Nirvana Sisters

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Episode 13 - The Unsexy Side Of Self-Care (Full Transcript)

This is a full transcript of the Nirvana Sisters podcast Episode 13 The Unsexy Side Of Self-Care.

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Amy: 0:07

Welcome to Nirvana sisters, where we discuss all things health and well being to help you achieve your highest state your nirvana. Hi, I'm Amy Sherman, a marketing exec with a passion for wellness and beauty.

Katie: 0:19

Hi, I'm Katie Chandler, a form of fit model that has a passion for health and fitness. We are

Amy: 0:25

sisters in law who share the same love for well being ready to sift through all the self care noise and bring you a splash of what we think is fun. So let's get started.

Katie: 0:37

Welcome to Nirvana sisters this week, we have a fun episode. It's a little different than usual. We are calling this our Roundup, we decided to pull our listeners on Instagram and ask them some funny questions and get their feedback. This week we're gonna discuss all things unsexy. The unsexy side of self care? What are those silly crazy like wellness tools or hacks or things that you do when no one's looking to keep it together? And we got some really, really funny answers from our listeners. So we're excited. So yeah, why don't we start off with our nirvana of the week? Amy, what's going on?

Amy: 1:15

Katie? Yeah, I'm really excited for this episode. Katie and I have been talking about it for a while. And we also wanted to make sure that in this in our show, we're not just talking about all the beauty things and all the things you can do for your body that makes you feel that there is a site of self care, that's not so cute. And we want to talk about it. Because this shows all about being real, and talking to each other how we would talk normally. So there are things that you do that you don't maybe necessarily share with your husband or something like that, but you do share it with your girlfriends. So anyway, I'm excited to get into this show. But my nirvana of the week was getting my hair cut. My niece came to visit and I always take her to get her hair done. It's our special little bonds. And we always go every time she's here, and we get our hair done. And we get this relaxing treatment on her. It's called to Nino I talked about an episode earlier and gets the frizz out and she lives in Florida. So it's a really good thing for her hair. And she loves doing it. So we did that together. And it was really fun to spend time together. So really, actually, my Nirvana was setting time with Zoey my niece but in the process of that, I got my hair cut about four inches, which for me is a big deal because I've always had my hair long and it's still long, but now it's like a little bit below my collarbone. And I love it. It feels so fresh and so healthy. And I'm glad I did it and just went for it and didn't get scared about cutting my hair. And now I'm like I should have done this so long ago because I love it. And it's so much easier to deal with.

Katie: 2:38

Yeah, and it looks great on you. I think mine are one of the week is probably actually having your parents here. We I just had my inlaws here Aiden Allen, they were here all last week, they just left on Sunday. And they haven't been here a year because the pandemic it was really great to have them here. I feel bad because I was little under the weather while they were here. But they were so sweet about it. And we still made the best of it. And it was just great to see them and great to see Adam, my husband with his parents and getting that special time and the kids with their grandparents. It was just so good to be, you know, a little bit of a Fuller House with more family around.

Amy: 3:15

Oh, I love that. That's so good. Yeah, that's what's most important. Yeah. Okay, so into the unsexy side of self care. So Katie, and I haven't shared our answers. We got different answers through Instagram, as well as our friends through texts and things like that. So we're just going to share them with each other and and talk about it. So why don't you go first, Katie,

Katie: 3:38

I want to start with I will give one admittedly that I do. Do you want to get one admittedly that you do? And then the rest that we got as answers were keeping anonymous? I mean, we told her or listeners that we

Amy: 3:51

weren't sure. Why don't you go first? Okay.

Katie: 3:56

I mean, I was like, I'm sure I probably have a few more than maybe I'm willing to admit, but I have to one. I'm sure we all do it. I have to wear the dreaded mouth guard at night. And that thing is just you know, it's like so unattractive and not cute and it's not a big deal. Adams pretty cool about it for the most part until it's like sexy time and like excuse to take out my mouth guard. So that's a little, you know, that's one and then the other one. And this is a really good hack. I get dry patches on my skin and they get red and irritated. It happens from time to time and I naturally think like, Okay, I need more of my good face cream. So I go to put it on and it burns it and in flames and it makes it worse. So I found out that if I slather that kid's aquifer all over my face, that is like the only thing that's healing and it makes me feel good, but I walk around looking like an absolute oil slick. It's so gross. It's very unattractive. I mean, I

Amy: 4:57

keep it on all night or I keep it during the day.

