the Milani is 1099.

[30:09] Amy Sherman: There you go.

[30:10] Katie Chandler: High low. It is a good dupe. Yeah, I'm getting the same effect. So it's the same.

[30:15] Amy Sherman: That's funny. Yeah, that one looks a little bit more. You're right. It has a little bit more color. It's a little shinier. Like a little bit more. But it's very similar. I mean, if you want. That seems like the Milani one's the way.

[30:27] Katie Chandler: I know it's funny, I didn't even realize how similar they were. But like I said, this one's been sitting in my drawer for a while, and, yeah, they're good. So there you go. It says, America's number one lip plumper on their website. I don't know who's giving them that award.

[30:45] Amy Sherman: It doesn't say. Okay, my last one, moving off of lips, going to eyes, is called. Hold on. Literally can't see. Okay, this is from Sephora collection. Again, I bought it during the sale. It's a shadow and a liner, and it's called Rose Gold. And I saw it. There's this makeup artist that I follow on TikTok. Her name is Maj M-A-J. She's great, and she has a lot of really good recommendations. And she had found this from somebody else. I think it's not even $10. Maybe it's $8. And what I use for, I haven't used as an eyeshadow yet. I just got it and I just started using it. But you know how I love to do the corner of my eyes. This.

[31:31] Katie Chandler: Yeah, that's pretty.

[31:32] Amy Sherman: Throw that on. It's like a really pretty shade. And you just kind of, like, throw it on, like, under there. And then what I also do. I did this yesterday. I just put it on the top, too, like, a little bit in here. Oh, pretty. I did this yesterday. I had, like, a neutral eyeshadow on, and then it just kind of, like, brightens.

[31:53] Katie Chandler: Yeah, it's really pretty. It's a good tone.

[31:55] Amy Sherman: So good.

[31:55] Katie Chandler: Kind of, like, a little bit, like, more of a natural skin tone than, like, a white one would be that people put in the corner.

[32:04] Amy Sherman: Well, you can't really see.

[32:05] Katie Chandler: Yeah, you can kind of. It's pretty.

[32:06] Amy Sherman: Yeah, it's basically like a highlighter. It looks like I'm wearing highlighter, but I'm not. And I bet you you could do it right here, up on the top here, like this kind of deal. So I'm just playing around with it, but immediately I put it on yesterday. I'm like, immediately. Yes, it's so good. And probably has a lot of different uses, but, yeah, it's kind of like a highlighter. Just a easier to apply because you don't need to get a brush. You just throw it on, and it just kind of, like, pops the eyes out. Once you have. Of course, I'm wearing no makeup today, so I have no mascara, no eye makeup, anything, but it just gives that extra pop. Love it. It's so.

[32:42] Katie Chandler: I need to get one. You always do that, that inner corner kind of, like, highlighting, and it's really pretty.

[32:49] Amy Sherman: Yeah.

[32:50] Katie Chandler: Nice. Sephora. That's that one. I have to report now that we're about 30 seconds in on the Milani. It is definitely a little bit more tingly than the Charlote Tilbury.

[33:00] Amy Sherman: Okay.

[33:00] Katie Chandler: FYI. Starting to get a little strong, but it's all good.

[33:06] Amy Sherman: It looks good then.

[33:07] Katie Chandler: Thanks. And also, I want to tell everybody what I'm drinking because I think that this could be made at home, and it's really, really good. We have this place here called Granola Bar. I mean, I don't know. They're probably in the general area of the New York area, but it's their Turkish late. Make this at home, make yourself a late. Or go to Starbucks and get your latte and have them put a little bit of vanilla in it and cinnamon and cardamom. And it is so good. Yeah.

[33:32] Amy Sherman: So vanilla late with cinnamon.

[33:34] Katie Chandler: What's cardamom? Is a spice that I feel like, I want to say. Maybe you would have cardamom in, like, a chai tea. Like a similar.

[33:41] Amy Sherman: Okay.

[33:42] Katie Chandler: But, yeah, it's a spice. I think I actually have cardamom in my spice cabinet so you could make.

[33:47] Amy Sherman: Yeah, I was going to say you could probably just make it at home.

[33:49] Katie Chandler: Really yummy.

[33:50] Amy Sherman: Sounds yummy. It sounds like. Yeah, mixed with cinnamon.

[33:55] Katie Chandler: It's very warming.

[33:56] Amy Sherman: I don't know. Sweet warming. Yeah. Good for the season.

[34:00] Katie Chandler: Exactly.

[34:01] Amy Sherman: Okay, cool. Well, that is it for our November product junkies. I feel like there's so many more things to review so I'm excited for next month and hope everyone is doing well and see you next time. Thanks for listening to Nirvana Sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes. Please subscribe and leave us a review. Also find us on Instagram at Nirvana Sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would, please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana Sisters. We'll continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to. Bye.


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