Nirvana Sisters

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Episode 32 - When Nature Is Healing With PMDD Warrior And Floral Artist, Lisa Composto (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 32.

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Amy: 0:07

Welcome to Nirvana sisters, where we discuss all things health and well being to help you achieve your highest state your nirvana. Hi, I'm Amy Sherman, a marketing exec with a passion for wellness and beauty.

Unknown: 0:19

Hi, I'm Katie Chandler, a form of fit model that has a passion for health and fitness. We are

Amy: 0:25

sisters in law who share the same love for well being ready to sift through all the self care noise and bring you a splash of what we think is fun. So let's get started.

Unknown: 0:37

Welcome back to Nirvana sisters podcast. This week. We are super excited to have someone very dear to me. My cousin Lisa composto. Lisa is a floral artist. Her company is composed of Yari, She's based in Houston, Texas. It was through Lisa's passion for paintings that she fell in love with floristry and capturing the drama between light and shadow through her floral photography, which is so cool. While she's tried many creative endeavors she's most passionate about this one and her desire to share her flower stories through creative soulful experiences. Lisa is also someone that was recently diagnosed with a chronic illness and she is determined to inspire uplift, encourage others to follow their dreams and advocate for their health. And I am really excited to talk about all of that. She is a beautiful person inside and out lives in the present moment and aspires to triumph through life's challenges while embracing every moment with gratitude. So she could not be a more perfect guest for us this week, my sister so highly. So thanks for being here. Thank you so much. I'm so

Amy: 1:44

excited to be welcome. So nice to meet you.

Unknown: 1:48

Thank you, Amy. I love that this family is connecting in new ways. And that's the magic of technology these days. Right?

Amy: 1:55

And by the way, Katie has so many cousins. It's so funny. I feel like every time I'm with Katie, she either mentions a cousin that she has that's fabulous like you or we run into remember we ran into your cousin like last Nashville. It's just so funny because I don't have a lot of cousins. So I always just find it so amazing. I love it. Yeah, I mean, like family,

Unknown: 2:13

we do it to break it down. My mom has six siblings, and my dad has six siblings, so that's why I love it. All right, well, let's kick it off with our nirvana of the week. Amy, I'm gonna kick it to you. What was your Nirvana this week?

Amy: 2:28

Yeah, so we got a new puppy. And she's literally the most adorable thing. Her name is Skye. She's an Australian Labradoodle. And she's just the sweetest thing. She's eight weeks, and it's just brought so much joy to us. In the family. So yeah, I mean, big Nirvana this week. And it's just I do feel like I have a baby again. And I'm on a total schedule. And it's kind of like, taken over my whole week, but we'll get in a routine. But yeah, it was it was just amazing. picking her up and bring her home to the family. So that was mine. What about you, Katie?

Unknown: 3:08

She's so cute. And thank you. Now Madeline and Reese are begging me for a new puppy every single day. But I would say minor Vana. This week. My parents are still here. They're in town and my mom and I cooked dinner together and my new kitchen and it was like one of the I think the first time I cooked a meal, you know from scratch in my new kitchen. And I was with my mom. And so that was really nice. Yeah. And then also this glass of wine that I'm having right now because it's Friday

Amy: 3:43

so that was I mean, I should have done that a while. Yeah, we usually

Unknown: 3:48

record it around lunchtime, but we're recording late today. So this is why Yeah, yeah. Cheers. My flowers. Lisa, tell us what was your Nirvana this week. I had some amazing nirvana. This week. I hosted the second one of my new workshops, where I am starting to share my stories, my flower stories that resonates so deeply with me. And they've been such a mechanism of healing for me that I am just ready to start sharing my story and helping other people. And so I started the workshop with a little bit about me. And I brought in all these beautiful locally grown Texas flowers from a farm here in Texas called base camp farms. This isn't support for a sustainable and ethically driven brand called foxhole who supports other brands of that. And so everything in the store has a story behind it. It's art driven and it gives back it has a greater purpose. So it's been amazing to be a piece of that journey. But this workshop was like a gift. Because when I invite people to stay present with me and try to tap into their inner creative and whatever is speaking to them at that moment. If it's pain, if it's channeling prayers through what we're creating anything, just give yourself just two hours of a pause. And to see the garden masterpieces that these individuals created was such an affirmation to me that I am on the right path. And I am so happy to be doing this and giving back and finding my greater purpose. So that was my Nirvana this week, and I can't wait to start posting more. Thank you so much.