Katie: 5:00

I wear all day and all night. I mean, I'll let you know before I go to bed or wash my face and put it back on. But I can literally walk around with a paper towel and just like block my face occasionally, like I'm blocking the top of an oily pizza. So funny, but it works.

Amy: 5:12

Well I it's so funny because I use Aquaphor on my lips every single night. And I always when my kids have cuts on their face or anywhere on their body, I always put Aquaphor on it, you know, the movie might greet my wedding, Greek wedding with the Windex, you know, the father uses windex for anything. I literally use Aquaphor for everything. And so my kids always make fun of me because I'm like I have a cup put up before on it like it is kind of my ride or die. So that's so funny. I've never actually put it on my face. Sometimes I put it up my nose, which would be very unsexy, just because my nose gets dry, and I'll put it up there. But I haven't actually tried it on my face. So that's, uh, I'm going to try that.

Katie: 5:48

You know, it's funny that you say that because your mom is the exact same way with Aqua for she like every time they came up with something, she was like, give us walk before.

Amy: 5:56

I think she must have gotten that for me. I mean, it's out of control the amount of Aquaphor we use in our house. So it's funny because I was gonna say that night guard thing too, because I've been wearing that for years. And it's the worst, but I actually stopped wearing it recently because it was I don't know, I had some sort of reaction. I don't know if I told you this, I had some sort of reaction to it. Or like every time I wore it, I would get these cuts and sores inside my mouth. It's almost like not an allergy, but some sort of reaction to it. I don't I don't know, I maybe I just need a new one. So I stopped wearing it. And by the way, I'm sleeping so much better because I was finding that I just wasn't sleeping well with it. It was just bothering me and I don't know. So I stopped wearing it, which is not good because I have like jaw tension every day because of it, but I do sleep better. So I probably have to get a new night guard. But I would say mine would be so I have the saline rinse that I use every morning for you know, sinuses and dry nose and it's I got the brand it's a purple and white bottle. It's called I can't remember the brands but you put it up one side of your nose and then it comes out the other side. It's not a neti pot though. It's kind of like an easier way to do a neti pot. So it goes in one side and out the other and then you do the other side. Honestly, it is the best thing ever because it clears out your whole passages. So you feel like you can breathe in the morning and it like rinses out all the like dryness and sinuses. So yeah, it's not cute, but

Katie: 7:14

I feel like it keeps you healthy too. Right like flushing out your sinuses. Yeah, I mean, it's all

Amy: 7:18

natural. You can do it as much as you want. But I usually do it in the morning and sometimes at night, but I can breathe 100% better with it. It's a game changer. It's so good.

Katie: 7:26

That's a good one. Yeah,

Amy: 7:27

it's a saline rents.

Katie: 7:29

You know, it's funny as we're as we're sharing like these, our listeners are going to get some some good tips and some good hacks on this stuff. I mean, any brand of anything that we can think of like it will shine. We'll share that on Insta.

Amy: 7:39

Yeah, well, we definitely well, yeah. Okay, so let's get into some of these funny, anonymous self care unsexy side of self care things that people gave us. Why don't you share like a few and then we'll kind of go back and forth. Okay, well, I'm dying to hear yours because I know you said you had some really funny ones.

Katie: 7:55

Speaking of awkward for Up the nose. That's actually a girlfriend said to me that she does it to keep germs out of her nose when she's flying. She puts like a giant glob of aquifer up each nostril when she's traveling. And she swears by it and she's she's like it doesn't look you thank God that for masks right now because it kind of hides. Yeah, but it keeps her from I guess inhaling germs and since she's been doing it she hasn't gotten sick after she traveled. And she's been doing it for years, not just since the pandemic so the other half an aquifer Yep. Aquifer before I before that. Another one was instead of getting she was paying a lot of money for eyebrow tinting. And instead of paying for that she now like someone told her to try chapstick on her eyebrows. I guess like the maybe the I don't know, the actual chapstick kind of like looks like it fills it in a little bit. I need to try it because my eyebrows are always sparse. Try

Amy: 8:50

that. So that funny my eyebrows speaking of eyebrows have grown out from the pandemic I haven't been I usually get them threaded, and I haven't done it. And now they're so long and I actually liked them better. Because usually when you get them like waxed or threaded like they get really short and they've grown out so now maybe I could try the chapstick trick

Katie: 9:06

and you know what? It's like, I also feel like fuller like grown on eyebrows is really on trend right now.

