Nirvana Sisters

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Episode 31 - The New Jewelry Brand You Must Add To Your Cart - Beautiful, Affordable Luxuries with Meredith Quill (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 31.

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Amy: 0:07

Welcome to Nirvana sisters, where we discuss all things health and well being to help you achieve your highest state your nirvana. Hi, I'm Amy Sherman, a marketing exec with a passion for wellness and beauty.

Unknown: 0:19

Hi, I'm Katie Chandler, a form of fit model that has a passion for health and fitness. We are

Amy: 0:25

sisters in law who share the same love for well being ready to sift through all the self care noise and bring you a splash of what we think is fun. So let's get started. Welcome back to the show Nirvana sisters family. I am so excited to introduce Meredith Quill to everyone today. I have been following Beckett and Quill since you launched so I can't wait to hear all about it I an early adopter to the brand and love it and love everything it stands for so we can't wait to get into that. But before I do it, let me tell our listeners about the fabulous Meredith quell. So at the age of three, Meredith wore her mother's engagement ring to preschool and told the teachers that she had gotten married. This was the start of a lifelong passion for jewelry. As a teenager, she started making her own pieces learning how to solder and set stones using a variety of metals. After getting married and having three kids Meredith saw a hole in the marketplace for reasonably priced beautiful jewelry. She started beating bracelets and necklaces for her family and friends and through word of mouth the business quickly took off. Her line of well priced classic pieces could be seen on celebrities like Dizzy Phillips and also on regular moms like herself and me because I'm wearing my bekende quilt today. She recently joined forces with dry bar founder and entrepreneur ally Webb, who's my girl crush to form Beckett and Quill and affordable luxurious brand of jewelry that brings a little sparkle to everyone. Which is so true. So welcome, Meredith.

Unknown: 1:50

Thank you.

Amy: 1:51

So glad you're on the show.

Unknown: 1:54

Thank you for having me. I'm very happy salutely

Amy: 1:57

Yeah, and we really wanted to have you on the show. Because, of course we love jewelry. But our show is all about beauty and well being and taking care of yourself. And I always feel like when you have a great piece of jewelry on, whether it's a necklace or an earring or bracelet, it just like makes your day better. It just makes you feel good. And you just have that extra sense of joy. So it's really relevant, I think to our audience. Yeah. So that being said, we started the show doing our nirvana of the week or weekly Nirvana, as we like to call it. And this is just something that has brought us joy this week. Just a little spark of nirvana. As we get through all this, these crazy times and stressful times, so I'll hand it to you, Katie to talk tell us about your Nirvana this week.

Unknown: 2:43

Okay, well, thank you all. Meredith, thank you for being here. It's such a thrill to have you. I'm so excited to meet you and chat. So thanks. I think my Nirvana was probably this morning. I have. As I've repeatedly said on this and moved into a house recently in your house, it has been very hectic and I actually I've been in the house for, I want to say like almost three weeks. And this morning was literally the first time that I had my house to myself for longer than maybe 10 minutes. Because we moved in. Our children went into quarantine, my house had asymptomatic COVID. And then my parents came in town for a visit. And a few days before they got here, I was out of the house all day every day preparing for them. And then they got here and they have left to sit in my house, which is honestly that should be the Nirvana that my parents are here. They don't listen to this anyway. So it's fine. It's interesting. I adore my parents, I adore them. I love them so much. But to have some peace and quiet in my house and like clear my hand and have my coffee and my fruit this morning by myself was heavenly. So that's

Amy: 3:49

so amazing. Yeah, so mine was last night, my husband had a get together with some of his work team, which he doesn't really do that much because they're all over the place. And they all came into town. And they had meetings this week. So I was working on like just putting together like appetizers and flowers and doing all this stuff. And the house was quiet. No one was here. It was so nice. And my favorite part of that was I love putting together a flower design. And I had all these flowers on the counter. I put on like music like I put on jazz music or something. And I was just listening to it and like doing my flower designs and vases and everything. And it was just like five minutes of peace. That was so nice. No one was in the house. No one's bothering me. And I just like loved putting it together. So I did that. And then the rest of night was actually crazy because my dog. No, I'm telling everybody this my dog had on the stairs. He's fine, thank God. But literally 10 minutes after that. He got really hurt or we thought we did but he was fine. Thank god he's really old. I've been talking about on the show. Meredith he's 16 and a half. So like every week, there's something that's going on with him. And we're getting a new puppy this weekend. So I'm super excited for that. That'll be my future nirvana. But it was just so funny cuz I was thinking about it today and I'm like, what was my Nirvana this week? And I'm like, it was actually that five minutes where I was like designing flowers and putting them around the house. It was so peaceful to me. Anyway, what about you, Meredith?