Amy: 5:34

I would love to come Well, listen,

Unknown: 5:37

I want to do this nationwide, because I want to start supporting local farms and growers wherever I go, supporting the communities, even sourcing My vessels from a local Potter in town supporting a local coffee shop doing a demonstration there I am ready to start exploring and sharing my story everywhere I go. So yes, maybe I'll have a workshop where you are one day would love would be amazing. Well, yeah, it's, it's, you're so much more than Well, first of all, floral artist is is an accurate way to put it, you're so much more than I would say I don't know, a florist because not that there's anything wrong with that. But your your your work really is like art. And also I see it on Instagram. It's unbelievable. But it's obviously so much more than that to do to you. It's very, like spiritual and it's about healing. And so how did you get into doing this? Like, I know it was through your love of painting and everything. So how many years? And when did you start composto Fiore. Um, so I started my company, I became a registered LLC with Texas, in August of 2019. So that was not that long ago. And let me tell you, it's been a lot of pivoting and shifting and what I started out as has evolved and expanded, and it's like I have manifested and created that path for myself and chiseled it down to what I want it to be. And I'm so thankful to have found that because I know not a lot of people have had the capacity to do so. I will say that, you know, through all my creative endeavors, I've tried a little bit of everything, they all fizzled out, and my heart kept calling me to flowers and that style of artistry. And so when I started practicing, it was back in 2015. And it was around the time when all my friends were getting married, having baby showers, etc, everyone came to me to be the hostess, I loved that opportunity, I embraced it, I went full out every time I hosted one of these showers. And it gave me the opportunity to start playing with flowers. And when I did that, I always snapped a photo because I was like, I'm gonna paint it, I'm gonna paint that arrangement one day when I get to it. And through that I was like, What am I saying, I don't want to paint it. I'm painting right now with my flowers. But really the turn inward and where I connected with it on a very deep spiritual level. And at one of great healing was during the pandemic, absolutely. I was almost willing a reason to slow down so that I could embrace what I truly wanted to with flowers and my artistry. And when that happened and the shift happened in our world. I had all the time in the world to reflect and that is when I was diagnosed. And that is also when I discovered that flowers are a form of prayer and healing and spirituality for me. So yes, thank you for asking that question. Yeah, I

Amy: 8:37

totally agree with that. I was talking about this actually, in a show recently about, I have always loved flowers. And really the process of putting them together is so relaxing and therapeutic for me. And I do it all the time. And I was mentioning in a recent episode that my nirvana of the week was putting together these flower arrangements and designing them for a party we were having or having some people over and that moment I just loved because it brought me so much peace. So I totally can relate with what you're saying. Obviously, you're incredible and have like, really made a career out of it. But I do totally understand where you're coming from because I connect with flowers too. I always have my husband always says he's like, if you were to have like a business, it would be something to do with flowers and dogs because those are the things that you're right. So anyway, so what were you doing professionally before starting composto vra.

Unknown: 9:29

I was actually in an HR position for an oil and gas engineering procurement and construction company here and he's totally different way and that taught me so much, you know, discipline and actually was a very creative musician. I worked with an amazing team. We did talent management, we helped develop like the key talent, individuals that you know, we saw a greater career path with us future leaders that the company. And it was it was a really cool experience. And during all that everyone I ever worked with was like, What are you doing here? And I was I was I was so you know, in that mindset that I have to do the grind I had, there's no way I would succeed as an artist, who am I kidding? Like, how can I have gone to school for something else, and now I'm going to try it. Like, I guess I would love to have a gallery full of paintings. I thought that's what it was gonna be. I never imagined this is where it was gonna take me. And it's been way more fulfilling than I would have ever imagined. So the message and that is, I really support and encourage everyone that I need to tap into what's calling you and give it a chance and give it a fighting chance. It's not going to be easy. There's going to be a lot of sacrifices made. But if you are truly called to something, there is a reason the world needs you here, and you need a push through that and it will bring you the greatest form of joy and peace. I couldn't agree with you more. It's amazing. Also, we have to say while we're having this interview, Lisa is doing things with flowers. I mean, you're changing them and snipping them and putting them and it's like it's, it's amazing to watch you do it. Because you can tell it's like bringing you peace and Nirvana and Zen as you're talking to us. It's very cool. So I know it's gorgeous. I dreamed up this kitchen, I was hard to convince my husband, but that's what you gotta you gotta keep fighting for what you want. And it was a lot of hard work, but it pays off. All right, so we've talked a little bit on to, you know, like, how your love of Painting led you into it? What are some simple tricks that you can give our listeners? So back in season one, I think it was like, I don't know, maybe episode three. Amy, when we had an interior designer Zoe Feldman on. She was telling us the episode was about like how to build a beautiful home that supports and nurtures you and brings you Zen and peace and she was saying bring in something that's alive. Bring in flowers, bring in plants bring in a branch from a tree embedded in a base anything right? So I feel like it's really great for our listeners to get some tips and tricks from you on how they can build their own gorgeous arrangements and bring life into their home. Yes, absolutely. This is something that I'm passionate about also teaching in my in my workshops because I do absolutely agree with that. I was telling Katie when I jumped on here, this this branch right here, this is a very typical southern landscape greenery type shrub changes in the most gorgeous fall colors and for this is a lot of fall. So where we get excited about the little orange tint and the red tent and these leaves, and so this is a plant that thrives down here I just recommend that you go outside start walking your neighborhood if you have the opportunity to go explore a little further and actually go foraging like in the hills in the mountains amazing do that connect just feel the leaves. I mean, it's incredible. It's they're always there. And yesterday for instance, I just got out and sat in the grass at this beautiful park and just connecting yourself with the ground and with the dirt is so healing so all you can I mean please follow me for any any kind of questions regarding forestry and how you can forage hearty greens around your home. This is something that I think is such a beautiful idea for people to start doing. It's so attainable it involves you just going outside snipping some branches play around and an artful basketball, I use chicken wire, which is you know, chicken wire, it's it's like what you would find at a hardware store or a garden store. I use coated chicken wire and I kind of crumble it into a little nest. And that's what I stuffed inside my vase. And that will allow you to arrange more artfully Oh, that's