Amy: 9:12

Yeah, I was just here. I was just listening to a podcast about I think it's called soap, eyebrows or something like that where there's some method where you can dip or brush an eyebrow brush into soap have your hair stick straight up, but there's a product actually by Anastasia, that it's like a wax that you put on your eyebrows. That's supposed to be an easier way to do this soap eyebrows look but I bet you chapstick is the same thing. Yeah, it's just the idea of like a waxy so it keeps your eyebrows up and looking fuller. Yeah, so

Katie: 9:41

not feeling like that. Alright, I have more but you give me a couple of No. Okay, so

Amy: 9:47

lots of feedback from anonymous sources. So someone said does trimming my nose hairs work? And I said yes, of course. So there are definitely people doing that. Another notch and this one was shaving my face, which I've definitely heard of before. I heard that there's these like razors that are really good for getting those little peach hairs off your face. I've never tried it, but I know people swear by it.

Katie: 10:13

Yeah, I we had one feedback where she has to shave her upper lip almost every single day. And I mean, women have facial hair, and sometimes some women. It's darker than others. Yeah, yeah. I feel like it's probably really fast and effective to do it every day. But I actually noticed when I have, you know, that eyebrow trimmer that we reviewed a while back that you told me about that like shaves your eyebrows.

Amy: 10:38

Well, yeah, it shaves the ones that come in the ones

Katie: 10:41

below. So when I do that I grow back and darker so I had to stop using it because I feel like it couldn't get super close. So I think if you shave your upper lip, maybe that's why you have to do it more often because it maybe grows back in darker or something. So that I

Amy: 10:56

thought I read mine. So of course I haven't done that in a long time. But yeah, mine's blonde blonde so you can't really see it. Okay, that's a good one. So the other one I got in this realm was plucking chin hairs.

Katie: 11:09

That's a good one is speaking of chin. I have one where they're using a contraption to give themselves a neck and a chin left.

Amy: 11:21

What was apically about that

Katie: 11:23

there was a picture of it where it was like literally like her chin was in a hammock and it was wrapped all around her head or something banana it is like lifted up and she's walking around the house like that for like two hours.

Amy: 11:39

I thought you meant like a washer or something. So

Katie: 11:41

no, it's like a it's an actual device that literally is like holding up your neck and your chin and you wear it for hours and it's supposed to help lift it all up and get yeah give you a gender and and then all she said she's only tried it a couple of times.

Amy: 11:58

Wow, that's intense. I've never heard of that. And that's really funny. Yeah.

Katie: 12:02

Oh, back to the shaving someone is saying shaving everything every day. And I so get that. I mean I fortunately like for the most part have blonde hair on my legs, but it comes in fast. So

Amy: 12:15

yeah, same but I don't shave every day to mature

Katie: 12:18

and I know plenty of people that have done like, arm waxing and like laser hair removal. That's not cute. And you know what else isn't cute that no one really talks about? Is bikini waxing like I have. I've never been comfortable enough to go and do it. But I know a lot of people do it but talk about unsexy wax. No, I just saw myself grim.

Amy: 12:42

Oh my gosh. Oh, I hate getting a bikini wax. But I do it because I just don't I mean, I haven't gotten one in a while because the pandemic but I need to go desperately. And yeah, it's not it's very, it's especially if you've not, I mean, I've been doing it for years. So I don't think about it anymore. And these women who do it are like pros. It's not like a big deal. Right? But especially if you get a Brazilian which is like basically everything off. It's like they are all up in there. But I mean, it's great afterwards because you're like free wax. I can't believe you're in a bikini wax. I've never known this fun fact about

Katie: 13:19

I've never done it. I don't know why I'm like too embarrassed or something. It's really like,

Amy: 13:23

yeah, it's it's it hurts. I mean, my biggest thing is not even the embarrassment. It's more it is so freakin painful. I've never been able to do it where it's not painful. It's just I've really sensitive skin. So it's like, torture for me. But the woman told me that if you go more often it doesn't hurt as much but I like dread it so I put it off because I don't want to do it. So now when I go in I like do yoga breathing literally the whole time. But you know, no pain, no gain,

Katie: 13:51

right? That's so true.