Unknown: 5:06

My Nirvana this week was that I got to take a hike alone is just my favorite thing to do. And I don't do it often enough. I used to live right near a hiking trail before we had a bunch of kids. And I used to go every single day with my dog. And then we moved, that dog died. And so I stopped hiking. And then But recently, I tried to go I dropped the kids at school because they're finally back at school full time. And so then I went for a hike this week, and it was heaven.

Amy: 5:42

That sounds so nice, especially in LA. Hiking.

Unknown: 5:45


Amy: 5:46

Do you have a new dog? Are you gonna get a new dog so you can go home?

Unknown: 5:50

No, no more jobs? That you have three kids? I am I am off the dogs until the kids can take care of the dog.

Amy: 5:59

Yeah, good. How are your kids? Meredith?

Unknown: 6:02

Um, I have a 13 year old daughter, a 10 year old daughter and an eight year old son.

Amy: 6:07

Awesome. Yeah.

Unknown: 6:09

Should we go right into our quickfire? Because we want to hear all about beckoning Quill and you and the whole GM so Hey, good. How long have you started creating jewelry when you're a teenager? like Amy said, right? So is that it started that young of an age and you just continued doing it always? Was it always a big hobby? No, it really was I went to I was a dancer back in the old days, I was a ballet dancer, and I went, Yeah, I don't need any of them anymore. Um, and I was really serious about ballet. And I went to an arts camp in Connecticut, I went to a camp called bucks rock. And the only other thing I did at Camp besides ballet was jewelry making. And so if I wasn't dancing, I was like, learning how to put together pieces and set stones and, and I absolutely loved it. And I went to that camp for a couple of years. But then I sort of lost the passion for it, I don't know. And then I went to college and got out of college and whatever. And then it wasn't until I had kids that I needed something to like, occupy myself. And so I started making jewelry again, after I had my son. And I started making just beading, which is how a lot of people start. And it's just very cathartic. I don't know what the word is, it's, it's really like you feel like you can get into a really good place and like four hours could go by and I'm just beating and so I started selling the bracelets and and then it kind of turned into a little business. So it was really just a hobby that escalated. I feel like you could really Zen out on it. Like you were just saying if it's your thing like for me personally, I think it would be tedious because I'm not good with like little things like that. I think I would go berserk yes it yourself. You just completely go in the zone and it's like this peaceful little nirvana for you is what it sounds like. It's so cool. Absolutely. I don't know many people who enjoy the it's very meticulous, it's very detail oriented. I've talked about this with my sister and she's like, I don't know how you sit there and put the things on the chains and the lock and the options like how do you even see it all now one? Thank god yeah, it is it is such a good zen place to go into for me so

Amy: 8:46

and it's it's funny I it's it's so nice to have that outlet because I think that is so crucial for everybody to have to be able to have an outlet where all the stuff that's on your mind kind of goes in the back of your mind and you can just zone out I mean for you it's jewelry for Katie I'm sure it's like your meditation or other things that you do for me it's like doing something creative, whether that's putting together flowers or you know, doing something on the computer where I'm designing but it's so important to have that so that's awesome. Okay, so what is your favorite type of jewelry? Like one thing

Unknown: 9:20

right now it goes I you know, I kind of go in phases. Right now I am obsessed with our necklaces. I just I just don't I can't stop putting more on I think I have four on today. Yeah, I need more. Like Like most like a lot of people right now I'm very into layering and mixing and matching and everything. Yeah. So yeah,

Amy: 9:44

I have to say necklace is my favorite too. I I always love putting on fun necklaces but I need more. I'm only wearing two today but I need to

Unknown: 9:51

get up you have to style you up a little bit more.

Amy: 9:54

I know we definitely do. I love the black heart and I also saw that you have other colors now to turquoise and Think, technically anyone ever tell you that you look like Cindy Crawford?

Unknown: 10:04

Oh, that's the nicest compliment in the entire world. And I I've gotten that a lot in the past. The ally says it to me all the time.

Amy: 10:13

And I get I got your picture. I was like she's literally Cindy Crawford. I'm gorgeous for our listeners. Just Just so you know.

Unknown: 10:22

You know what? I'm going to tell my husband. You guys said that tonight.

Amy: 10:27

Okay, so what is your favorite or newest piece of technical jewelry that you're loving? I know, we just talked about the necklace. Is there anything else that you're loving right now from your collection,

Unknown: 10:37

I'll show you us is coming out in December. So it's ran. This is our if you guys can see it's a Malakai the stone is called Melkite. And it's the most rewarding variegated kind of green, like dark green and light green and all mixed. And it's just set. It's it's in a really simple setting. It's 14 karat gold. And I really love it. I think it'll be a great Christmas gift. So that's coming out of the holidays.

Amy: 11:13

Yeah, I love it. So pretty.