Amy: 14:08

such because I just Yeah, and I think the process is so creative. And I love that you can do whatever you want. But I think some people like don't know where to start. I think it's also can be intimidating. When you're grabbing a bunch of things. You're like, I want it to look nice, and I can't

Unknown: 14:24

do it. That is that is a word I use a lot during my workshop. It is intimidating. I remember that feeling of going to the grocery store market. And that's one of those self confidence things and that's something I want to foster in individuals because that's something I lacked greatly with the condition that I have, and it we care so much about what other people think. But if you just shift that mentality and try to look inwards and say, What do you care about? That's what you've got to listen to first it's going to fill your cup up beyond Any other mean? Doing so and you know, it's just without us being fulfilled, we're not going to be good caretakers or productive employees or ambitious individuals because we're going to be topped at the top down and worn worn down. So I love this idea of bringing live plants indoors and branches like this lasts for three or four weeks in a beautiful vessel on your countertop on your island. You come in, you see a little bit of the outside, you're on minded, that nature ultimately drives us and yeah, get back out there and Eclipse some more branches, go click some flowers and experiment you can't go wrong, you seriously cannot lose with branches. They'll live in water for three to four weeks if you but you have to isn't important to like prune them properly. When you snip them when you're foraging and gathering them from the inside. Isn't it important that you do that correctly? I always think so. I mean, I have a nice sharp pair of clippers when you when you sever the the capillaries or like the little veins that take all the water up the tree trunk or up the stem, if they're kind of smushed together because you have dole scissors, it's gonna prevent water from going up. Clearly, if you have really nice shirt shears, absolutely have some tools that are meant for the job. Like I get out my like big clippers, if I'm going to go clip some branches. And then cutting at an angle is for a reason. Because if you care, let me show you an example. I

Amy: 16:33

don't think I ever cut in an angle. Okay, this is good to know. Now one thing I saw was die so quickly.

Unknown: 16:38

It's a little it's a little pro tip, you know, but it's okay. So if I cut this stem, I don't know if that's in focus. But if I cut this stem complete, just perpendicularly, it's just going to be like a little circle. I don't know, it's kind of hard to see it. But if I cut at an angle, I've now elongated that so it's like more surface area and more capillaries are opened up. They have bigger openings that way. Okay, so they can bring the water in easier. All right. Those are great that the chicken wire Do you see the chicken wire in a clear vase, though? What like what's the trick there? Okay, so clear vases are tricky, I would say there is a few different protocols you could do with that. So you could get a flower frog to set at the base of it. A flower frog is usually it's a round disc that's flat. And it either has like little hairpin looking things at the top of it or spikes. And you'll see them actually at thrift stores garage sales, because they were a thing of like the past floor street, but they're definitely coming back. So it's a much more sustainable form than like flower foam, for instance, right. And that's also I used to come by chicken wire, I can keep reusing this chicken wire. You only need a little bit of it. I'm going to start selling my own little florist St. Kitts. Oh, yeah, thank you. It comes with like a pair of my favorite shears. Some favorite clippers and then a bundle of the chicken wire, probably an artful vessel and a little like demo link video kind of thing.

Amy: 18:14

They're gonna say you're gonna sell them through Instagram to promote it when it comes down

Unknown: 18:20

to them. Well, I love that. And I think that it's a great way to get people involved. I want to start a Patreon account to or something to that effect, where people can help support my artistry but I can give you know provide the knowledge to them. Because I am all about spreading this like wildflowers. That's my thing with like, like wild flowers because people people need life. They need to bring this into their homes. It's very joyful. It's into a range is very peaceful. So I'm so glad that both of you enjoy doing that at your own homes. I don't do it well, but I'd love having it in and actually Lisa, you did a super cool collaboration recently an event with Jenny Kane with a designer Jenny came right and Amy

Amy: 19:02

is she makes it sounds familiar to you.

Unknown: 19:05

She's all over Instagram all the time. Yeah, it's like we were and shoes. Yeah. Yeah. She is a beautiful California based woman and lifestyle brand. And they have gorgeous sweaters and like basics like yeah, duster cardigans. And the quality is so phenomenal. I splurged on a cashmere sweater and it's like butter, you know,

Amy: 19:32

I mean, it's all over now that you're talking about the collaboration that you did. Well,