Amy: 13:53

Do you have Okay, so the ranking of face and hair staff so someone said, pop my pop my back blackheads. I don't know if this person does that, or has someone else do that for them? Potentially her husband but that's, that's a good one. And this one I thought was actually really good. Someone said they narrow their arm hair. So talk about like, instead of lasering they put Nair that's on their arm hair, which I was like, Oh, that's such a good idea. I like I haven't used narrow since I was a teenager.

Katie: 14:22

It seems like it would be super painful though. Right? Speaking of being paint. I mean,

Amy: 14:27

Because narrow is just it's like a cream isn't it's just a cream you put on and then wipe off.

Katie: 14:32

Oh, I don't Oh, I thought it was a narrow wax. Oh, okay.

Amy: 14:35

Oh, I'm thinking I mean, I'm assuming that's what she meant. I mean, was just a comment, but I think you just literally put it on your arm and wait. And then and then it just didn't wash off or tissue. Yeah, it's almost like you could probably use it for your upper lip for things in your face, too. If that's what I'm thinking of that kind of snare. That's good. I didn't even know it was still around. So I'm trying to think if I have any more hair ones I think, Oh, here's a funny kind of heroine says someone wrote in. What about sitting on my back deck in the sun and tweezing my ingrown hairs from the back of my knee.

Katie: 15:15

That's a good

Amy: 15:17

how hysterical is that?

Katie: 15:19

Oh man ingrown hairs on the back of her knees. That sounds painful.

Amy: 15:24

Painful. I don't get those. But that sounds awful. Yeah,

Katie: 15:27

it does.

Amy: 15:30

And then I also have laser. So someone wrote in laser hair removal on my armpits, bikini area and upper lips. So apparently people are doing that. Oh,

Katie: 15:41

here's another good one. Speaking of armpits, Botox injections in your armpits to stop sweating so much. Some people that are like hyper sweaty, get a little Botox put in there. That's a good one.

Amy: 15:54

I have heard of that randomly. I was listening to CES years ago because it was the first person I heard say this Sebastian manis Galco, the comedian. He was on a talk show. I can't even remember what it was. Maybe he was talking to Howard Stern or something like that. And he was talking about that he used to go on stage and he was sweating so much. You could see his armpit sweat and his T shirts. And he was so paranoid about it. So someone had recommended to do Botox. So he's been doing that. So you can see him sweating on stage. And I was like, Oh my God, that's so genius. I never thought of that. Yep.

Katie: 16:26

And it works. I've never done it. But I know people that have. Yeah,

Amy: 16:29

interesting. That's a good one. Let me see what else I have. So couple people wrote in blue light glasses and readers smart. Someone wrote in sweating overnight, which we can all relate. Oh, yeah. I get major night sweats. And someone said seven said, sweating overnight and then showing my husband in the morning. How sweaty The sheets are. To do that. Yeah, but I do sweat during certain times of the month and it's not

Katie: 17:00

the worst. And I hate that. I have a couple two that are pretty funny. I mean, one is the classic using Hemorrhoid Cream to help with puffy eyes. Have you ever tried it?

Amy: 17:10

I haven't. And I'd love to know if it works. I feel like it

Katie: 17:13

works. It doesn't work as well as walking into Sephora and buying a great bottle of eye cream. But I have done it and it has helped a little bit it kind of stings. I feel like it's like a peppermint tea and thick like you have to just put like a little teeny tiny bit on there. And then this is a really funny one. So she has asthma. And when she sleeps, she drools a lot and apparently your saliva can cause all these cracks and things and your lips like in between, like in the corners of your mouth. So her doctor told her at night before she goes to bed to put on DESA 10 Baby butt cream on like on her mouth. Like literally all around her mouth like chapstick in the quarters. And she said she just I mean I don't know Do you ingest lip gloss? I mean, I guess maybe a little bit, but she said it works like a charm. She hasn't had any cracks in her lips. So she's been using butt cream on her mouth

Amy: 18:17

so far, but okay, that is I've never heard that one. You know what, maybe

Katie: 18:21

we should tell her about aquifer.