Unknown: 11:15

I want to know, how did you your your your style of jewelry, I think is very specific. Like it's very delicate. And also it looks super, super expensive. But the price point I think is excellent. So and how did you kind of find your way into that into that knock? Um, well, after having three kids, I realized I couldn't afford to buy anyone's jewelry anymore. As much as I love all of the Jennifer Fisher's and the Jennifer Myers of the world, I couldn't even fathom spending 1000 2000 $3,000 on a necklace. It's just way out of the budget. And so I started really designing pieces that I wanted that I liked for myself, which is still what I do. And and I wanted it to be classic, because I don't want these to be throwaway pieces, but I want them to have a little bit of edge. So I like I love modern stuff. And I sort of combined those with using whatever materials are the most cost effective. So like on a lot of our necklaces, like this is our new circle link. It's, um, it's kind of it's a classic Belcher chain, but it's gold fill, and it looks fantastic. But it's, I don't know, 1/100 of the price of that was what 14 karat gold would be. So whatever I can do in 14k, that's not too expensive. I do it that way, like all of our earrings are 14 karat gold, because I have daughters and I only put 14 karat gold and they're yours. And we sell those

Amy: 12:57

earrings. Pretty.

Unknown: 13:01

So we do a lot of kids stuff also because my daughter started coming into my little jewelry closet and stealing all of my jewelry. So certain things we do in 14 karat gold that I think are necessary, but the things that I think are cool and beautiful and that are sort of right now. We can do in goldfill because it looks so good. And I have a really good manufacturer downtown that I work with who helps me with, you know, all of the materials and the metals that we can use and so I just really want everyone to be able to buy it. Yeah, it's genius. There's a hole in the market you filled out without a doubt. Oh,

Amy: 13:40

yeah, absolutely. And I think too, with accessible, you know, luxury type items, especially jewelry. Now, it's like you feel I feel better wearing it because I don't like I just feel like if you have an expensive piece, you're worried about wearing it all the time. So you only wear it when you're going on a special occasion. And with someone like this you can wear it every day and not worry that if something happens to it, you're like going to be devastated. So it's like I just love that category. It's so smart.

Unknown: 14:12

Exactly. And like the other day my son was saying hello and grabbed my necklace and pulled it off and broke the chain. I was like Sorry. It's not gonna break the bank.

Amy: 14:24

Exactly. So tell us about your process because you were just saying about your manufacturer. Like how does that all work? Because I know you're in your jewelry closet and you say that's where you make all of your creations and inspiration and this closet I need to visit because it looks incredible. But how does that work? Like are you making every single piece Do you have someone manufacturing like what's the

Unknown: 14:44

I'm designing work piece. And I source all of this Jones like as you were saying so these earrings we just came out with the Opals this week these little studs, um, I gotta have to get those. And so I I buy all the individuals stones I look at everything and then I have a manufacturer who because he's the best at doing all this he sets all my stones and he solders all the pieces that we need soldering like we have a couple of rings here that we make he makes anything that needs to be soldered. These are our little sort of delicate little petite rings, I can't get enough of them. I'm gonna have them on every finger now. I'm not pretty. So whatever I can't do in my own little jewelry closet, like I put together all the necklaces and stuff, but he will do anything that necessitates you know, he, um, a lot of our pieces are a metal called Vernay, which is mean it which means it's made in sterling silver, but then it's coated in 14 karat gold. So it's a really nice metal underneath, which is silver, and then the gold on top. less expensive than gold, but like sort of a step up from goldfill or goldplated. So he does all that for me downtown. But it's great because I live 15 minutes away from him. So

Amy: 16:04

we find I know that would be such a hard person to find.

Unknown: 16:09

It was in the beginning, I went through a bunch of manufacturers and then found Pedro and Pedro and I are just he's the best

Amy: 16:17

man. He's the

Unknown: 16:18

man. He makes me. I always tell him I said you make my jewelry dreams come true. I mean, if I design it, you know, I sort of told him I really wanted to make this this bead band ring that we have and I like made this little drawing and I don't use the computer for any of the drawings, a lot of like high end sort of designers do that. But I'm like, just draw it all out. And he's like, no problem. So he says a lot. Amazing, a genius partnership. Exactly. Love it. That's yeah, so tell me about your grandmother. And the name. The inspiration behind the company that I'm gonna name is Sophia. Oh, thank you. Um, my grandmother's maiden name was Beckett. So she was Henrietta Beckett and my grandmother absolutely inspired my love of jewelry. She had this giant drawer in one of her dressers and my sister and I would get to her apartment in Philadelphia and the first place we would be lying to this drawer and pull it out and she wore really cool pieces. She wore gigantic, like beautiful cameo rings and she wore giant Jade necklaces. And she really loved the stones that were not the most popular. She She didn't wear a lot of diamonds. She didn't wear rubies. She didn't wear sapphires. She wore Jade and coral, and onyx and all of these sorts of different stones that you think of as like maybe the less expensive sort of stones which they are. But so my sister and I would go to this drawer and just pull it out and wear everything just put on tons of her beaded she had tons of beaded necklaces. And she wore this beautiful chain link bracelet. So I wear a bracelet, this little link bracelet. She had a giant disc attached to it. And it had her initials on it. And I think it might have had either maybe her anniversary or something. But she wore it every day and banged around the house. And it was all like messed up and bent and patina that beautiful. And so she really Beckett was her maiden name. So it was a no brainer. When we were naming the business. And Ally really went for it. My business partner ally web went for the name just loved she loved the name Quill, she was like, let's just call it coil. And unfortunately, there are several businesses called quill. So I was really happy to incorporate my grandma's name into the mix.