Unknown: 19:36

they an amazing shopping district has scooped me up here. I'm actually working with some clients there this upcoming month too. So it's been absolutely amazing. Getting to know the clients and tenants of that area. And they came in with their adorable Airstream. They drive this Airstream around the country and they test out different markets so they were testing out the Houston river oak shop In District, and they brought their little Airstream down and the shopping district got in touch with me. And they're like, Well, we have a great florist in mind, maybe you could do something with them. They always love featuring fresh flowers, and then bouquets with purchase. So it's a really cute way to, you know, bring in some some people to an interest to check out their brand, especially since they're new to town, and welcome them with a bouquet. And I did, I went above and beyond for my first and I do this with every single client. And that's where the true artists is in me, I always go above and beyond, because I'm so passionate about succeeding in this journey, and making it what I wanted want it to be that having clients to support that means the world to me, and they gave me free rein the second go round, because they were like, what could you do we really like your story, like, Can you can you just some kind of side of it. And so the second time they came in town, I did a floral demonstration. And then we gave away those flower arrangements to one lucky customer. And it was so fun. And then that opened my eyes to the idea of doing pop ups and sharing my story and having a little flower booth wherever. So yeah, it's been it's been gradually evolving into something way bigger than I had ever imagined. Yeah, your quickness. So clients like that. They scooped me up and they gave me a chance. And yeah, that's my gratitude for that is that I can't articulate that quite because it takes it takes courage, you know, and then it takes openness. So you're definitely you're an entrepreneur. I mean, without a shadow of a doubt. It's like it seems like you're on a constant stream of how do I expand to do more, do more, do more? So what have been some of your biggest hurdles in starting your company? Having a young child and that was the love of our life. He is our little boy he's almost he's almost four Kenny mom. But starting this at that point in life was was very tempting. And look at this little one.

Amy: 22:09

Right on cue. ran on

Unknown: 22:11

Kia. Yep, racy wave, Hi, sorry, my, my foot almost done what she was

Amy: 22:17

just talking about her son. What seems Enzo, I love that.

Unknown: 22:20

Enzo, thank you. Yes, and so is almost four. And he is such a nature lover. He loves flowers. He loves that I'm doing this. But anyway, that was really hard, because I was also going through a great hormonal shift. And maybe this can lead into my diagnosis. But as women, our hormones are constantly changing and evolving, I had no idea the magnitude of how it could hinder my physical and mental well being until just a few years ago. So that was one of my biggest challenges. Absolutely. Another was finding a sustainable way to keep up with my artistry I have constantly molded and shaped this into what I need it to be to support me as a successful individual means I need to be healthy, I need to maintain my mental and emotional and physical well being. And that means I can't get tapped out I can't get physically worn down. And so I have carefully chose the opportunities along the way that are authentic and genuine to me, and that I truly feel will give back in a certain way. And I think if you continue to remain genuine, I think it's very difficult in today's world, because you're gonna get you're gonna get thrown in all sorts of directions. So many people have so many ideas for you, once they see that you have talent, and you will be pulled and pulled and pulled. But there is intuition within us that absolutely can guide us successfully. And if you listen to that voice and you you trust in those opportunities that you feel more sure about, I think it's going to bring you a great amount of success and happiness. So that's beautiful. Well said. Alright, so that brings me into your diagnosis because you brought it up a couple times. But we haven't officially said what it is. So it you said it was a year ago. Was it 2020 or 2019? You were diagnosed with PMDD, right? Yes. Okay. So July July of 2019. I have received an official diagnosis of premenstrual dysphoric disorder, which is abbreviated PMDD. And this is something that is estimated to affect anywhere from five to 8% of females or females assigned at birth. And it can impact you can worsen over the course of time because as we get older, again our hormones that certain hormones are getting depleted. The shifts in the spikes during the fertile years that It's intense. So it's, it's through all of that. It was a lot of tracking. And it was a lot of therapy and monitoring when I was having these really deep, just very disruptive emotional down swings with heightened anxiety, and extreme depression. And it was coming about in a very cyclical way, it just seemed, gosh, I felt like I just went through this last month, you know, and even even my husband and my partner, he was recognizing a pattern, and it seemed that essentially about half the month, and it's not even consecutive days. And that's what's so frustrating about, it's not like, I can just be like, Okay, I'm gonna check out from society for these two weeks. It's like an up and down and up and down. And it's through the shifts in my hormones, my body cannot handle that shift between progesterone and estrogen. And I have a very clockwork cycle and the aspect that I am on a regular 20 to 30 day cycle. So I was able to map out through tracking my cycles, especially after the birth of my son, when I noticed a very hard transition between I was weaning him, I had been breastfeeding him, he was around 14 months of age. And it was in the months leading up where my supply was lessening that I was feeling more depressed. And, and so it was gaining independence. And I was feeling frantic, and I was searching and I was like What What am I who am I like I'm a mom and I I'm staying at home with my beautiful baby boy. But there's something here that doesn't feel right. Why do I Why do I get almost rageful? Every few weeks? Why do I have these terrible bouts of depression where I just don't even want to get out of bed, my body aches, I was just I was I was feeling so terrible about myself, because I had the most beautiful life and so many abundant blessings. And I have I come with a from a family that we have faced some very traumatic situations in the past several years. And we have we have an amazing special needs nice. And you know, we've faced illnesses and and it's been hard on our family, you know, and and inside I was like, Am I just dealing with that? Why do I feel so negative all the time? Why can't I just be happy like everybody else, like I was just constant doubts, constant insecurities, constant negative self talk. And during those down swings, I was noticing my thoughts were becoming very strong towards suicidal ideation. And that is a hard topic for some to stomach and I understand why it is something I lived through every single month. I will say that this is the first month through amazing encouragement, support and amazing system that I've I've finally tackled these thoughts and they do not scare me anymore, I'm able to push them away. That is like huge for me, though, has been amazing. It's so incredible I am my gratitude is I will get teary eyed every time I talk about it. Because the number of times that I have told myself you are not worth it. You are not worth living. You wouldn't even believe and he would not recognize me on those days. And hiding that from the world was extremely damaging. Practicing that mentality since backtracking I do believe I had this illness since I was 16. went through a very, very identifiable behaviors that I'm now aware of. It's incredible how much my body just is like on a repeat, right? But I'm getting smarter than it. I'm doing mind over matter. Absolutely. I'm practicing yoga, and eating healthier. I'm getting more sleep, I am putting my wellness and well being first before anything else. Because I know that's what's going to make me the best mama, the best wife, and the best individual here in my life for the world. Because that's authentic and genuine to me. And I'm not scared of showing everyone who I am anymore because it's not so scary. I do so thank you I just want to say you know, I'm