Amy: 18:23

Well, you know what? The buck cream works better. So I remember using that when my kids were little so I bet you that's stronger. Yep. Which is probably way set it someone wrote in. Let me look let me pull this one up. They said I use CBD balm on my legs and hands every night and my dog runs when he smells it so that's a good one. I have CBD and I use it sometimes on my temples when I have a headache which I love or all my jawline if there's tension I've never tried it on my legs and hands and that probably is relaxing. I would imagine but it probably is pretty smelly.

Katie: 18:53

I have I had a roller a CBD roller but it wasn't that bad. It smelled like it smelled like mint and I just like my lower back and my legs and everything but like talk about kind of being a little greasy. It can do that but it does help.

Amy: 19:06

Yeah, no, that's that's a good one I that maybe the smell just doesn't appeal to doggies.

Katie: 19:11

You know, another one that I do that I have had to do it for as long as I can remember and it's because of my thyroid when you have hypothyroid you have really dry feet. It's so gross. But like you have to get if you don't get a pedicure every single week you can get really really dry calici feet. Love admitting that on the air. So yes. So every night before I go to bed, I'm like slathering foot lotion on. I mean, I have been doing it forever. And it's so funny. I actually remember it was my you were there. It was my wedding shower that my friend Margaret put on and one of the games was asking all these questions and it was like what what does he do right before he goes to bed? What does she do right before she goes to bed and then you have to guess what the other one does? And I said I put foot lotion on On at bedtime, and I heard one of the girls that was kind of a friend but more of an acquaintance that was there go. Ill

Amy: 20:09

remember that. So

Katie: 20:11

I guess it's probably not the sexiest thing. I mean,

Amy: 20:14

I know that. I've done that before. You know what I've also done. I've put on lotion when my feet feel dry. And then I put on like a thick sock. That's

Katie: 20:22

good. Yeah. Yeah, I've done that in the winter. It's like a paraffin treatment almost.

Amy: 20:26

Yeah, exactly. A lot of people wrote in and talked about hair removal. Like someone said, hair removal all that. Yep. We don't like hair, I guess.

Katie: 20:34

Yeah. And you know what? Neither do boys boys are removing their hair all the time. The gay ones and the straight ones.

Amy: 20:41

Yep, that is true. Okay, I have a couple that are hilarious and so gross. And I can say them now. Or I can say them at the ends. You tell me if you have any more?

Katie: 20:53

No, I think I go for it. Let's hear him. Okay,

Amy: 20:57

so here are two ones that when I saw these, I was literally freaked out. And I couldn't. Okay, so one person said, taking a peek at my poop. When? When I know it was a good one. Makes me feel extra good. literally dying. laughs

Katie: 21:17

I've done that. Absolutely. That's so funny. I love that somebody wrote that. Thank you for that one.

Amy: 21:24

So that is hilarious. And then the last one I'll say which I had never heard of before. Was pH balanced vagina soap. Ah. And I was like, What the heck. And they're, I guess is special. So for your privates that's supposed to be better than regular soap. And this person said, they use that soap and then I asked for the brand because I was interested. And I have the brands, which we can put in the notes but the brand is it's a natural brands called referral R A E L natural filming feminine wash. Nice. And it's supposed to be a natural wash. That's good for your private say that either nice as like, wow. Okay, I'm learning things here. So those were my last two that I wanted to spring, Dave the

Katie: 22:15

best for last. Absolutely. That's great. Well, thank you to all of our listeners and our followers on Insta for sending those in. Because, I mean, those are some great

Amy: 22:28

unsexy, there's some really good ones. And I have to say, I think we should continue this series because I think it's hilarious. And I do think it's important to talk about this stuff, because it's not all about looking good and feeling good. There's also things that we do that are self care to take care of herself that aren't so cute, but everybody does them and everybody can relate. So it's really fun to kind of round it up and hear what people do. And I think we should continue to talk about this unsexy side of self care. Okay, so this week, Katie, you have a product review that I'm super excited to hear about.