Amy: 18:56

That's so nice. You know, you just mentioned something about that disc. Is that where this I'm wearing? I forget what this is called the disc. Is that was that the inspiration for this necklace?

Unknown: 19:05

Exactly. Yeah.

Amy: 19:07

That is so cool. I didn't know that. I mean, I knew about the company and the brands being named after your grandmother. But when you said that about the necklace and the disc I was like, Oh, I wonder if that was the inspiration that makes me feel so good wearing it

Unknown: 19:18

was I say that to everyone who buys it. I'm like my grandma inspired this piece is the first piece I designed. I was like I would love to wear I would never wear it on my wrist because it was just too it's too big for me. And I was like But I'd love to wear it around my neck because I love like I would love a chunky disc necklace. And I was like That's exactly right. The first piece I made so, so amazing. Yeah, you're saying that your love of jewelry can very much be hereditary. It's yeah, I think it's all for sure. Yeah.

Amy: 19:50

That's so fun. I like have this vision of like this big jewelry box. Like in your grandma's part. That's just so cool. My my grandmother um if that resonates with me because my grandmother, my buddy Ruth was very chic and always dressed and always looks good makeup always had a great outfit on. And her closet had so many clothes, but she had like tons of shoes. So that's probably where my love for shoes came from. Because same thing, like these gorgeous, like, just beautiful shoes everywhere. I actually have a couple pairs. But anyway, so I love that your grandmother is kind of, you know, behind the whole inspiration of your company. That's so heartwarming. So, you mentioned Ali, how did you meet Ali and tell us like kind of how that all came about? And then what does she like as a business partner? I mean, I feel like I know her just through Instagram and following her for so many years. But she seems just so creative and full of energy, but love to hear kind of like how that whole thing came together.

Unknown: 20:49

It came together because she got this necklace as a gift from a friend of hers. Um, and then, because ally being ally, she posted about it because she posts about things she loves. She said, Oh, I got this beautiful heart from Meredith Quill jewelry. And I was I'm, I'm, I'm still so new to Instagram. I didn't even I didn't know Ali before we met on Instagram. And I was like, Oh, this woman has so many followers, I should I should message her and say thank you. And so I said, Thank you so much for tagging me and let me send you some jewelry. And she was like, Let me please pay for it. And which was so nice of her because I was just a one woman operation. And so I sent her a bunch of pieces, and she just loved everything. And, um, and then message me one day and said, Look, I love all of your stuff. But your packaging sucks your market. You have no branding, the name sucks, like, she was like, Can I love it? Basically, it was kind of like, Can I help you? Salt and salt. And then very quickly, we realized that we would work very well together. So we went in business together and, um, and it sort of happened really organically. There was no you know, it was just like we every sort of skill set that Ali has, I do not have an all of them. We just have the perfect blend of she is like business, all business brain. And but she also has very good taste in jewelry. So that helps. And so we just really started building the company almost a year ago, and then launched last February. So it hasn't even really been a year yet. But but it's been great.

Amy: 22:46

That's incredible. Yeah, that's right. You launched in February because I bought this necklace for myself for Valentine's Day.

Unknown: 22:52

Yes. I'm sorry, the cat. Oh, please, please got to see this necklace. I'm obsessed obsessed obsessed. She was just love that.

Amy: 23:07

Girl. It's so yeah, I actually because I'm like a brand or and a marketer and so I of course order the necklace right away. And then when I got the packaging, I did a real on Instagram of it. I'll resurface it when we launched this episode so you can see it. But I did a reel of me like opening up the packaging and showing the necklace because I loved Of course all the branding and packaging. And I love this note that you guys send with every with every piece for the audience, it says thanks so much. Enjoy xx, Ellie and Meredith and it's as a thank you on the back. It's just super cute. And I love getting a personalized note. I think it's so important. So this I actually had on my vision board, which you can't see. But I have a vision board to the side of my desk here. And I have this hanging as like my inspo. So yeah, so it was really it was really cool. So that's awesome. And how's the company been doing since you launched? I mean, it hasn't even been any a year. That's incredible.