Amy: 29:30

glad you're talking about this because I actually had never heard of this before when Katie was we were kind of talking about this episode. So I'm so glad you're bringing it to there are people that likely have the same thing that don't even know and they probably just think it's PMS because like everyone gets PMS but like there's definitely a scale of, you know, the extreme that you're dealing with and then so I just never had heard of it before and that's so interesting. So, in terms of your treatment is It sounds like you're tackling it with lots of different things. Is it all through therapy and meditation and those sorts of things? Or is there also medications that are helpful for this? Or supplements or things like that? Yes,

Unknown: 30:13

yes, absolutely. So thank you. Yes, it it's been through a lot of constant and very dedicated therapy. I go every other two weeks. I love my therapist, and I love her. I have an amazing psychiatrist who's on board with us, my OBGYN is in the picture, as well as my endocrinologist. So I think having a good support system of professionals to guide you through this, opening up to my loved ones. So liberating my closest people that I trust greatly. I finally when the thoughts became too scary for me. And I was feeling like they were very convincing, just hard to say they were very convincing. I finally opened up to my husband, my husband didn't even know Oh,

Amy: 31:03

my gosh, a year. Yeah. Wow. That's a big thing

Unknown: 31:07

to keep from your life partner. And the amount of guilt that comes with that alone is something to you know, play with your mind. But you know what i i He has been a pillar of support along with my best friends. And I'm also working with a wellness coach Jenna Longoria. She is the period guru. I totally want to connect you guys. Wow. Amazing. She has dedicated her life to helping women like me, women with endometriosis, PCOS and fertility, etc. So we should Yes, I will make that connection because I think she would love to be a part of the show. I just want to say I am you know, I've known you my whole life, obviously. And my cousin and you have always had seemed like one of the most positive people to me, like you've always had such a positive demeanor, I would have never had any idea that you were holding this in and hiding this from the world. And thank you for being so brave, and sharing it with us. So let's hit some stats here. Because I think it's good for people to to hear. So you're saying this is something that you can be born with? Is that what I heard you say? I think you can fully be predisposition to a disposition that Yes, right. But it happens obviously, as you're older and you go through puberty, right. That's what it's okay. And well, it can start for select individuals with that. And it's usually individuals who had a difficult childhood. And I think for me, recognizing that I always had a certain level of social anxiety, and had a hard time expressing my emotions as a child. I think keeping all that in words, it really does build up and you start training your brain to think negatively. Thank you for recognizing that I am a positive person outwards. I try to define and I try to absolutely uplift others but I had never given myself that gift this year. And for the first time I can say I love myself and my soul. And it when you're authentically positive and you really believe in hope that there could be something better and you can allow yourself to dream a little bit. Let that guide you if you're having a hard time and please reach out to me that's such a good message. I love you. I want to know how did you how did you go through years of trying to get diagnosed? How did you get end up ultimately being diagnosed? And I heard you say endocrinologist is there is this also endocrine? i Yes, I do think my thyroid definitely comes into play here. I have low TSH right now. So I know that I have a hyperactive thyroid and that can play into our hormones and so I'm working. I'm probably gonna get on medication for that you had also asked, am I on another medication and I am on Lexapro that is called an SSRI. It's a serotonin something reuptake inhibitor. I am not good with those kind of medical terminologies but it's an anti anxiety and antidepressant. And I've been on it since July of 2019. So right oh my gosh, are 2020 July of 2020. Thank you. I kept my mirror. I know. It's really hard. I can't believe it's 2021. But yeah, I started then with a very low dosage because I was very scared and hesitant of introducing a medication to my body. I had been on another one at an earlier point before I got married. And then I subsequently got off of that when I did get married because I felt a swing of happiness and joy and I was like okay, and now we're gonna try for a baby and it's life is exciting. And I think situationally, I was able to heal myself in certain points of time, or at least keep the symptoms more at bay. But being in triggering situations, is something that absolutely throws me for a deep spiral. So I'm very conscious now of setting healthy boundaries, keeping toxic relationships at bay, it's hard to identify those to some people, and then learning to love individuals, you know, in different ways so that I can continue to stay connected with them. But maybe I need a little distance, you know, something like that. So that's been healing. And then additionally, yeah, the therapy is what opened our eyes to this, my therapist was recognizing and she's like, just something's not matching up here. Like, have you talked to your OBGYN and at that point in time, I was trying to get pregnant. So those emotions were involved. And it wasn't really until after when I was noticing those trends are going on my emotions, that she's like, Hey, just try, just try marking it on your calendar and just see is it happening? And sure enough, it happens around the time of ovulation staining.