Katie: 22:56

I do so speaking of unsexy Ness, this product saved me recently, so we've all been horribly hungover at one time or another. I was recently in Miami for a friend's 40th. And I knew it was going to be a little bit out of control. I was terrified of my hangover, because one day was like an all day into a nighter. So we all know how those can be. This product is called cheers, health. And they claim to help with your hangover. You take this pill, these capsules before you go to bed once you're finished drinking, and they say that you will feel at least 50% better the next morning than you usually do. So if you normally when you're hungover wake up at 50% Feeling you know 50% alive, you take this you'll be 100% it, it works because it reduces GABA rebound, lowers alcohol induced acid to La hide toxicity levels, and it supports the liver when it's been exposed to alcohol. So I kind of dug in and researched what all that means it essentially helps flush out your liver faster and detox. But here's the big one. It metabolizes alcohol faster than your body naturally can. So while you're sleeping, usually it's just like a slower uptake to metabolize it. That's why it's kind of still in that your system the next day but you're not necessarily drunk. You're just feeling horrible and dehydrated. This This helps you metabolize it. And if you do that, I did it in conjunction with some electrolytes before I went to bed, I was not hungover. i And when I say it was a long day. We started at 11am and we ended in the wee hours of the morning. I mean a fun, it was fun. It was fabulous. We were on a boat in Miami. It was the best oh my god, but I was like dreading the next day because we were traveling the next day. So yeah, I'm always smart about it.

Amy: 24:57

Is it natural? Or is it like what kind of stuff isn't? it okay so

Katie: 25:01

it is natural. It has like a lot of vitamins vitamin C E, thymine B six B 12. It has sodium and potassium, Vine tea extract, which is you know, the metabolism to go through it faster. That's 100% Natural. Milk Thistle natural. I've taken milk thistle before to detox my liver. Have you ever done that? Yeah. Prickly Pear. Ginger. So yeah, it's it's completely natural. And is

Amy: 25:27

it just a pill and you just take it you said? Yeah, it's our night of drinking or whatever. Yeah,

Katie: 25:31

you take it. Once you're finished drinking two to four capsules a night. I did. I think I did two capsules. I thought four was gonna be a little strong. I was afraid it was gonna keep me awake. And the whole bottle I want to say it came with like 16 I think it was $30 for a bottle $35 You can get it straight through Cheers or on Amazon. And let me tell you, if you don't want to be hungover, get this stuff. Take it in conjunction with some electrolytes before you go to bed, eat some carbs and you'll feel great

Amy: 25:57

adding to cart as we speak.

Katie: 25:59

Right. Good stuff.

Amy: 26:01

I love that. I have not heard of that. And I definitely want to use that because yeah, those hangovers and also I feel like when you're drinking too you don't sleep well. Did you sleep okay, because you know, sometimes you're like up and kind of feeling like sweaty and yucky.

Katie: 26:15

Yeah, no, I actually did I slept really well. And that what you just said the sweaty like you like you know how you wake up a new pet a little too much to drink. And you are like your heart's racing and you kind of sweaty. I didn't get that at all. I slept great. I woke up feeling fine. I was just tired. I mean, I also was drinking responsibly. You know, for every drink. I had like a glass of water and I drink electrolytes throughout the day. And I was eating well, but but still still I would have without a doubt been hungover without it.

Amy: 26:41

Yeah, tired you can deal with it's the the hangover is the worst. So that's great. I'm definitely trying that one. Yeah. So thanks for that review. Love it.

Katie: 26:51

So yeah, great product, highly recommend it. Amy. You have a bunch of for us. I'd love to hear it.

Amy: 26:56

I do. And I think this one is very appropriate for our conversation today. So the mantra is, start where you are, use what you have and do what you can.

Katie: 27:06

Amen to that.

Amy: 27:07

That's the truth. Absolutely. Yeah. Thanks for listening to this week's episode and let us know what you thought about this format and we will talk to you next week. Thanks everyone.

Katie: 27:18

Bye friends.

Amy: 27:20

Thanks for listening to Nirvana sisters. For more information on this episode, check out the show notes please subscribe and leave us a review. also find us on Instagram at Nirvana sisters. If you loved what you just listened to or know someone that would please share it and tag us. Tune in next week for a fresh new episode of Nirvana sisters will continue to watch out for all things wellness so you don't have to. Bye.