Unknown: 23:58

It has been great. It is so busy. It is busier than I ever thought it would be. Ali likes to run and says yes to absolutely everything. And I'm more of a person who likes to crawl and say no to everything. So we find a middle ground. So for example, Jesse James Decker had a subscription box come out a couple months ago or maybe even just a month ago. And Allie loved Okay, so this is this turquoise heart that she had gotten. And so cute. And you asked her she said could you guys put 5000 of these in my boxes? And Ali's like, Oh my God. No, I have to make those.

Amy: 24:50

Oh my god.

Unknown: 24:52

What was great though is that I said I'll do I can do 250 And so it ended up being this collaboration that was so great all On we our heart was an add on for her subscription box. And 200 people bought them. And so it's been things like that that sort of come up, you know, on top of running the website, and I still do all the shipping and allow aging. So yeah, so then when things like that come up, it's just it's so busy, because Ali knows everyone. And really, there's not anyone who doesn't adore her and wants to work with her because she is just this very authentic, wonderful person. And she's, so she's Yeah, she's just Yes, yes, yes. So I

Amy: 25:39

think she is very good. And she's smart, because that's such a great partnership and a good opportunity to get in front of a different audience. It's just such a good distribution play, because you're an online, you know, you don't have brick and mortar. So that's such a good way to get in 5000 homes, but you know, soon to come it sounds like Yes.

Unknown: 25:57

Yeah. of scaling, the manufacturing and shipping out and all of that, is that in the works, yes, it's going to have to be I think we're going to see, you know, holidays should be really nice and busy. That's coming up soon. So and we have a couple of collaborations coming up that are going to be that are huge. That will be, um, hopefully take us to the next level. And maybe I won't be you know, in my jewelry closet, doing all the packaging and stuff after that, but we'll see. I mean, it's it's, it's been going great. So far, so better.

Amy: 26:36

Yeah, that's amazing. I just that's Katie get that's a preview for your Hanukkah gift. So just so you know. Let me know what piece you want. As you're talking. I'm like, oh, gifting. I'm like at a great gift for Katy.

Unknown: 26:50

I'll be in Westport for a holiday pop up. So you have to

Amy: 26:54

really? Yes. Oh, that's awesome.

Unknown: 26:57

I will be there in November. And I will let you guys know I will

Amy: 27:02

be I'll come up Katie.

Unknown: 27:04

Yeah, please. Yeah. Love to go out of town. Is that my sister's house? Well, it's really easy.

Amy: 27:10

So your sister lives in Westport? Yes. And that's so great.

Unknown: 27:15

Was the has been my biggest biggest supporter. And not only because she loves jewelry, and she gets it all for nothing now. But she was like just so gung ho about the idea. So she was my earliest and Best Supporter

Amy: 27:32

of this so great. Well, definitely let us know about that date, because I will come up and we can meet you in person. But I'm also a little bit scared about going to a pop up because I know I'll buy everything. And Katie knows like if I like something I go crazy. So I will have you're gonna get a lot of orders that day.

Unknown: 27:49

much merchandise with me. I will not I will not run out. I promise.

Amy: 27:52

Okay, good. I will get there awesome.

Unknown: 27:55

When you start to scale and like, you know, everything's pig, and you're not in your closet anymore doing anymore? Do you think you'll miss it? Do you think you'll still like sneak in there sometimes and just make things and do things because you love it? Or do you feel like you're like, Oh, I love it. And also, I mean, I really it's great because my kids get involved, which is so much fun. My son was even helping me I have like, obviously he loves all of my little tools that I have right here. So he was helping me cut pieces and cut wire the other day. And my daughter my middle one comes in here all the time in the morning. Like what am I wearing today? What necklace do I need for this outfit? It's so fun. So yeah, so I'll always be in here working for how big it gets. Yeah,

Amy: 28:42

that's so great. So what have you What have you learned so far? Like what has been easier than you thought and what has been more challenging than you thought?

Unknown: 28:50

Um, what has been easier I think is that people just really, really fall in love with jewelry when they see it. Um, we haven't you know, we have a bunch of in person even though we're big we're ecommerce we have a lot of in person pop ups and, and there's never a time that someone comes over to our table and is like, Man, I don't really like anything, you know, we really that's been great. It's like,

Amy: 29:19

well, that's a testament to your beautiful jewelry and your taste and your designing

Unknown: 29:23

pricing because I'm really designing for myself mostly. And so I'm like, wow, that's feels really good. Um, and what's been most challenging is packaging. Um, we it's really it was such a it was a struggle to figure out what packaging we wanted and where to get it and how to have it printed and but we have we finally figured that out so I no longer run out of really nice boxes and I really love our packaging. So it's and that was something that that was all ally because I was I was like yeah, we'll just send it in a gauze bag and she was like, What are you talking about? out? No, it has to be in a beautiful presentation. And it has to be like this sort of ceremonial opening. And so we have these little drawer boxes. And so she was 100% right about that.