Amy: 36:10

Okay, so before that you just thought it was generalized anxiety? Probably. Yeah, no

Unknown: 36:18

person like that. That's where Western medicine does us a disservice. And that's why I'm passionate about opening up to females about this because, yes, absolutely. I have I have talked with, I don't know, maybe 40 women or so this year on this topic. At least five of those have received a diagnosis. Oh, wow. I think this is much more prevalent than what we are realizing it. Sure. Yeah. It's not it's not talked about enough. When I finally mentioned the word suicidal ideation, negative self talk, cyclical behaviors of rage, full surge, followed by extreme remorse, guilt, self hatred, dysmorphia, dysmorphia, and its greatest form, I, physically, I feel like I am looking like a different person, I will not look at myself in the mirror on those days, I wouldn't face myself, I always looked down at the ground, did not make eye contact with individuals when I was feeling like that. Having that amount of isolation is so detrimental to your health. And then all of the negativity then starts manifesting itself. Physically, my body ached, I had extreme muscle fatigue, I extreme fatigue in general, it's not Yeah, we all get tired around the course of our period. But it was like, I just wanted to sleep and I wanted to sleep through the pain. Absolutely. There were days where my husband had to completely step in as a sole parent, because I simply could not. And he's been so incredibly amazing. He is a our hero. And, and Enzo is my hero, and so calls me his hero, too. So it's, it's definitely a family journey. And I think that if we can just remove the stigma of it, and if we can start practicing and talking out loud about how we're actually feeling, I think the world is going to shift in a better direction. And we've got to do this. We've experienced a lot of trauma in the past few years.

Amy: 38:27

But yeah, I was gonna ask you so once you were diagnosed with something specific PMDG Did you almost feel better? Because you're like, okay, at least it's something it's not just like, like, it's actually identified. It's around my period, like you're starting to narrow in and then I'm sure once you started telling people you probably had this wave of relief and almost felt better, just because you're not hiding it.

Unknown: 38:51

Yeah. At first, before I received the diagnosis, I literally thought I was an evil person after month. A lot of a lot of people who have this condition, they call it Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde. And and that's, that's really sad, because I definitely don't exude that outwardly toward anybody else except to my closest loved ones who unfortunately, they would see that really dark side and they stood by my side. And I know not everybody is as lucky and when suicidal ideation comes into play, we have to be there for those kinds of people and start making them feel like it's going to be okay. You have something that a lot of women struggle with. And we're gonna get through this together and there are going to be tactics, there's going to be ups and downs and ups and downs. But we do have the ability to provide you with some resources and tools and and if we can find that support for people I absolutely want to get back to that community and I'm trying to think of a creative way to do so. What is it what's the treatment Lisa? So is is like separate like, how did you come up with this plan of taking the SSRI? And was this? Is this all part of the treatment? Or how are you managing it in whole? Alongside with my therapy and my psychiatrist and my OBGYN There are a few different protocols you can follow. So yes, medication, there are some supplements. Magnesium is huge room huge. So having and certain foods, a lot of omegas, a lot of leafy greens, things like that. So dietary wise, there's things but another course of action is a hysterectomy, and oophorectomy and I will say last month, I almost I did schedule an appointment with my OB to talk about that, because I was so desperate. But I think I finally made a huge breakthrough last month. And I know that that's very possible that I will slip up and down still. But I feel like I'm facing this thing head on now. And I'm not stepping back. Good sign you have the right tool ready. Yeah, right tools, and I'm ready to share them. So I am like a PMDD. Warrior. I think that yeah. Why don't you are you are you are? Absolutely D wire. Yeah, but there's a great, there's a great few groups on Instagram that I'm following. It's been really nice connecting with others who have it, I recently came out on Instagram by announcing that condition. Thank you. That was cool. After that last downward spring swing when I was like, I don't want to take away these organs that made me a female, I'm so sad that that could really potentially be it. And I think it like made me step up in a way by recognizing I'm not ready to lose that piece of this journey yet. That I am going to give this my all I am going to push those negative thoughts away as if they are the worst enemy. Absolutely. But I'm also going to hug and forgive myself from where I've been. And I will I will try to love on myself during those hard days and not recognizing that I think I am worthy of love and life and making that switch. And that switch in my mentality is going to guide me through this. So it's

Amy: 42:23

huge. I mean, the talk track that you tell yourself is everything. Yeah. And I'm so glad to see you treating yourself more positively and what you just said, which is forgiving yourself and like giving yourself a break versus you know what you were doing prior? So I'm amazing. You're getting