Amy: 30:11

And she's right, because people like me, I took a video and I put it on Instagram reels because I was like, this is such a great experience. I love this up.

Unknown: 30:19

I love hearing that. I love it. Do you have a favorite piece of yours? Maybe Maybe we touched on it. But out of all of your jewelry Do you have like your most loved piece? I think here I'll get it for you. It's right back here. And my favorite piece is the pearl necklace that we did. It's these are freshwater pearls. I don't know if you can see and they're strung on black silk. And wool, which is such a cool and different way. It was like, I've always liked pearls. But I had my pearls from like my sweet 16. And they look a little old fashioned, like your grandma's pearls. But pearls have been in my family forever. And my grandmother wore a pearl choker. And my mom had she handed it down to my mom and then my mom will obviously give it to me or my sister but um, I needed a sort of a modern way of having a pearl choker. And I think this one just kind of nailed it. So this is my

Amy: 31:16

face. So cool. Yeah, I love that because it's

Unknown: 31:19

and the best part is that it can also be a bracelet so that it's a very useful piece. We wear it like this a lot. So yeah. Does it crash? Or is it rigid? And it just era it's like just the perfect things to wrap. Yep, it has an extender on it, which is really helpful. So and it's on silk. So it just, we sort of made it this perfect length to be a choker. And then it can wrap around twice around. Yeah, so it's a really useful it's a very versatile piece, which I love when jewelry can be other things. And I wear it with my T shirt in the summer with like a white t shirt, and then I wore it to you know, a kid's Bar Mitzvah. So it's very cool.

Amy: 32:06

That's a great piece. And when What's your most popular piece, like what it was what's selling the most right now?

Unknown: 32:12

I hear? You're sure our black enamel heart is. I think it's the perfect price point. It's $60. And it looks a great gift. Yeah. looks so much nicer than it costs. I mean, it looks like a it's a beautiful enamel. It's black on both sides. So you don't ever worry about it turning. And I think it's also people buy it as a gift. I mean, people buy like seven at a time. They're like I want every woman in my office to have this piece. Yeah,

Amy: 32:43

it's so fabulous. I love it. And I this and it's so different.

Unknown: 32:47

It's different. Yeah, I think it's different. I think the heart shape turned out great. It's just the perfect little heart. And I think it's a great size for every day. You could wear it alone you can layer it with 20 necklaces like I do. So I think it's a really it's just a good standard piece. So that's definitely our best seller. Yeah, I love that one. I was Meredith and I have someone in common my my realtor is a friend of hers and she had your necklace on while we were looking at houses one day and I caught I said that Beckett and Quill and I love it and she

Amy: 33:19

was she wearing the black heart in a black heart. Yeah, who is your favorite jewelry designer besides you of course.

Unknown: 33:27

Um, I love Sophie view. Hi. Do you guys know Sophie? Bu Hi. Have you heard of that? Um, her mother is actually a friend of mine and lives on our street but look up Sophie view Hi. She has the most gorgeous, very unique jewelry like no one else is doing what she's doing. And I just love that. It's very chunky stuff. That is so just it's so it's so unique. And it's so like if you see it you're like oh, that's a Sophie view Hi bracelet. So she's by far my favorite because she's just so original. There's nobody designing like her.

Amy: 34:09

Very cool. Well definitely check that out. Yes.

Unknown: 34:13

So what is next? I mean, it sounds like you guys are just growing, growing, growing. Um, what is next holidays. That's our I just waiting, I just want to get to December 10 Because that's a cut off to get all of your gifts by Christmas. So if I can make it to December 10 I will be so happy. So yeah. And then we have a bunch of new pieces coming out soon. We have some new rubies coming out. We have little Ruby studs that are coming out soon. And we have a really great necklace our double horn pendant is coming out. So we have some fun new stuff that will be released soon. And then we have some pieces that we're only doing in person that you guys can see if you come to the Westport pop up. Like this is our newest beaded necklace that I think is just so gorgeous.

Amy: 35:09

Oh, wow, that's so pretty. Yeah, it's a great sport pop up. We'll talk about it just in case anybody's in that area on wants to come.

Unknown: 35:16

It is Friday, November 12, I'm going to say and if at all, it'll be all day that it's just going to be like a big open house. It's at my sister's house in Westport. She lives near the beach. And so yeah, so anyone come by anyone

Amy: 35:33

who is in the New York, Connecticut area should definitely go to that.