Unknown: 42:43

our masters of internalization and the guilt trip, for sure. Our masters for everything that we want to achieve in our lives. It's it's it's easy to go down that road and especially as a mom. Yeah, absolutely. Well, I even I think oh, sorry. Go ahead. No, go ahead, please. Well, I was gonna say even as a mom and even as an adolescence and I think that, you know, we are in a different age now where I think society is seeing how much we can absolutely contributes with our minds, our souls and, and with our amazing ideas in the way that we're connecting people I am. I'm a feminist, and proud to be one but also, I'm embracing being okay with sharing this with men as well. I've opened up to my yoga instructor day one, what are you here for my emotional well being? I shared that with a class and I was like, here we go, Lisa, thing out loud. You're gonna do it. And it's not going to be that bad. And let me tell you, it's been beautiful. And I'm sharing it with guys. Let's not make the target talk so taboo. Yeah, like we are physical. We are humans. And this is what our bodies do. I mean, like, it's amazing what they can do. Let's celebrate it instead of being like, let's not talk about that guy. Of course. Yeah. out of it is so powerful. And I just have to say, I see what you're doing and what you're saying. You're really truly going to help someone that's listening. And you gave so many tools and tips that can not only help someone identify what they're potentially experiencing, but also how that they can overcome it. And I just want to thank you for being so brave. And I think what you're doing with your with your floral art is is healing you. I mean, it clearly is doing so, so much for you. So I'm just I'm really happy for you. I really am. Thank you, Katie. Thank you. I'm happy to be here. I'm very happy to be here. Before we wrap up. I quickly want to know how our listener can find you if they want to get their hands on your amazing art because these florals are Something I mean, it's not like anything I've ever seen anywhere else before. It's really spectacular. So how can the listener find you? Well, thank you Katie. That's so sweet. Um, I'm so passionate to share my journey with others. I would love some new followers and people to reach out to me and talk to me about flowers. And like I said, I am going to start traveling with my workshops, and I hope to be in a town near you one day, so they can reach me at Ken posto Fiore. It's composto dot CRT.

Amy: 45:31

Well, thank you so much for sharing this we follow you your content is incredible. And we know that our listeners will love it too. So we'll make sure to put all of that info in our show notes. Okay, so we're gonna get quickly to our rap session and ask you a couple quick questions and I'm going to add one in because I thought of it as we were talking. So firstly, what is your favorite wellness or beauty hack?

Unknown: 45:53

Okay, this is tricky. Um, I would say rest in water absolutely are key components, but also opening yourself up to just going for a walk outside. Spiritually I feel like when you when you give yourself access to nature, I know this is maybe not It's the beauty from within that's gonna make you shine and be more confident. So if you find something that speaks to you or brings you that level of joy and peace and competence, like keep doing it and I feel like that will shine through you. I also love st makeup. Have you guys heard of st No. S It's s e i n t um, I met a wonderful individual here in Houston. She's my rep it's one of those companies where they don't have they don't carry it in store but all you do is just order online and if you want to support a rep you can otherwise you can just order it online. I think they come in these amazing tins and then you can put it in like a compact but it's like cream based blushes and lip and a little tin and then their eyeshadows are just like so beautiful. And that in addition with Ilia beauty serum, it's like a that's like like my liquid foundation or like my CC cream. I love those those products a lot

Amy: 47:19

that the earlier like hyaluronic acid or like the the serum Hyaluronic serum that's tinted with SPF. Yes. Yeah.

Unknown: 47:26

Yeah, I totally awesome. And then Yan st is so cool. Because like I think their mission is to foster that confidence within women. And I will say when I wear their makeup, I feel like I'm glowing. So I don't know what it is about it. I don't know if it's like the cute tins are unpackaging it whatever it is, you can tell that there is a lot of intention in their products. And I think brands like that really care about their their clients and your experience. So all right, well, here's our next one is we call it our five minute flow. You just got out of the shower and dried off. Uber alerted you. They pinged you, they're five minutes away, you have five minutes to like, throw it together and get an Uber on time. What are your holy grails your go to is to make it happen. You might have just done my thing. I did. Yeah, seriously, I can do my makeup in five minutes. And it's that quick with those products. Like I just rub on my serum and go and then I have a little bit of blush. And I do some eyeshadow and mascara and it's like, it is such an easy formula to follow. I don't you know, I don't do a lot of contouring or anything like that. But I feel like I look natural. And I like it that my skin actually shine through that Ilia serum. So yeah, with that baby up and then I just would let my hair air dry. And I do have a product. My mother in law got it for me. It smells heavenly. I will send you the link for that. It's a hair serum and I just put it on my ends. And like it's just it smoothes it out. I have naturally wavy hair so it like it dries like that. Otherwise I put it on and like blow dry it and it gives it like volume. It's like nice. Smells nice. Yeah. All right, Amy, what was this elusive other question you're throwing on?

Amy: 49:12

My other question was if you had to pick one flower, what would it be? What is your favorite?