Unknown: 35:37


Amy: 35:38

we there. That's amazing. Okay, so here's the question. And I think we all struggle with this. So how do you balance everything? Like you're starting this new business? It's so exciting. It's growing so quickly. It sounds like you have three kids, you have a cat, you have a husband and family? Like, how do you I mean, it's hard to balance at all, but like,

Unknown: 35:53

it is I'm very organized, I think I run a really tight ship. I you know, I don't let my kids like they don't stay up too late. I have everyone. Um, you know, I sort of have work time when they're at school. And then when they're home, I really I make dinner every night for the kids and for my husband. So I have like, at that time, then I'm just cooking and making dinner. So I think you just have to have really good time management skills when you have kids. And outsource driving. That's what we do. It especially in LA, you hire people to drive your kids around. So we have a babysitter who helps with the driving, which is the most huge. It's the running is like what can really take you down right. And you know, I ran with, like eight appointments, I felt like you know, most of them were for the kids or the dog or something. And then I was just done. It was like Dr. Maha going, going going going? Yes, good, man. That's a little that's a little hack. If you asked me it is. Yeah, this wonderful babysitter who? I mean, I don't I shouldn't call her a babysitter. She doesn't babysit but she is. gets here. She takes Madeline to my oldest who does club soccer in the valley. So anyone who knows that? Yeah, that's a 45 minute drive. So I'm like, that is time. I do not have to.

Amy: 37:19

Yeah, that's like takes your whole day away. That's my whole evening where

Unknown: 37:23

I'm going to be either sitting in my jewelry closet or returning emails or something. So that's a big that is a good hack. Yeah.

Amy: 37:32

Yeah, an organization that's that's huge. I sometimes fall off the organization wagon,

Unknown: 37:38

people find you and we will our website is Beckett and And it's Beckett with one T is how my grandma spelt it. So that's how we spelled it. And my our Instagram is at Beckett and Quill and my Instagram is at Meredith Quill American or what am I Meredith l quill I'm not very good. And, and yeah, and for anyone who message I message everybody back if you get in touch with me about jewelry on my Instagram or my email, any questions about jewelry, anything? I am always here, so

Amy: 38:18

that's awesome. Okay, we're gonna get into our rap session. It's kind of like our quick round of questions that we always ask our guests on the show. So what is your favorite wellness or beauty hack? Because you are gorgeous that you've got to hold something.

Unknown: 38:32

Um, I would say I get I use a moisturizer from whole foods that is $11 and it has saved my skin and I have people ask me about it all the time. They're like, You look dewy and I said go to Whole Foods and get will Lita Baby Face Cream. It's for babies. Okay, it's, it has like, completely rejuvenated my skin. It's the only thing I use. And I like I really only like clean products and um, and the price point is right within my wheelhouse.

Amy: 39:10

This litter box Yeah, that's amazing.

Unknown: 39:13

Um, so that's, I think that's my biggest beauty secret maybe?

Amy: 39:18

That's a great one. Yeah. Okay, so this is what we call our five minute flow. So here's the scenario. You just got out of the shower dried off. We were just alerted you there are five minutes away. So what is your quick beauty routine? What do you do to like put your you know, put yourself together like what are your go to Holy Grails to get to the car in time and out that door clearly is the moisturizer.

Unknown: 39:42

My beauty routine is five minutes anyway so this is very easy. I do my Lolita moisturizer. Obviously I live in LA I wear SPF all the time. I reapply all day. I have one in my bag. I have three in my cabinet and I use this L Elta. and D you can also just get it at a pharmacy. It's the tinted moisturizer. It is the best, you can reapply it all day and your your face still looks good. And then what else do I do? I use fresh lip balm. It's just like a little like, I don't know, I think it's a clean little lip balm thing. And, and that's about it. I don't think I do anything else. That's that's my that's my routine.

Amy: 40:24

That's a good routine. Yeah. Very simple. Simple is best.

Unknown: 40:30

Yes. And you know, in Los Angeles, you don't worry about having wet hair when you go outside. I'm like being on the East Coast. You're not gonna freeze. You're never.

Amy: 40:41

So we had a dermatologist on the show Dr. Nazarian a couple episodes ago, and she recommended that Elta MD sunblock, she says it's the best,

Unknown: 40:50

it's the best. And it's I mean, I like smacking on my kids when they leave the house. Also, I'm like, just use it. You know, it's like, it just is I don't know, it's like a miracle SPF. It just does. It never looks white. I use the tinted one because it just perfectly blends in. But and as long as I have that and use that all day with my little fresh lip balm. I'm set.

Amy: 41:12

That's awesome. Yeah. Okay, and how do you maintain your daily nirvana?

Unknown: 41:17

Well, I walk every single day to miles no matter what, wow, nice. I have a great little route, I walk out my door. And then I'm right on a street that's also a bike Street in LA. So the cars are supposed to go a little slower. And it's just the perfect two miles. I walk West for a mile and then I walk back east for a mile. And that's how I maintain everything. I think walking is just for my head. I don't I try not to bring my phone. And I just try and have like a good 30 minutes of me just you know, breathing heavy and I walk really fast. So it's exercise.

Amy: 41:58

That's great. Yeah, that's, that's that's a great one. And I love to walk to and I don't do it often. But I mean, I do it. I did it this morning, but on my treadmill not outside. But every time I go walking, I feel so much better. And I love being outside and walking. So you're inspiring me to do two miles every day I'll think of you.

Unknown: 42:15

Is I swear I think it keeps me sane. Yeah.

Amy: 42:19

Well, it certainly keeps you looking amazing.

Unknown: 42:21

I love that you do the walkthrough and if I do too, that's like I do all no impact either. Your Pilates working. Okay, so I totally get it. Yep, it does its job. Well, the only thing I do know that I'll tell you guys that has been it's so good for my head. It's only in Los Angeles, although she has a whole online thing is like fit le K fit, which is a bounce thing on a trampoline. And I'm terrible at it. But I absolutely love it. So sounds fun. Find her online. Lauren is the best teacher. So yeah. Well, look at that. That sounds so fun. Oh, it's so good. It's so much fun. The best. Nice. That sounds great. Okay, well, um, do you want to stick around for our product review on our mantra AMI, I think was a fun product review for us. Oh, good. Yes.

Amy: 43:05

Yeah. So here's the deal. So you know, when you're on Instagram, and you're scrolling and you're constantly getting targeted ads that are so catered to you. I kept seeing this brand that kept coming up in my feed. And I was like, okay, whatever. And then after seeing it like five or six times and being in marketing, I know that like all of a sudden I was like, oh, maybe maybe I should try that. I really, I could use that. So what it is, is it's called I don't even know how to pronounce it il macchiato. It's a concealer. And they have so much content online and they show these you know girls women putting this concealer on and like brushing it on and being like, oh my god, it's so amazing. And then when you first see it, you're like yeah, right. But then you keep watching you're like oh I kind of want to try it because it's an online company. And if you don't like it, you can return it so I'm like, oh maybe I should try it so of course I felt I fell for it. I do buy it so it's called El Mekki as this concealer is called the fuck I'm flawless but the you they have an asterix so that's how they brand it f asterik. UK but so cute, the multi use perfecting concealer. So it's a long wear lightweight concealer covers under eye circles, blemishes, dark spots, hyperpigmentation. It's vegan, cruelty free, oil free, paraben free. And it's really inclusive because it is available on 30 diverse shades for all skin tones. It's $31 and you only pay $5 When you order it because you have 30 days to make a decision on whether you like it so the cool thing is, is I clicked on the site and you go through this quiz of all these questions your skin type and what type of concealer you prefer lightweight, heavyweight, full coverage, whatever what kind of consistency like those, I don't know five or 10 questions, which was actually made me think about it a little bit and then they match you and the match that I got the number I got was 2.5 Whatever that means, literally matches my skin perfectly. So it was love at first rash. I was so skeptical and I tried it and it's so nice it's very lightweight. The coverage is really nice and it doesn't crease or cake because I always have to put concealer on so talk about five minute flow like that's my I have to put concealer on under my eyes and just for a fresher look. And I find that by the end of the day like I have the nart one of the Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer is which I love is like one of my other holy girls but sometimes it does like crease and get like yucky underneath your eyes. This lasts all day gets so light doesn't crease doesn't go anywhere. And it's so good and it's 31 bucks. So I've literally paid $5 for it but I'll get charged the rest in a couple of days I guess and I kept it and the other cool thing was Oh and they have a subscription which I did not sign up for but if you do the subscription it's $28 The cool thing also was their packaging was really nice which so I was impressed with that and they bring they send you like a nice envelope to send it back in if you don't like it that you can just put in the mailbox which I think makes it so easy. And lastly I got a free liquid eyeliner with it that is also their brand good marketing. And I love it and so it's just like a nice liquid liner that's like really dark and works perfectly. So it's kind of my new obsession. So Ellen Mackay ash, this concealer again is Facom flawless, and I love it. So that's my recommendation of this week. It's a good one. It's a good staple. was looking for good like quick fixes.

Unknown: 46:22

Yes. Talk about targeting but you know it turned out to be ingenious. It sounds great. I'm gonna get it

Amy: 46:28

exactly. I do fall for a lot of Instagram ads. It's a problem but it's okay.

Unknown: 46:33

I detail it's my there. That's the point. Yeah. So let's wrap this fantastic episode with our mantra and again, Meredith thank you so much for being here. This one was so happy to happy that this one I was inspired by your story when I saw this I thought alright, this is perfect because for you your love of jewelry and then how it all played out and now your partnership with our lab and that's just exploding it's We're so happy for you. So the mantra is, what is meant to be will always find its way. I believe that

Amy: 47:12

completely. Great one. I love you so much. Thank you so much for joining us. Thanks for listening to Nirvana sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes please subscribe and leave us a review. also find us on Instagram at Nirvana sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana sisters will continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to buy