Unknown: 49:19


Amy: 49:22

so hearty. My peony? I can tell you that. Yeah,

Unknown: 49:27

I would say it's between it's between three I would say dolly is after the lovely dahlias are so so abundant in Washington and then recently I went to Asheville and went to some amazing farms there. So dahlias have so much variety and color and their pedals. I think they're like first step like sunshine and like look at this coloring. I just worked with a and some have the big yellow center any flower the big yellow center is also a favorite like I love cumin They'll look how cute these dainty babies are mme. Oh, they're like the TF Canna meal. Cool. Um strawflower Is this one this is another favorite. That's beautiful. These are like pay for a pedal.

Amy: 50:14

Oh wow. That's a pretty,

Unknown: 50:16

you can cut off the heads of these once they're dry. And this This is an everlasting flower so it'll always stay this yellow and I just like put them in a little bowl. They're so beautiful, like great things that they were made a paper. Yeah, and they learned some of my those are my favorites. Yeah, some of my favorites so

Amy: 50:35

and how do you maintain your daily nirvana?

Unknown: 50:41

Gratitude? Absolutely. Gratitude and staying present. My son is my nirvana. experiencing the world through his eyes, getting out in nature with him and seeing all the teeny tiny details. He has grown my love for nature exponentially. And and nature. Nature is where I seek my Nirvana and I find it the most so yeah, I think to Phil, you got it. You gotta get outside.

Amy: 51:13

Okay, awesome. So we do a product recommendation or review every week and I know Katie has one for us this week. So I don't know what it is. I'm excited to hear about it.

Unknown: 51:22

I do and I feel like we should start getting swag from this company because we've mentioned them so many times. is Sunday. Riley auto correct. Have you used this one? Amy?

Amy: 51:36

Is that the caffeine?

Unknown: 51:38

It's the eye cream? Yep. The caffeine. Yeah, have you ever used it Lisa? No, but I've heard of this Sunday Riley I want to know about it. So that's I just ran out of my eye creams to tell me. Okay,

Amy: 51:52

so this is an auto erase okay, it's

Unknown: 51:54

called no auto correct. And correct. It is a brightening and Depuffing Eye Contour Cream for $65 for like point five ounces, but I mean it's eye cream so it lasts a really long time. It's a runaway bestseller, and it banishes tired looking eyes it instantly delivers a lifted and deep puffed look to the eye area, which I've noticed instantly. I'm going to always like puffy in the mornings. And also it does help with dark circles. I for sure have been super tired this week and my face wasn't entirely showing it so I feel like it must be my eye cream. Some of the key ingredients are caffeine like you said Brazilian ginseng root extract. That's part of what diminishes like the appearance of the puffiness which is me every day. Horse chestnut extract X mela Oh, well, I can't say it so we're not going to mention it. I'm really like a huge Sunday, Riley fanatic. I think their products are amazing. I've used I don't know, maybe three or four different ones. And this is my latest and greatest. So I highly recommend that this Sunday. Riley autocorrection commies to get an on Sunday I got mine at Sephora. Probably at Ulta. So yeah, I dig it. Yeah. I want to try it too now.

Amy: 53:08

Yeah. I think I actually got that at Sephora a couple of years ago, because I went in asking for like, what's the best ice cream and that was the one they gave me. And then I used it and then I don't I probably ran out of it and then tried something else. And I forgot about it. So

Unknown: 53:22

it's really like when you put it on, it's very moisturizing without being like tacky or sticky. It seeps in really easily. And actually, I was like, we were traveling for a wedding. And I forgot to bring my face cream. And I was just wondering, let me use a little bit of this. And I use that in place and my skin looked great. So I mean, you know in a pinch, but like that's it's it has like that nice texture, that nice consistency, where I like what you're saying, I love that. Yeah, and your skin still glows through like I've had some eye creams before they're like tacky or like dry you out. This was really nice. That's great. Ooh, yeah. I like the lightness that it sounds like it's a lighter formula. Yes, it is. Totally. So it's a good one. Awesome. Yeah. So did you say that you had a mantra for as Lisa, but breathing safety and to every one of my rooms and my home has been incredibly healing. I just walked into a room and say I am safe here. I am present. And I am grateful. And it's gratitude. Anything that expresses gratitude is always a good mantra for me. So I don't know, I vary based on like what I'm feeling. I always give myself pep talks. Now sometimes I talk out loud. And I'm like, you've got this, you know, but it's um, it's funny for someone who was so scared to share her voice. I'm so grateful to be here to start doing it. So thank you for having me. I'm so

Amy: 54:48

sorry. It was so incredible.

Unknown: 54:50

Yeah. So I want to repeat that mantra that you just said about what was it? I am I am safe. Can you say those three things because that's really powerful. Yeah. Okay. I I am safe. I am present and I am grateful. Beautiful. Love it. Thank you so much. Yeah, we're honored to have you. Thank you for joining me. So it's my honor. I love it. I'm glad.

Amy: 55:13

Thanks for listening to Nirvana sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the shownotes please subscribe and leave us a review. also find us on Instagram at Nirvana sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana sisters will continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to. Bye.